Sunday, February 28, 2010



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VANCOUVER 2010 - Date of Issue – 22 February 2010


Shimla   March  2010    Issue # 27

Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan  Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to or and by post to –

Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Director, Great Himalayan National Park, Shamshi, Distt. Kullu. PIN 175126. (H.P.) India

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city/country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Wishing you all a very HAPPY HOLI !clip_image004


Dear Reader,

After Stampmania 2009, it’s exhibition time, once again in India ! The year 2010 is filled with many exhibitions in the country and philatelists are going to be active soon. In this issue I am giving special articles on judging which is the current topic of discussion amongst philatelists these days.Hope the views given by eminent philatelists would be appreciated by the Readers.I am also giving an Interview with Mr Prashant Pandya who has left a milestone in the history of philatelic exhibitions by organizing a One Frame National Philatelic Exhibition in India which displayed about 450 exhibits of the collectors from different parts of the country.

It’s a matter of great pleasure that Uttarakhand has brought out some magnificent Stamp Booklets which have been highly appreciated by the philatelists. But these Booklets were issued in a very small number so could not reach many philatelists. It is requested to the Officials of Uttarakhand Postal Circle to increase the number of booklets in future and make available its sufficient copies at their philatelic counter so that it may reach the philatelists far & near. Today is Holi, the biggest festival of India. I wish you all a very Happy Holi filled with Rainbow colors ! This is all for this Month……Till Next Month….Happy Collecting !

                                                                                                                                                            ….Jeevan Jyoti



clip_image001[1] Recent Indian Issues

clip_image001[2] In The News

clip_image001[3] Interview

clip_image001[4] Beginners’ Section

clip_image001[5] Specialized Section

clip_image001[6] New Issues from Other Countries

clip_image001[7] Reader’s Right

clip_image001[8] The Lighter Side

clip_image001[9] Philatelic Literature

clip_image001[10] Blogs & Websites on Philately

clip_image001[11] Promotional Section

clip_image001[12] Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

clip_image001[13] Editor’s Mail Box

Recent Indian Issues

sorcar pc      bible.jpg rt


clip_image001[12] Dec17 2009 : Lal Pratap Singh – Rs 5

clip_image001[13] Dec 19 : Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers – 2 x Rs 5

clip_image001[14] Dec 27 Indian Mathematical Society – Rs 5

clip_image001[15] Dec 27 Venkataramana Bhagavathar – Rs 5

clip_image001[16] Dec 29 Maharaja Surajmal – Rs 5

clip_image001[17] Jan 5 2010 20th Conference on Speakers and Presiding Officers of Commonwealth- Rs 5

clip_image001[18] Jan 16 : Reserve Bank of India – Rs 5

clip_image001[19] Jan 25 : Election Commission of India – Rs 5

clip_image001[21] Feb 21: Bible Society of India Rs 5

clip_image001[22] Feb 23: P C Sorcar – Rs 5

Special Cover – Postmark



Feb 03 Calicut, National Seminar in honour of Kamla Das Surayya , Writer

Feb 05, Silver Jubilee of Shree Vasavi Education Society, Chitradurga
Feb 04: Mumbai, Seth Nuseerwanji Hirji Karani Agiary, Colaba, 75 Years
Feb 07: Mumbai, Rotary District Conference 'Disability Friendly Access'

Feb 11 : Trichy 100 Years of Churches of South India Mission General Hospital

Feb 20 Dehradun Spring Festival

Forthcoming Issues of India Post

Mar 19: 16 Punjab (2nd Patiala) Regiment
Mar 30: Muthuramalinga Sethupathi
Mar 30: Special Protection Group
Mar 31: Vallal Pachaiyappa
Apr 13: Sant Kanwar Ram Sahib
Apr 14: Astrological Signs, 12 stamps
Apr 17: Chandra Shekhar

See detailed list of India Post Issue Programme 2010 at

In The News


13p Royal Rose stamp error sells for £85,000

The 1976 British stamp issue for the Centenary of the Royal National Rose Society featured four individual stamps.

The 8½p 'Elizabeth of Glamis' named after the Queen Mother
The 10p 'Grandpa Dickson'
The 11p 'Rosa Mundi'

But it's always been the 13p 'Sweet Briar' that has attracted the attention of rare stamp collectors around the world.Whilst millions of these stamps were printed only three exist with the value omitted; i.e. the 13p face value doesn't appear on the stamp.During the printing process, during repairs to the cylinder, the face value was temporarily covered with copper. This covering was inadvertently left in place during printing.The error was discovered before issue and all copies of the stamp should have been destroyed. However three examples exist to this day.Two are held in The Royal Philatelic Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The third has just been sold by dealers Stanley Gibbons for £85,000.

Forthcoming International Exhibitions

The South African Post Office will launch its eighth definitive series at the Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show


The Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show, the 26th Asian International Stamp Exhibition, will be held at the Sandton Convention Centre in October. South Africa is affiliated to FIAP - The Federation of Inter Asian Philately. The show will be held from Wednesday, 27 October to Sunday, 31 October. This is the first international exhibition to be hosted by South Africa since the successful Ilsapex International in 1998, which was also held in Johannesburg (Midrand). The Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show is sponsored by the Philatelic Foundation of South Africa and the South African Post Office, and has the patronage of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP). It is also recognised by the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP), the international governing body for world philately.

The stamp show will see members of the international philatelic community, drawn from some 45 countries, join South African philatelists and stamp enthusiasts over four days of philatelic activities. The entire ground floor of the Sandton International Convention Centre has been secured for the exhibition which will span some 5,800m2 (nearly 60,000square feet).

Philatelists can be a part of this historic and prestigious event by entering the competitive exhibition. Entries for the competitive exhibition close on 31 March 2010, and entry forms are available from

"With a history spanning many, many years, philately is an intricate and diverse pursuit, and its significance will be highlighted and acknowledged with this coming event," says the Co Chairperson of Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show Mr Howard Green.
"The pride and fellowship of philately will be celebrated. A junction of expertise, experience and passion from all corners of the earth will set the benchmark for The Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show."

Highlights include an exceptional Court of Honour featuring a selection of the Queen Elizabeth II collection, for which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has given personal approval. The selection will be brought to South Africa by the Keeper of the Royal Collection. The official launch of the 8th definitive stamp series by South African Post Office is another highlight of this show.

Some 1,500 frames of competitive exhibits with over 20,000 pages of stamps and philatelic material are anticipated and frames will comply with the International Convention of 16 pages per frame. The Competitive Exhibition is set to be a major attraction and draw strong interest from a wide spectrum of local and international collectors and philatelists. The Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show will include a variety of special events and entertainment, which will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. A youth activation zone will appeal to new and young stamp collectors, inspiring and assisting them to embrace the hobby. The presence of over 40 local and international dealers from the likes of Europe, USA and Australasia will provide a unique opportunity for trade for all collectors and budgets.

