Shimla May 2008 Issue No. 5
Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to j.jyoti9@gmail.com or rainbowstamp2008@gmail.com and by post to –
Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti, D.F.O. Residence, Chopal, Distt. Shimla (H.P.) PIN 171211.
Note- This Bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW.
I thank you all for your support, co-operation and appreciation. After a big show at Chennai we had again a short exhibition season with so many district level Philatelic exhibitions in different states in the month of March which had given us the opportunity of collecting number of special covers. But these exhibitions were organized at a very short notice just to utilize the remaining budget of the financial year by India Post. It did not fulfill the purpose of promoting philately. It needs more publicity and proper time to organize. Most of the schools in our country conduct final examinations in the month of March. So most of the students at this time cannot devote enough time to prepare their exhibits. India post should consider this while organizing such shows. Proper publicity should be given before a month of the exhibition through print media, by putting banners at post offices and circulating information about exhibition in schools and colleges. So that maximum number of persons may take part in the exhibition. India Post is still lagging far behind in making publicity about its philatelic activities. Its publicity section needs to be quick and better equipped. The month of May will be quite hot in most parts of India, hope this issue reaching you right from Shimla hills of about 7000 feet height with the fragrance of apple and deodar in its contents will give you a cool effect.
§ Recent Indian Issues
§ In The News
§ Guest of the Month
§ Beginners’ Section
§ Specialized Section
§ Achievements
§ Reader’s Right
§ New Issues from Other Countries
§ The Lighter Side
§ Down Memory Lane
§ Popular Websites on Philately
§ Editor’s Mail box
§ Promotional Section
§ Current Philatelic magazines & Newsletters
§ News Clippings
Recent Indian Issues
· 4 March 2008 Maharshi Bulusu Samba Murthy – 500 P
· 18 March 2008 Madhubala - 500 P
· 28 March 2008 Asrar Ul Haq ‘Majaaz’ – 500P
. 21 April 2008: Civil Service - 500 P
. 22 April 2008: Tata Steel
. 26 April 2008 Jasmine – 500P, 1500P

Civil Service

Tata Steel Centenary


Mar 14: Mumbai, Government Law College 153rd Anniversary
Mar 15: Ranipool, International Flori Show Sikkim
Mar 25-26: Balangir, district philatelic exhibition, 2 covers
Mar 26: Bhawanipatna, district philatelic exhibition, 1 cover
Mar 28: Imphal, Manipur division philatelic exhibition, 1 cover
Mar 28: Hazaribagh, district philatelic exhibition, 1 cover
Mar 29-30: Keonjhar, district philatelic exhibition, 2 covers
Mar 30: Bokaro, District Philatelic Exhibition, 1 cover
Mar 30-31: Bhubaneswar, District Philatelic Exhibition, 2 covers
Apr 04: Dehradun, Uttarakhand Police Color Presentation
Apr07: Berhampur (Orissa) AIDS Awareness Special Cancellation
Apr 22: New Delhi, Bluebells School International Golden Jubilee
Apr 26: Ludhiana, LUPEX-2008- special cover on Gandhi
Feb 01: 11 Gorkha Rifles, Diamond Jubilee
Feb 01: 8th Battalion, The Dogra Regiment, Diamond Jubilee
Feb 04: 6th Battalion, 5th Gorkha Rifles, Diamond Jubilee
Feb 23: Induction of Hawk Mk132, 406 Air Force Station, Bidar
Stop AIDS, TeluguEyes, Khasi Langauge (Megahlaya)
New Inland (Aerogram) Letter cards
Apr 07: Daspalla Group Visakhapatnam, ISP, English
NEW STAMP BOOKLETS:18 March 2008 Madhubala *
18 April 2008 Satyajit Ray & Uttam Kumar *
19 April 2008 Devika Rani *
20 April 2008 Charlton Heston *
* Issued by Bharatiya Daktikit Sangstha, Kolkata
Feeling Good at 40’ C - Souvik Roy, Kolkata

