Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rainbow January 2008

Shimla JANUARY 2008 Issue No. 1

Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists

Dear Philatelists

The aim of this newsletter is to spread philately among most of the people around us. It is not a specialized philatelic magazine meant for serious collectors only but for all those who took up this hobby in their childhood and later left it with the time. It is also for those who still find stamps as fancy and colourful pieces of paper and keep them safely in their books and obviously for all those who are still continuing this hobby, regularly collecting the stamps of a certain country or subject and participating in the exhibitions. Today with the advent of computers, and mobile phones we have lost the habit of writing letters. We don’t see colourful stamps on letters as we don’t receive the letters by post. Let's make a habit of writing letters to our friends at least once in a month and sending it by post using a commemorative stamp and reminding him of the stamp and to ask him to fall in love with stamp collecting. It is the hobby in which it is never too late to start, you can start collection at any age, at any time and can get immense pleasure out of it. In past few years the number of stamp collectors in our country has not increased. Let’s all make a resolution to promote philately in the year 2008.

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to
j.jyoti9@gmail.com or rainbowstamp2008@gmail.com

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists. It is not used for any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW to above mentioned email address.


§ Recent Indian Issues
§ In The News
§ Guest of the Month
§ Publications
§ Beginners Section
§ Specialized Section
§ Philatelists Speak
§ Achievements
§ New Issues from Australia
§ Popular Websites on Philately
§ Current Newsletters and magazines on Philately
Recent Indian Issues

3 December 2007 Int. Day of Disabled person - 500 P
8 December 2007 The Daly College – 500P
11 December 2007 Wilson College-500P
15 December 2007 Happy New year - 5 x 500P
17 December 2007 S.B. Chavan- 500P
25 December 2007 Snows Basilica – 500P
28 December 2007 .Water Year – 500 P
31 December 2007 Ritwik Ghatak- 500 P
2 January 2008 Endemic Butterflies of Andaman & Nicobar islands –
4 x 500 P, M/s and block of 4 also issued
5 January 2008 Dr. B.P. Pal -500P

Endemic Butterflies of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are blessed with rich butterfly fauna due to presence of humid tropical rainforest. The long isolation of these islands and their relatively undisturbed ecology provides scope for the evolution of many endemic varieties. The butterfly fauna of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands has a high degree of endemism, they are very unique. Some of the endemic butterflies are, Andaman Morman, Andaman Club Tail, Andaman Snow Oak Leaf, Tailless Oak Blue and Andman Snow Flat: Nicobar Yeoman and Nicobar Map. India Post has issued a set of four postage stamps on male and female varieties of Papilio mayo and Pachiliopta rhodifer endemic butterflies of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Andaman Mormon (Papilio mayo) was the first endemic butterfly described from Andaman Islands. Andaman Club Tail (Pachiliopta rhodifer) species used to be very common in 80's in South Andamans but now a days it is rarely sighted. Its food plant is Thotia tomentosa.

Dr B.P. Pal

Dr B P Pal is known as the Father of Roses in India. He was a rose breeder of distinction and created several varieties. There is a Dr B P Pal Rose Garden at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, planted with roses developed in India. Dr Pal himself bred over eighty varieties of roses. He was founder President of the Rose Society and Bougainvillea Society. He also founded the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding and edited the Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding for 25 years. Pal is known for his work on breeding wheat variety (new Pusa 809) resistant to all the three types of rust diseases. He also introduced a high degree of resistance to the smut disease. It is through his initiative that the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources came into existence. . Dr. Pal took his early education in Yangon, Myanmar and went to Cambridge and received his doctorate degree in 1933.After returning to India, he joined the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute at Pusa, Bihar (Now Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi) as Second Economic Botanist and rose to become the Institute's Director. He was the first Director-General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. He was the first President of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania . Dr Pal was elected President of the Indian National Science Academy in 1975 and served as the President of the Indian Science Congress. He was also elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1972 and received numerous awards including the Padma Vibhushan.