Concurrent to Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show, the South African Post Office will also host a Conference for Managers of Philatelic Bureaus. "The show is a platform which showcases the high standards of philately in our country to an audience of world-renowned philatelists and also creates awareness of philately amongst the general public," explains Johan van Wyk, Manger Philatelic Services of the Post Office. "It will also lead to a promotion of our country through its stamps, and strong participation from African countries will showcase the diversity, strength and growth within our continent."

African participant countries include South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Sudan.
Other participating countries include Australia, Bahrain, China, Chinese Taipei, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Thailand, USA, UAE and Vietnam.

For more information about The Joburg 2010 International Stamp Show, visit or e-mail

Alexia de Souza,Marketing Concepts,Tel: 011 783 0700 Fax: 011 783 3702
E-mail: Web:
Web site:

Recent Philatelic Exhibitions


INDIPEX – 2011

The world philatelic exhibition will be held from 12th to 18th Feb. 2011, to commemorate the centenary of world's first airmail.It will be organized by INDIA POST in Collaboration with PCI and under Patronage Of FIP and under auspices of FIAP (Federation Inter Asian Philately).

clip_image010 FIP Co-ordinator (consultant) for Indipex Mr. Tay Peng Hian (RDP) was in New Delhi (India) for signing the contract with India post for holding Indipex 2011.. The details of the exhibition are available on the website of Stamps of India or just click to the following link :



The 26th Asian International Stamp Exhibition, 'JOBURG 2010 International Stamp Show' will be held on October 27 to 31, 2010 at Johannesburg, South Africa.Mr. Madhukar Jhingan is the National Commissioner for India. The regulations for JOBURG 2010 and the Exhibit Application form are available online at and respectively.

Those desirous of participating in JOBURG 2010 please go through the Regulations for JOBURG 2010 and send the duly filled Exhibit Application Form along with a copy of the introductory page describing the exhibit to the National Commissioner for India, Mr. Madhukar Jhingan, 49-D, BG-5, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110063 by March 14, 2010. For any assistance in this regard please email or call 0 9350537037.

Note - Last Date of receiving entry forms is March 14, 2010


Aid to Haiti - New semi postal stamp from France

France has released a stamp in a demonstration of solidarity with the victims of Haiti's earthquake. For each stamp sold for the price of 1 euro (US$.1.45), the French Red Cross will receive euro 0,44 (US$. 0.638), to help the victims of Haiti. Purchase this stamp on France Post Office site and heal Haiti

Recent Exhibitions in India

Bharatiya Daktikit Sangstha, Kolkata is organizing a national philatelic exhibition 'Stamps of India National Exhibition' from December 10 to 12, 2010 at NSIC Exhibition Ground, New Delhi. The regulations and entry forms scheduled to be available after the first week of March 2010. The bookings of the Sales Stalls will also open online, giving sufficient time to stamp dealers to plan their booking.

More information will gradually be made available every week. The email address to contact is .The information will also be available online at



Stamp - Fiesta - 2010

Ludhiana Philatelic Club is organizing a State Level Exhibition “STAMP-FIESTA – 2010″ in Ludhiana from 7th to 9th May 2010. See details at :

For more details Contact:
Chairman Dr S K Sondhi 9815657647,,
Secretary Mukesh Malhotra 9023084608, 9417349808,

  • Poona  State level philatelic exhibition in March
    Organizer: Maharashtra & Goa Circle of India Post
  • Patna State level philatelic exhibition from Apr 16-19
    Organizer: Bihar Circle of India Post
    Venue: Patna GPO
  • District Stamp exhibition in Shimla (HP)

        SIMPEX 2010 Date : 13 -14 March 2010 Gaiety Theatre, Shimla

       District Stamp Exhibition in Kullu – Kullu PEX 2010 - 22-23 March 2010

        Venue : Dev Sadan, Kullu Entry Free : Contact No. 1902 - 222550

Mar: Pune, State level philatelic exhibition
Organizer: Maharashtra & Goa Circle of India Post
Apr 16-19: Patna, State level philatelic exhibition
Organizer: Bihar Circle of India Post
Venue: Patna GPO

Philex Kolkata - 2010

A National Level Philatelic Dealers Bourse and Meet named as “ Philex Kolkata 2010” is being organized at Kolkatta on 12 and 13th of March 2010 after 3 years with twenty booths for the dealers from India and Abroad ( Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Thailand) and arrangements for other good number of visiting dealers. This show will give opportunity to the collectors to dispose off their spare material and of course to procure material they require as the show promises some thing for every philatelist. The details and highlights are as under :

1. Only 20 stalls to be distributed among the dealers as per First Come First Serve basis.

2. Venue in the heart of the city and easily accessible

3. Good and cheap accommodation and food available nearby

4. Pleasant weather condition in Kolkatta those days

5. A golden opportunity to for the philatelists

Exhibition Venue : Rotary Sadan(Between Birla Planetarium & Nandan Auditorium), Kolkatta

Exhibition Dates : 12th & 13th March, 2010, Friday & Saturday

Exhibition Time : from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

For more details please contact the following:

1. Arun Bhattacharya, E-Mail: Ph- 98304-12286.

2. P.C.Jaiswal, E-Mail: Ph- 98315-98560.

3. Tapan Dhang, Ph: (033) 2627-0129/2229-5634.

4. Tanmoy Chatterjee, Ph: 98311-10028.

5.Naresh Kumar, E-Mail:



The name of Mr Prashant Pandya needs no introduction to the Readers. A renowned philatelist from Vadodara, is the person behind one of the biggest philatelic shows, Stampmania 2009 which was recently organized at Vadodara. The show has become an example to others that Philatelic Societies in India can organize a successful National level exhibition. Organizing a national level exhibition is not an easy task but he organized the show successfully with his team members. It’s a great pleasure to publish here an Interview with Mr Pandya in which he reveals the secret of his success and some other points of discussion which Readers would be interested to know ….We look forward to see more exhibitions to be held in India under his guidance in future. - Editor


Interview With Mr Prashant Pandya

Q 1: You have organized a big show at National Level which got appreciation from one and all. What do you  feel after the exhibition? Organizing a National Exhibition without the support from India Post is a very tough job?


Organizing a National level philatelic exhibition is of course a tough task. Any philatelic organization can organize such event if members and office bearers have zeal and enthusiasm for it. It also needs support from enthusiastic friends and well wishers. New ideas come from those persons who are not settled with burden of exhibition. We had the support and recognition from India Post except in those areas where money was involved.

Q 2: What was the biggest problem faced by you in organizing this show?


The biggest problem faced by any organizer especially for Philatelic Exhibition in India is frames for exhibits. We have to rely on India Post for frames which are in very bad shape. New and innovative concept of philatelic frames should be brought to India. Otherwise we would not have faced any problem in organizing this show.

