Shimla April 2008 Issue No. 4
Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to j.jyoti9@gmail.com or rainbowstamp2008@gmail.com and by post to –
Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti, D.F.O. Residence, Chopal, Distt. Shimla (H.P.) PIN 171211.
Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW.
Dear Philatelist
I am very thankful to all of you for a good response to Rainbow Stamp News. Some readers have suggested to bring out this newsletter in PDF format. But in PDF version the background color is omitted. As its name suggests I have left it unchanged in colourful web layout to suit the mood of every month. But PDF version of the magazine is also available. Those who need it may reply with the subject Subscribe Rainbow PDF. About three months have passed to Inpex 2008, but reactions about the exhibition are still coming from the participants. Some are not able to forget their bitter experience and some are forced to recall every moment as they had better experience. There are moments in everyone’s life when hard work is marred by utter bad luck, and then there are moments when our luck helps us to reach special place even when we didn’t work very hard towards it. The issue, however, is what does the world see, the net result, isn’t it? No matter the energy we infuse from our end, no matter the effort, the world acknowledges only the end result. This is all what happened with some participants at Inpex2008. Some of our distinguished readers want to share their views with all of you through this issue. It is my pleasure that Mr. Ilyas Ahmed Patel has written a guest editorial for this issue on my request. Please enjoy it with the rest of the issue.
…... Jeevan Jyoti
§ From the Desk of Ilyas Patel
§ Recent Indian Issues
§ In The News
§ Guest of the Month
§ Beginners’ Section
§ Specialized Section
§ Reader’s Right
§ New Issues from Other Countries
§ Editor’s Mail Box
§ Popular Websites on Philately
§ Promotional Section
From the Desk of Ilyas Patel

Hi friends,
I am Ilyas Patel jolting down these few lines for you for this month from Ahmedabad. I am invited to write and share my sentiments with you by Jeevan Jyoti and I immediately plucked this opportunity to meet you through this editorial. I love to talk and meet the philatelists from each and every corner of our vast country. With every meeting, I enhanced my knowledge as well as experience and start disseminating it further with others. Why I am doing so because I wish to leave a rich heritage of Modern Indian Philately as it is being done by the philatelists of British India period in association and coordination with you. It is due to their tremendous literary contribution, we have today a very rich treasure of information available for that period. Compared that with today’s information base and I am sure you will end up in dismay. The biggest tragedy is India Post itself who do not have proper channel for disseminating information to its own departmental personnel forget about the poor philatelists. Lots of information is not available for the period 1947 onwards for several services introduced and discontinued. It is even further difficult with the introduction of several modern services to match with the competitive global environment.
To collect the material for modern India i.e. post-independence era, as the day passes you will find it difficult enough due to computerization of the post offices and slowly diminishing the use of postage stamps (commemorative) and therefore its becoming increasingly impossible to collect used/fine used commemorative stamps. Same is the case with related material. This is the only one example I am quoting. Let’s take the case of Business Mail Services and I am sure you wouldn’t find any authentic article or the needful information from DOP to initiate your research. There is another area in which one can adventure: Post in non-philatelic business. With passage of each single day, DOP is joining hands with new agencies and declares its intention to begin a new service. Forget about its detailed information brochure. And to collect a philatelic article or material for these new services believe me it’s next to impossible. Because, first date is not declared to take action on your part; second, if date is declared, postal personnel are not aware what to do and thirdly; they do not know the relevant rules to act or help philatelists. I am reading and hearing lots and lots about promotion of philately on behalf of DOP but in reality DOP acts completely differently. Their every single effort results in harassment to philatelists. Through this editorial I wish to appeal the DOP to provide the information for every new service they intend to introduce to all recognized philatelic societies so that we may write and disseminate the information through our newsletter or they may appoint a Philatelic Information Officer who may provide all needful information to all philatelists on paper.
Over these years to be precise since last 15 years India Post is issuing fascinating stamps featuring varied subjects and thereby opening ample opportunity to develop a one frame collection. This is the new area which GPA first proposed and organized a very successful “One Frame Exhibition” few years back. The overwhelming response during recently concluded INPEX-08 to this concept is worth for serious consideration and encouragement. It is very easy to develop one frame collection with very little investment on one side and highly challenging to put one’s theme in only 16 pages. But now philatelists have taken it not only seriously but as a challenge too. This provides ample scope and we may see large number of themes to come up soon. One of my friends Mr. B. L. Sahu from Ajmer put up a very simple but innovative collection first at RAJPEX 07 and later on at INPEX 08 showing cancellations used by Rajasthan Postal Circle after year 2000. He is able to put up a very exhaustive as well as very comprehensive collection with very nominal cost. This is the way one can make an innovation collection with little vigilance and sharp eye to catch the used covers. Another decent collection was put up by Mr. Mainak Kathiara on “President’s Fleets Review” showing varieties in perforations in issued stamp, color variations in its FDC and folders. He was able to put up a superb philatelic research every one can enjoy. So friends, start hunting and I am sure you will be able to make several one frame collections with little investment and pleasure Unlimited!
There is way for every will and our aim is to enjoy our collection not only philatelically but personally too, forget about the nasty judging system for which we all wrote in bulk. When I began my collection on theme BRIDGES, I was having only technical information. When I started reading I was able to trace out their fascinating history, their role in war, and their appearance in paintings, as a logo or symbol and much more. Every thing was new for me and came as a pleasant surprise. Today I am able to locate my bridge at each and every item, the recent one being the appearance of Howrah Bridge on Parle’s Marry Biscuit wrapper. The other pleasure hunting was the collection of Basin Bridge Railway station ticket when I was at Chennai, a suburb just four km away from Chennai Central Terminus. I am sure and hopeful too one day you will too enjoy philately like this as I am enjoying now. This is the charm of collecting and enjoying philately. Before I end I wish you a pleasure hunting for an innovative collection. It’s free! Try your luck! Good Luck!
