Monday, June 1, 2015

Rainbow June 2015

With May considered Heritage Month ‒ and the month of flowers ‒ the Philippine Postal Corp. has issued stamps featuring the Philippine flower gumamela ( Hibiscus).  The Gumamela stamps were released on the 12th of May in celebration of National Heritage Month.

Dehradun  June 2015   Vol. VIII    Issue No. 90

Monthly e-stamp Bulletin Edited By Jeevan Jyoti for Free Circulation among philatelists

Dear Reader,

I am pleased to release June 2015 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. In the last issue of Rainbow Stamp News, I wrote that special stamps should be issued by the countries to help earthquake victims of Nepal. I am happy to inform the readers that Thailand Post  has come forward to issue special stamps for the victims of recent earthquake, occurred in Nepal. Read about these stamps in this issue.

 The medal won by a philatelist is the most memorable and precious part of the exhibition. It means a lot to the participants. A new trend of awarding generic medals has been started in the last few years, But some years back, in philatelic exhibitions,  the quality of medals was as per its grade . Our regular columnist Mr Naresh Agrawal debates on this topic. Readers are requested to send their views  on “ Do you agree that generic medals should be awarded in National and International stamp exhibitions  instead of actual grade medals ?” Your views will be published in next issue.

This is all for this month.  More in next issue. 
Happy Collecting ! 
                                                                                                                                      - Jeevan Jyoti


·         From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal
·         Recent Indian Issues
·         In The News
·         Beginners’ Section
·         Specialized Section
·         Book Review
·         Lighter Side
·         New Issues from Other Countries
·         Promotional Section
·         Philatelic Clubs and Society
·         Blogs & Websites on Philately
·         Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletter


  From  the  Desk  of  Naresh  Agrawal


It was me who once wrote that jury results are sometimes affected / influenced  by the availability of variety of medals with the organizers specially the higher ones as organizers had to make medals available before the declaration of results/awards in any philatelic exhibition. Further, organizers sometimes  have budgetary problems too. In one of my article long back, I had also opined that the philatelic competitions  are not competitions, these are just marking of once efforts.  Hence, there is no first or second or third. Its grading only. The names of the grades have been kept as LG,G,LV,V,LS,S,SB,B etc. But I never ever suggested that medals should not be given or should be generalized. The medals clearly reflecting grades should certainly be given / awarded.

It has been the practice that the medals which are given to the participants in accordance with the marks / grade obtained by him/her used to have size difference such as large or standard. Further, the metal of the medal used to be same as its name suggests. If not the whole material of the medal , at least surface is coated with the same metal such as  GOLD has either full gold medal or gold plated surface.
What I want to say that there has been clear visibility of once grade in an exhibition / competition. It is of course a good practice to have some difference in different grades depicted through different  colors and sizes of the medals awarded. It not only looks good but satisfies the participant too and also clearly depicts ones achievement /grade.

Of late,for last few years a new practice of giving Generic Medals (generalized for all grades) to the participants has been started. This means metal token(so called medal) of same size, color and design with no indication of grade. Looking at those no one can differentiate ones grading or achievement in any show where he /she has been awarded that generic medal. This must have given a relief to the organizers as such medals definitely have helped jury to be free in their results and organizers to save a lot in terms of money. But the matter of concern is, at what cost? The cost of sentiments of the participants. When we say competition, then there can not be  uniformity…..nothing  general …nothing generic or else there should not be any competition or competition class.

While going through various definitions of medal, award, token, memento etc. in various dictionaries, I find and feel that looking in to the old prevailing practice of awarding medals in philatelic shows; the generic medal awarding practice should not be appreciated. It should be stopped. Or else, the medals should be named as memento or token but not medal as medal world signifies ones achievement. it signifies testimony of ones efforts and  establishes ones comparative stature. But when these are generalized in form of generic medals, the achievement and stature are not reflected. It just becomes a token or memento  indicating ones participation in the show. We must not forget medal is not just a piece of metal like token, as token is just a piece of metal  which signifies one's participation but medal is the one which not only indicates one's participation but also appreciates, speaks  and certifies one's comparative and competitive  achievement  in the show.

I feel these generic medals will help demotion of philately which needs to be promoted now. I personally feel that the practice of awarding /giving generic medals should not be appreciated if not condemned. Or else the medal awarding system should be stopped. Certification is enough in that case. And so called generic medals should be named as Token or Memento.