Good things started happening once again in Indian Philately. Lately we have observed every philatelic exhibition are associated with sit & draw, quiz competition and likewise, may be to attract young crowd to the philatelic shows. Philately lost some of it relevance and could not carry itself of its own. But after visiting and participating in two consecutive philatelic shows on film at Mumbai (Mahafilmpex) and Stamp Show at Kolkata, I feel the mastermind in Indian philately of late realized that philately in present world is no more a child’s play and a mere hobby. Children should be encouraged for future but unless some big event takes place in the philatelic world, it is better not expect those ‘Golden Years’ back in Indian philately.
Mahafilmpex: a Government sponsored event, with huge financial and manpower support, to mark the release the stamp on Madhubala was a natural success. But what about Stamp Show 2008 (18th – 20th April 2008) at Outram Club, Kolkata, a philatelic show of 46 frames organized by a small club no way related with stamps, celebrating its 75 years, then why, what made them to look after this neglected chapter? Passion, the most important catalyst that provoke man to do something good. At a very short notice and with limited financial power (with no departmental assistance), a group of few die-heart lead to a successful exhibition on films and other collectables.
40’ C, Kolkata was burning, but nobody felt bad in participating or the dealers, who did turn up from all part of the country, a feel-good factor was there–every where. Six official participants were there but hundreds, who turned up for the show, became a part of the festival, that’s the success of the show. Mr. Dipok Dey, with his huge collection on ‘World and Indian Cinema’, was the flag bearer of the show. Mr. Dilip Das, with his ‘Journey of Letter’, Mr. Subhasish Sarkar, with his collection on ‘Landmark buildings of Kolkata’, Miss Vasundhara Deogaonka, a student of class six, enriched the show. Mr. Gopal Biswas, the Vermeil medal winner at the last Inpex –2008, was with his collection on very rare picture post card, original letters and other collectables was the star of the show. I was there with my small collection on ‘Bengali Cinema’.
Mr. Sandip Ray, a film-maker of repute (son of Satyajit Ray) inaugurated the show and released a Booklet honoring Bengali Cinema and its stalwarts, Satyajit Ray and Uttam Kumar, stated “ I quite admire these people who collect these pieces of old Calcutta….’. The second day saw the release of the second booklet and special cover on Devika Rani, celebrating her birth centenary by H. E Igor Karvaev, Deputy Counsel General of the Russian Federation in Kolkata. The 20th was marked to release the booklet on Charlton Hetson. The show got a tremendous response from all leading newspaper: The Statesman, The Telegraph, the Echo of India and number of Bengali newspapers.
Two clear things had come out of these two stamps –shows:
First to release a stamp and then to celebrate 75 years of a club philatelic exhibitions were organized, not sit & draw or quiz to support a philatelic exhibition.
Second and most important of all, this Stamp Show had proved that without taking Departmental financial support philatelic exhibitions can be organized, it is a lesson to most of the leading clubs and organization who only depend on governmental financial assistance and cry for more, practically doing nothing for philately.
I would like to thank Mr. Madhukar Deogawanka, the champion philatelist, the man behind the show.

A District level Philatelic Exhibition LUPEX-2008 was organized by Ludhiana Philatelic Club in collaboration with the Department of Posts at Bharat Nagar Head Post Office Ludhiana from 26-27 April 2008. It was inaugurated by Punjab’s Jail and Tourism Minister Shri Hira Singh Gabaria. The exhibition was attended by large number of philatelists and dealers from Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi. The collections of distinguished philatelists from Ludhiana were displayed in non – competitive class and exhibits of youth class were displayed on different themes in competitive class. The exhibition was small but well organized and visited by number of school children of Ludhiana. Eminent Philatelists of Punjab Shri Yash Pal Bangia, Rajesh Gupta, Prof. T.R. Bhatia, Naresh Kumar Pahwa, Suraj Jaitly, Raj Paul Oswal , Mukesh Malhotra, Rakesh Walia, Col. Suresh Bagga, Vipan Kumar Thakur and Mohinder Singh were present at the inaugural ceremony. Mr. Vinod Sabharwal from Delhi, Mr. Ajay Srivastava and Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti from Shimla were also present. In spite of scorching heat a good enthusiasm was seen among philatelists and dealers which is a good sign for the promotion of philately. The members of Ludhiana Philatelic Club need to be appreciated for organizing this exhibition because it also gave a chance to meet philatelists and dealers from nearby states. The collections on Princess Diana, Aviation, Gastronomy, Foreign stamps on Indian Theme were the attraction of the show. The minister sanctioned a grant of Rs 50,000 for Ludhiana Philatelic Club. Two stamps of 500P & 1500 P and a M/s of Rs 20 on Jasmine was also issued by India Post on the occasion. A special cover was also released at the exhibition. The special cover and its cancellation depicting Gandhi Theme has been designed by noted philatelist of Jalandhar Shri Nareh Kumar Pahwa. For this cover readers may contact Mr. Mukesh Malhotra, e-mail - mukeshlibra@yahoo.co.in
Indian Coast Guard issue in the market before official issueIt has become a regular practice that many issues are coming out in the market before it is officially issued by India Post. It must be checked by the Deptt. Of Post as it is causing a big hazard to philately. These issues are sold at high prices by the dealers. Recently Indian Coast Guard Miniature Sheet was openly available at Ludhiana during LUPEX-2008. It is yet to be officially issued by India Post.
Dr Sita Bhateja, India's National Commissioner to China 2009 invites participation of qualified exhibits from Indian exhibitors. The exhibition is being held from April 10 to 16, 2009 at Luoyang City, China. This is General World Show with all classes as well as the One Frame Class. The last date for Entry forms to reach China is May 16, 2008. The frame fees are US$ 50 per frame for all except One Frame where the Fee is US$ 100. There are no fees for Youth exhibits. Please do not send exhibits with 100 year old items. The entry form in duplicate may be sent by May 1, 2008 to: Dr Sita Bhateja, India's National Commissioner to China 2009, # 8 & 9, O'Shaughnessy Road, Langford Gardens, Bangalore 560 025 . Regulations and Entry Form can be downloaded from the following link:
Indian Philatelist receives Certificate of Appreciation from MICHEL
Mr. Shrikant Parikh, a distinguished philatelist of Ahmedabad has been awarded a 'Certificate of Appreciation' by 'MICHEL' - Stamp Catalogue publishing company for his unfailing services and long association with them for last 30 years. MICHEL Stamp Catalogues are widely used in European countries as a basis of exchange and trade and are highly preferred by non - English speaking collectors. The publication house MICHEL publishes their renowned and popular monthly magazine 'MICHEL Rundschau’ covering new stamp issued by different countries worldwide. They also publish full country catalogues every 2/3 years. Mr. Shrikant Parikh is their official correspondent for India since 1978. He is supplying them new mint Indian Stamps along with Brochures from which they make detailed version in German language’ to be published in their catalogues. Mr. Shrikant Parikh is also collecting German Stamps (over and above his various Indian collections) since long and he was approached by the Editorial Department of MICHEL to help them out by providing some gaps and continues ending all the new stamps in future. Thus, since 1978 he is rendering his flawless services to MICHEL and as a sign of their appreciation of his association of 30 years, they have issued a Certificate, duly signed by Chief Editor and Editor for Asia from Unterschlessheim- Germany.
Cancellation on AIDS