Recent Indian Issues

· 18 March 2008 Madhubala - 500 P
· 28 March 2008 Asrar Ul Haq ‘Majaaz’ – 500P
Special Covers
· 7 March 2008 Tata Steel Centenary, Jamshedpur
· 17-19 March 2008 Mahafilmpex-2008, Mumbai- 3 special covers on cinema Theme
Special Post Cards
18 March 2008 Madhubala – 6 cards issued by Bhartiya Daktikit Sangsth, Kolkata
Stamp Booklet
18 March 2008 Madhubala issued by Bhartiya Daktikit Sangstha, Kolkata
In The News
Reported by Souvik Roy, Kolkata & J.G. Ghuman, Akola
A special film and philatelic event MAHAFILMPEX-2008 was held in Mumbai from 17-19 March at Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi, Mumbai with 57 frames on cinema and 35 on other performing arts. Participants from all over the country were there with an exception, no exhibitor from the film city of Mumbai. The question was asked to leading philatelists of Mumbai, but no body could recall anybody collecting on cinema in Mumbai. On this occasion special stamp was released in the memory of legendary actress MADHUBALA .India Post went all out to offer its tribute to Film Industry. A special three day festival of Philatelic Exhibition on the themes of Music, Dances and Films by invitation, show of old classic films, Posters Costumes and photographs, Cultural show and on spot painting competition and quiz etc was organized besides the glitter ceremony of release of special stamp Miniature sheet / sheetlet & FDC of Madhubala with participation of film personalities. The department issued three special covers during this exhibition. 17th- on Landmark Films (scenes from Raja Harishchandra, Alam Ara , Pather Panchali and poster of film Jhansi Ki Rani are depicted on the special cover, an interesting one. On 18th the theme was films produced by Bombay Talkies. The third day, 19th ‘Magic of Films’ music was the theme. A special C.D. was also released but never came to the postal booth for sale. The print and electronic media gave wide coverage to this event. Shakti Samant, Manoj Kumar, Nimmy, Ameen Sayani, Kiran Shantaram. Sonali Kulkarni, Mrs. Madhur Bhushan (sister of Madhubala) were from film world while Mrs. K. Noorjehan (Member O & M Postal Board, Mr. I M G Khan Secretary Deptt. of Post. Mr. M P Rajan CPMG Maharashtra circle were present from Postal Department besides other officials and staff. The problem faced by the organizers was that no data about the philatelists and about their collections was available. Sometime or other we have to decide who are to be called as invitee, what will be the basic qualification? It is requested to the department to go-through the merit of collection before inviting anybody; otherwise in future too we will miss the great collection on cinema by Mr. Dipok Dey, the pioneer on cinema collection in India and many others. It would have been better to release the six “bazaar-post card” and the book-let on Madhubala at Mumbai itself, rather than at Kolkata. Most important of all, perhaps for the first time we all the participants present at Mumbai had a chance to organize an informal meeting, exchanging addresses and ideas, forming a group in the name “Pan India Philatelists”. All with the single motto helping each other. The process is on. Mr. Saran Vasudev. He and his father Mr. Harry from Malappuram, Kerala, Mr. J S Ghuman, and Souvik Roy took the responsibility in keeping the ideas alive by keeping in touch with all fellow philatelists.
Stamp on Diwali by Canada soon
The following news was published in Signed Sealed Delivered Column of Canadian Stamp News (fortnightly) March 4, 2008 issue about our distinguished reader Shri Prakash Mody from Toronto, Canada.
Regular readers of Canadian Stamp News will recognize the name Prakash Mody. The Torontonian has made a one-man crusade out of pushing Canada Post Corporation for a stamp for the festival of Diwali. The event, which marks the victory of good over the evil, is observed as a religious event by several religions, and is considered a national festival by Indians. In a recent letter to the Stamp Advisory Committee, Mody pointed out that in the past 20 years CPC has issued more than 100 stamps for Christian events and just 15 for other religions and beliefs. Mody has also campaigned for ID and Hanukkah. * [Canadian Stamp News, March 4, 2008, Page 5]

Recent International Philatelic Exhibitions
Israel 2008 World Stamp Championship May14-21 2008 Tel Aviv, Israel Website http://www.wscisrael2008.co.il/ National Commissioner A.K. Mittal
EFIRO 2008 World Stamp exhibition June 20-27 2008 Bucharest, Romania website http://www.efiro2008.ro/ National Commissioner Sahadeva Sahoo
Jakarta 2008 22nd international stamp exhibition Oct. 23-28 Jakarta Indonesia National Commissioner R.D. Binani
Praga 2008 World stamp Exhibition Sep. 12-4 Prague, Czech Republic website http://www.praga2008.cz/?lan=en National Commissioner Damyanti Pittie
District level exhibitions
March 25-26 Dehra, Distt. Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)
March 26-27 Jamshedpur
March27-28 Jodhpur
March 28-29 Hazaribagh
March 20-30 Keonjhar (Orissa)
March 30-31 Bokaro
A Division level Philatelic Exhibition will be held in Imphal from March 28-29 2008.
News from Orissa
Reported by Ajit Kumar Dash
Workshop at KIIT, Bhubaneswar.
A philatelic workshop cum exhibition was held from 18-20, March, 2008 at the Kathajodi Campus of KIIT Deemed University, Bhubaneswar on the occasion of its Annual function. The function was inaugurated by the MP-cum-film star Shri Satrughna Sinha on 18.03.08. Several engineering students have shown their exhibits in 8 frames. The secretary of Eastern India Philatelists' Association Sh. Ajit Kumar Dash, senior philatelists of EIPA Sh Anil Kumar Dhir and Kasinath Sahoo conducted the workshop. During the workshop Shri Dash explained various aspects of philately through power point presentation. The documentary film produced by Shri Dhir was shown to the students. A Philately Quiz contest was also conducted by Shri Dhir and Shri Sahoo in which 57 engineering students took part. The international award winning exhibit "Scouts and Guides" of Biswajit Dash an ex-student of KIIT was also seen by the students. In spite of the best efforts of the students, the Department of Posts declined to spare the exhibition stands for the exhibition for which the students exhibited their exhibits on big tables covered with similar size glass sheets, which shows the deep interest of students in philately. The Department of Post should provide the exhibition stands to such exhibitions in order to promote philately.