Q 3: You had chosen a different ranking of awards in Stampmania 2009 from Topaz to Diamond....If these awards will be considered for entry in FIP exhibitions?


One frame exhibits are growing in popularity around the world. Some countries have developed their own rules for awards, while some have developed more along the lines of the international treatment for exhibition (FIP/SREVS). Normally Gemstone awards are used for national one frame exhibitions or where non-FIP, special classes have been accepted at an exhibition. They convey a level of achievement against relevant criteria but avoid any confusion between the achievement and the medal awards of internationally accepted philatelic exhibiting classes.

Stampmania 2009 organizing committee had decided to have own set of Gemstone awards. The essential features for one frame exhibits are still the same and the various evaluation procedures will probably lead to similar results.

Q 4: The overall standard of the exhibits in the exhibition was very good. What do you think if most of the exhibitors followed the norms of one frame exhibits? Would you please elaborate the actual One Frame concept?


Stampmania 2009 was the first national one frame philatelic exhibition held in India and the aims and objectives of Stampmania 2009 were to lure new entrants to the realm of Philately and to provide a golden opportunity to new entrants to the philatelic atmosphere.

We can say that one frame exhibiting was an experiment for philatelists in India and it was observed that in several exhibits that the participants had not followed the rules. It was agonizing to note that many senior philatelists have not observed the rules framed by India Post. Introduction sheet or plan page were either missing or not properly dealt with. The main aim of one-frame exhibiting is to allow free rein for exhibitors and innovative ideas, in terms of both material and the manner of display.

The purpose and concept of One Frame Class are to encourage new exhibitors and provide established exhibitors with the opportunity to prepare exhibits on subjects or themes that cannot be treated well in more than one frame. The One Frame Exhibit may well be described the short story of philatelic exhibiting.

There is debate regarding the role of one-frame exhibitions. Some see them as a stepping stone to the larger competitions and others as providing advanced exhibitors the opportunity to display, with the full rigour of exhibiting discipline, a small but complete study of a subject unlikely ever to reach the breadth of a multi-frame exhibit.

Q 5: Judging is the most controversial part of all the exhibitions....and Stampmania 2009 was not the exception. Despite your best efforts in selecting a good team of jury....some participant remain unsatisfied...What you have to say about it..?


All exhibits at Stampmania 2009 were diligently and critically evaluated by the panel of Jury. It is human tendency and dissatisfaction can be found everywhere. Some of the reasons may be the improper treatment to subject, selection of subject or extraction of one frame from multiple frame exhibits.

Before dissatisfaction from the judging, the participants should go through the rules laid down by India Post, by which jury team is bound to follow.

I think ‘John Hope’ has rightly quoted that “Dissatisfaction with possession and achievement is one of the requisites to further achievement”.

Q 6: Organizing such a big show, was not an easy job...what motivated you to take up such a big responsibility without any support from India Post?


I always like to do something new and innovative in life. National level one frame philatelic exhibition was never held in India. I proposed the idea of organizing national show to members of Baroda Philatelic Society and my philatelist friends and well wishers and everyone encouraged me for this innovative idea.

Q 7: Don't you think India Post must co-operate with the philatelic Societies. They can help by giving free Postal Service for communication by Post with the exhibitors it costs a lot to the organizers with limited fund of the society?


Finance is always a great problem for philatelic organizations for organizing small or big event. Postage expense is one of the major expenses involved in organizing philatelic exhibition. Right from sending prospectus, entry forms, circulars, allotment letters, exhibit envelopes and inventory sheets, sending souvenirs, awards and returning exhibits. This all involves major expenditure. India Post can obviously reduce the burden of such expenses by providing free postage or subsidized postal rates. In return Philatelic Organizations can provide free advertisements to India Post on several media like mailing envelopes, prospectus, mailers, banners, souvenir etc.

Q 8: What message do you have for the other Societies or Clubs who wish to organize philatelic exhibitions at State & National level? As you have been an example to others ...What points should they keep in mind if they wish to organize a successful exhibition?


I feel that all philatelic organizations should organize philatelic exhibitions and other philatelic activities to promote this great hobby and also to encourage new entrants to this hobby. Exhibition could be small local level or a national level but it should be organized on regular intervals to create awareness about this hobby.

The major points involved in organizing any event are finance, proper planning and execution of the task, involvement of all the members of organization, a team work, distribution of work and finally zeal to do the job.

Q 9: As judging is the crucial part of the exhibition, what method should be adopted for judging in your opinion? Is it an appropriate way to judge the exhibits by the soft copy of the exhibits? It is not possible for the judges to go thoroughly through the exhibits simply observing the Glass frames. If CDs of the scans of the exhibits are provided to the judges, will they give better results?


You rightly pointed out that judging exhibits is a crucial part of the exhibition. Soft copy of the exhibit will certainly help the jury members to go through the exhibit thoroughly with sufficient time. It is very difficult task for the jury members to check all the exhibits in shorter time during the exhibition. Synopsis Page also helps the jury member to understand the concept of the exhibit. In Stampmania 2009 we had implemented this system and had requested the exhibitors to send Synopsis page and photo copies of exhibit pages which helped the jury members to study the exhibit thoroughly. If the soft copies of the exhibit and synopsis page of the exhibits are circulated amongst the jury members well in advance, they can give more justice to the exhibits.

At this juncture I would also like to suggest that the more and more experienced philatelists should be trained for the task of Jury by our senior philatelists and they should be guided properly.

In case of Stampmania 2009 there were more than 400 frames means more than 400 different exhibits not like usual exhibitions, where 400+ frames means not more than 80 to 100 exhibits. So it was a challenging task for the team of jury members to evaluate more than 400 different one frame exhibits within two days. I feel that especially for one frame philatelic exhibition a team of more jury members is required.

Q 10: Organizing a National Exhibition was a very tough job. You spent long hours every day for the last one year to make the exhibition successful, which also affected your professional work to some extent.... Would you take another chance  to organize a National Stamp exhibition in future?


I do agree with you that I spent several hours for Stampmania 2009 since we declared the event. My professional work as well as my personal work was also affected but I wanted to give full justice to Stampmania 2009 and my aim was to make it a grand success, I with my team worked very hard for this event. I would definitely like to organize such event in future and I am confident that we will have more successful events in future.

Thank you very much Mr Pandya for the nice Interview.- Editor

Prashant Pandya was born at Surat on 28th April 1961. He received B. Sc. degree in Microbiology from South Gujarat University. He worked in Pharmaceutical Divisions of Alembic Chemical Works and Sarabhai Chemicals at Vadodara. Presently he is Director of  Moxy Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara.