A special cancellation on AIDS awareness was released by the Department of Posts at Berhampur, Ganjam to commemorate the arrival of Red Ribbon Express at Berhampur railway station on 7 April 2008. Shri A.N. Nanda, PMG and Shri L. Pradhan, Director Postal Services, Berhampur Region released the cancellation to spread the message of self awareness on HIV and AIDS among the people. All the incoming and outgoing mails were cancelled with special cancellations at Berhampur H.O. A special private cover was also released by the South Orissa Philatelists’ Association, Berhampur. The covers are numbered and only130 covers have been printed. For this cover Mr. K. Venkat Rao may be contacted at kvrao2008@rediffmail.com Mobile No. 9437455356.
Exhibitions of Jharkhand State
March 26-27 Deoghar District philatelic exhibition. No special Cover
March 28 Dumka District Philatelic Exhibition (Non- competitive) No Special CoverMarch 26-27 Jamshedpur District philatelic exhibition Special Cover depicting Dimna Lake with special postmark featuring the wild animals found in the forests around Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary was issued during the exhibition. Mr. Anil Kumar, DPS-Jharkhand & philatelist Syed Hafizuddin were members of jury at the exhibition.

Mar 29-30: Patiala, District level philatelic exhibition
Mar 27-28: Jalandhar, District level philatelic exhibition
Apr 26-27: Ludhiana, District level philatelic exhibition
March 25-26 Dehra, Distt. Kangra (Himachal Pradesh) District level Philatelic Exhibition No special Cover
March 27-28 Jodhpur District level Philatelic ExhibitionApr 18-20: Kolkata, Stamp Exhibition at Outram Club, in collaboration with Bharatiya Daktikit Sangstha as part of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Club 2 Special covers on sports and cinema and a booklet.

Not so easy!! - Shrikant Parikh

For a collector of Postal Stationary, different varieties of Flap, Format and Printer should be considered. While collecting Aerogrammes, just see that 10 different types are in the collection with Advertisement and 2 different Normal types in the Aerogrammes of TAJ MAHAL 650p issued during 1997. Out of 12 issues with Taj Mahal stamp tablet, 6 are printed by CSP and 6 by MSP.
Similarly while collecting Inland Letter Cards of 100p with Red Peacock stamp tablet, the collector must have 16 different types with Inscription /Advertisement/ Slogan and 4 different types in Normal issues.
I have my own doubts that very few collectors could have all these issues and many have no knowledge of the figures mentioned. To complete the collection of modern items is not easy!!
The other day I suggested some friends to include in their collection of Banknotes, the notes with 7 digits!!! No one has ever seen a Banknote with 7 digits i.e.1000000... (One in a Million) which is the last number of series. We have denominations from Rupee 1 to 1000...with many different designs…………Just ponder!!!!!!
Idea is to focus on small but challenging collections which will keep one abreast from others, keep busy for longer time and enjoy the possession at the same time. Good Luck!!
Beginners’ section
What makes a stamp a stamp?
All postage stamps have certain common characteristics that make them recognizable as valid stamps for a particular country. Some variations are permissible but the basic requirements of the stamps should not be altered. All stamps have following information –
Country of issue:

Stamp Value: Most countries have different postal rates for stamps serving different purposes, such as internal mail, airmail, overseas postcard rate etc these are usually indicated on the stamp and is referred to as the ‘face value’. In order to save costs and labor, and to enable people to use the stamps purchased before price increases, the actual amount to be charged for a stamp is not shown on most of South Africa’s commemorative stamps. The words ‘standard postage’, ‘airmail postcard’ rate and ‘international postcard’ rate appear on these stamps.
Year of issue & Reason of issue: Most of the postal authorities print the date or year of issue on the stamp. The reason why a stamp is issued appears more commonly on commemorative stamps, such as those honoring a person, or commemorating a historic event.
Description of Topic: A description of the image on a stamp is often given. This is specially the case with animals, birds, insects or plants when the scientific name is also given in addition to the common name.
Name of Artist / Designer: It is common practice for many postal administrations to print the name of the artist on the stamp.
Perforations: Perforation holes separate stamps and make it easier to tear them apart. Sometimes they do not appear on all sides, especially on stamps issued from a vending machine or those contained in a booklet. Most perforation holes are round but some are irregularly shaped.
Phosphor: For security reasons some stamps are printed on phosphorised stamp paper. The phosphor can only be seen under an ultra violet light.
Specialized Section
By Suraj Jaitly