Special Covers 2008

3-6 January , 2008- 4 special covers issued during National Philatelic Exhibition, Chennai with four different Postmarks

8 January , 2008- 60th Anniversary of International Institute of Welding, Chennai

Meghdoot Cards 2008

· January 2008 - Reliance Mutual Fund, Marathi

Maxim Cards 2008

2 January 2008 – 4 cards of Rs 5 each on Endemic Butterflies of Andaman & Nicobar Islands issued by India Post

Stamp Booklets 20082 January, 2008 – 5 Stamp Booklets issued by Tamil Nadu Circle of India Post during Inpex 2008

2 January , 2008 - 2 stamp Booklets on Endemic Butterflies of Andaman & Nicobar Islands *

11 January 2008- “Use Me Booklet” *

* Privately issued in Kerala, Not issued by India Post

Picture Post Cards 2008

· January 2008 - 4 Picture Postcards with stamp images were issued by Tamil Nadu Postal circle of India Post during Inpex 2008

InThe News

INPEX 2008 Chennai

Recently 10th National Philatelic Exhibition INPEX 2008 was concluded in Chennai on 6th January. About 1300 frames were displayed in different categories. During the exhibition a set of 4 postage stamps depicting Endemic Butterflies of Andaman and Nicobar Islands was issued. A book “1857 Through Indian Postage Stamps” was also released at the inaugural ceremony of the exhibition by A. Raja the Honorable Minister of Communication and Information Technology. Four special covers were also issued during the exhibition. Tamil Nadu Circle issued 5 booklets and 4 picture post cards with stamp images. About 350 exhibits were on display in 12 different classes. Mr. Madhukar Deogawanka of Kolkata won the National Grand Prize in the National Championship class for his exhibit on Indian stamp booklets.

In this exhibition 3 important classes Modern Philately, Frugal Philately and Social Philately were not included. These classes should not have been ignored by India Post as these classes give chance to many new upcoming philatelists and play a crucial role in the promotion of philately. For some the exhibition was a gala ceremony and for others it was a mere disappointment as some could not participate in the exhibition due to late information and non supply of entry forms at Philatelic Bureaus. But it was a good task by India Post to organize such a big event and uniting philatelists from all parts of India at one place. The Organizing Committee needs appreciation for arranging necessary arrangements to mount the exhibits properly that they are not damaged. It’s a fact that it is for the first time that the exhibits are returned undamaged and without any traces of of sticky tapes on it. But there are some short comings also as the exhibitors have not been informed about the results with the return of the exhibit and the list of the award winners has not been uploaded on the official website of Inpex 2008 even after more than 20 days. Some exhibitors were disappointed with the result of jury as they were awarded a lower grade award from the last exhibition. It is true that all the exhibitors cannot be satisfied. Some of them have to go through this situation but if the number of unsatisfied participants increases it is really a matter of great concern. It must not be overlooked and should be given proper thought to find out its reason rationally. There were approximately 1300 frames displayed. It means nearly 20,800 exhibit pages were on display. Only 8 members of jury with assistance of 5 apprentice jurors were given the job of judging to such a big number of pages. The time was not sufficient for them as they got less than 3 days for this work .The results were already declared on fourth day in the afternoon. It’s not possible for any one to go through all the exhibit pages thoroughly. Obviously the results were declared on the basis of dominantly visible material present or absent in the exhibits .Some exhibitors are still complaining that their entries were not accepted in spite they had sent the required fee timely. There was no proper coverage of the exhibition in print and electronic media. Proper attention must be given to publicity and promotional activities to create awareness of this hobby among a common man.

Delhi State Philatelic Exhibition

Delhi State Philatelic Exhibition will be held from 7- 9 February 2008 at National Science Centre near Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. The detailed information about the exhibition is available at http://www.delhipost.gov.in/

Praga 2008

A world Stamp Exhibition Praga 2008 under the Patronage of FIP is going to be held at Prague, Czech Republic from 12 to 14 September 2008. This exhibition is restricted to Traditional, Postal History and Literature class only. Mrs. Damyanti Pittie is the new National Commissioner for this exhibition.

Phila Korea 2009

24th Asian International Philatelic Exhibition Phila Korea 2009 under the patronage of F.I.A.P. is scheduled to be held from 30th July to 4th August 2009 at Seoul. Mrs. Damyanti Pittie is also National Commissioner for this exhibition. The philatelists who are interested to participate may contact her at following address.

Mrs. Damyanti Pittie, Suket 4th Floor,
29-B Dongersi Cross Lane, Malabar hill,
E-mail- dm_pittie@vsnl.net

Guest of the Month

Shri Dipok Dey

The name of Shri Dipok Dey needs no introduction in the world of Philately and Art. He is a veteran philatelist, stamp designer and a great artist. He is also the first Indian to design stamp for United Nations in 1985. It’s a great pleasure for me to have his article in the inaugural issue of Rainbow Stamp News.

