Sunday, September 8, 2019

Rainbow September 2019

Celebrating 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Date of Issue : 4 September 2019

Dehradun September 2019  Vol. XII  Issue No. 141
Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to the editor:
Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present September 2019 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. This year Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary is being celebrated all over the world and many postal administrations have brought out stamps featuring   Mahatma Gandhi. Some of them have  been included in this issue. It’s a matter of pride for whole philatelic community to have many magnificent stamps portraying the life and message of  Mahatma Gandhi from different nations of the world this year.  In the forthcoming National Philatelic Show INPEX 2019, there is a special section for Gandhi Exhibits. Let’s all join in this celebration and pay philatelic tributes to our Father of the Nation ! 

This is all for this month ! More in next issue.
Happy Collecting !


§  From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal
§  Recent Indian Issues
§  In The News

§  Shimla Jottings

§  Doon Philatelic Diary
§  Beginners’ Section
§  Specialized Section
§   Rose Philately
§  New Issues from Other Countries
§  Philatelic Clubs and Society
§  Blogs & Websites on Philately
§  Current Philatelic Magazines & Newsletters

 Let’s Welcome INPEX 2019 !!

Continuing from where I had left in the  column of July 2019 when I opined that PCI should become more aggressive and should come forward to organize such shows, it was utmost pleasing to note that this time it is PCI and not PSI for the next national Level Philatelic Exhibition in India. I always appreciated the efforts of PSI (Philatelic Society of India) which genuinely kept the torch of philately  lighted in India in past few years. While I give my best wishes to PCI (Philatelic Congress of India) for success of this exhibition, I would like to place thanks to PSI  on behalf of  the whole philatelic fraternity  for all its successful endeavors in the last few years.

Well, it is pleasing as well as motivating to see that PCI at last has come out of its shell. This act means a lot for me. It is the strengthening of PCI, development of brotherhood and collectiveness, willingness to serve, serious concern for development of philately , and above all recognizing its own powers and ability. In the last  two three years PCI has blossomed, its fragrance is reaching, its connectivity with philatelists has broadened and  become better.

We must not forget, PCI is the apex body of philatelists in India. Every act of it has to be for the development and betterment of philately and philatelists. After the declaration of the exhibition, we see there are regular updates regarding the development. Messages are being floated appealing philatelists to participate and also to  visit the show. Beautifully designed prospectus are being released by heads of different circles of DOP. Information is being furnished by philatelic bureau throughout India. Article from eminent philatelists are  called for publication in souvenir proposed to be issued during the show  I see, PCI is taking all pains to see that the show stamp a great success. We all wish PCI a great success of the show. We all have to look at the event in all positivity. PCI is our body, we must lend our hands in what ever way we can to make the show successful.

  Friends, we must not forget that PCI is comprised of us only. Some of our philatelist brothers  are in the executive body who are taking pains to organize but is it right?  In other words ,we are organizing the show. Hence, we need to participate not only by way of an exhibitor or a visitor but we have to contribute physically and monetarily also. If nothing is possible , then at least give moral support to the organizing team.

We should approach PCI whether  member or not   asking for any thing . Honestly, looking in to the approach of PCI and the support assured by DOP, I have no doubt what so ever that the show is going to be a memorable one. I foresee quality exhibits, rare displays, high quality judging, and lots of cultural and philatelic events  during the show.

So, let’s not forget, this is yet another opportunity for us to refine our exhibits and groom ourselves as better philatelist and also to get chance to get qualified for International shows. Not writing much, I shall like to see huge participation in the show and request my philatelic friends to take out their philatelic exhibit stuffs, clean and refine them and send to INPEX  for other to see, enjoy, learn and admire..

Once again I thank PCI for organizing the show and wish this show a great success. I understand a good number of philatelists will emerge on International scene through this show.