For many, building a Topical stamp collection itself is not enough. They want to display it for others to see. You have many options. Because topical collections normally are quite colorful, as well as educational, they are often welcomed for display at schools, libraries, businesses, flower shows, sport shows and pet shows.
Another possibility is to show your collection at a local stamp club. If you are collecting flowers on stamps, and have 250 album pages, you will not want to show (nor would you probably be allowed the space) to show the whole thing. Thus, you might want to limit your display to Lilies on Stamps.
When showing at a school or library, or informally at your local club, how you set up your display is part of a competitive exhibit, and/or if you want to move to other such competitive exhibits in larger venues, you will need to play by the rules of the competition.
Presentation refers to the general appearance of each page;
Ø Pages must appear as if they belong together
Ø They need to be of the same color, and the color must not detract from the philatelic material they hold
Ø They should not be either too crowded nor too sparse
Overcome overcrowding by showing the essential part of a philatelic element (a cover, for example) by windowing.
Ø Select an area of the element, such as the stamp on a souvenir sheet
Ø Cut a space for that item on the album page so the element can show through if mounted on the back side of the page
Ø Mount the element face-up on the album page so the element segment is visible when looking at the front of the page
Ø Thus, space is available for write-up or even additional philatelic elements mounted on the front side of the page
Another approach is merely to slit an album page and slide the element through the slit so the segment desired for display is visible and remainder is behind the visible page.
Write-ups always are subordinate to philatelic material… ALWAYS!
Ø Serves as a desired balance, as well as providing information
Ø Do not place text in the same place on the page after page, just as you will not position philatelic elements in the same location page after page
Title and Title Page
The title of your exhibit may be the most important decision you make
Ø Viewer needs to know what the exhibit is about just by its title
Ø Neither be too general (Animals on Stamps) nor too cute (Miniature Fuzzy-Wuzzies)
Title reflects story you are telling
Ø Your exhibit of Ferrari automobiles must begin with the first stamp showing the Italian beauties and go through to the latest
Ø It can not be limited to Ferrari racing
The title page not only includes the title, but also an introductory statement about the exhibit
Ø Up to 20 words noting the story to be told
Ø Perhaps include a philatelic item which also may be used later
Ø Even a non-philatelic item may be used without penalty (note reference earlier about competitive exhibits needing to abide by rules of the exhibit, and non-philatelic items are frowned up in competition) unless entered in the Display category
Ø Even an unusual philatelic item-to impress the judges-may be included
The Plan Page
This page is unique to topical exhibits and essentially serves as a table of contents.
Ø Identifies sections of a theme exhibit
Ø Now a required addition of a topical / theme exhibits in national and international competitions
With the Plan Page formally establishing the sub-divisions, you need to develop a balance in the number of pages used for each
Ø Do not have a single-page sub-division
Ø Do not allow one or two sub-divisions to dominate
Ø Revise the plan Page as much as needed to achieve balance
Use any outline format you want, as long as it is consistent, attractive, and allows you to portray the story you are telling
Ø Do not allow your Plan page to take up more than a single album page
Philatelic ItemsInclude as many philatelic items as appropriate for your topic (i.e. booklets, coils, se-tenant examples, joint issues, postally used on a cover, etc.) and then have as many different elements as possible (and in good taste) on a page.
Ø All of this while maintaining the orderly development of your exhibit
Ø “Appropriate material, in national and international competitions, is that which has been issued for the purpose of moving the mail or other postal communications
o Postage stamps and postal stationery
o Material officially produced by a postal administration leading up to the actual stamp or stationery release: artist’s proofs, essays, deluxe cards, specimens, and color trials)
For your own collection, choose and place the elements you want. For a competitive exhibit, some material is better overlooked. (Again, this does not apply to exhibits entered in the Display category in which up to 1/3 of your exhibit van be made up to the following);
Ø Picture postcards, unless prepared as maximum cards
Ø Cinderellas (fantasy issues, seals, advertising labels, etc.), except those produced by a postal administration for a specific postal service such as airmail labels
Ø Covers with imprinted cachets, unless the cachet was produced by a postal administration. If the stamp or cancellation is relevant to your exhibit, window the cover
Ø Revenue stamps, which historically have been accepted but are no longer
Ø News clippings, cartoons and photos
Whatever material you have, be certain it is in the best possible condition.
Ø Modern material must be pristine
Ø 19th century covers can have some toning
Note that Space Covers (Astrophilately) and Aircraft covers (Aerophilately) are not to be thematic and will not be judged under the specialized rules for either of those two fields unless the prospectus for the show lists special categories for each two segments of philately.
Exhibit Size
The competitive exhibition drives the size of your exhibit entry. Rules will specify limits to page count
Ø Number of pages you actually use, up to the maximum allowed, depends on the story being told and amount of philatelic material needed to tell the story.
Ø Know the number of pages that will fit within an exhibit frame in an exhibit…they vary, but are now normally 16 pages. Do not enter a partial frame.
Current interest in single-frame (16-page) exhibits
Ø Found at all levels of competition
Ø Partially challenging to topical collector because you must be more concise than ever
Ø Not all topics will work in this format.
Your queries, comments or remarks on this article are most welcome! — Author
Ajit Kumar Dash is a noted philatelist of Orissa. He is secretary of Eastern India Philatelists' Association, Bhubaneswar and Editor of Fila Capsule, a Bimonthly Philatelic Bulletin. He is also life member of Philatelic Congress of India, Indian Red Cross Society, Orissa Philatelic Association and Kalinga Philatelic Society .He has been collecting stamps since 1969 and has won a number of awards to his credit. He displayed his collection on Dogs for the first time in the official Orissa State Level Philatelic Exhibition ORPEX-97 at Cuttack. He was awarded Silver Medal in INPEX-EMPIREPEX-01, National Philatelic exhibition, Nashik and a Large Silver medal in INPEX-02, National Philatelic Exhibition, Bhubaneswar and recently again a Large Silver Medal in INPEX-08, Chennai for his Thematic Exhibit ‘Creator’s Most Faithful Creation’. Besides this he also won Vermeil Medal in ORPEX-02 & ORPEX-06 Orissa State Level Philatelic Exhibition with Special Prize. He was appointed as Jury/ Chief Jury in 5 District Level Exhibitions organized by the Department of Post, Kendupex-06, Keonjhar, Angulpex-07, Angul, Blangirpex-07, Balangir Kendupex-08, Keonjhar, and Balngirpex-08, Balangir. He was also appointed as one of the Jury members by the Department of Posts to evaluate the exhibits of the state level Stamp Design contests during the year 2002 to 2005.He has Conducted several philatelic workshops, seminars, quiz contests in schools and colleges organized by the Department of Posts during Philatelic Festivals, District level and State level Philatelic exhibitions in different parts of Orissa. Mr. Dash has also presented scientific papers on Forensic Philately in detection of crimes at Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Island during 2001 and at Ahmedabad during 2002 at the All India Forensic Science Conferences organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. Here I am giving the plan page of Mr. Dash’s exhibit on Dogs as a guide line for Thematic Collectors.