The 3rd District level philatelic exhibition of undivided Balangir district, Balngirpex-2008 was held on 25-26, March,2008 organized by the Department Posts in active participation of the Balangir Philatelic Club. Shri Ajit Kumar Dash was appointed as the chief Jury for the exhibition. A stamp design contest was organized amongst the school students in three groups. Kamal Chakrabarty was awarded Gold medal and Best Exhibit award for his exhibit "Angel of Peace" in the senior group and Miss Chkarabarty was awarded Gold medal and best exhibit award in the youth group for her exhibit "The nature". During the exhibition two special covers were released on Penchants Temple and Terracotta work of Sonepur (Subarnapur)
The first District level philatelic exhibition of Kalahandi District was held on 26-27, March, 2008 at Bhawanipatna organized by the Department of Posts. Exhibits of 3 philatelists were displayed in 10 frames, besides several philatelists have shown their stamps mounted in the albums separately. The exhibition was inaugurated by Shri P.K.Satpathy, Collector, Kalahandi. Shri Bijoy Kumar Sinha, Senior Philatelist of Eastern India Philatelists' Association was appointed as the Jury for the exhibition. During the exhibition stamp design contest was also organized between the school students. During the exhibition one special cover on famous Manikeswari Temple, Bhawanipatna was released on 26-03.08.
The Second District Level Philatelic Exhibition, KENDUPEX-08 was held at Keonjhar on 29-30, March 08 organized by the Department Posts in active participation of Keonjhar Philatelists' Association. Shri Ajit Kumar Dash was appointed as the Jury for the exhibition. Miss Kalyani Baishak was awarded Gold medal plus Best Exhibit award for her exhibit "Health & Medicine" in the senior group and Mr. Abhijit Pattnaik was awarded Gold medal plus best exhibit award in the youth group for his exhibit "Indian Freedom Struggle through FDC". During the exhibition two special covers were released on Khandadhar water fall and Juang dance (tribal dance) of Keonjhar.
First Bhubaneswar Philatelic Exhibition
The Ist Bhubaneswar Philatelic Exhibition was held on 30-31, March, 08 at Bhubaneswar organized by the Department of posts with active participation of the Eastern India Philatelists’ Association. Exhibits of Ajit Kumar Dash, Daitary Mohapatra, Debasis Mitra, Mrs. Meera Biswal, S.B.Mohapatra, S.S.Rath, Ranjit Dash, Anup Raut, B.K.Biswal, Anil Kumar Dhir and Rutupurna Mansingh were displayed in the exhibition. During the exhibition quiz and stamp design contests were also conducted between the school students by Shri Anil Kumar Dhir. Two beautiful special covers were released during the exhibition on the famous Rajarani Temple of Bhubaneswar and the Appliqué work of Pipili
Postmen in Himachal associated with AIDS Awareness Programme
Postal circle of Himachal Pradesh has been associated with AIDS Awareness Programme. Now the postmen in Shimla District will inform people about hazards and prevention of AIDS . The employees of postal department will be trained by AIDS control society . It has already trained 70 Postman about this programme through workshop . Himachal Pradesh is the first State in the country which has started AIDS awarness programme with the collaboration of Postal department .
Guest of the Month

- Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap
There are two categories in collecting stamps of a particular nation. It is but natural that the philatelists in India collect the stamps which were issued by the postal authorities of India. If one glances at the catalogues such as those offered periodically by Stanley Gibbons in England, Scotts in the USA, Yvert et Tellier in France, Michel in Germany, Zumstein in Switzerland or Phila India in India, one comes across the prices quoted for the mint stamps and used stamps. Here also the editors of these catalogues specifically mention their definition of mint stamps. The mint stamps are those which were never hinged, with the original adhesive intact and without discolouration, with the perforations in places and the original print on the front of the stamp without any changes.The used stamps are devoid of adhesive and should have a readable cancellation, preferably a round dated stamp. Although it is not mentioned how it should be placed on the stamp, one should always see that it leaves the motif on the stamp clear of the cancellation.
In pre-independence stamps of India, some times used stamps are quoted with higher price than

There are also the reasons behind collecting stamps either used or mint. Nowadays the philatelic world in India has been badly disturbed by rich “speculators” and those who want to make “good money” by selling their stocks of mint stamps or miniature sheets. These prices have reached astronomical figures in the periodical listing of “Phlisensex” tables by Mr. PR Krishnan in “The Stamps of India” weekly news bulletin. The prices of the post independence stamps and miniature sheets are increasing beyond our imagination. One reason for this development is the number of stamps or miniature sheets issued are unknown and India Post has never disclosed these figures. But these figures must be very low probably less than 0.2 millions and thus not in proportion to the philatelists distributed through out all India. The price will be determined by the availability of a certain commodity and the demand for it, is the old maxim of economics, which determines the price and it is natural that the prices for the stamps (individual or in series) and miniature sheets will increase with the time. It is also possible that the dealers who are after making money will try to buy them “en block” and store them till the demand for these increase considerably. It is an artificial scarcity of philatelic items. Perhaps the prices will go on increasing when the dealers realize that there are no buyers and then the prices will recede, as it happens in stock-market. If this situation should haunt the philately in India, it will be its doomsday. So it is the high time that the philatelists, their organizations and the catalogue publishers and “serious and sober “dealers hold a discussion at a round table and think over this serious matter for the sake and fate of philately in India. How reliable are the prices quoted in the catalogues, is another important question. Used stamps of post independence India are given at present a step-motherly treatment by the catalogue publishers, in Stanley Gibbons or Phila India Catalogues the prices of used stamps given are described as “mere handling costs” and they are much lower as compared to their availability.