: Naresh  Agrawal, email :  Ph. 09425530514

Recent Indian Issues

15 August 2019 : Gandhian Heritage in Modern India -  Rs15 + Rs 25

20 August 2019 : Indian in First World War – 15 stamps + 4 MS

24 August 2019 :CalvalaCunnan Chetty – Rs 5

30 August 2019 : Master Healers of Ayush -12 stamps 0f Rs 5 each + se-tenant sheet

6 September 2019 : Indian Fashion Series 3 – 2 x Rs 15 + 2 x Rs 10 stamps + MS

Recent Special Cover

7 September 2019 : Chandrayaan by West Bengal Postal Circle

 5 September 2019 Shantipex 2019, Coimbatore Two special Covers including one Khadi Cover

Khadi Cover

7 June 2019 : Akka Tangi Temple

Gandhi Yatra in Tamilnadu Special Covers Pack

This pack of interlinked carried Special Covers has been issued by Tamilnadu Circle t commemorate the 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at 11 different places where M.Gandhi had visited in Tamilnadu. These Spl Covers were released between 26.07.2019 to 02.08.2019.

In The News

Special Cover on Chandrayaan 2

India Post, West Bengal Circle, has issued a special cover to Commemorate India's Fully Indigenous Moon Mission "Chandrayaan 2"  on 7th September, 2019 during a special function held at Heritage Rotanda at Kolkata GPO. The special has been released by CPMG, WB Circle.
This cover has many special features in it which are probably 1st if it's kind, released by India Post as their own Special Issue, which are:-

1. Full from face with Night Glow (Glow in Dark) printing
2. High Spot UV Gloss on rocket
3. Rainbow Effect Holographic Cancellation with three components of Chandrayaan-2 (Orbitar, Vikram & Pragyan) on relevant stamp issued by India Post on Earth & Moon.

This cover is available in limited number  at Kolkata GPO.

United Nations Postal Administration issues new stamps to support the 2019 Climate Action Summit “A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win”
 Climate change is the defining issue of our time and now is the defining moment to do something about it. There is still time to tackle climate change, but it will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society. To boost ambition and accelerate actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will host the 2019 Climate Action Summit on 23 September 2019 at UN Headquarters in New York to meet the climate challenge. The Summit will showcase a leap in collective national political ambition and it will demonstrate massive movements in the real economy in support of the agenda. Together, these developments will send strong market and political signals and inject momentum in the “race to the top” among countries, companies, cities and civil society that is needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. The race is on. It is a race we can win. It is a race we must win.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres is hosting the UN 2019 Climate Summit to advance climate action that will enable implementation of many of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To support this agenda, the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) in the Department of Operational Support (DOS) is issuing a set of six stamps and three souvenir sheets on the theme “A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win” on 23 September 2019.
The impacts of climate change are being felt everywhere and are having very real consequences on people’s lives. We must change course by 2020, the UN SecretaryGeneral has said, or we risk missing the point where we can avoid the “disastrous consequences for people and all the natural systems that sustain us”. The Summit will challenge states, regions, cities, companies, investors and citizens to step up action in the areas of energy transition, climate finance and carbon pricing, industry transition, nature-based solutions, cities and local action, and resilience. It will build on the outcomes of the Global Climate Action Summit, the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, among others. The stamps and souvenir sheets are designed by Sergio Baradat of UNPA. For more information about climate change and the UN Climate Action Summit 2019, please visit:

National Stamp Show
Philatelic Congress of India, with active support of INDIA POST and Philatelic Societies is Organising National Stamp Show with a Specialized Section on Mahatma Gandhi's 150 years from 18-22 December 2019  at Mumbai.    The Se-tenant Logo Represents National Show and Special Gandhi Section.

INPEX 2019 - National Stamp Show – Release of Prospectus August 21, 2019 

The Prospectus for INPEX 2019, National Stamp Show, was released by Shri Harish C Agrawal, Chief Post Master General (CPMG) Maharashtra Circle and Smt. Damyanti Pittie, President, Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) at a meeting held at the Office of the CPMG, GPO Building Mumbai on 20th August 2019. 