Women and Indian Philately - By Dipok Dey

The hobby of stamp collecting in India is more than hundred years old, and it is confined mostly amongst males, but unfortunately female’s involvement is very negligible. In Post Independence India, early sixties to eighties, there were hundreds of philatelic societies, in West Bengal alone there were more than 34 philatelic clubs. But none of the clubs ever tried to motivate females in this hobby.

Since 1954 our department of post almost periodically organizes philatelic exhibitions- why probably they don't know themselves. Whether for the sale promotion of their products or to promote some of those who will make a position for themselves, both in India as well as overseas, but they will be doing nothing for the department. They will always make a plan to involve the department to organize exhibitions, either state, national or international levels which will serve only their interest. As soon as the Department will announce any programme for exhibition, there will be rat-race among them, who will be the jury, commissioner or hold any portfolios. But if you ask them to go to village or district to organize small exhibitions or workshop, only one answer you will hear from them- no time (waquath kanha hai). Our department spending money in philately without any positive purpose.

We are now at e-mail age. It is a high time for our department to pay attention to promote sales of philatelic products. There are two types of stamp buyers- one those who will write letters, their number is decreasing due to e-mail and the second one is the collectors who will never write letters. In fact e-mail is blessing in disguise. A competition is going on amongst the posts office of other countries of the world- how to attract the collectors- they are issuing innovative beautility materials, as they know that they will have to render no service to the buyers of these materials at all- because they are not letter writer, they are collectors.

How to promote philately- I have personally experimented in North Bengal, with the help of Mr. John Samuel, PMG Siliguri. When I first visited Sikkim- there were no collectors - I have
organized workshop (not seminar) with school students, teachers and parents and separately with Postal staff (in future they will visit schools- how they will motivate the students and teachers, parents- what type of questions they may face and what their answers should be) . Because a student cannot be an instant buyer-they cannot open a PD account, unless they are being paid by their parents was successful in my experiment- within three years a philatelic bureau was opened at Siliguri and surprisingly, 70 collectors participated in Stamp show, Kolkata from North Bengal and in Inpex-08 Chennai two were allotted and one awarded.

At the moment female population in India is about 52 crores and out of this huge population if our Department could motivate just 1% of this population the sale proceeds will be a substantial amount. It is a great lamentation that in this vast country only 10-15 women are known to me who collect stamps and two of them are internationally famous.. However, two ladies (mother) have come out with a positive and pragmatic outlook to promote stamp collecting. One of them is Sangita Deogawanka, wife of Madhukar Deogawanka. At least one of the collectors of India- Madhukar is successful to make his life partner a philatelic partner also. Sangita is having one book “Stamp Collecting” to her credit. She is regular contributors of articles in various magazines. She is a very serious collector of Indian states, postal communication system etc. There is a proverb charity begins at home-she studied child psychology- she involved her 6 years old daughter in stamp collecting- with odd size and shape of stamps which a child of her age likes most. The other lady is Jeevan Jyoti of Kanpur, now at Simla. She did not squander her adolescence- she got involved in philately from early age and had long association with B.J. Kumar. Acquired knowledge in philatelic journalism, she was the asst. editor of U-Phil Times.

We should encourage our wives , mothers and daughters in this hobby for two basic reasons: 1. Philately will be widen, number of collectors will increase, more collectors more sales of stamps. (2). If our family members are properly educated in this subjects, so bequeathal collection could not be sold at throw away prices, Women involvement will change the Demography of Indian philately.


Unfamiliar Stamps

A handbook on Unfamiliar Stamps has been issued by Chief Postmaster of Barabazar H.P.O., Kolkata for free circulation among philatelists. The book is very useful for all to identify a stamp which does not have the common familiar name of the country of issue. The book also gives details about various kinds of stamps. It will be a useful guide for the beginners. It is edited by well known artist and eminent philatelist Shri Dipok Dey of Kolkata. The book can be had on request from Chief Postmaster, Barabazar H.P.O. Kolkata-700 007