Most of us know how the stamps are cancelled at Indian Post Offices! Some times the obliterator is almost bathed in the ink and it leaves a blob of black smearing ink on the stamp when it is used to cancel the stamp. The obliteration on the stamp has some purpose apart from rendering the stamp re-usable, as the postmen in the Victorian age of British India were instructed to cancel the stamps affixed to the covers or early letters. The obliteration tells us at which place the letter was posted, when it was posted and some times even the time the affixed stamp was obliterated. Such clear postal obliteration can be asked for at the counters in most of the European Post Offices (with an exception of Great Britain, where only the stamps affixed to registered letters are defaced with clear cancellation, and that is why GB stamps with clear round dated cancellations are sought after as they are rare). In India perhaps if the sender is in good terms with the post office, nicely cancelled stamps affixed to the cover can be obtained.
It is my opinion that nicely used Indian stamps are scare (if not rare) and their prices in the column for used stamps in the stamp catalogues do not reflect their scarcity in the market. I know that the number of “nicely used stamps” can never be ascertained and thus their prices can never be estimated. But it is certain that most of the used (especially commemoratives) will be lost. I am afraid that this situation is not going change in the next ten or twenty years!
I expect, that most of the Indian philatelists do not look to their hobby as an “investment” but a sort of pastime, to show their collection to their friends or children at school..
Also it is a manifestation of their pride for the nation and their wee-wee effort to preserve the national heritage. In the case of these serious collectors or philatelists, my advise will be, collect nicely used stamps, solitary or on covers, regardless of their prices in the catalogues. I also warn those who collect stamps, not to hoard them with any “selfish” intention that these could be sold in the next 30-50 years! Those who disregard this advice may loose their “interest” in collecting stamps. This is also true in case of their effort to make their own thematic collections of Indian stamps. Now several themes are available so far as Indian stamps are concerned and the used stamps will be obtained by exchanging stamps, without actually paying for them.
While I suggest the budding philatelists to collect finely used stamps, there are some important advantages in collecting used stamps over the mint stamps, such as:
- One has not to spend much money in collecting them.
- As against collecting mint stamps these used stamps can be affixed to the sheets by hinges or these can be stored in stock books.
- The collector has not to look after them periodically after they are kept in Hawid Stamp Mounts, as it is advisable to expose the stamps to fresh air even when they are kept in Hawid Stamp Mounts (again a costly affair!). Such care is not necessary for used stamps.
- In a tropical country like India, the moisture and the adhesive on the obverse of stamp can provide a good condition for growth of fungus or discoloration of the gum. In case of used stamps such climatic botheration is not there.
I shall again emphasize that my advice is for the benefit for the philatelists, who do not look to this hobby as an investment, but have pride and pleasure in collecting stamps of their motherland.
Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap was born in Pune on 22nd December 1932. After passing his B.Sc. examination he joined the L.M.Pharmacy College in Ahmedabad, where he stood first class first at B.Pharm examination in 1957 and was awarded B.A.Gold Medal. He joined National Chemical Laboratory in Pune. In 1959 he proceeded to Bonn (West Germany) for his Doctorate in pharmaceutical technology and completed his research in 1961. Thereafter he joined the R & D Division of Sandoz Pharmaceutical Ltd. Basel in Switzerland. He got retired after 32 years in pharmaceutical research. He lives with his family in Binningen in Switzerland. Dr. Jagtap has been a keen stamp collector since his childhood and is a serious philatelist in postal history of India and thematics. His two collections “The First Fifty Years of Indian Cancellations “ and “ The Handstruck stamps of India” have earned him Gold Medals at the Swiss National Philatelic Exhibitions and his thematic display “Costumes of the World” was awarded Large Vermeil at the international philatelic Exhibition “China 99”. He is a well-known philatelic writer and has written series of articles, both on the postal history of India and in thematics in “IND DAK”, “ITS Stamp News”, “Stamps Today” in English and also in German language in “Thema International” of Thematic Collectors Tri-monthly of Switzerland,”Schweizer Briefmarken Zeitung” and in the bulletin of “Swiss Postal History Association, and in “Indien Report” the organ of Forschungsgemeinschaft “INDIEN” in Germany. He has also contributed to the “Q & A” column of “India Post” in Great Britain and to the supplements of “The Catalogue of Handstruck Postage Stamps of India” of Late Mr. D. Hammond Giles.
Beginner’s Section
Army Postal Service
By Col. Suresh Bagga

The Army Postal Service is an extension of the Department of Posts which functions as a military organization under the control of the Quartermaster General at Army Headquarters. It extends the facilities of the Indian Post Office to Armed Forces, whenever and wherever required.
First Army Post Office was organized at Bushire, South Persia in 1856, about the same time as the establishment of the All India P & T Department. The first overprint of Indian Postage Stamps was done in 1900 for the Indian Contingent of the “China Expeditionary Force”. It bore the legend “C.E.F.” The second overprint for the Field Post Offices was done in the First World War and it carried the inscription “I.E.F.” to identify the Indian Expeditionary Forces serving overseas.
After 1947, first overprint for the International Control Commissions in Indo-China states of “Vietnam”, “Laos” and “Cambodia” was on ‘Archaeological Series’ stamps with the release of First day Cover on 1 December 1954. Another cover was released on 1 April 1957 with the ‘India Map’ stamps due to change over to decimal coinage. “Congo” overprint on stamps was authorized in 1960.