His hobbies are Philately, Web Designing, Philatelic Journalism and Ghazals. His areas of interest are Indian Postal Stationery, Postal History of Baroda State and Rajpipla State and in thematic he collects on Milk. Mr. Pandya is a President of Baroda Philatelic Society and also an editor of ‘Vadophil’, quarterly newsletter of Society. He is an author to ‘A Guide to Modern Indian Postal Stationery, Vol. I, Envelopes” published in 2004. Mr. Pandya is an Indian Representative of Exponet – A virtual philatelic exhibition and Western India Regional Representative of The India Study Circle for Philately (UK). He is a Life Member of Philatelic Congress of India. Mr. Pandya is a volunteer editor of and He may be compacted at :

Beginners’ Section

The early days of Stamp Collecting…..

By 1860 there were thousands of collectors throughout Europe. There were also a growing number of people selling stamps to collectors. Before this in 1856, Stanley Gibbons, Ltd. was founded in London selling stamps and stamp collecting supplies. The first stamp albums were printed in the early 1880’s.With this background, a number of wealthy individuals in Europe and the United States started to emerge. The European collectors were undoubtedly more numerous as they engaged agents to look on this side of the Atlantic for various stamps and covers (envelopes) that they believed to be valuable.

In the 1870s, books started to be published on stamps and their significance and this increased knowledge of stamps as well interest in them.Meanwhile in the United States interest in stamp collecting was picking up.The United States issued its first postage stamps in 1847. The first two issues honored Benjamin Franklin, the first Postmaster General of the United States and George Washington, the first President of the United States.

The first U. S. commemorative stamps were the Columbian stamps commemorating the discovery of America in 1492. The commemoratives only wetted the appetite of collectors. There were, of course, critics, but that is to be expected.Following the Columbians, the Trans Mississippi commemoratives were issued in 1898 to commemorate the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition that year. These stamps have been called the most beautiful stamps the United States ever produced and while you can find collectors who will beg to differ, it is hard to challenge their position in stamp collecting.As the years have gone on from 1898, these stamps have only captured the admiration of more and more stamp collectors. The development of the subjects for the nine values cover the history of the nation as no other stamps have.

Teddy Roosevelt was very interested in the selection of subjects for these stamps and suggested a stamp showing General George Custer at the head of a troop of cavalry. A problem with this arose when no picture of Custer could be found. The commemoratives did do what was intended of them however, in that they promoted the exposition and most everyone seemed satisfied in the end.

One effect of these two commemorative issues was to spread the desirability of stamp collecting to more and more people. The hobby itself had not yet achieved the stature it was later to obtain, but its growth was building. Collectors and dealers were coming forth with more stamp collecting supplies, books and even catalogs giving stamp values at that point in time.

Courtesy – A brief history of Stamp Collecting By Breck Pegram, Kentucky Stamp Club

Do You Know ?

- Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur



This unusual method helps the water diver to post their mail under the water where under water post office and letter box are installed with regular and timely mail clearance/receipt by postal staff on duty Though not common, there are five identified underwater mailboxes / offices so far : Vanuatu Post created the world's first underwater post office,. Japan's southeastern coast, there's a mailbox 33feet beneath the surface of water -- the deepest mailbox on record. Malaysia's Reef Dive Resort, St. Thomas, USVI, has an underwater post office inside its Underwater Observatory, and Paradise island, in the Bahamas, boasts an underwater mailbox adjacent to a spiraling 100-foot tower.

Members of Philatelic Advisory Committee of India Post

Mr  Dilip Shah,
799 - GOL BAZAR, JABALPUR - 482002, M.P.  Off : 0761-424456 Fax :0761-312047

e- mail  :

Mr. Manik Jain,
M/s Philatelia, One Moti Sil Street, Kolkata 700 013. Telephone: (033) 2228 8549, 2228 7777, Fax: (033) 2228 8888

Mr. Vispi S. Dastur,
D.J. Jasavala & Co., Charted Accountants, E/1 Rustom Baug,  Gr. Flr., Byculla, Mumbai- 400 027.
Tel:- 23721062 e-mail:

Mr. J.M. Dhor (Jaipur) Jain

Historical Moments in Philately

                                - Dr. K. Jaya Prakash, Thrissur - Kerala


Philately had changed a lot with modern innovations in production of stamps.


· In 1973 Bhutan released record shaped stamps (Fig.4) which actually plays music. There are 7 stamps in this series and each stamp when placed on a record player plays either Bhutan’s National anthem or Bhutanese folk music or tells the history of Bhutan.

· Bhutan had released perfumed stamps in 1973 …Rose scented stamp…followed by India in 2008…Jasmine scented

And sandal scented in 2006, Brazil with Burnt wood scented and coffee scented stamps, Switzerland came out with Chocolate stamp and china with sweet and sour Pork scented stamp in 2007.


  • Switzerland on 21.June 2000 had released World’s First embroidery stamp


  • Gibraltar issued 4 stamps (Fig.7) on 13 September 2002 on Rocks of Gibraltar. These stamps are produced with actual rock incorporated on the stamps .Lime stone was bored out of the centre of the rock ,powdered and then sintered within the image of Gibraltar where there is rock shown.


  • Russia on 19.02.2003 released a Miniature sheet (Fig.8) on Davis cup winner. The Miniature sheet is embossed with genuine 99.9%pure silver .The powder displayed on the image of the tennis court is part of the actual clay surface of the court which was used during the competition.



  • Russia on 27 August 2003 had released a set of five round shaped perfumed postage stamps (Fig.9) on the theme Gifts of nature.


  • Australia on 7.9.2004 had released the Fist jumbo stamp (Fig.10) the size of Miniature sheet; it features the Pound 2 Kangaroo stamp and a map stamp-the highest value stamp in the 1st Australian commonwealth series.Size.105x70mm

Specialized Section




                   - © Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal  

Lord Ram’s Ayodhya is not confined to India; Thais too have their own Ayodhya known as “Ayutthaya”. Historical evidences suggest that the ancient capital of Siam (now Thailand) gets its name from the ancient capital of Ayodhya in northern India, the city of Lord Rama. Hinduism spread far and wide through mighty rulers like Ashoka, who propagated first Hinduism and then Buddhism in the South-East Asia.

I read about all these in my childhood and dreamed of visiting these places once in my life. When I started my tour of South East Asian countries I first visited Angkor wat in Cambodia to look the world’s biggest Hindu Temple- “Angkor Wat” (Rainbow Stamps News, August, September and October 2009) and then got the opportunity to visit Thai’s Ayodhya taking a tour of this ancient capital of Thailand (before Bangkok) by a cruise “Grand Pearl” from River City of Bangkok and witnessed its ruins giving an idea of its past splendor hidden in the remains of its prang (reliquary towers) and gigantic monasteries,


Ancient capital of Siam (Thailand) – Ayutthaya

The ruins of this historic city and the associated historic town in the “Ayutthaya Historical Park” have been listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1981. The site of Ayutthaya is located about 70 kms from Bangkok. The walls of the city were made of wood, and can be seen even today. It has about 300 old ruins of temples, besides ruins of palaces and churches. The temples, idols, palaces etc. have not been reconstructed but have been repaired for rendering them safe for visitors. Few are also depicted on Thai stamps.