Directory of Stamp Collectors

Third edition of “ITS Collectors Directory”, 2008 just released with colored cover page, by INDIAN THEMATIC SOCIETY. Price is Rs.250/- [Registered post-paid] or US $8 or Euro 6 or £ 4 [all post paid].
This eighty pages directory has listed about 1200 addresses of collectors with collecting interests from all over the world [about 75 countries] along with other sections. Index of the same is as follows;
- Indian Stamp Collectors - City-wise Index- Topic-wise Index- Indian Philatelic Clubs- - Indian Philatelic Magazines- Codes for Collecting Interests-- Indian Stamp Dealers-- Overseas Stamp Collectors- Stamp Clubs from Overseas-- Philatelic Magazines from foreign countries-- India Post Philatelic Bureaus- Websites related to Indian Philately- Worldwide Postal Authorities-- Capitals & Currencies of different countries-- Coin & Currency Note Collectors
For further information please write to: -
Suraj Jaitly, General Secretary,
MIG # 3464, Phase Two, Dugri Road, Ludhiana – 141 013 INDIA
Mobile: +91 98728 51244 or +91 161 2521244
Email: surajjaitly@hotmail.com or indianthematicesociety@gmail.com
If any one with reference to Rainbow Stamp News sends me order for “ITS Collectors Directory” 2008 Third edition, I will provide one copy of SECOND edition of this Directory [actual priced Rs.150/-] FREE. This offer is only for readers of Rainbow Stamp News.-Suraj Jaitly

Philatelists Speak……

Atul Agrawal, Aligarh

It's great to have the state level Philatelic Exhibition (Uphilex-07) after a gap of seven years but it seems that the Philately is on the threshold of death at national level and at state level it had died as the promotional activities, true dedicated, trained and qualified philatelic staff is no more available. This shows where the Philately is going. The planning for the state level philatelic exhibition within a short time shows that the governmental machinery is misusing the funds and performing mere formality to show that they are there. I think it would be better for growth of philately , if such state level exhibitions should not be organized any more because in these exhibition Philatelists are discouraged and the people who approach the judges and win favour of them get better awards irrespective of what they have and how they display.

Suraj Jaitly, Editor ITS Stamp News, Ludhiana

I would like to share my experience about Inpex 2008 with all of you. I had sent an application well in time for the entry of “ITS Stamp News”, quarterly magazine of INDIAN THEMATIC SOCIETY. It is the only magazine published regularly and timely for the last ten years. But sorry to say organizers of the show refused to accept this application and gave excuse that application was received late by a day. While having long talk with the officials, they assured me on telephone that you may send your entry and will try to accommodate. Accordingly required copies of exhibits along with participation fee were sent by SPEED POST on 23.12.2007 and delivered at the office on 26th of December 2007. But it is very much clear now that the organizers intentionally not allowed the same. Earlier the same entry won the following Medals in exhibitions held in India

· SILVER Medal in INPEX - 2002 held in 2003 [National Exhibition].
· Silver Bronze Medal at Inpex-Empirepex 2001 [National Exhibition].
· Silver Bronze Medal at INDEPEX ASIANA – 2000 [World Exhibition].
· Bronze Medal at Millepex - 2000 [National Exhibition].
· Silver Bronze Medal with Running Trophy for best Literature Entry at PUNPEX-99 [Circle Level Exhibition].
So every one can see what was the problem with this entry – which could not find any space or frame in this show? And till date not received back exhibit & entry fee.
Editor’s Note- It’s really a matter of great disappointment that some of the participants faced such negligence in such a big national show whereas some organizations got entry and won good awards in literature class which are not issuing their magazines regularly. This type of ignorance is not good for the promotion of philately. All the keen participants should have been treated equally by the organizers.


If you have recently started collecting stamps, or are thinking about starting, you may be wondering if the hobby is expensive. What if you have no money at all for the hobby? One of the biggest questions any stamp collector faces is where to find stamps inexpensively. If you intend to save stamps of India or the world, and want to save used as well as unused stamps, the opportunities can be really great. Not all collections consist mainly of unused stamps that you buy in the post office. Used stamps are worth saving and have value and they may cost you nothing. If you want to have new and fresh stamps and can spend some money, you can open a philatelic account with minimum of Rs. 200 in the philatelic Bureau of your city which is usually located at G.P.O. or Head post office and can have regular supply of Indian Stamps at your door step by post. You can get the details about it from any G.P.O., H.P.O. or from the website of India Post.
Many stamp Collectors save only used stamps. Others save both used and unused ones. Others save stamps only from one country or one part of the world. Some collectors save stamps by “topic” for example stamps which depict horses or trains or birds. There are different types of collections.
A beginner must know how to remove stamps safely from the letters so that they do not get damaged. They should never be peeled from the envelope. The most common way to have stamps off paper is to soak them in water then dry them on newspaper or tissue paper.