Series of Special Covers to commemorate Services occasions are issued by the Army Postal Service Corps. The aim of issuing special covers, cancellation and brochures is to project the history, organization and deeds of the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force.
Army Postal Special Covers have become an accepted part of such celebrations as Regimental Days, Reunions, Jubilees and Color Presentations.
List Of Army Postal Service Special Covers issued in 2007-2008
1 Jan 2007 - 60 Field Regiment Golden Jubilee & 29 Air Defence Regiment (Samba), Golden Jubilee
2 Jan 2007 - 63 Cavalry Golden Jubilee
10 Jan 2007 - Trishna – Ist Indian Sailing Expedition around the World
15 Feb 2007 - 48 Squadron Air Force presentation of Standards & 37 squadron Air force presentation of Standards
7 March 2007 - Indian Air Force Fleet Review by the President of India
13 March 2007 - General K.S. Thimayya Birth Centenary
25 March 2007 - 2nd battalion, 9th Gorkha rifles 100 years
5 April 2007 The Maratha Light Infantory 13th Reunion
1 May 2007 - 242 Medium Regiment Silver Jubilee, 156 light Air Defence Missile Regiment Silver Jubilee & 15th battalion, Sikh Light Infantry Silver Jubilee
14 May 2007 - Project Dantak, Border roads organization, 47ty Raising Day
20 May 28 - Air Defence Regiment Golden Jubilee
1 June 2007 - Army Educational Corps Diamond Jubilee 1947-1967
5 Aug 2007 - Air Force Central Medical Establishment ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
1 Sep 2007 - 24 Medium Regiment (SP) Platinum Jubilee
15 Sep 2007 - Western Command Diamond Jubilee; Madras Sappers 227th Anniversary & Reunion
1 Oct 2007 - Indian Military Academy 75th Anniversary
4 Oct 2007 - Directorate General of Quality Assurance Golden Jubilee
24 Oct 2007 - Air HQ. Communication Squadron Golden Jubilee
27 Oct 2007 - The Services Integration Union
3 Nov 2007 - 18th Battalion, Mechanized infantry regiment, silver Jubilee 7 2nd Reunion
15 Nov 2007 - 33 Armored Division Silver Jubilee ; 17 Mechanized Infantry (Recce & Support ) Silver Jubilee ; 510 light Air Defence Missile Regiment (Self Propelled ) Silver Jubilee
16 Nov 2007 - 16 Engineer brigade Regiment Silver Jubilee
23 Nov 2007 - Corps of Army Air Defence 3rd Reunion
24 Nov 2007 - 17th Battalion, The Garhwal Rifles, Silver Jubilee
30 Nov 2007 - 4 Horse (Hodson’s horse) Regiment Sesquicentenary
10 Dec 2007 - 47 Armored Division Silver Jubilee
15 Dec 2007 - The Central India Horse Sesquicentenary; 22 Field Regiment
24 Dec 2007 - 67 Engineer Bridge Regiment Silver Jubilee
1 Jan 2008 - Assam Rifles training Centre & school, Dimapur
12 Jan 2008 - 15 (Chinar) Corps, 93rd Raising Day
Specialized Section
Guidelines for exhibiting in Maximaphily Class
A Maximaphily exhibit is composed exclusively of Maximum Cards. Maximaphily Class has a limited number of exhibitors. This class is not very popular. The rules of this class are still not clear to the exhibitors. For those who are interested in this class may follow following guidelines provided by India Post while preparing their exhibits for the exhibition.
1. The Maximaphily items should conform to the principles of maximum possible concordance between the postage stamp, the picture postcard and postmark.
2. The constitutuent elements of a maximum card should conform to the following characteristics-
· The postage stamp should be postally valid and affixed only on the view side of the picture postcard. (postage due, pre cancels, fiscals and stamps violating the code of Ethics of UPU" are not admissible, as well as the official stamps, except those which are at the disposal of the public. The postage stamp must be in perfect state. Only one stamp should be affixed on the view side of the picture postcard. In case a stamp has multiple, secondary or partial subjects, each subject must be dealt with separately. The use of illustrated labels out of automatic vending machines, affixed on the view side of the postcard, is allowed.
· The picture postcard's dimensions must conform to Universal Postal convention. Chapter 1 Article 19 para1 (max.105 X 148 mm. min. 90 X 140 mm). At least 75% of its area must be used for the picture and the illustration should show the best possible concordance with the subject of the stamp or with one of them, if there are several. Picture postcards with mere reproduction of the stamps are forbidden. The picture postcard should be as far as possible on sale before the issue of the stamp, or if it has been published specially, it should reproduce an existing document. Paste ups, cutting outs, and private photographs and drawings cannot be used for maximum cards.
· The pictorial design of the postmarks and the place of cancellation ( name of the post office) should have a close and direct connection with the subject of the stamp and the picture postcard, and should be dated within the validity of the stamp and as close as possible to the date of its issue. The cancellation giving the name of the post office as well as the date has to be readable and has to be struck completely on the unity stamp/postcard. This applies also to the special postmarks.
Reader’s Right
Editor’s note- The aim and objective of this stamp bulletin is to provide instant information and facts on philately to the readers and not to hurt anyone’s feelings. A new column Reader’s Right has been started from this issue. Readers may express their views, anguish and resentment through this column on philately. The platform is not used for any vested interest to cause derogatory to philately. When writing your views be sure that it should be related with philately only. It should not be used to express personal feelings between persons or groups in any manner. The views expressed are those of writer and not necessarily endorsed by the Editor.
L.R. Khatua, Cuttack
I am a stamp collector not a so called philatelist. I love stamp collecting. Previously we could not able to get information regarding stamps barring few periodicals which now a days stopped to release. I am very thankful to you for releasing stamp news in net .But in my opinion the platform given by you should not used for vested interest which is very derogatory to philately. The instance is the article” Special Cover on Swaraj Ashram, Cuttack and Special rules” By Ajit Dash, Editor- Fila Capsule.