Editor’s note- The aim of this stamp newsletter is to provide instant information and facts on philately to the readers and not to hurt anyone’s feelings. A new column Reader’s Right has been started from April issue. Readers may express their views, anguish and resentment through this column on philately. The platform is not used for any vested interest to cause derogatory to philately. When writing your views be sure that it should be related to philately only. It should not be used to express personal feelings between persons or groups in any manner. Please send your postal address and Ph. No. and if possible a photo too when writing on any controversial issue.
It was interesting, reading the observations of “stamp collector but not a so called philatelist” Mr. L. R. Khatua in regard to the issues raised by Mr. Ajit Dash in the matter of the release of the special covers on Gandhi at Cuttack. Mr. Khatua has conducted a pathetic post mortem of Mr. Dash’s informative and path breaking article as regards to the issue of Special Covers.
The matter in its right sense does not deserve a reply, but as a “so called philatelist” and a lover of the hobby, the vitriolic content of Mr. Khatua’s reply compels me to do another post mortem, this one of his observations , albeit my post mortem is more pathological in nature.
At the onset, his comment “But in my opinion the platform given by you should not be used (sic) for vested interest which is very derogatory to philately”. I do not personally know Mr. Khatua, but he should remember the adage of practicing before preaching. What vested interest can Mr. Dash possibly hold when he has pointed out certain lacunae which occurred in the whole fiasco? I am myself a member of OPA and share the same feelings of many of my fellow members that the whole process of issuing the special covers and the subsequent sale of them was not transparent and clear. Mr. Dash has been a dedicated philatelist who has done his mite for the promotion of philately in the State. I have had on many occasions jointly worked with him, and can vouchsafe his selfless dedication for the good hobby. I am sure that Mr. Dash has never and will never do any thing which can be termed “derogatory to philately”.
1. The author should have got all the facts before giving the news because false allegation causes unrepairable damage to an institutution.
a) What facts were misstated or wrong? Everything that was pointed out was correct. None of the allegations were false. As regards unrepairable damage to the institution, I will opine that it was not the Institution, rather individuals who are responsible.
2. Any violation of rules should have taken up with proper authority before going to press.
b) Does Mr. Khatua feel that putting forth a proper complaint with the authorities was more justified rather than expressing the shortfalls in a forum of philatelists? As far as I know, the matter was reported in the EIPA Bulletin, Stamps of India and Rainbow Stamp News. All these three are forums where “so called philatelists” meet on a common platform and share and exchange their views about philately. Mr. Khatua is sounding as if Mr. Dash has spread a campaign against the issue of these special covers in the Press.
3. Lastly in my opinion the author is attempting a negative approach. He should be thankful to Orissa Philatelic Association that they have ignored such type of baseless allegation and respected him as a philatelist.
c) Mr. Khatua has the right to have his opinion of stating that the author is attempting a negative approach. It is like the pot calling the kettle black. The observations made by Mr. Khatua reeks of negativities and sounds like a smear campaign against what all was exposed. If it is a defense, then it is a very poor and weak defense. I would like to see OPA reply to Mr. Dash observations. If by remaining silent, it is conveyed that Mr. Dash should be thankful to them, then I would like to educate Mr. Khatua that the very intention of the article was to elicit response from OPA, not the pregnant silence that resulted. Mr. Dash’s credentials as a philatelist are acknowledged among the philatelic fraternity both in the state and the country and he does not need the certification of any association for this.
Mr. Khatua should realize that there is a symbiotic relationship between the philatelists and India Post. The officials of India Post respect and honor philatelists, because they know that this passionate hobby promotes a lot of causes of the department. We work with mutual trust and respect, and at times quite a few rules are relaxed or bent. However we should not take these for granted, and indulge in acts which will be detrimental to this delicate relationship. There is not doubt that the shortfalls India Post in this matter exist, but we should remember that this is due to the fact that they allow us a lot of leeway. The trust that India Post has in us should not be betrayed.
Mr. Dash’s observations were an eye opener of the department of posts too. Next time onwards they too shall be careful and ensure that the rules are followed to the hilt. Mr. Dash’s intention was not to hurt the sentiments of any individual or organization, but to bring to light anomalies that happen during the issue of special covers. This will result in corrective measures being put in place and will be for the betterment of the hobby.
Mr. Khatua, a not so called philatelist, but just a lover of the hobby has certainly taken a lot of pains and studied the whole aspect in detail and even trailed the movements of Mr. Dash to Balangir. He should also be aware that Mr. Ajit Dash has personally designed so many special covers for India Post, without acknowledging and tom-toming his name on the reverse.
The beautiful Gandhi Cover issued during SRIPEX Puri was designed by him, but he did not include his name, address and email on the obverse.
I will conclude and say that I am in total agreement with “stamp collector and not so called philatelist” Mr. Khatua that the hobby should be kept lively and lovely. It should not be hijacked by a few individuals and used as a tool for self aggrandizement and self promotion. Constructive criticism is always good, if taken in the right spirit. It will only improve things.
New Issues from other countries

13 March 2008 Canberra Stamp Show 14-15 March 2008
1April 2008 Heavy Haulers
16 April 2008 ANZAC Day- Lest We Forget
18 April 2008 Queen’s Birthday