- Naresh Agrawal : email :

Recent Indian Issues  

·         20 March 26, 2015 -  Indian Ocean and Rajendra Chola I – Rs 5
·         27 March 2015 – Engineers India Limited – Rs 5
·         India France Joint Issue – Rs 25 + Rs % stamps with Miniature sheet
·         18 April 2015 – Patna High Court – Rs 5
·         21 April 2015 - Old Seminary Kottayam  - Rs 5

Forthcoming Issues

21 June 2015

June 2015

Recent Special Covers

17 April 2015 :  100 years of Mahatma Gandhi’s first visit to Madras - Chennai
19 April 2015 : 175th Anniversary of St. Paul's Church, Bangalore
20 April 2015 : Celebration of Civil Services Day- Mumbai
20 April 2015 : 100th Birth Centenary of Dr. Jack de Sequeira - Santa Cruz, Goa 
23 April 2015 : Tercentenary Celebration of St George's Anglo-Indian School & Orphanage – Chennai
23 April 2015 : 10th Anniversary of Re-establishment of Shri Ahichhatra tirth - Ramnagar Kila (U.P.)
24 April 2015 : AL Jerry Braganza, father of Konkani Cinema - Mapusa, Goa
5 May 2015 : 150th year of St. James’ School, Kolkata
15 May 2015 : 3 special covers - EG NPEX - 2015 Philatelic Exhibition at Kakinada

1.     Smt. Dokka Seethamma (Annapurna)
2.    Dowleswaram Anicut on Godavari River
3.     Bojjanakonda and Lingalametta Hillocks, Sankaram (Anakapalli)
16 May 2015 : 2 Special Covers - EG NPEX - 2015 Philatelic Exhibition at Kakinada
1.    Nada Yogi Sangita Kalanidhi Dr. Nedunuri Krishna Murthy
2.     Kolleru Bird Sanctuary 

8 May 2015 : Centenary year of Mahatma Gandhiji's first visit to Bengaluru

9 May 2015 : Golden Jubilee Celebration of Rotary Bangalore North
9 May 2015 : 300th Anniversary of Arameri Kalancheri Mutt, Virajpet

16 May 2015 : First postal ATM of Bihar Circle at Patna

17 May 2015 : RCB "Game for Green" cricket match held at Bengaluru

18 May 2015 : Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna, Patna

24 May 2015 : 450 years of Holy Spirit Church, Margao

In The News

Penny Black as an iconic stamp

Guernsey Post released  a special philatelic issue on 1st May 2015,  celebrating the 175thanniversary of the Penny Black. In general circulation for little over a year the Penny Black is something of an iconic stamp.
“…A bit of paper just large enough to bear the stamp, and covered at the back with a glutinous wash”.     This was the first mention of what became the world’s first adhesive postage stamp. The quote came from Rowland Hill as he was answering the questions of a parliamentary enquiry into the Post Office service in February 1837.
Hill had recently published a pamphlet Post Office reform; Its Importance and Practicality, where he had challenged the expensive and extremely complex postal rates that were then in force. His suggested solution was a low, uniform rate of prepaid postage based on weight.
At the time the postal service was prohibitively expensive for most people to use. Sending a single letter could cost as much as a working man’s daily wage.

Rare errors found on the newly issued Canadian stamps

A set of stamps issued by Canada Post in March 2015, designed by Kelowna artist Laurie Koss, has been discovered with a significant printing flaw.
The two stamps issued as part of the 2015 floral series are based on Koss’ paintings of a purple ice and blue pansy.The stamps were issued in a miniature sheet, and four sheets have been found where the perforations cut right through the design.
“These errors are very rare and can be worth several hundred to several thousand dollars,” said Mark Oakley, with the Okanagan Mainline Philatelic Association. “For example, one of the most famous Canadian errors is the 1959 St. Lawrence Seaway stamp which has a catalogue value of US$16,000.”
Oakley said the value of the Pansy error is yet to be determined as none have been offered for sale.
“Finding a stamp error is one of the great thrills in stamp collecting — it’s something everyone dreams about, but like winning the lottery, happens to only a very few and lucky collectors,” said Oakley.
As Koss said when describing her design of the blue pansy, “Blue flowers in gardens are extremely rare.” Just like the blue pansy, so too this stamp error is a rare find.

Thailand Post issued stamps to raise funds for earthquake victims in Nepal

Thailand Post issued a pane of stamps to help raise money for victims of the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. The 7.8-magnitue earthquake devastated much of Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people, injuring more than 17,000 and leaving thousands of more homeless.
A new stamp collection was produced by Thailand Post to raise funds for earthquake victims in Nepal. The “Thailand Post for Nepal” collection consists of 20 stamps and will be sold for Bt120 (S$4.70) a set. Each stamp depicts scenic spots and the daily life of Nepalese people, photographed before the quake, by 2009 National Artist Woranan Chatchawanti-pakorn, and 1989 SEA WRITE Award winner Jiranan Pitpreecha, as well as other well-known photographers. English-language inscriptions on the pane include THAILAND “Post for Nepal” in the upper selvage, with the names of the photographers and the Canon logo in the selvage below the stamps.
The pane will be donated to quake victims through the Red Cross Society of Nepal.

News from Philatelic Societies

40th Anniversary of Baroda Philatelic Society

 Baroda Philatelic Society was established on 27th April, 1975, with 17 founder members. It is one of the oldest Societies in the state of Gujarat.