Regarding release of special cover by Orissa Philatelic Association. Before giving the news the author should have enquired the facts from the President/Secretary of OPA ,because when I have gone through the news , I thought how a senior philatelist like Mr. Pradip Mohanty , Mr. J.N. Kanungo and Mr. Sahadeva Sahoo who are the office bearers of the OPA done so many mistakes? I know Mr. Mohanty as a philatelist who also once edited the magazine “PHILATELIST” and involved with Kalinga Philatelic Society. I contacted Mr. Mohanty and enquired about the facts and also requested him to give a reply to this effect. But he refused to do that as per him the news itself is the answer to the allegations. So I thought to write a mail to you in this regard after getting the facts and the opinions are mine not OPA s’.
1. The author should have got all the facts before giving the news because false allegation causes unrepairable damage to an institutution.
2. Any violation of rules should have taken up with proper authority before going to press.
3. Lastly in my opinion the author is attempting a negative approach .He should be thankful to Orissa Philatelic Association that they have ignored such type of baseless allegation and respected him as a philatelist.
I am giving the details about the facts against each allegation for the information of readers collected from the organizers and request you to publish in your forthcoming news letter.
On 30-01-08 a special cover was released by the Orissa Philatelic Association at the Swaraj Ashram, Cuttack where Mahatma Gandhi stayed for a night on 23-03-1921 after addressing a gathering at the bank of river Kathajodi to strengthen the freedom movement. The cover design depicts the meeting where Gandhiji was addressing the public and the cachet design depicts the Swaraj Ashram and Chrakha.This is a good step taken by the Orissa Philatelic Association for the promotion of Philately. But the way it was released was very much disappointing. None of the following rules prescribed by the Postal Department were followed. Though the permission of the CPMG was taken, none of the representative of the Postal Department was present at the release function where the cover was released by a cabinet minister of Orissa in express violation of Rule 58.2.
This is not the fault of the organizers. Why the author was so disappointed instead he should be thankful to organizers that they could organize a function on such an eventful day and released the cover by a cabinet minister.
As per Rule 53(F) the special cancellation cachet should be manufactured by the circle Office as per the approved design, which was not followed & the cachet was manufactured by the Organizers at their cost and produced the bills to the Department for reimbursement.
In this respect can the author prove that OPA has produced bill and taken reimbursement?
As per rule 13(F) all the special covers printed should be handed to the circle office to be cancelled and sold at the venue by the representative deputed by the Postal Department. Not a single cover was handed over to the Circle office.
As per Rule 13(G) and the sale proceeds of the special covers as per the rate approved by the Postal Department along with the unsold covers should have been handed over to the organizers. But practically not a single cover was sold by any source at the venue and there was no sale counter at all during the function.
The letter From CPMG’s office was received by the Senior Post Master, Cuttack GPO and the In - Charge of Philatelic Bureau and they have been invited by organizers personally. They did not turn up to the exhibition venue reason known to them. So to whom the organizers will hand over the covers???? One of the member of the organizers was in charge of the sale of the covers .The philatelist were visited the exhibition and taken the covers also. I think the author never visited the exhibition and the allegation, he is making is totally baseless,
As per Rule 13(L) the Organizers should have handed over 200 blank special covers to the local Philatelic Bureau for sale for a period of one month from the date of release. But after strong oppose before the Post Master, Cuttack only 65 covers were issued to the Cuttack Philatelic Bureau on 04.02.2008 for sale out of which some of the office bearers of OPA has bought back maximum covers leaving hardly 25-30 covers for the general philatelists.
Can the author prove that there were 65 covers handed over to Bureau??? Can the author show that covers were taken by few office bearers of the OPA???? Once some body becomes office bearer of any association he will cease to be a philatelist???????? There were 200 covers given to bureau on 4.2.2008 by the secretary, (fax of the receipt is with me) the delay was because of his other preoccupation. Even when he handed over the covers he was not aware that there was some protest made by the author to Post master nor any body apprised him in this regard.
The backside of the cover contains the description of the cover design and cachet. Besides it also bears the addresses of the person who designed the cover as well as the Secretary, OPA along with his phone number and e-mail id. The name of the person who designed is rightly mentioned but I don’t know the justification of printing the name and address of the Secretary in details. Is it the right procedure? The rule is also silent on this.
When the rule is silent why the author is allegating against the Secretary?
This is the state of affair happening in release of special covers. I have no idea about other states regarding the following of such Rules. In our State even when the Department of Posts issuing special covers during the District level exhibitions at different parts of our state or for some special instances, the selling of such covers are limited to the date of issue at the venue only. Hardly the philatelists get covers from the Philatelic Bureau. Several such instances are available.So on other occasions the author did not raise any hue and cry???? He was very well aware the state of affairs at last Balangir district exhibition where he was present .Why he did not raise the issue?????? When he was aware of the discrepancy since so many years, being a secretary of an association, having a good clout in INDIA POST, what action he have taken to curb these???
Lastly the hobby is dying because now a days people have taken it as an investment and more on prize winning interest. If a collection has made as a hobby it will itself as an investment and will fetch prizes. If our aim will be only to get prizes and do the invest it will lost the charm of hobby. I know so many collectors, they have lot of beautiful collections and better than the prize winning collections but they love to collect and teach others to collect and enjoy the philately. All associations should send messages in this regard so that philately will be a lively and lovely hobby.My last request - join hands and make the hobby as king of hobbies instead fingering each other.
It’s a great experience to be a part of the show: INPEX-2008. This is perhaps one of the most planned exhibitions ever to take place in Indian soil, congratulation to all. I once repeat “most planned and calculative” in all respect, from the selection of philatelist to giving awards.