18 April 2008 World Heritage The Sundarbans -Taka 10 .00 & S/S of Taka 50.00 each. (Four different se-tenant postage stamps and two souvenir sheets of same design (one perf. & other imperf)
4 April 2008 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto 29th Martyrdom Anniversary- Rs 4 & M/s Rs 20
United States

Stamps on five journalists who risked their lives reporting some of the most important events of 20th century
The first of this multiyear series of 60 stamps which highlights the Stars and Stripes, 50 state flags, five territorial flags, and the District of Columbia flag.
The Lighter Side
Progressive Development of a philatelist
As a Child…………………….Stamp Hoarder
As a Teenager………………Stamp Collector
As a Youth…………………..Philatelist
At 30 + ………………………Professional Philatelist
At 40 + ………………………Philatelist + Dealer
At 50 + ………………………Critic
At 60 + ………………………Jury
At 70 + ………………………Philatelic Bureaucrat
At 80 + ………………………Waiting to be conferred with Philatelic Ratnas
This is the general category of Indian Philatelists. Please don’t take it seriously as there are always exceptions.
What are stamps?
They're tiny, they're familiar to us all and they exist because we need them. Find out about stamps here.
· They're small enough to fit in the tiniest pocket.
· They're miniature works of art.
· They're produced by 200 countries.
· They've been in constant use for more than 150 years.
· They cover just about every subject you can think of.
· They're treasured by collectors all over the world.
· They're sometimes worth more the older they get.
I have just introduced a new blog http://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/ . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. Those who are interested may send brief write up with their photo in compressed format. It will be published on the blog with their e-mail id. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published time to time in “Open Platform” at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog- Editor
Down Memory Lane
Subhalaxmi Subramaniam
In every National Philatelic Exhibition a Special Award is given in the Thematics Class in the memory of Mrs. Subhalaxmi Subramaniam. Perhaps the young philatelists of today may not be aware that she was the first woman philatelist of India. Probably she is the first woman philatelist who had done pioneering work in promotion of philately and devoted her life to this visual art. She prepared thematic collections on about more than 50 different themes such as children, paintings, medicine, scientists sports etc. She first participated in International Stamp exhibition in 1954 held at New Delhi. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru the then Prime Minister of India had inaugurated the exhibition to mark the centenary of the issue of first postage stamp. Her collection was very much appreciated. She participated in different national and international philatelic exhibitions held in USA, Poland, Spain and Argentina. She was awarded A.T.A. Topical Award for her solo Topical Exhibition she was awarded Gold Medals, special prizes and certificates of merit at many stamp exhibitions. She exhibited her collection several times for collections of funds for Refugee Relief. She had also exhibited her collection many times in the Invitation Class of Mahapex, Tanapex, Gujpex, Karapex and many other philatelic exhibitions. She believed that like other fields women should also take active interest in philately. During 1985-86 when I was a college student and a budding philatelic columnist, I wanted to write an article on leading woman philatelists of India. I wrote to some distinguished woman philatelists asking them to send details about them for my article. But to my disappointment I did not receive reply from any of them as I was just a beginner at that time and none took me seriously except Mrs. Subhalaxmi Subramaniam. She sent me details and her photograph with a loving letter and lot of best wishes for my work in philately. I could never forget her all over the years. It was later published in U-Phil times and Dainik Bhaskar. Today she is not with us. But she will always be remembered in the field of Philately and the award given in her memory will be a life time treasure with the winner in the field of Thematic Philately. It is a great pleasure to write about her in her loving memory and expressing my gratitude for her affection towards young philatelists and contribution in the promotion of philately. .
Popular Websites on Philately
http://www.stampsofindia.com/ – To know the latest in Indian Philately just log on to this website.
http://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/ – This is the newly introduced Blog to bring philatelists together on internet and share views with each other on different philatelic activities.
http://www.princelystates.com/ – it is the site of Journal of Indian stated History, philately and numismatics. Philatelists of Postal History will find it very informative and useful.
Editor’s Mail Box
Prakash Mody, Canada
I see that your Rainbow is really growing up like a rainbow of philatelic variety!
Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap, Switzerland
I feel, it is better that Rainbow News appears as a PDF -version, so in case it should be printed it will be easier for the reader.
Suraj Jaitly, Ludhiana Editor - ITS Stamp News
Thanks a lot for your RSN No.4 April 2008. Really it is nice to see lot of improvements in this issue. Congratulations to you for regular and colourful e-newsletter. I would like to record following;