Baroda Philatelic Society completed 40 years of its existence on 27th April 2015. A function was organized to celebrate 40th Anniversary of Society on 3rdMay 2015 at Blue Lagoon Restaurant & Banquet, Vadodara. 

Shri Vineet Mathur, Postmaster General, Vadodara Region and Shri Ganesh Sawaleshwarkar, Director, Postal Training Centre, Vadodara were present on the occasion as the Chief Guest and Guest of honour respectively. Shri Ashok Bayanwala, Senior Philatelist and honorary member of Society was also present on the dais with Shri Prashant Pandya, President and Timir Shah, Secretary of Baroda Philatelic Society. Function was well attended by members of society. 

Shri Pandya brief about the society’s history and activities of society during last 40 years. Founder members, past presidents, vice presidents and secretaries of society were remembered on this occasion. On the occasion a specially made Cake was cut by guests and one of the founder members of society Shri D. T. Desai. 

Latest issue of Vadophil, quarterly newsletter of Baroda Philatelic Society with multicolour title pages was released by the guests on the dais.Shri Ganesh Sawaleshwarkar and Shri Vineet Mathur blessed the occasion and appreciated the activities of the society and congratulated all members for serving philately for the last 40 years. Shri Timir Shah, Secretary, Baroda Philatelic Society, conveyed vote of thanks. Function was followed by dinner.

News from Eastern India Philatelists’ Association, Bhubaneshwar

 Naturepex-2015, Bhubaneswar

In a special meeting of EIPA held on 3rd May 2015, it has been decided to hold a special Philatelic Exhibition will be held on Nature and Environment during 26-28, December, 2015 at Bhubaneswar in active participation of Department of Posts. This will be the 3rd Eastern India Philatelic Exhibition and will be named as 'NATUREPEX-2015.

The exhibits relating to Flora & Fauna, Nature, Environment and other related exhibits will be displyed in the exhibition. The exhibition is open to the philatelists of Eastern India i.e. Odisha, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunanchal Pradesh.

The exhibition will be competitive one consisting of 400 frames. 20 % of the total frames will be reserved for Youth categories. In absence of sufficient youth exhibits these will be filled up by other exhibits. The frame fee is rs.200/- per frame.

There will be three types of medals i.e. Gold, Silver and Bronze. Three special cover on nature and environment will be issued. The exhibition will be mainly in three groups i.e. Thematic on Nature, FDC,Special covers & Postal Stationery, Youth and School category all based on nature & environment.It has also been decided to open about 30 dealer's Booths at the exhibition site.

The Governing Body Meeting of EIPA was held at Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar on 17.05.2015 from 11.30 AM to 02.30 PM. 27 members of EIPA including two Officers from the Department of Posts attended the meeting.

The meeting was presided over by Shri Bijoyshree Routray, President EIPA. In the said meeting it has been decided to hold a National Philatelic Exhibition on Nature & Environment (NATUREPEX-2015) at Bhubaneswar from 26-28, December, 2015 instead of a Regional Philatelic Exhibition. We have requested the Department of Posts for according required permission for the purpose. The logo of the exhibition was also approved in the meeting. Besides, the other decisions taken earlier meeting on 03.05.2015 were also approved in the meeting. Hope more and more philatelists of India can take part in the said exhibition. The details of the exhibition, etc. will be announced after getting a nod from the DOP.
- Ajit Kumar Dash, Bhubaneshwar

EG NPEX - 2015 Philatelic Exhibition at Kakinada - 15th - 17th May 2015.
Numismatic & Philatelic Society of East Godavari organized ‘EGNPEX – 2015’ the State Level Philatelic & Numismatic Exhibition on the occasion of decennial anniversary at Surya Kalamandir, Kakinada from 15th to 17th May 2015.
During the exhibition 5 special covers were released . 

1.Smt. Dokka Seethamma
2. Godavari bridge (Davalesvaram)
3. Bojjanakonda (Buddhist place)
4. Kolleru Bird Sanctuary
5. Nedunuri Krishna Murthy (Musician)

Kolkata artist / philatelist in Philatelic Advisory Committee

Shri Babul Dey of Kolkata - became the member of Philatelic Advisory Committee. Mr Dey is the younger brother of noted artist and philatelist Mr Dipok Dey. He is a Profession Artist and had studied painting under the guidance of Prof. Chittaranjan Das and elder brother Dipok Dey who is the only Indian artist to have designed UN Postage Stamp on ‘Child Survival’ and was awarded the first prize.

He obtained Master’s Degree in English Language and Literature in1982 from Calcutta University. He  exhibited paintings in various Group Shows and won several Gold medals in Art Competitions. He has been  collecting stamps since childhood. He is closely associated with India’s foremost Philatelic magazine ‘Stamps World’, edited by Dipok Dey (now ceased publication) and has Contributed  articles on Philately to various journals. He is also the founder member of Bharatiya Daktikit Sangstha, Kolkata. He has participated in several Philatelic exhibitions and authored 16 books.He is also the  founder member and Secretary of an art society—Fourth Dimension.