Shri Harish C. Agrawal, Chief Postmaster General Maharashtra Circle (Centre) Smt. Damyanti Pittie, President, Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) (Second from Left) Shri Rajesh Kumar Bagri, Hon. Secretary-General (PCI) (Left) Shri Kapil Gogri, Asst. Secretary, Steering Committee - INPEX 2019 (Second from Right) Shri Santosh Kulkarni, ADPSR, Office of CPMG, Maharashtra (Right) 

India Post has been regularly holding District and State Level competitive exhibitions for the benefit of philatelists spread across the country. Through the SPARSH Yojana announced by the Department of Posts, children have been encouraged to participate in letter/essay writing contests and awarded Scholarships to eligible entries. 

India Post has been releasing special commemorative stamps on various subjects of national importance and they are very popular amongst philatelists from India and worldwide. 

Inpex 2019, is being organized by Philatelic Congress of India (PCI), the apex National Federation of Philatelic Societies and Philatelists in India with the active support of Department of Post, Govt. of India, will be held at World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai during 18 to 22 December 2019. 

Highlights of INPEX 2019 : ·

 Participants from all over the country, who have previously qualified at State Level Exhibitions, are eligible to participate in this National competitive philatelic exhibition. 

· A separate Special Section has been kept for exhibits on Mahatma Gandhi as a mark of tribute to the celebrations of 150 years of Mahatma. 

· Separate Class for Youth falling in the age group of 10 Years to 21 Years has been kept for exhibits from the Youth as a part of encouragement of the Youth. 

· Various programs, seminars, letter-writing contest, etc. are specially planned for the event. · The Exhibits will be judged by a Specialized Accredited National level Jury Team through an established mark sheet system of evaluation. · Special Awards will be given for Best Youth Exhibit and other Classes. 

· The Exhibitors who win suitable awards at this National event will qualify for participation at intercontinental and international Philatelic Exhibitions. Details about such international events are also regularly published at the website of PCI 

· The event will be well-publicized through the social, electronic media and philatelists from all over the country and abroad are expected to visit the event. · The Prospectus and rules of participation are provided in detail at the website of INPEX 2019 at 

· Applications will be accepted online to allow easy and seamless access and opportunity to all eligible exhibitors from the remotest parts of India. 

Dhai Akhar Letter writing Competition  2019-20


Canberra Stampshow 2020 (21st National Philatelic Convention) will be held at the Hellenic Club of Canberra, Matilda Street, Phillip, (Woden), ACT 2606, Australia from 13-15 March 2020.

Canberra Stampshow 2020 will have the following Classes:

3.1 [a] Postal History, [b] Marcophily, [c] Historical, Social and Special Studies, [d] Modern from 1980
3.2 Aerophilately
3.3 Astrophilately
3.4 Postal Stationery [a] Postal Stationery [b] Modern from 1980
3.5 Revenues
3.6 Literature
3.7 Frugal
3.8 Youth [a] Age up to 15 [b] Age 16-18 [c] Age 19-21
3.9 Picture Post Cards

The participation fee for Competitive Classes (except Youth Philately) will be Australian $ 45 per frame. The fee for participation in Literature Class is $ 45 per exhibit. There is no participation fee for Youth Class.

Mr.Madhukar Jhingan is coordinating the participation from India to Canberra Stampshow 2020 and will personally carry all exhibits to Canberra and back after obtaining all necessary Government permissions in India.

The Exhibit Application forms and the detailed rules of exhibition (Prospectus) are available for download at The exhibitors in India should submit duly filled Forms along with a copy of the first page of the exhibit as well as the fees to Madhukar Jhingan +91 98111 60965 by November 23, 2019.

Commissioner for NEW ZEALAND 2020 Philatelic Exhibition (FIAP)

Mr. Ajay Kumar Mittal has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the NEW ZEALAND 2020, FIAP Asian International Stamp Exhibition to be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 19 to 22 March, 2020.
NZ2020 37th Asian International Stamp Exhibition is organized by NZ2020 Stamp Exhibition Incorporated under the auspices of the New Zealand Philatelic Federation Incorporated.
NZ2020 will be held at the Ellerslie Event Centre, Auckland, New Zealand and will open on 19 March 2020 and close on 22 March 2020, a total of 4 days.
NZ2020 is a General Asian International Stamp Exhibition. Participation in the Competitive Classes is open to all collectors who are members of the societies affiliated to member federations of FIAP.
Last date for submitting application to the commissioner :15th October 2019.
For details contact : Mr. Ajay Kumar Mittal Email:
Phone: (M) +91 9811032311