~ Try to use common and true fonts only, as some of stylish fonts used, does not appear clearly if these fonts are not available with anyone's PC.
~ It is good idea to include some philatelic jokes / cartoons / Quiz etc in your future issues. Wish you all the best and hope to see more attractive issues in the years to come.
Rakesh Walia, Chandigarh
Congrats! The newsletter has improved a lot and with the inputs you are receiving from all the people around it will improve a lot.
M.C.Shukla, Vadodara
The bulletin is very interesting, informative and innovative too. I appreciate your effort. Please keep it up.
Promotional section
STAMP QUIZZES by Anil Dhir: 224 pages, 2007 edition, contains over 1500 questions and answers. Comprehensive & detailed with quizzes on General Philately, India, Indian States, USA, Britain, Australia & New Zealand Must for all Philatelists & stamp clubs, Rs 300 post free in India. US$20+ actual postage elsewhere, for more details contact Anil Kumar Dhir 112, Vaishno Villa, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar - 751007 anildhir2k5@hotmail.com
The Last Post CD by Anil Dhir: For this CD Contact at above address.
Subscription Rates: (By Air-mail) - Single Issue: Rs.40 / US $2 / Є 1.50- Four Issues: Rs.150 / US $8 / Є 6- Twelve Issues: Rs.450 / US $24 / Є 18 [FREE classified advt. of 30 words] - Twenty Issues: Rs.750/US $40/Є 30 [FREE classified advt. of 30 words in five issues]
For further details and copy of this magazine write to SURAJ JAITLY, General Secretary – Indian Thematic Society, [RSN] MIG # 3464, Phase Two, Dugri Road, Ludhiana at surajjaitly@hotmail.com
ITS COLLECTORS DIRECTORY :, 3rd edition 2008 Edited by Suraj Jaitly, 80 pages listing contact details of stamp collectors, dealers, clubs, magazines, websites, from India & overseas. Plus lots of relevant information. Price Rs.250 or US $8 or Euro 6 OR £4 [Post paid] Contact Suraj Jaitly at above address.
LIST OF STAMPS: Maharashtra Circle of India Post recently published a 'List of Stamps' for years 1852 to 2007 during recently held MAHAFILMPEX 2008. The 80 page A5 size publication is priced Rs 20 and is available from the Philatelic Bureau at Mumbai GPO 400 001.
Current Philatelic magazines and Newsletters
Stamps of India Collectors’ Companion India’s first and most updated weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail: mjhingan@yahoo.com Website: http://www.stampsofindia.com/
GPA News (February 2008 issue) edited by Ilyas A. Patel and published from Gujarat Philatelists’ Association, Ahmedabad. E-mail: iap_ip@yahoo.com & altoexim@yahoo.co.in
SIPA Bulletin (Nov-Dec 2007 issue) edited by G. Madan Mohan Das and published by South India Philatelists Association, Chennai. E-mail: sipagold@gmail.com
News Clippings –
Warmth of a Letter
I don’t remember when one last went to a post office to drop off a letter or card for loved ones. In this high-tech age, where it is quite easy to shuttle from one city to another, from one state to another or from one country to another, keeping in touch through letters has become a thing of the past, especially among the youth. To convey a message either to friends or cousins, one just logs on to one’s e-mail account, scribbles a few lines and hits the send button. Job done. Those days are gone when my friends and cousins used to receive volumes of letters and cards from me, every month. During my school days, letter writing not only brought immense pleasure but also gave one’s tender brain a lot of exercise. At times, these letters or cards would be accompanied with beautiful postcards or family photographs. And, of course, the replies always made my day. However, among all these replies, the blue inland letters from my grandfather were cherished the most. The internet and e-mail diminished the frequency of my letters. Even my folks in Darjeeling switched over to the fast electronic system. Now, they are just a mouse click away from me. This became the default mode of staying in touch with family and friends.
Till a postman knocked on my door the other day. As he handed me an airmail letter sent from Belgium, it took me down memory lane when letters would arrive in envelops. And not to forget grandpa’s inland letters. The airmail brought with it a warm feeling that somehow an e-mail never can. The sender was a friend who one had lost touch with for the past 15 years. I was engulfed by nostalgia while going through it. She said she chanced upon my postal address on a social networking site on the web. To receive four pages of letter from a long-lost friend, written with a fountain pen which she always used when we were in school, was like a breath of fresh air to me. The time she invested in writing that letter and the emotions that it packed are unfathomable. It wasn’t as fast as an e-mail as it reached me 15 days after she posted it, but the priceless warmth of the letter will remain with me forever.
By Anjana Pradhan – published in The Times of India, Mysore Thursday, February 28, 2008
· For PDF Version of Rainbow Stamp News reply with the subject Subscribe Rainbow PDF
· Address for communication: Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti, D.F.O. Residence, Chopal-171211 Distt. Shimla (H.P.) E-mail – rainbowstamp2008@gmail.com & j.jyoti9@gmail.com
· Last date for receiving write ups - 30th of every month. Kindly send images in compressed format only.
· If you liked this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promoting philately.
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very good
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