Special cover of Solo exhibition History of Painting through philately by Mr Babul Dey- probably this is the only example that Exhibitor's name appeared in Cancellation.

He held a Solo Philatelic Exhibition entitled ‘History of Painting’ in 1991,Sponsored by Birla Academy of Art & Culture, Kolkata. Commemorating this Exhibition the Department of Post, India issued a Special Cover and Cancellation.Famous Industrialist Mr. B. K. Birla was present at the inaugural ceremony.

Recent Stamp Exhibitions

World Stamp Show-NY 2016

World Stamp Show, New York 2016 will be held from 28th May to 4th June 2016 at New York, USA.

Shri Dhananjay Desai of Ahmedabad  is Commissioner  for this exhibition. He may be contacted for participation at email :
Website of exhibition :
Bulletin of exhibition can be downloaded from :

Date :  May 28-June 4, 2016
Venue :  Jacob Javits Convention Center, 655 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001 on Level 3 taking up 294,000 square feet.
Over 200,000 beginner through advanced stamp collectors, their families and friends are expected to attend this once-a-decade event.The exhibition is being organized Under the patronage of the American Philatelic Society with major support from The Collectors Club of New York and The Philatelic Foundation along with their members.


Mr Ajay Kumar Mittal has been appointed National Commissioner for HONG KONG-2015 31st Asian International Stamp Exhibition) going to be held from 20th November to 23rd November 2015.
Mobile : 9811032311, 9311332311
Email :


Commissioner for Singapore 2015

Mrs Damyanti Pittie is the  National Commissioner for Singapore 2015 . Singapore 2015 World Stamp exhibition is to be held in conjunction with Singapore’s 50th Year of Independence from 14 – 19 August 2015 at Sands Expo® & Convention Center, Singapore. SINGAPORE 2015 is the 3rd World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Singapore.
Singapore last hosted the World Stamp Exhibition in 1995 and the inaugural World Stamp Championship in 2004. Gathering the experience of both exhibitions and with effort to commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee in 2015, Singapore managed to bid for the hosting rights of this event successfully.

The main highlights will be, Display from the archives of the Singapore Philatelic Museum, Exhibits from distinguished collections showing the development of Singapore’s 180 years of postal history and stamps and Exhibits of world-wide award winning collections.

The logo comprises of the name of the exhibition SINGAPORE 2015 together with the Lion Head symbol of the nation and four wavy lines representing the sea, bracketed by two symmetric edges of a postage stamp, one on the top and another at the bottom. It symbolizes the world stamp exhibition in Singapore in the year 2015.

The significance of the various components that make up the logo is explained below:
The two perforated edges of a stamp signifying the connection of stamp collecting activities with SINGAPORE 2015, the name of the exhibition. The Lion Head, which is incorporated in the 0 of 2015, is Singapore’s national symbol denoting that the exhibition is staged in Singapore.

The “four wavy lines” is a roller cancellation commonly used to obliterate stamps, also means “four seas” in Chinese to signify international or worldwide linkages, implying the international nature of the stamp show being held in Singapore, an island state surrounded by sea.

Philatelists eligible and willing to participate may contact her by e.mail /or by post on following  e.mail and contact address.  The IREX and Forms can be down loaded from Singapore 2015 web site :

SUKET, 4th Floor, 29-B, Dongersi Cross Lane, Malabar Hill, Mumbai-400 006.
Tel.No.00 91 022 23644337. Fax No.00 91 022 23633696.

E-mail:  OR

Fifth National Stamp Fair 

Presented by Philatelic Dealers’ Association
June 5, 6, & 7, 2015 
11am to 6pm
Galleries C & D, (Air-Conditioned), 
All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society, AIFACS, 
1 Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110001


Batuk Bhairo Shahi, popularly known as B. B. Shahi was an ardent expert of 1854 Lithographs of India. His knowledge on Post Marks, Stamps & Postal History of early British India was unparalleled. The living encyclopedia of 1854 Lithographs and hand struck postage stamps, left us, on 22nd April 2015 for his heavenly abode.
Shri Shahi was born on 29th January 1926 in Varanasi. He did his B.Sc from Banaras Hindu University, then M. A. in Psychology and finally L.L.B. His knowledge on printing techniques including engraving, printing plates, stamp paper and different inks used in printing was enormous. This printing knowledge made him Master of Forgeries. Shri Shahi used to preach how to detect forgeries, because modern electronic techniques have made forgeries easier. And marketing through internet has also become easy to dispose such forgeries.
But, he was remembered for his research and intense study of Lithographs, postmarks and postal route of pre stamp era. Stalwarts of 1854 Lithograph, used to invite him for his knowledge & experience for discussion on finer points of Indian Lithographs.
Shri Shahi remained simple and humble throughout his life and left an unforgettable mark on Indian Philately through his works.
- Pradip Jain - Patna

Beginners’ Section

The story of the first triangular stamp

Although it is said that the Dutch were the Cape’s first visitors in 1595, it is worth noting that Sir Francis Drake himself sighted the Cape earlier, and in 1591 British ships anchored in Table Bay.