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Wat Maheyong Wat Maha That

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Wat Phra Si Sanphet Wat Ratchabburana

The first king who established and constructed Ayutthaya in 1350 AD was King Ramathibohi, who envisaged “Ramarajya” for his kingdom, as the king was “Devaraja” or “God King” particularly Vishnu incarnate. He established the older Thai kingdom of Sukhothai in the north and destroyed the neighboring Khmer kingdom of Cambodia forcing the abandonment of the great city of Angkor. The Autthayan kings adopted Cambodian customs and promulgated law codes based on Hindu legal traditions and Thai customs. It remained a tool of Thai law until late in the 19th century.

It remained the capital of Thailand for 417 years from 1350AD to 1767 AD. In the 16th century, it was described by foreign traders as one of the biggest and wealthiest city in the East and was located at the confluence of three rivers, the Chao Phraya, the Pasak and the Lopburi. Its vassal included the Northern Shan states of present day Myanmar, Lanna (Laos), Champa (Vietnam) and some city-states in the Malay Peninsula.

It housed a population of one million comprising not just Thais but people belonging to some 40 nationalities. In it’s hey days it has been recorded by outside observers that Ayutthaya city was so magnificent that London at the time seemed a mere village in comparison.

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Phra Prathan Chaturathit Golden Buddha Wat Na Phra Men Wat Phumin Nan Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya

But on a tumultuous night, the Burmese invaders armed with the deadliest of weapons attacked with the only aim- “Destruction of Ayutthaya”. They plundered, looted, destroyed art treasures, libraries, ancient manuscripts including the original version of “Ramayana”, religious scriptures, divested palaces, massacred as many citizens as they could, drove away others, demolished temples, mutilated venerated idols from within leaving them headless or limbless, carried away or melted other golden statues and idols. And with a final war whoop, they set fire to the city of Ayutthaya on the fateful night of April 7, 1767.

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Buddha Huge reclining Buddha “Phra Bhuddhasaiyart”

After the fall of Ayutthaya, Bangkok has been the capital of Thailand since 1782. The king assumed the official title of Rama I, thereby further cementing the symbolic association with Ayodhya.


Bangkok and King Rama I-Rama IX

They also built structures in Bangkok in a similar style as existed in Ayutthya.

As the original manuscript containg the Ramayana was burnt in Ayutthaya’s carnage, King Rama I wrote the Thai version of Ramayana called “Ramakien” (Rainbow Stamps News, November 2008).

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Rama I Thai version of Ramayana “Ramakien”

It was written in a poetic format and entire story was painted on the walls of the gallery of the Emerald Buddha temple situated in the grounds of the Grand Palace built by him.

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Emerald Buddha temple, Grand Palace “Ramakien “fresco

His son Rama II penned a much shorter adaptation of it. It is this story that is the main feature in classical Thai dance drama and Shadow Puppet show to this day.

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King Rama II Thai Dance drama and Shadow Puppet show

Even though Ayutthaya was razed to the ground, neither did the religious fervor of the Thais suffer nor was there any damage to the legacy of Rama.On the contrary the Thais believe the “Chakri”: (or Vishnu Chakra-“wheel”) dynasty has given them an unbroken succession of Rama incarnates so that they may be ruled over by his Devine blessings.

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Chakri Dynasty King Rama V with Watermark “Chakra”

The Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are worshiped with unrelenting reverence. Vishnu and his avatar (incarnation) of Rama are obviously the most revered of all.


Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu

The Thai national and royal emblem is the Vishnu vahan “Garuda”.

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Garuda as National and Royal emblem

Royal Thai titles when passed on over five generations tend to cease, after which a Royal is given the title “na Ayutthaya” or as a descendent “of Ayutthaya”.

The author may be contacted at E-Mail :


New Issues from other countries

Great Britain


25 February 2010 Stamps on Science – 10 val.



12 february 2010 Vancouver 2010 - € 0.85


8 Feb 2010 Vancouver 2010 – 2 val




18 Feb St Patrick’s Day – 82 c

New Zealand


4 March 2010 Reptiles of New Zealand



17 Feb 2010 – Cats – 6 Val


22 Feb 2010 Chopin


4 March 2010

550 years University of Basel - CHF 0.85


Swiss customs (4.3.2010)


CHF 1.00 Federal Costume Festival

CHF 1.00 Federal Marksmen’s Festival

CHF 1.00 Federal Drumming & Piping Festival

CHF 1.00 Centenary of Swiss Yodeling Association

Swiss Cancer League centenary


CHF 1.00 Swiss Cancer League centenary

International Year of Biodiversity


CHF 0.85 International Year of Biodiversity

Aviation centenary in Switzerland


CHF 0.85 Ernest Failloubaz

CHF 1.00 Modern civil aviation

CHF 1.30 Geo Chavez

CHF 1.80 Sport and hobby aviation

Reader’s Right

Editor’s note- The aim of this stamp newsletter is to provide instant information and facts on philately to the readers and not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Readers may express their views, anguish and resentment through this column on philately. The platform is not used for any vested interest to cause derogatory to philately. When writing your views be sure that it should be related to philately only. It should not be used to express personal feelings between persons or groups in any manner.

Letter to Editor

Ajay Kumar Mittal, New Delhi

Dear Jeevan Jyoti,

I had seen the January Issue of Rainbow Stamp News. I found it very useful for philatelists. I had seen your detailed report on Stampmania. Undoubtedly it was a good effort of Mr. Prashant Pandya. By writing the following lines I don’t want to bring down his efforts or success but I want to highlight the following points to be noted in future:

At one place you write in your newsletter that “The only shortcoming of the exhibition was ………………. some unsatisfactory results which caused resentment among some affected participants”.  Jury’s report mentioned their view point on concept of One frame Exhibit Class. They have penalised those collectors who had selected a subject which can be shown in a five frame exhibits. You mentioned in your discussions with Jury member, in your words “……….in category B those exhibits were kept which were the reduced form of expanded collections and could be easily expanded in more than one frame. So some exhibits having good philatelic items were deprived of higher award because of wrong selection of the subject. Whereas Mr. Prashant Pandya had cleared his view point on this issue as he writes in his column Reading Room at his website

“There are two different thoughts about the concept of the One Frame Exhibit Class. The first one is the one-frame exhibit could be the starting point for a multi-frame exhibit on the same topic. Under this concept One Frame Exhibit will provide new collectors a platform to start exhibiting on a small scale at a Philatelic Exhibition. Collectors would be able to start modestly, get their feet wet, and then continue to develop their exhibit into a more complex and complete one. This was the concept under which one-frame exhibiting began in the United States.