Step one. As it took place in Chennai, so 50% participants should come from south (Tamil Nadu). Accepted: in sake of philatelic promotion, at least in Tamil Nadu. How it’s being done: giving minimum time to outstation philatelists to fill up the form and to send their collection (so great planning) and taking recommendation from great (old and dying philatelists) about certain collections, specially from those who do not find time or need to get qualified from their respective state shows.
Step two: Rejecting outstanding collections (example: The Gandhi collection of Mr. Mrinal Kanti Ray) giving flimsy reasons, so to reserve the higher awards for some one special.
Step three: By introducing coalition government like quota system., 50% or more higher awards for Tamil Nadu, three higher medals for Kolkata, three for Patna, two for Ahmedabad likewise, (depending upon the personal connections with particular jury).
So every thing (from selection to awards) was decided long before the actual exhibition, a great work, I would like to convey my congratulation once more.
I am a product of National School of Philately, 1977. I have seen long 30 years of different developments in Indian philately. After a long gap of more than 10 years I was back in so called competitive philately at Dak Bharati 2004, at Ahmedabad, and to my surprise the juries gave me a gold medal for my collection on ‘ Hinduism, a way of life’. I am proud to prove the title of my theme at Inpex 2008, that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life, there was no reserved seat for me, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism all won higher medals, I was left with a consolation: Silver-bronze. Thanks once more.
What I had done for the exhibition, got my collection checked and rechecked by leading philatelist, like Mr. Ashok Bayanwala, Mr.Dipok Dey, Mr.Sekhar Chakraborty, Mr. Basudev Ganguly, Mr. Manik Jain, Mr. Dilip Das (all are internationally recognized )and many other, but none did put me below Large Silver. When I came to know about a eminent philatelist from Kolkata in the jury panel, I did rang one of my friend expressing frustration and worry about my award prospect at the national. As I had very bad experience with him at our state show, 2005, where he tried to scatter my five frames in five different places, at 1.30 in the night I had a bad fight with him. Today, after more than three months I till cannot hold my frustration whenever I think about the show. Except Mr. Ashok Bayanwala , I still can not hold my feeling , questioning the integrity of the so-called juries seating on the bench. I was the first person to directly question the same in the interaction session at Chennai. Later supported by Mr. Prasant Shah of GPA. Where I was told not to ask any general question, like can we use labels and black-listed country stamps more in nation shows (as the gold medalist used a number of it) We not only participate in nationals to win awards but also to learn, so I have learnt a lot. In future shows it’s my commitment I will be using lot of those materials, and expect better results, if not I will question the same at the Court of Law.
Two of the juries, Dr. R S Gandhi and Mr. Manohar Lal, at the Stamp Show 2005, observed in their jury’s report: “ ...3. The jury notes that two entries. Viz. nos. 119 and 122 displayed on frame nos. 36 and 38 have not been evaluated owing to presence of bogus issues.”
My interaction with two juries at the national:
On my asking about my faults one just practically fled: “…ask me tomorrow, I am still holding the official chair, … sorry beta”.
The great one from Kolkata, was even more smarter, he started pointing my faults: “ I have given you 11 out of 20 in rarity group, (I did shown number of rare to very rare items: Ganesh, an early issue from the state of Dantia, price and rarity?) When I showed him that piece, he remarked, “ you failed to highlight it, I did not see it” he also pointed out that my materials are mostly from India and Nepal, (It’s my promise Sir, I will use more items in the next show from the issues from South Arabia, Abu Dhabi and V City for my collection on Hinduism). I am not challenging your knowledge on Hinduism (thematic philately as a whole) it’s my greatness, Sir.
What I really got at Chennai:
· Personal contacts with eminent philatelists from all over the country.
· Getting a practical advice from Mr. ILYAS A PATEL, on giving a little background for my collection on Hinduism, thank you Sir.
· I asked Mr. Madhukar Jhingan, three questions: Do you agree the points given to me, what are my weak points and what are my strong points. He did dozed the first two questions, but gave the answer for the third, “ I am regularly visiting exhibitions throughout the world for number of years and have gone through number of collections on Hinduism, but yours is the most organized and presented of all.”
· I would like to thank Mr. Rajesh Varma, for mentioning my collection in your communication, proving that at least one is there, who had studied my collection in detail at the show, thank you Sir.
My re-commendation (sorry, I could not resist the temptation.)
· Forget the statement, “All dead Indians are Great Indians (while issuing stamps) and all dying stamp collectors are Great philatelists. I myself don’t want to get A Gold-medal in my dying bed, (these had happened at Chennai.) Reserve one show for dying philatelists and honor them (even going to hospitals) with lifetime achievement awards. Follow the new philosophy of Indian cricket team the best and able must be rewarded, not to ‘The President’ of some society, who sometime happened to be a collector, getting award from different group just to get an award.
· Giving collection on Mahatma Gandhi, a different group.
· 50% of the jury should come from the department (against whom there is no CBI enquiry) and bringing in foreign observers. As a member of PCI, I honestly requesting to check and counter check the integrity, while selecting the jury members.
· As a member of SIPA, I would like to request the governing body to think of promotion of philately as a whole not only your members.
· A silver-bronze medal, which will inspire me to raise voice against so-called establishment.
New Issues from other countries
4 March 2008 World Youth Day- 50c, $1.35 & $2
24 March 2008 Centenary of Rugby League -16 x 50c
1 April 2008 Heavy Haulers-5 x 50c
16 April 2008 Anzac Day- 5 x 50c
18 April 2008 Queen’s Birthday-50c & $2
The official stamps of the 2008 Olympiad issued by China

· The other set shows Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center, the National Swimming Center, or “Bubble Building”, the Beijing University Gymnasium, Agricultural University Gymnasium, the Laoshan Bicycling BMX Center, and the National Stadium.

· Other events on stamps show calligraphic designs for Olympic events.