During the 17th Century, engraved stones were placed over letters left by English, Portuguese and Dutch ships. The first stone we know of was marked on 12th December 1619, by the Commander of The Bull, an English ship.
The first official Post Office was set up by the Dutch in 1791, and primarily handled mails between the Cape and Holland. During the first British Occupation, the same office was re-opened in 1798. The British subsequently lost the area during the short-lived Batavian Republic; the first year of which (1803), saw an organised post established between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, with also a wagon service between Cape Town and Stellenboch in the same year. The British continued these services during their re-occupation in 1805.
The growth of these far-flung Post Offices was slow during the early 19th Century, but by the 1840s the need for a fully organised and funded system was clearly recognised. A Board of Enquiry set up in 1852, reported the following:
‘In order to obviate errors in sorting letters or stamping, we would suggest the adoption of a device and shape so different from those of the English postage stamps as to catch the eye at a glance, and we would propose that of a triangle with the figure ‘Hope’ and with the words ‘postage’, ‘Four Pence’, ‘Cape of Good Hope’ on the surrounding border, all on engine- turned field. We are disposed to recommend the triangle as most convenient, economical and distinctive.’
So there you have it! The design came about because it was so unlike the English stamps of the time!
A triangular sketch as suggested by the Board of Enquiry, was sent to Perkins Bacon with a request for 50,000 1d stamps (for newspapers) and 100,000 4d stamps (for internal mail under half an ounce). It is interesting to note that once Perkins Bacon had designed the new stamp, they added the same engine- turned background as they had used for the Great Britain Penny Black.
Specialized Section

Some Remarkable Cancellations and Postmarks – 28

- Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap

The All India Series of 1873-84 Cancellations  (Type 19 )


In Type 19 there exists a similar obliterator with a reduced size, with a diameter of 20 mm, instead of 24  mm in the normal. It was introduced by 1880 for almost all the circles, but has not been recorded by  W. Renouf or Jal Cooper.   

Behar Circle
1888 Regd. Cover from Madhuban  to
Lachmangarh with back-stamped additional
Adhesives defaced by “D” (Type 19) reduced
Size cancellation +”LUCHMANGARH /FEB 14/88”

Central Provinces Circle
1888 Regd. Cover from Kamptee to Kuchwan,
Back-stamped, “N” Type 19 reduced size
Obliterator + Arrival Mark “KUCHAWAN RO1/
MA. 10/88”

1900  Postal Stationery Cover (HG N0.3) from Chingleput to Beauvais (France), with additional adhesives obliterated by “M” (for Madras Circle), reduced Type 19 cancellation. Postal rate: 7 Asas per 1 Sept. 1875.

: Dr Avinash B. Jagtap email :

When Numismatic and Postal shook hands, a unique FDC born

© Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal

The U.S. Bicentennial was a series of celebrations during the mid-1970s that commemorated the historic events leading to America’s independence from Great Britain. The official events began on April 1, 1975, culminated on July 4, 1976, with the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

The Bicentennial Series was a lengthy series of American commemorative postage stamps which began with the issuance of a stamp showing the logo for the Bicentennial celebrations on July 4, 1971, and concluded on September 2, 1983 with a stamp for the Treaty of Paris.

The First and concluding stamps of the US Bicentennial series issued respectively on July 4, 1971 and September 2, 1983

The U.S.P.S. issued total113 commemorative stamps over a six-year period in honour of the U.S. bicentennial. More 50 stamps pane showing the entire Declaration of Independence were also planned by the United States Postal Service but were shelved after the American Philatelic Society threatened the USPS with a "black blot" for excessive stamp issuance. A number of items of postal stationery were also issued.

In addition to philatelic, numismatics commemoration was also planned and a new $2 Federal Reserve Notes were issued on April 13, 1976, with backs featuring the well-known 1776 painting “Declaration of Independence” by artist John Trumbull who also taken part in the Revolutionary War.

The U.S. Bicentennial issue featuring the famous 1776 painting of John Trumbull, “Declaration of Independence”

New 1976, $2 bill depicting the third U.S. President (1801–09), Thomas Jefferson (Front)

Back of $2 bill showing the engraved modified reproduction of the painting “Declaration of Independence” by John Trumbull, 1776.

(Featured in it are 40 of the 47 figures from Trumbull's painting. Cut out from the scene are: the farthest four figures on the left–George Wythe, William Whipple, Josiah Bartlett and Thomas Lynch, Jr.; the farthest two figures on the right–Thomas McKean and Philip Livingston; and one of three figures seated in the left rear–George Walton. Additionally, two unknown figures were added: one in between Samuel Chase and Lewis Morris and another between James Wilson and Francis Hopkinson, bringing the total number of figures shown in the signing scene to 42.)