Types of Stamps

Commemorative: These stamps are issued to commemorate an event or a person. These are in circulation for a limited period and printed only once a time.
Definitive: These stamps are specially issued for ordinary postal needs and placed on sale for unlimited period.
Official: These stamps are overprinted or specially issued for use by the government departments.
Air Mail: These stamps are issued for use on mail carried by air as distinguished from other stamps that are available for all kinds of stamps.
Charity: These stamps serve two purposes at one time, one being the postal purpose and the other being some philanthropic purpose. These stamps are denoted as such by the values set apart from each other with the plus value sign (+)
Coil Stamps: Stamps are generally printed in sheets and are perforated on all sides. But there are exceptions like the coil stamps. These stamps are issued to the public from
Stamp vending machines. They are specially printed and made up into coils for rolls containing hundreds of stamps, reeled sideways or lengthways.
Express or Special Delivery Stamps: These stamps specifically issued to speed up the delivery of letters and other mail.

Specialized Section

The exhibitor going to participate in an exhibition must know the proper meaning of some of the important terms considered at the time of evaluation.


The criterion of “Presentation” requires an evaluation of the overall aesthetic appearance of the exhibit. The presentation of the exhibit should be well finished and give a good general impression. The exhibitor should display the selected material in a well balanced manner. He should avoid making the pages overcrowded or too empty with the material. The text written under the philatelic material or to explain the subject should be very precise and faultless. The method of presentation should show the material to the best effect and in an impressive way. It should complement the treatment of the exhibit by its general layout and clarity. But it should be kept in mind that style of the write up should not be so artistic that it dominates the philatelic material. One should approach to the new ideas in presentation than the existing ones. It gives a sense of innovativeness and gets better appreciation from the judges. Today most of the exhibitors use computers to prepare their exhibits. They should use simple letter style and avoid bold headings as not to dominate over the philatelic material.


The criterion of “Treatment “requires an evaluation of the degree of advancement, originality, completeness and accuracy of the selected material. How complete is the treatment of the subject chosen? Does the exhibit show the greatest degree of advancement in terms of the material exhibited? The exhibitor should try to show the material which properly corresponds with the title and plan of the exhibit and should avoid combining largely unrelated subjects. The exhibitor may avoid material that is of lesser significance. The key material of accepted difficulty and desirability should be present in the selected subject. This treatment will show exhibitor’s knowledge of the material.

Philatelic Knowledge

The Philatelic Knowledge is based on the relevant description of each philatelic object shown. The items chosen for display and their related description demonstrate philatelic knowledge. The information given should not overwhelm the philatelic material shown. The ‘knowledge’ criterion applies differently to each type of exhibit. Philatelic knowledge for traditional exhibits whereas thematic exhibits require both philatelic and thematic knowledge.

Personal study and research

Personal study is demonstrated by the proper analysis of the items chosen for display. Additional consideration is given to those exhibits where original research is evident. If the exhibitor has managed to display the exhibit with new findings in heavily studied area he gets extra advantage. New discoveries should be given full coverage in accordance with their importance. Exhibitor should highlight major discoveries and minor discoveries should not dominate over the original exhibit.

Condition and Rarity

The criteria of “Condition and Rarity” require an evaluation of the quality of the displayed philatelic material and rarity and the relative difficulty in acquiring the selected material. The exhibitor should try to show unique material that does not occur in fine condition but must be cautioned from including other items of a condition that may give an unpresentable look to the exhibit. The exhibitor may direct attention to special items in the exhibit with a statement for the reason of its rarity. But the value of the exhibit should not be indicated.


Mr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma of Lucknow was awarded a gold medal with special prize for his collection on Summer Olympics in INPEX 2008. . He needs a high felicitation for obtaining a very high score in the exhibition and especially in the Thematic Class which is quite difficult to get. Mr. Dinesh started participating in exhibition in 1984 from UPHILEX-84 Lucknow with his collection on Olympic Games where he got a Silver Bronze Medal. After that he did not look behind and so far has won a large number of awards at National and International Philatelic Exhibitions. He is the only Indian to have participated in 8 consecutive specialized philatelic exhibitions on Olymphilex from 1985 to 2004 and won awards in all of them. Some distinguished awards to his credit at FIP World Philatelic Exhibition are Vermeil medals in Phila Nippon 2001 at Tokyo, and Phila Korea 2002 Seoul. He also exhibited in Invitation Class in Hiroshima Asian Games Stamp exhibition, Japan in 1994 .He wrote a book on The History of Olympic Games through Philately which was published in 2004. His article titled “ Greece The Origin of Olympic Games and Olympic philately ” was awarded third prize in an International Competition “Olympic Philatelic Wreath 2004”.This competition was organized by the National Philatelic Federation “Hellanic Philatelic Society in celebration of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games .He added a feather to his cap when he was honored by Governor of U.P. Shri Vishnu Kant Shastri during U.P. Philatelic Festival for his outstanding achievements in Olympic games through Olympic Philately.