Commissioner for LONDON 2020 Specialized World Stamp
Exhibition (FIP)

Mr. Surendra Kotadia has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the LONDON 2020, FIP Specialised World Stamp Exhibition to be held in London from 02 to 09 May 2020. The exhibition will be held in two parts from 02 to 05 and 06 to 09 May 2020, by changing over the exhibits on the evening of May 05.
Eligibility: The minimum eligibility for participation in a FIP exhibition for Senior Class & Youth Class (Groups B & C) is a Vermeil Medal and for Youth Class (Group A) a Large Silver Medal secured at a National Exhibition.

For details contact : Mr. Surendra A. Kotadia
Phone: + 91 22 2202 4130 / 2202 4131/ 2284 3244
Fax : + 91 22 2284 3275 Mob : + 91 98199 03789

AEROPEX 2019 is a Specialised National Philatelic Exhibition to be held at Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Ground, Victoria Drive, Adelaide 5000, Australia from Dec 6 to 8, 2019 to commemorate the Centenary of the epic England to Australia flight of Sir Ross & Keith Smith in 1919.

AEROPEX 2019 is jointly organised by Australian Airmail Society Inc. and the South Australian Philatelic Council Inc. under the Auspices of Australian Philatelic Federation Ltd., and under the Patronage of Fédération Internationale des SociétésAérophilatéliques (FISA).

AEROPEX 2019 have following Classes: Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Aerophilately, Astrophilately, Thematics, Maximaphily, Revenues, Youth, Open, Literature, First Day Covers, Frugal Philately, Polar Philately, Cinderellas, Picture Postcards. All exhibits must have an aerophilatelic or astrophilatelic theme to be accepted. Entry fee is Australian $ 45 per frame in all classes and $ 45 per exhibit in Literature Class.

Mr. Madhukar Jhingan is coordinating the participation from India.

Exhibit Application form and the detailed rules of exhibition (Prospectus) are available for download here. The duly filled Forms along with a copy of the first page of the exhibit as well as the fees by the exhibitors in India should be submitted to the, Madhukar Jhingan +91 98111 60965 .

CHICAGOPEX 2019 will be held from Nov. 22-24th at the Westin Chicago Northwest USA.This year in CHICAGOPEX 2019 American National Stamp Exhibiton, five societies are participating, Polonus Philatelic Society, the Rossia Society of Russian Philately, the Lithuania Philatelic Society, the Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society and the India Study Circle.
CHICAGOPEX is one of the largest and one of the most prestigious philatelic exhibition of USA. Limited Exhibits will be accepted from Indian Participants who are members of India Study Circle for Philately. I will represent India Study Circle in CHICAGOPEX 2019 for Indian Participants.
All those interested in the participation please contact Mr. Ajay Kumar Mittal with details of their exhibit, earlier participation with that exhibit and awards won if any. Email:  Ph. / Whatsapp No.: +91 98110 32311
-       Ajay Kumar Mittal, Membership Secretary, ISC

1 Frame Team Competition 30 May- 1 June 2020

Theme - Technology

News from Philatelic Societies and Clubs

KARNAPEX 2019, Mangalore
KARNAPEX 2019 - Karnataka Postal Circle is organizing State Level Philatelic Exhibition at Mangaluru from 12th October 2019 to 15th October 2019. It will be under the patronage and guidance of the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle. This exhibition is being organized by the Karnataka Postal Circle with the active support of Dakshina Kannada Philatelic and Numismatic Association (DAKAPANA), Mangaluru& Karnataka Philatelic Society

The venue of the exhibition is  TMA Pai Convention Hall, Mangalore. For prospectus and other details. Kindly check
Exhibitors shall submit their entry form online at , take printout and submit the form in duplicate to the Secretary, Allotment Committee, KARNAPEX 2019, O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001.
Central India Philatelic Society

Central India Philatelic Society organized it's monthly meeting on 1st September 2019 in which Prospectus of INPEX - 2019 released to the members.