The USPS authorised people to buy the bills at face value, add a first class stamp (at the time 13 cents), and have the combination postmarked to show they were the first day of issue. And "First Day of Issue" in these cases referred not to the stamp, but to the bill. This was done in all cities where there were Federal Reserve Banks, as named on the seals on the face of the note.

It became anofficial example of a numismatic item to get postmarked and have a  FDC. It occurred on April 13, 1976, the release date of $ 2 bill. 

This is a cross-collectable made for stamp and paper money collectors

- Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal  : email :

Book Review

‘Meghdoot Postcards Guide’ (2002-2014) By P.D. Heda 

Post Independence Postal Stationery of India, Part 1 ‘Meghdoot Postcards Guide’ (2002-2014) By P.D. Heda : Hardbound Pages 130:  Price Rs. 650 (US $30/-),  ( Postage extra)  Published by P.D. Heda.

‘Meghdoot Postcards Guide’ (2002-2014), Post Independence Postal Stationery of India, Part 1 by Shri Purushottam Das Heda, philatelist from Hyderabad, features complete listing of Meghdoot Postcards issued from 2002 to 2014. The book gives comprehensive list of 948 Meghdoot Postcards with details of  design, release dates and printing quantities.The book consists of 130 pages printed on art paper with multi-color illustrations . The layout and dersign of the book is fine. It is an excellent reference book for thematic Stamp collectors as Meghdoot cards have been issued on various subjects, covering tourism, conservation of water, energy ,environment, wildlife etc. campaigns on various social issues like cleanliness, health. education etc.
This book would be very much helpful to postal stationery collectors and especially those who are interested in Meghdoot Postcards. However the book is informative and a good reference book for all philatelists. For the book, Author Shri Purushottam Das Heda can be contacted via email or on mobile no. +919848089049.

About the author –

Shri Purushottam Das Heda is an engineer by profession. He started his journey in the field of philately in 1962 at the age of 17. His area of interest is in “ Post Independence Postal Stamps and Stationery.’ In postal stamps, his interest is emphasized on primter’s registration imprints on  sheet margins, commonly known as ‘Traffic Lights’.
Lighter Side

The Stamp - A Philatelic Thriller !!

 A single strange Nazi postage stamp – hidden for decades – surfaces in Paris, threatening to expose a shameful secret of World War Two that could rewrite history.  

   On a holiday in Europe, New York ad man Ted Oakley and his girlfriend Jennifer Swanner become innocently entangled in a web of international intrigue when they unknowingly buy a vintage object concealing the stamp.
    The work of a master Czechoslovakian engraver in 1940, this solitary stamp is sought after by an unscrupulous Zurich rare stamp dealer, a Japanese millionaire collector, the Deputy Private Secretary to the Queen and MI-5. Each have their own veiled reasons to obtain it from an unsuspecting Ted Oakley. 

    In Paris, Zurich, London and Tokyo, their frantic search for this philatelic time bomb takes the reader into the rarified world of big-league stamp collecting. In their pursuit of Ted Oakley and the stamp, three people will be murdered, and the final fate of this tiny paper rectangle takes a sudden turn that no one could have predicted.
    Meticulously researched by its author, Brian Hawkins – THE STAMP is a dazzling historical novel, full of intrigue, adventure and philatelic facts.  
    Now available in India as an Amazon eBook (English edition), THE STAMP is a philatelic journey amid the noise of history and a good-read for every adult stamp collector.

Define what type of stamp collector you are !