Another concept is opposite to first one. One Frame Exhibit provides established collectors an opportunity to prepare exhibits on subjects or themes that cannot be treated well in more than one frame. A one-frame exhibit is an exhibit that is completely contained within the confines of one frame and not be able to be expanded into a multi-frame exhibit.

I personally think and feel that both of these concepts can be brought into the picture and can work hand-in-hand. The important point is that the one-frame exhibit must be self-contained, but, if the topic is selected wisely, it can be expanded into a multi-frame exhibit. It provides an opportunity to exhibitors who are developing a subject which is capable of expanding to more than One Frame in the near future.”

If he was of this opinion and accepted exhibits with his view point as above this should have been communicated to the Jury well in advance. So that they keep this in their mind while judging and avoided unsatisfactory results which caused resentment among some affected participants who were deprived of higher award because of this.

Another point which I would like to highlight is that organising such a big exhibition (so called National Exhibition) the organisers should have considered to affiliate it with National Federation of Philately in India (Philatelic Congress of India). By doing this they have done more justice with the exhibitors. Without the recognition of National Federation awards given in this exhibition will not be considered while allotting frames in any International Exhibition. The only requirement of affiliation was appointment of accredited National Level Jurors for the exhibition. Which might have solved lot of after exhibition problems (on judgment). In the present case only one of the Jury members was a National Level Jury.

It is nice to hold exhibitions by societies and other persons but if they consider the above point it will be real helpful for Philatelist.


Response to above letter published in last issue

Dear Jyoti ji,

Greetings on Holi.

First of all I congratulate you for wonderful report and coverage of Stampmania 2009 in your last issue of Rainbow Stamp News.

I was surprised to read comments of Mr. Ajay Mittal in the news letter. I would like to thank Mr. Ajay Mittal for considering Stampmania a ‘good effort’.

As regards his comment on unsatisfactory results which caused resentment among some affected participants, I would like to draw everyone’s attention that being  senior philatelists they do know the seriousness about exhibiting one frame exhibits. Some of them have made mistakes like extracting multi frame exhibits, also lack of knowledge about the subject and lack of knowledge about rules framed for one frame exhibits. That’s why such exhibitors were penalized. Before complaining exhibitor should judge his own exhibit and evaluate it as per prescribed rules. Also there is misconception about rarity amongst exhibitors. Expensive item doesn’t mean it is always rare one. It becomes rare by its scarcity

Mr. Mittal has also pointed about my views on One Frame Exhibiting and I wish to clarify my view that “There are two different thoughts about the concept of the One Frame Exhibit Class. The first one is the one-frame exhibit could be the starting point for a multi-frame exhibit on the same topic. Under this concept One Frame Exhibit will provide new collectors a platform to start exhibiting on a small scale at a Philatelic Exhibition. Collectors would be able to start modestly, get their feet wet, and then continue to develop their exhibit into a more complex and complete one. This was the concept under which one frame exhibiting began in the United States. Another concept is opposite to first one. One Frame Exhibit provides established collectors an opportunity to prepare exhibits on subjects or themes that cannot be treated well in more than one frame. A one-frame exhibit is an exhibit that is completely contained within the confines of one frame and not be able to be expanded into a multi-frame exhibit.”

I firmly believe in my above view points and I had clearly mentioned in my write up that “I personally think and feel that both of these concepts can be brought into the picture and can work hand-in-hand. The important point is that the one-frame exhibit must be self-contained, but, if the topic is selected wisely, it can be expanded into a multi-frame exhibit. It provides an opportunity to exhibitors who are developing a subject which is capable of expanding to more than One Frame in the near future.”

This does not mean that my personal views should be followed by jury members of any exhibition; including Stampmania 2009. The exhibits at Stampmania 2009 were examined in accordance with India Post regulation for Philatelic Exhibition and FIP special and general rules for evaluation of exhibits. These rules were modified to suit the One Frame Philatelic exhibition “Stampmania 2009”.

As regards recognition of Stampmania 2009 as National Exhibition, ’Stampmania 2009’ was indeed a National Exhibition (no one can say ‘so called National Exhibition’) since it was held under the auspices of India Post. India Post had already given recognition to Stampmania 2009 and India Post recommended two accredited national jurors and two apprentice jury members of India Post. Amongst two recommended accredited national juror one member could not be called due to his illness. Due to more number of exhibits in Stampmania 2009, we required more jury members and hence other knowledgeable and experienced philatelists were invited by organizing committee of Stampmania 2009 in the jury panel.

I do agree with Winston Churchill’s statement ‘Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” But before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then when you do criticize that person, you’ll be a mile away and have his shoes!

With warm regards,

Prashant Pandya


Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal, Varanasi

Jeevan Jyoti ji,

It is really a matter of proud for all the thematic philatelists that for INDIPEX 2010, the appointed commissioner is a thematic philatelist.

I also feel proud to know that there are juries like Mr. Dipok Dey who performs homework before going any where for judging. He very honestly accepted the truth that it is not possible for a man to know each and every subject, but he will have to judge them, even the unknown topics.

Philatelic judging has fomented more editorials, articles and contention than any other area of our hobby.

Few years ago, I read views of an international jury Mr. Samuel Ray in an article on judging which an outcome of a controversy was over judging in an exhibition of the Chicago Philatelic Society. With time these views were further updated and expanded by John Hotchnerin and published in Philatelic Exhibitor. I wish to quote few of his suggestions may be helpful for fair judging.

1. Knowledge - Judges are presumed to be highly knowledgeable philatelists. Exhibitors consider them to have at least a nodding acquaintance with all aspects of philatelic specialization as well as profound knowledge of their several areas of expertise. Every judge should endeavor to merit this high regard not only by his/her actions in judging but through self education in philately. In preparing to become a judge one should read and study widely in every aspect of philately, and particularly in the fundamentals. One should subscribe to -and read - a wide range of weekly papers and society publications; and at least some of these should be beyond the scope of one's own fields of interest. One should collect in a number of disparate fields and categories in order to gain as much varied experience as possible. One should attend all possible exhibitions to study the collections on display, and should attend meetings and lectures regardless of the subject presented. Everything is grist for the mill. One's education should continue after becoming a judge -- this is actually the time to redouble one's efforts, for philatelic education is a never-ending process, and the scope of the hobby is ever increasing.

2. Continue to Exhibit - Judges should continue to exhibit; improving their exhibit(s) that met the exhibiting requirement for accreditation, and developing new exhibits in other exhibiting categories. The object is not the winning of medals rather it is to retain empathy for the person who sits on the other side of the critique table, to maintain a feel for the changes that are occurring in exhibiting standards, and to learn first hand the problems that must be overcome by exhibitors whose efforts the judge will be called upon to evaluate.