-Sudhir Jain, Secretary

Under the Auspices of Philatelic Dealers Association

From Friday 11th to Sunday 13th October 2019, 10 am to 8pm

Hotel Deepa Comforts
MG Road, Kodailbail, Mangalore, Karnataka 575003
1.1 km from KARNAPEX 2019, Dr TMA Pai International Convention Centre

Contact: J C (A V Jeyachnadran) +91 93454 11747

Stamp Design Competition by India Post

Children's Day 2019 - Theme - ' Child Rights '

Winners of 2019 Photography Competition organized by India Post
 Theme - Gandhian Heritage in Modern India

Shimla Jottings.....

-Major (Dr) Ritu Kalra


-       This August I was lucky to get the august presence of Mr Sankha  Samanta , an eminent stamp designer who has an envious record of designing almost 400 postage stamps   . My   brain waves started working as to how we could make use of his presence , I had arranged a  workshop for the philatelists of Shimla   . Earlier in the day   I had the fortune of interacting with him as he conducted a workshop of stamp designing with children of over 18 schools .

At Stamp Designing Workshop


At Hotel Kalra Regency Shimla where INPEX 2019  Prospectus was handed over to CPMG
In the philatelic workshop where CPMG HP circle  Ms Smita Kumar , APMG Mr Bishan Singh, Director, Postal Services Mr Dinesh Mistri were present  as the evening progressed Mr Samantha started enriching us with the intricate things which are involved in his stamp designing.  He said that every design has to be simple , where the area of work is very small still each subject requires lot of research the facts involved at that particular era have to be incorporated  for instance the stamps of 2005 in which 4 stamps set of Salt Satyagraha  were designed to commemorate 75 years of Salt Satyagrah he used the page of Bombay chronicle dated 13 March 1930 ..Mr Samantha said its headline showed 1000 women participated ...this was significant if in that age a big mass moment where 1000 women  came out was important.

Gandhi Painting which later developed as the stamp

He has an envious  record of  designing 38 stamps on Mahatma  Gandhi including one in pipeline. Designing stamps on Gandhiji should be simple according to his personality yet each stamp should be striking.

He has also designed stamps on the three monkeys   of   Gandhi  and the octagonal stamp which he had recently worked on is yet to surface.  He showed us the canvas with designs which were depicted on the round stamps. Most of the famous Gandhi stamps are his creations,  Gandhi ‘s return from South Africa shows the attire of  Mahatma in Khadi . He minutely studied ships of that time and depicted them on stamps.

 Another unheard   fact for me was that  the Khadi  stamp design has Samantha name hidden in the design it was a concealed fact a  very interesting piece for me to learn.
Further he discussed the challenging task of the Netaji   stamps  in which  pictures  of flag hosting  was depicted.   Another stamp close to his heart was the one of sparrows .  He has also designed the stamp of Shimla’s GPO.   Other  lifetime experience where he canvassed the train the experience where a train was halted by the department for him for 3hours plus .

Rabindranath Tagore stamps were again significant  it shows verses  which were probably written in Shantiniketan so he used images of tinted glass of that era.

He spoke of the Ramayana stamps the interesting fact observed in this miniature sheet was  that the entire set does not depict violence or death in spite of the fact that war was an important part of the epic.

It seemed like yesterday when 1986 he went to Nasik , he had taken up the assignment of painting a canvas of Late Mrs Indira Gandhi  which took good effort but that was the day when he was rewarded he was incorporated in the list for stamp designers for the government . ...his first assignment was a stamp on freedom fighter Veer Narayan Singh.

Philatelists of Himachal Philatelic Club with Mr Samantha and his canvas.

That day left an indelible imprint on my mind  (  stamped forever ) the experiences of Mr Samantha .