It is the great variety of methods of collecting that attract so many: collect anything you want and as much or as little of it as you like. Spend a dollar a month on your collection or $10,000. It’s up to you, with no one to dictate otherwise. What types of stamp collectors are there? gives here the categories of Stamp collectors !!
The Lone Wolf
This type has become less visible with the instant communication of the Internet. Message boards and chat rooms have brought many Lone Wolves out of their stamp dens to gain both knowledge and items for their collections through interaction with like-minded collectors. If he wants, the LW can maintain an air of anonymity online, an aspect valuable to many collectors who avoid publicly advertising their holdings or buying habits.
The Joiner
This type of stamp collector realizes the benefit of being in a stamp club, for companionship, gaining knowledge of his area of collecting, adding to his collection through trade and barter and the pleasure of giving back to his hobby through volunteerism. The Joiner is a cog in organized philately and in contributing to club newsletters and events he benefits the hobby in general.
The Everything Collector
This collector is an endangered species. Still called the worldwide collector or general collector, the last twenty-five years has only intensified the impossibility of collecting everything issued by all nations of the world. The sheer number of new issues is the culprit: the money needed to complete a collection of any given year’s stamp issues has driven a once large group of collectors into a small cult who believe that collecting the entire world is still fair game.
The Weekend Collector
This is often the way many begin their hobby: Stealing time from the household chores to take a trip to the local post office for new issues or going to local stamp shows held in school gymnasiums, motel conference rooms or VFW halls. Savvy spouses know this can be the beginning of stamp widowhood and at this point start laying down the law for the hubbies that may eventually think that adding a fifty cent Columbian to his album is more important than cutting the lawn.
The Specialist
The Specialist is a double edged sword for the dealer. He is easy to provide for because there is no doubt about what he wants. Whether air mail stamps, a particular country or a topical like guns on stamps, the dealer can supply material to the specialist. The problem is the area of specialization may be limited, and hence, so too the dealer’s sales. Better for the dealer is the next collector type, who is less particular about the type of philatelic items he adds to his collection.
The Magpie Collector
This type of collector may be a sort of frustrated worldwide collector who realizes the folly of trying to collect all of everything. And like his namesake he collects whatever strikes his fancy. Perhaps he believes that variety is the spice of collecting. The MC has the ability to put together interesting and eclectic collections that may have meaning to no one but him. But that’s OK. Dealers can always make a sale to the MC, though those sales may not be as significant as those to the Specialist, who, to do right by his collection must eventually buy high priced scarce and rare material.
The Serious Collector
Just what the name says ‒ a collector who wants to put together a serious collection of stamps or other philatelic items like covers, errors and other specialty items. Serious collecting can bleed into stamp investing with ease, usually signaled by the collector beginning to turn over fairly recently acquired philatelic items for profit. Most who exhibit their collections are SC’s. If you see the words serious collectors wanted in dealer ads in the philatelic press or online, know that it means collectors willing to spend big bucks with me wanted.
The Junque Collector
There are those who believe quality, condition and scarcity don’t matter. They will buy any old philatelic junk ‒ though out of politeness it is sometimes referred to as junque ‒ as long as the price is right. Surely value will go up after time? Well, no. The way to view these collectors is as though they are asleep and having a very pleasant dream. Don’t disturb them. After all, if they are enjoying themselves who is to call them wrong? Perhaps their Iceman will never cometh to show them reality. But I would hate to be around if he does. There are subgroups to the above collector types. It would be quite an undertaking to list them all, from aardvarks to Zzyzx Road topical collectors; from American history to zeppelin stamps collectors; from air mail flights to Zimbabwe collectors. And on and on, with your imagination the only limit.
New issues from other Countries


The Magical World of Disney

Polish Post released a special miniature sheet on the 1st of June,  dedicated to “Frozen” – a 2013 American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy – comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures.
It is the 53rd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Snow Queen, the film tells the story of a fearless princess who sets off on an epic journey alongside a rugged iceman, his loyal pet reindeer, and a naive snowman to find her estranged sister, whose icy powers have inadvertently trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.

Romfilatelia introduced into circulation the philatelic issue London 2015 EUROPHILEX Stamp Exhibition. This issue is an overprint that brings back into the public attention to the World Philatelic Exhibition London, and the souvenir sheet issued on that occasion.
EUROPHILEX 90, one of the greatest of all philatelic exhibitions of the time, was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the first stamp in the world, known under the name of Penny Black. The current EUROPHILEX 2015, celebrates 175 years since the same event.
A bit of paper just large enough to bear the stamp, and covered at the back with a glutinous wash. This was the first mention of what became the world’s first adhesive postage stamp, Penny Black and belonged to Rowland Hill. The stamp was a great British invention that revolutionized communications and changed the lives of people around the world.
2015 is the first year since 1934 when a major international philatelic exhibition is held in London outside the ten-year cycle established in 1940. This is also the first exhibition in London that took place under the patronage of FEPA, the Federation of European Philatelic Associations.
The souvenir sheet portrays in the background the image of the Alexandra Palace in London, the location of the London 90 exhibition, a historic place. The building, originally named ”The Palace of the People” was renamed to commemorate the popular Princess of Wales, Alexandra of Denmark, who had married Prince Edward on 10 March 1863.

Slovakia Post has prepared for issuing a special stamp designed for Europa 2015. The item depicts a stool horse and is scheduled to be put into circulation on the 5th of May.
A stool-horse, also called a bežka-horse (runner-horse), used to be a favourite utility wooden folk toy. It is an improved type of rocking horse which enables the child sitting on it to move about freely by moving their feet and pushing against the floor. The basis of the toy is formed by a little stool made of boards, the legs of which are reinforced by a connecting board. In the lower part of the legs, pivots with wheels are inserted in notches on their sides.
In the middle of the seat is an opening that facilitates grasping and carrying of the horse. A handle protrudes on both sides of the embedded horse mane made of a board. The body of the decorated horse ends in a fan-shaped tail made of a board inserted in the back part of the stool under the sitting board. As with all Kyjatice toys, the stool-horse is unique for its ornamentation. On the multicoloured background, traditional ornamental elements (lines, spirals, arcs, half-arcs) are created both by the typical engraving and the circular engraving techniques.
The production of Kyjatice wooden toys was based on the home production of folk furniture (cupboards, and so-called súsek coffers for storing corn and flour), well-known and widespread as early as at the beginning of the nineteenth century. When making these toys, the producers used traditional methods during the construction and subsequent decoration. Only beech wood was used to make toys of this type, because, due to its structure, it was the most suitable for the decoration of the finished products. The diversity of colours was originally achieved by natural and later industrial mordents.
Folk trade production in Kyjatice was revived in the 1920′s thanks to the foundation of a wooden toy production centre. Mass production thrived until 1946, when it started to deteriorate and died at the turn of the 1970′s. Ján Ulický experimented with this kind of production from 1980 – 1985. The last producer of Kyjatice toys for The Centre for Folk Art Production was Master Rudolf Stehlík.
Blogs & Websites
1. Forces in Philately - - .A new blog has been created by Commodore Vijay Kapre of New Delhi, featuring philatelic items related with our Armed Forces.