3. Judges Must Vote- Judges should assiduously avoid the temptation to denigrate an exhibit because they know little or nothing about the collection True knowledge consists of knowing how little one actually knows, and admitting ignorance is no sin. If a judge feels that he is insufficiently familiar with an exhibit he should seek advice from an impartial expert or specialist; this is permissible and well accepted practice. If no advice is available, the judge should then disqualify himself with respect to that collection. He certainly should not vote or even comment when he feels he has insufficient knowledge or is not qualified.

4. Cost a Nonissue - Judges should avoid displaying any prejudice towards or against inexpensive material. Exhibits of inexpensive material may represent a significant challenge and should be given as much serious attention as any other exhibit. On the other hand, there should be no bias against rarities or rather costly material. The phrase “All you need is money” and similar comments hardly indicate a judicial climate. Such attitudes must be carefully avoided by temperate judges.

5. In the Critique - Judges should make substantive comments highlighting both the strong points noted in reviewing the exhibit, and the areas in which the exhibit can be improved. The latter can include points of presentation, but a critique focused on those alone is inadequate. The judge who has comments to make that may be embarrassing to the exhibitor should make those comments one to one, at the frames if possible, but not in the public forum of the critique.

With regards

Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal                                                                         25 Feb 2010



Experimental and innovative methods of Judging Thematic Exhibit and Communicating

-- Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur (C.G.)

Much has been spoken and written over dissatisfaction of the participants on the results given by the jury in last big philatelic shows in India. Participants were never convinced with the judgments given by the jury for various reasons such as Incompetent Jury, Pressures on the jury, Different constraints, partial behavior, no interaction with the jury, delayed display of results, no transparency, limited awards and budget, favoritism, etc. etc. ………

Life is the name of change or change is the law of nature and of course, demand of time. Every where in every sphere of life changes are taking place and are being welcomed and are accepted and adopted. Naturally for betterment, improvement , development and satisfaction of all concerned.

Postal departments all over have been experimenting and adopting new and innovative methods of mail transmission and carriage and also introducing new services. Like that some new and innovative changes are required to be introduced in the field of philately to bring about better service to the philatelists.

There are different fields of philately but my discussion is on one major aspect i.e. judgment of thematic exhibits. I would suggest the following so called experimental and innovative methods ;

In traditional methods of jury functioning…. Jury visit the frame and allocate / write marks on different aspects on the sheet provided to them. Then they sit in their room club the marks and then decide on making some changes ,if required. This practice takes lot of time. And delays in display of results. It also does not give any transparency. Following are some of the ideas which may be considered in the oncoming exhibitions for better and satisfactory philatelic services :

1. Providing CD’s to the Jury in advance : Along with the exhibit the jury should be sent CD’s of the sheets a good time before so that jury has ample time to check the visuals of the exhibits and to study before it actually physically judge the exhibit. This will help the jury a great deal to check mainly the thematic aspect of the exhibit and to make up mind to look at some particular items.

2. Providing enough time to jury before the opening g of the show for public : I appreciate the idea of Mr. Jhingan, who suggested giving one full day to jury before opening of the exhibition. That is display of the exhibits should be done one day before what is being practiced today. Book the hall one or two days advance to see that all the exhibits are properly displayed and the jury has enough time to examine the exhibits.

3. Usage of latest technology at venue : I suggest that the use of latest technology should be entertained…Jury should be equipped with well connected laptops with a portable/movable trolley having laptop connected over it and a personal like steno accompanying the jury during the visits on the frame for examining the exhibit. The jury panel should give its remarks, make necessary discussions there and then on the spot in front of the exhibit and these remarks will be full and final leaving aside a few .

4. Transparency : Like in other popular events a big screen is put in exhibition hall or at any other suitable place from the where jury’s activities could be shown and the results too could be declared on the screen. This will give opportunity not only to the exhibitor to know the goods and bads about his exhibit but to all the visitors to look at it and learn. This practice has been experimented at various places in the world with great success.

5. Use of mobile portal for declaring the results: Participants enable to attend the exhibit may be communicated over mobile phone immediately after declaration of the result of his display.

6. Public / Philatelists’ opinion : Believe it or not, public opinion is getting popularity in all spheres of life. Public here refers to the visiting philatelists. The visiting philatelists too should be selected and asked to give their opinion on different aspects of the exhibit. (proper methods may be worked out). This will certainly give more satisfaction to the exhibitor as he will definitely have one thing in his mind that his exhibit has been judged not only by the selected panel of jury but by the others independent visiting philatelists too.

7. Introduction of non-visiting jury : A panel of jury / experts ( thematic as well as philatelic) who can not visit the show for various reasons may be formed and their services may be availed by sending CD’s or video conferencing or discussion with them by sending video clips, pictures of the exhibits to get their comments. This will enhance the expertise required for judgment of the exhibits to give better results with reasons.

8. Instant mark sheet with comments : As mentioned above in point 2, the jury will be able to give elaborative comments and mark sheet which will help the exhibitor and also help in discussing the matter with jury during the time given for interaction or during jury critic session.

9. Helping the non visiting participants : It is not possible for each and every participant to visit the show and interact with the jury. Technology at hand can do it easily. Participants can discuss the matter with jury with pre appointment with jury then standing on the frame discussing with the participant .

Hope these ideas may strike the organizing committee of future exhibitions and may adopt a few of these. Certainly one has to move ahead. Mr. Prashant Pandya , the chairman of recently concluded Stampmania2009 too used the such technology but for advertising, and other administrative purposes. Here I suggest the usage of this technology for judgments, transparency and instant communication. Hope the INITIATIVE will be taken……………….. Looking forward

Naresh Agrawal, Bialspur (C.G.)

09425530514 E-Mail :


Non availability of Stamp Booklets.

Few days ago set of two stamp booklets issued by Uttarakhand Postal Circle on Polar Preservation. I contacted postal authority for purchasing these booklets but could not get with the reply that only 50 such booklets were put on sale by post office counter & all of them sold out. This happened twice with me. In previous occasion I faced same situation during issue of Louis  Braille booklet.The M.O. amount Rs.200 was returned back by above said circle with remark that all Stamp Booklets are sold out. I don’t know why such situation arises.  If adequate quantity (minimum 1000) are issued by Postal Authority. all serious collectors can get them easily.

- Hemant Kumar Jain, Mandla (MP)


Pradip Jain, Patna

Mother  Teresa  centenary year falls in 2010

Most of the  country  is going  to issue  Mother  Teresa  stamps  souvenir  sheet to mark the centenary celebration.  The US  Postal  Service  also  issuing stamp  on Mother  Teresa on her Birthday 26 August 2010. 

It is  suggested India  Post should  also bring out  series  of 4 stamps + 1 M/S  showing  Mother Teresa  life and work.  This will be the  most  befitting tribute  by India Post to Mother Teresa on this  important  occasion when world is remembering her. 