-       Major ( Dr ) Ritu Kalra, email :

Doon Philatelic Diary

4th World Forestry Congress 1954 held in FRI Dehradun

Forest Centenary {1861- 1961)

Image Courtesy-Praveen Kaswan, IFS

Uttarakhand Police, Color Presentation Ceremony 4.4.2008

Uttarakhand Police was Presented with Colours in a Ceremony held in Dehradun. A Special Cover to mark the Presentation of Colours was released in Dehradun on 04 April 2008.

Beginners’ Section

Edgar Rice Burroughs - Man behind ‘ Tarzan The Apeman stories’

Author Edgar Rice Burroughs was born on September 1, 1875, in Chicago, Illinois. The son of a Civil War veteran, Burroughs was descended from several Revolutionary War fighters. He was also related to at least seven people that signed the Declaration of Independence, including John Adams, his third cousin, four times removed.

Burroughs attended the Michigan Military Academy but failed the entrance exam for the US Military Academy at West Point. He then joined the 7th US Cavalry, but was found to have a heart problem and was discharged in 1897. 
For the next several years, Burroughs worked a variety of jobs – cowboy, a worker in a battery factory, managing an unsuccessful gold dredge, and selling pencil sharpeners. Unhappy with all of these unfulfilling jobs, Burroughs began writing fiction in 1911. He had been reading pulp-fiction magazines and started thinking that if people were getting paid to write such odd stories, he could write something even more entertaining.Burroughs’ first story, Under the Moons of Mars, was published in 1912 over a series of issues of The All-Story. Because of the fantastic nature of his stories, Burroughs submitted his early works under the alias “Normal Bean,” to show that he was in his right mind. 

In 1912, Burroughs wrote the first of several Tarzan stories. These stories, turned into novels, were wildly popular. Burroughs recognized the story’s popularity and sought to capitalize on it, allowing it to be adapted to a variety of different media, including a comic strip, movies, and merchandise. Some people cautioned him against this, saying that the other media would compete with his books. But Burroughs proved them wrong, and Tarzan remained popular in every media he was adapted to.
Burroughs’ first story, Under the Moons of Mars, was published in 1912 over a series of issues of The All-Story. Because of the fantastic nature of his stories, Burroughs submitted his early works under the alias “Normal Bean,” to show that he was in his right mind.
In 1912, Burroughs wrote the first of several Tarzan stories. These stories, turned into novels, were wildly popular. Burroughs recognized the story’s popularity and sought to capitalize on it, allowing it to be adapted to a variety of different media, including a comic strip, movies, and merchandise. Some people cautioned him against this, saying that the other media would compete with his books. But Burroughs proved them wrong, and Tarzan remained popular in every media he was adapted to.
Burroughs was living in Honolulu when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Though he was 66 years old, he applied to become a war correspondent and was accepted. He was one of the oldest US war correspondents of the conflict.
After the war, Burroughs returned to California, but his health declined and he died on March 19, 1950. Because of his many stories set on Mars (which he called Barsoom in his books) and his influence on the real-world exploration of the planet, a crater on Mars was named after Burroughs. He was also inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame.

Specialized Section

White-Winged Wood Duck on Stamps

-Col J Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta

The white-winged duck or white-winged wood duck (Asarcornisscutulata) is a large species of duck, formerly placed in the genus Cairina and allied with the dabbling ducks. However, genetic studies and the biogeographical pattern of distribution indicate that the anatomical similarity to the Muscovy duck is deceiving.Thus, this species might more appropriately be placed in a monotypic genus, as Asarcornisscutulata, which appears to be unrelated to the Muscovy duck but closer to the diving ducks.

This is one of the largest species of duck. In fact, among all wild species called duck, only the steamer ducks are larger and heavier on average. The Muscovy duck also attains sizes that nearly rival the white-winged duck but may average a bit smaller in a wild state. Length is 66–81 cm (26–32 in) and wingspan is 116–153 cm (46–60 in).The most noticeable feature on adult birds is the dark body contrasting with a whitish head and neck. Males have mostly dull yellowish bill, blackish mottling on the head and upper neck, white lesser median coverts and inner edges of tertials and bluish-grey secondaries. In flight, white wing-coverts contrast with the rest of the wings. Females are smaller and usually have more densely mottled head and upper neck. The juvenile is duller and browner.