List of award winners of INPEX -2008 from Orissa and Eastern India Philatelists’ Association, Bhubaneshwar

Sl No
Name of the Participant
Title of the Exhibit

Santanu Panigrahi
Bamra Feudatory States
Ind Fed. States

Mrs. Sasmita Raut
World of Birds

Rajesh Kumar Sinha
Tatanagar, Bihar
Fascinating world of maps

Ajit Kumar Dash
Creator’s most faithful Creation
Large Silver

Anil Kumar Dhir
Edged in Black Doom and Despair
Other themes

Anil Kumar Dhir
The Last Post

Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti

Mrs. Meera Biswal
FDC of India

Rutupurna Mansingh
Postage stamps of Australia
Rest of world

Pramod Kumar Saraf
Feathered Marvel

Gurudutta Panda
Glimpses of Indian Cinema

Bijoy Ku. Biswal
Postal Stationery of Gwalior State
Silver Bronze
Postal Stationary

Anil Kumar Dhir
Stamp Quizzes
Silver Bronze

Jadunath Kanungo
Early Indian Cancellations
Silver Bronze
Ind Pre Ind

Inhibit Patnaik
Indian Freedom Struggle through FDC
Silver Bronze

Vivek Saraf
Post Independence
Silver Bronze

Kashinath Sahoo
Salute to non-Indian

Jeevan Jyoti
Taj Mahal, the Pride of India
One Frame

Ajit Kumar Dash
Fila capsule

Suresh Chandra Dhal
Dandi March

Miss. Pallavi Saraf
Meghdoot Post Cards

Rainbow Stamp News congratulates all the winners of INPEX-2008

New Issues from Australia

· 8 January , 2008 Chinese Lunar New Year of Rat- 50c, $ 1.45

The rat is first symbol of new lunar cycle and conveys luck and wealth. It is celebrated by Chinese Community across the world in February.

· 14 January 27, 2008 Australian Open 2008 personalized stamp sheet -$15.95

The 2008 Australian Open personalized stamp sheet features four well of today’s best known players on the selvedge of the stamp sheet.

. 15 January 2008 Love Blooms- 50c

The rose has a rich symbolic life and in recent centuries has become closely associated with love, beauty and passion.

. 23 January 2008 Australian Legends of Philanthropy- 4 x 50c

The 2008 Australian Legends are philanthropists Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE; Victor Smorgon AC and Loti Smorgon AO; Lady (Mary) Fairfax AC OBE and Frank Lowy AC

Popular Websites on Philately

http://www.stampsofindia.com/ - it is the most informative and updated Indian website providing latest information on philately and postal services of India. Articles on different topics of philately, complete information on stamps, stationery covers and other philatelic products, auctions , various links and many other useful information is available on this website.

http://www.postbeeld.com/ – It is good and useful website having features like ‘search stamps by country, new issues, postal stationery, thematic section, questions exchange stamps, search stamps by topic. Stamp stories etc.

http://www.indiapost.gov.in/ – It is the official website of India Post. It gives latest information on new issues. Basic information on how to open philatelic account and how to start and build up a stamp collection is also given.

http://www.philakochi.com/ – It is the official website of Ernakulam Philatelic Bureau. It offers online services to open philatelic deposit account with the bureau, order stamps and philatelic collectables, view home pages of philatelists and stamps of India. The account holders of Ernakulam Philatelic Bureau have special facility for on line information about the status of their account and a free home page.

Current Newsletters and Magazines on Philately

· Stamps of India Collectors Companion – India’s First Philatelic e- Newsletter from Stamps of India, New Delhi edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan

· ITS Stamp News – India’s only quarterly magazine on Thematic Philately issued from Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana edited by Suraj Jaitly
· Fila Capsule – A Bimonthly News Bulletin of Eastern India Philatelists’ Association, Bhubaneshwar edited by Ajit Kumar Dash
. SIPA Bulletin – A Bimonthly News Bulletin of South India Philatelists’ Association, Chennai edited by G.Madan Mohan Das

Like Yoga and Meditation Philately is also a brain exercise. It reduces stress and refreshes mind.

Till Next Month Happy Collecting….

Rainbow Stamp News will be released on last day of every month.