Czech Republic
5 March 2008 Easter- 10 Ke & The World stamp Exhibition PRAGA- 2008
Great Britain

11 March 2008 Celebrating Northern Ireland-2 x 1st , 2 x 78p
3 March 2008 Festivals- 35p,39p,43p,58p & 76p
8 April 2008 Transport buses- 35p,39p,43p,52p,58p & 76p M/s P 2.50
New Zealand
5 March2008 Weather Extremes- 2 x 50c, $1, $1.50, $2 & $2.50
United Nations
6 March 2008 Endangered species- 41c, Fs 1 & Euro 0.65
Editor’s Mail Box
Nikhilesh Melkote, Bangalore
Wow! Superb! The Rainbow Stamp News came as a wonderful splash of color into my inbox. It is a great start. The layout is cheerful, bright and most importantly, it’s full of news and views. As the saying goes, well begun is half done. I am sure this unique effort will grow with every issue. Keep it up and all the best!
Dinesh Chandra Sharma, Lucknow
Your e-stamp bulletin ‘Rainbow’ is really colourful and informative. Congratulations for bringing out a wonderful philatelic bulletin. Please keep working hard regularly to bring out your issues regularly as not many philatelic journals are available in India. Even our national federation is finding difficult to publish its journal. In India most of the philatelists do not spend time and money for philatelic literature. Even the libraries of philatelic clubs and societies do not spend money to expand their libraries. I would request the readers of this nice bulletin to contribute something which should be helpful in the development of philately in general as well as specifically. Once again I wish you that your e-bulletin may achieve a great success and become one of the best in India. I shall try to fulfill my good friend Naresh's wish in near future.
Dr. Prdeep Jain, Balod (Chhattisgarh)
My heartiest CONGRATULATIONS for giving us the opportunity for celebrating this PHILA-HOLI in Jan before others celebrated in March through this wonderful colored and attractive as well as informative e-magazine. Regularity and punctuality of such magazines is a must. Hope you will make every philatelist addict of this magazine and they will never suffer from withdrawal effects of it. Hope history will remember your this contribution of time n efforts forever.
Dr Sunita Dhindsa, Australia
I read your newsletter. Excellent idea. I have some suggestions/comments for your consideration.
pictures look good
information on various stamps good
some basic info good, particularly for newcomers
info on what's new is good
Paragraph/text in many instances is too long and sometimes is a bit clunky. readability will increase with smaller paras and pithy text
Newsletter has a serious feel to it. Could do with some lightness.
there could be a dedicated beginners section
Entertainment section could include a 10 question quiz or something similar, some philatelic specific jokes, cartoons, etc.
Popular Websites on Philately
http://www.stampsofindia.com/ – Some sub links of this website are as follows-
http://stampsofindia.com/lists/2007EN.htm For an illustrated list of all kinds of Envelopes
http://stampsofindia.com/lists/2007ILC.htm For an illustrated list of Aerogramme & Inland Letter in 2007
http://www.stampsofindia.com/lists/sb.htm For an illustrated list of all Stamp Booklet Issues
http://www.gbstamps.com/ - This website gives complete information on stamps of Great Britain.
http://www.unostamps.nl/ - This is a complete website on United Nations stamps. Free Newsletter on UN stamps can also be downloaded or subscribed through this Website.
http://www.usps.com/ – This is the official website of United Stated Postal Service. Information on latest US issues and other philatelic information is available on this website.
Readers may write about their webpages or websites related with Philately in this section. – Editor
Promotional Section
“Stamp Quizzes” By Anil Dhir is a recent publication which got a Silver Bronze medal at INPEX2008 at Chennai. It is a very comprehensive and detailed book on Stamp Quiz. There are more than 1500 questions and answers on general philately, India, USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Indian States. This book is very informative for all philatelists, philatelic libraries, school children and college students. It is a complete handbook of Philatelic Trivia and Quizzes. Indian Price Rs. 300 International Price $ 20. For this book Readers may contact anildhir2k5@hotmail.com
ITS Postal Auction No. 40 of Indian Thematic Society contains 155 Lots from India, Postal Stationery, Philatelic books & Thematic material from different countries. Last date for sending bids is April 19, 2008 Scans of lots available at – http://www.flickr.com/photos/its_offers .You can also sell your duplicate material through forthcoming ITS Postal Auction. For more information contact surajjaitly@hotmail.com
ITS COLLECTORS DIRECTORY, third edition 2008 by the Indian Thematic Society. Edited by Suraj Jaitly, Price Rs.250/- OR US $8 OR Euro 6 OR £4 [Post paid] Contact at surajjaitly@hotmail.com or indianthematicsociety@gmail.com
Auction No.30 by Philatelic Trade & Publications Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore on 13th April 2008 @ 9.45 A.M. For further details, and for any clarifications, please write to - Philatelic Trade & Publications Pvt. Ltd. 70/16, 2nd Main, Vyalikaval, BANGALORE - 560 003. Phone: 0091-80-23348324 / 23445329 / 23446210. Fax: 0091-80-23340952. E-mail: ptppl@vsnl.net Website: http://www.ptppl.in/
Philatelic wall calendar depicting miniature sheets of 2007 issued by Tamil Nadu circle of India Post is available for sale at Philatelic Bureaus Cost Rs 100.
COURTESY - News and Image Resource to this issue – Stamps of India, Souvik Roy-Kolkata, J.H. Ghuman-Akola, Ajit Kumar Dash-Bhubaneshwar
The best things in life always come free like a packet full of dreams....
Who knows your collection may bring you a fortune some day.......
Till Next Month Happy Collecting….
Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Chopal, Distt- Shimla-171211 (H.P.) India.
Dr Jagtap's article is very good and informative for amateure philatelist . Guest editorial is also interesting .
profvkg@gmail.com Include me in your mailing list - thanks.
good effort , keep it up
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