White-winged Duck male and female on an Indian stamp issued on 18.05.1985

This secretive species is only known to feed at night. Its diet consists of seeds, aquatic plants, grain, rice, snails, small fish and insects. It inhabits stagnant or slow-flowing natural and artificial wetlands, within or adjacent to evergreen, deciduous or swamp forests, on which it depends for roosting and nesting, usually in tree-holes. Although lowlands (below c.200 m) provide optimum habitat, it occurs up to 1,400 m of altitude, especially on plateaus supporting sluggish perennial rivers and pools.

White-winged Duck male on stamps of Malaysia (26.01.2006), Bangladesh (17.08.1983), Thailand (1.12.1996)and Indonesia (19.10.1998 & 15.07.2009)

Historically, the white-winged duck was widely distributed from north-east India and Bangladesh, through South East Asia to Java and Sumatra. It is extinct in Java. In India, the duck is found only in the north eastern part of the country with main concentration in eastern Assam and adjacent areas of Arunachal Pradesh. However, in 2002 it had a population of only 800, with about 200 in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, 150 on Sumatra, notably in Way Kambas National Park and 450 in India, Bangladesh and Burma.

Distribution map of Cairina/Asarcornisscutulata (White-winged Duck). Distribution data from BirdLife International (2001) Threatened birds of Asia

In India, the key protected areas for the white-winged duck are Dibru-Saikhowa National Park, Dihing-Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary, Nameri National Park and Namdapha National Park. It is the state bird of Assam (now Asom).

They tend to nest in tree cavities, and are threatened in part since the destruction of hollow trees is destroying their nesting localities. The draining of swamps and rivers and other forms of habitat destruction is also destroying the habitat that they could survive in. 

Due to ongoing habitat loss, small population size, and because this duck is hunted for eggs, as pets and as food, the white-winged duck is evaluated as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It is listed on Appendix I of CITES.

White-winged Duck on Bangladesh MS (17.8.1983)

White-winged Duck on Thailand MS (1.12.1996)

White-winged Duck on Indonesia MS (17.10.1998)

White-winged Duck on Indonesia MS (15.7.2009)

The preservation of this beautiful species must be a priority for all the countries where they still survive.

- Col Jayanta Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta : email

In Memory of Dr Satyendra Agrawal….

Rose Philately

The Royal National Rose Society (1876-1976)

The above Royal Mail Roses 1976 stamps were issued on 30 June 1976 by Royal Mail and feature the following stamp designs:
8 1/2p Elizabeth of Glamis; 10p Grandpa Dickson; 11p Rosa Mundi; 13p Sweet Briar.
The Royal National Rose Soc. first day cover with the Oxford, National Rose Society, Special Handstamp postmark was produced by Royal Mail/Post Office.
First Day Cover postmarked at Bath with a different cancellation

Cancellation from Philatelic Bureaue, Edinburgh

New issues from other Countries

Recent stamps on Mahatma Gandhi

Greece : 7 September 2019

Special self-adhesive booklet issued by Greece. Stamps have hologram strip (Grey line on left). 2500 Booklets and 750 FDC were issued.

Dominican Republic

27 August 2019 : 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi


24 August 2019 : 150 years  of Celebrating The Mahatma


4 September 2019  Mahatma Gandhi

From Serbia ,Liberia, Fiji, Brasil and Armenia


12 July 2019 : The 18th World FINA Championships, GWANGJU 2019
30 July 2019 : Korea India Joint Issue
6 August 2019 : Visit Tourist  Destinations for Koreans
14 August 2019 : Taegeukgi in History
29 August 2019 : Korea Croatia Joint Issue
9 September 2019 : The Style of the Hanbok


3 September 2019:  Elton John

The Royal Mail have released a set of stamps to celebrate Elton John’s career.Two sets have been printed, with the first featuring eight of his album covers, with a further four presented on a miniature sheet capturing Elton's live performances through the years.

The albums featured are 1972’s Honky Château, 1973’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, 1974’s Caribou, 1975’s Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboy, 1989’s Sleeping With The Past, 1992’s The One, 1995’s Made In England and 2001’s Songs From The West Coast.