2. Praful Thakkar’s Exotic gallery of Indian Philately -  : It is a complete website on Indian Philately created by noted philatelist Mr Praful Thaakkar     
3. Welcome to the World of Indian Philately -
An exclusive website created by Mr Prashant Pandya dedicated to Indian Philately .The philatelists can register for “ Online Philatelists’ Directory ”  on this website.

4.Virtual Stamp Club It is website for On Line collectors. Membership is free. Many collectors around the world are its members. .

5.Indian Thematics - - A new blog created by noted Thematic Philatelist Mr Dinesh Chandra Sharma. This blog is all about Thematic Philately.

6. Indian Philatelists’ Forum  -
This is an electronic discussion forum dedicated exclusively to Indian Philately that allows members to engage into meaningful discussions on all aspects of Indian Philately. Membership to the forum is open to all philatelists who have interest in Indian Philately. Members can share and discuss their ideas, knowledge, research, collections, events, exhibitions, auctions, publications exclusively related to Indian Philately.

7. The best stamps -  It’s a beautiful blog created by Julian Fernandes of Pune ( Now living in UK)  featuring lovely stamps of birds with the photos of the same birds giving a wonderful  look !!

8. Numismatic & Philatelic Association - -  This Numismatic & Philatelic Association is a nonprofit and non-trade motive association that aims to promote the hobbies – Philately (Stamp Collection) and Numismatics (Coin Collection) among children, students, interested individuals among the general public and especially for the budding philatelists and numismatists.

9. How to Collect Stamps - : The Complete Guide To Stamp Collecting

10.GANDHI Stamps & Philately Study Circle : - A new Blog by Ketan Patel .….  Saving Gandhi Philately by trying to bring awareness and exposing illegal activities in Gandhi Stamps and Philately.

11. Europa Stamps : : A blog on Europa, cept, norden & sepac stamps

12. Phila Mirror : : The Indian Philately Journal 

13. Se- tenant Stamps of India  -  It is a specialized Blog on se-tenant stamps.
14. Flags & Stamps - - It is a specialized blog on Flag Theme .
15. Glimpses of Modern Indian Philately : - It is a specialized  blog on Modern Philately, created by Mr Prashant Pandya .
16. Question & Answers on Philately : 1610/indexExp_69442.htm - It is a site based on Question & Answers on Philately. Mr Prashant Pandya replies to queries.

17. Philatelic Journalists Forum - “The Philatelic Journalists” is an initiative by a few enthusiast philatelists, who love the hobby to the deepest.
18. The Philatelist - - A blog with lot of info about stamps and philatelic activities around the world.

19. Phila India - - Website  created by Mahesh Reddiar with lot of info and articles on philately .

20.   Princess Diana – Queen of Hearts - - New Blog by noted philatelist of Orissa Mr Santanu Panigrahi.

21. Stamp Magazine - This blog is updated by Adrian Keppel every Friday with new Articles on a variety of subjects

Philatelic Clubs & Societies 

Baroda Philatelic Society -
Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra
Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -   
India Study Circle -
Indian Stamp Ghar -
Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -
Ludhiana Philatelic Club
Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort
Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat
Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad
South India Philatelists Association -
The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

Stamp of India Collectors’ Companion - India’s first weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail: Website:
India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.
ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -
VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -
Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta
SIPA Bulletin
GPA News – Published by Gujarat Philatelists’ Association, Ahemadabad.
Stamps Today Stamp & Coin Magazine edited by Vijay Seth


This is a blog of e-stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog.Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related with Philately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue : International Stamp News; Indian Philately Digest ; Prashant Pandya – Vadodara; Sreejesh Krishnan – Trivandrum; Ajit Kumar Dash, Narayana Bhawan

Address for communication:

Jeevan Jyoti,  c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box No. 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248001. India  
 E-mail – 

*  Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.  
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Kindly specify your contribution such as article/News/ Reader’s Right /  Beginners’ Section/ Lighter Side etc.                                  

*  Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.
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Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                           …..Happy Collecting…………………………………………………………………            

Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Dehradun ( Uttarakhand) India.