Elton says: “To say I was surprised when Royal Mail got in touch is an understatement. Never did I think I'd appear on a stamp. It's wonderful, a great honour.”

13 August 2019 :  Forests – 6 stamps

Six Special Stamps featuring inspirational images capturing the character and beauty of forests across the UK – including national parks and woodlands cared for by the Forestry Commission, which celebrates its centenary in September 2019.

The diverse beauty of UK's wonderful woodlands is captured in these six Special Stamps featuring captivating scenes of picturesque locations.

Two First Class stamps, two £1.55 stamps and two £1.60 stamps presented as vertical se-tenant pairs.

Glen Affric Inverness-shire, Scotland: Forest and mountain meet to create the perfect Highland scene. First Class.

Westonbirt Gloucestershire, England: The autumn shades of The National Arboretum’s Acer Glade. First Class.

Sherwood Forest Nottinghamshire, England: Morning light illuminates the celebrated setting of mythical tales. £1.55.

Coed y Brenin Gwynedd, Wales: This jewel in the crown of Snowdonia boasts spectacular scenic trails. £1.55.

Glenariff Forest County Antrim, Northern Ireland: The Waterfall Walk’s elevated boardwalks lead to dramatic views. £1.60.

Kielder Forest Northumberland, England: Wildlife thrives among the trees of the UK’s largest human-made forest. £1.60


27 August 2019 : Harry Potter

Promotional Section

New book on Mahatma Gandhi - Stamps of Truth 1948 - 2019 by Vijay Seth
For details write to Mr Vijay Seth: email : or whatsapp to 9810241363


- Ananthapuri Stamp Bulletin September 2019 issue edited by Mohanchandran Nair

-  Judaica Thematic Society (UK)  September  2019  Newsletter edited by Gary Goodman

-  Deccan Philatelist Vol 19 No 2  2019 edited by Col Jayanta Dutta

- Journal of The Army Philatelic  Vol 17 No 3 2019 edited by Col Jayanta Dutta

-The Hyderabad Philatelist June 2019 issue edited by Prakash Agrawal

-The Hyderabad Hobby Magazine June 2019 issue edited by Prakash Agrawal

Blogs & Websites

      Stamps of India

Philatelic Clubs & Societies 

Ananthapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram
Baroda Philatelic Society -
Chandigarh Philatelic Club
Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra
Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -
The Hyderabad  Philatelic and Hobbies Society
India Study Circle -
Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -
Ludhiana Philatelic Club
Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort
Philatelic Congress of India
Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Philatelic Society of India , Mumbai :
Orissa Philatelic Association, Mail id-:
Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat
Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad
South India Philatelists Association -
The Army Philatelic Society, Pune
Stamps of India –

This is a blog of e-Stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. Editor
Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters
VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya &TimirShah  and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -
ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -
Ananthpuri Stamp Bulletin - Monthly e -stamp bulletin of Anathapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram
Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta
India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.
Deccan Philatelist from Deccan Philatelic Socity, Pune. edited by Col Jayanta Dutta
The Hyderabad Philatelist from Hyderabad Philatelic and Hobbies Society  Editor – Prakash Agrawal
SIPA Bulletin issued by South India Philatelists’ Association
Courtesy -News and Image Resource to this issue : Stamps of India  , Wolfgang Beyer, Germany; Jagannath Mani, Suresh R.  – Bangalore ; Madhukar Jhingan, New Delhi, WOPA, Mystic Stamp Co.,Pradip Jain, Praggya Kothari - Patna ; Vignesh N, Chennai; Col Jayanta Dutta- Pune; Rahul Ganguli - Allahabad

Address for communication :
Jeevan Jyoti,  c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248002. India  
E-mail –
*  Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.  

*  If you like this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promoting philately.

A Request to Readers & Contributors –
·         Please do not send the text in scan form or PDF. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

·         Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.
Attention –
Please do not send text or image for publication in PDF. 
Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor. 
Happy Collecting ……….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun ( Uttarakhand ) India for free circulation among philatelists.