With kind regards,


ex Member : Philatelic Advisory Committee


PH:   0091-612-2215929 FAX: 0091-612-2238010

Mobile : 0091-93341 32162 EMAIL:


Prakash Mody Prakash Mody, Canada

I don't know, if readers are aware about "Commemorative stamp opens historical wounds", a story in India Abroad  of February 19, '10 about a postage stamp issued by Canada Post on February 1, 2010 of William Hall to celebrate Black History month.

The last paragraph of the long story reads: "Wagle suggested that Canada Post should take notice and give appropriate representations to the South Asians/Indo-Canadian sentiments and issue a stamp to mark their contributions to Canadian society and culture."

It is sad that in the history of the Canada Post, their appointed Stamps Advisory Committee (SAC), there has never been an immigrant, in general and South Asian in particular, member who can contribute any diversity in the advises they give for the issue of their new stamps program! The 2010 Program of Stamps does not included any multifaith or multicultural theme stamp!

It is high time that Canada Post issue stamps (like Greetings stamps of India) that is non-denominational instead of more than three stamps annually for the Christian religion or stamps to celebrate religious festivals like for Diwali (of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains) or Eid (of Muslims), Hanukkah (of Jews) and others. It is sickening to get same - stock reply since nearly a decade that "your suggestion will be placed before the SAC or is under consideration!"

It is interesting to read about our neighbour in south - USA that President Obama has directed the United States Postal Service to remember and honour the Eid, the Muslim holy season with a new (second!) commemorative 44-Cent first class holiday postage stamp. USA has already issued stamps for Eid, Hanukkah, Natives but not so far for Diwali of Hindus, Sikhs & Jains!

Does Canada Post Directors and its SAC members recognize that Canada has constitutionally adopted multiculturalism?


Blogs & Websites on Philately This is the website of India with complete information on Indian stamps.

For an illustrated list of all kinds of Envelopes in 2009, visit

For an illustrated list of Aerogramme & Inland Letter in 2009, visit

The complete illustrated listing of Meghdoot Post Card is available at:
For an illustrated list of all kinds of Postcards in 2009, visit

For a list of exhibitions in 2010, please  visit – This is a new blog on se-tenants stamps of India by Mr. Shrikant Parikh of Ahmedabad. - Website of Baroda Philatelic Society. - A new Blog in Hindi by Mr. Prashant Pandya of Vadodara. It is the only blog for philately in Hindi and created to have awareness about philately amongst philatelists as well as non philatelists. A new Blog created by our member Commodore Vijay Kapre of New Delhi. A site on Gandhi Stamps - A very popular Blog by Mr Vinod Sabharwal of New Delhi. This is the e – Stamp Club Blog to bring philatelists together on blogosphere and share views with each other. - A blog on my favorite stamps. - A Blog by Mr Mansoor B of Mangalore. Global Express - An online Philatelic Magazine edited by Mitul Kansal

New on Exponet -

KISHANGARH from Ajay Kumar Mittal, India

New Blogs

Naval Philatelic Society of India   - It is a new Blog of Naval Philatelic Society of India.

The Naval Philatelic Society(NPS)was founded,on 17 October 1979,at Visakhaptnam,by,Cdr.(Commander) S Shekhar and Cdr.U.N Acharya.Cdr.Anil K Dhir joined in soon.The founders were deeply concerned with the lack of stamps on the Indian and Merchant Navy and resolved to assist the Navy in their effort to get stamps, on Naval Themes. It was also agreed that the NPS would assist the I.N Ships and establishments and other mercantile organisations to release special covers on occasions when the release of a stamp was not feasible. The NPS planned to conduct philatelic exhibitions on naval themes to popularise maritime philately.NAVPHILEX 79- was held in conjunction with Navy Mela at the Naval Base in Visakhapatnam. Capt. S.R Iyengar became the Chairman, Cmde (retd) S.Shekhar,the secretary, of NPS. The exhibition organised by Cmdes S Shekhar and Anil Dhir was a grand success. Thousands,from the city,visiting the Navy Mela, witnessed a panorama of stamps depicting ships and maritime history at the exhibition. 3 special covers were released with special pictorial cancellations.

ORPHIL NEWS - It is an open blog of Orissa Philatelic Association edited by Pradip Mohanty Orissa Philatelic Association, Keonjhar Colony,Kanika Chhak,753008, E mail :

Visit at :

The Lighter Side


Philately: A Career Option?

- Manali Mishra

Philately is considered to be the “king of hobbies”. Better known as “stamp collecting” – a mania in the 1940s, today it has grown into one of the world’s most popular hobbies and even as a business activity today.

But not many of us know that philately is practised as a profession also. There are philatelic societies too. The most famous one is – American Philatelic Society (APS). It is the largest non-profit stamp collecting and organisation of philately in the world. It has around 44,000 members in 110 countries (as per the data of 2007). It’s membership is worldwide.

To be a professional philatelist one should know what to collect. As after a certain time, one needs to be specific about a target which one wants to collect – Thematic collecting. Themes can be birds, animals, Red Cross, railways etc. Both mint (unused) and used stamps can be collected.

There are many kinds of philately-

Traditional Philately- study of technical aspects of stamp identification and production like the initial design process, method of printing, study of philatelic fakes and forgeries etc.

Aerophilately- study of airmail.

Postal stationery- study of stationery items like envelopes, aerograms etc.

Postal history- study of postmarks, post offices, postal authorities etc.

Cinderella philately- study of stamps that look like stamps but aren’t stamps.

Revenue philately- study of stamps used to collect taxes, fees.

Philatelic literature- documents the results of philatelic study and includes thousands of books and periodicals

Maximaphily- the study of Maximum Cards. They can be defined as a Picture Post Card with Postage stamp on same theme and a cancellation with a maximum concordance between all the three.Moreover , a philatelist should be ready to sit for long hours and study the stamps. He should know how to asses his stamps as few stamps are very rare and hence valuable. Stamp Catalogues can be helpful as they enlist stamps with their prices. One can also buy and sell stamps through

How can one collect stamps? There is no type of work that can be done successfully without necessary tools and equipments. The philatelist also requires some tools- A pair of philatelic tweezers as touching stamps with hands can leave marks on them. The second tool is a magnifying glass. Since the stamps are old, the text written on them is not clearly visible. A stock box is used before stamps are mounted on an album. A stamp album is indispensable.

When people are not aware of any profession or if they have not heard much about it, they start doubting it. Same is the case with the philatelists. When people come to know that a person has so many stamps and is engaged in the buying and selling of them, they think it is illegal or forgery.

Professional philatelists are more common in other countries than in India. Though many have done a remarkable job in this field in India too- A two-time Limca book record holder, Prof Arvind Jain of Bhilwara has now achieved a unique feat in the world of philately. Earlier, Limca Book of Records had certified his efforts by including this collection in its 2008 and 2009 editions as the largest collection of stamps issued in honour of a person. He also got his name entered in the 2007 edition of the Limca book for the largest collection of stamps issued worldwide on the theme of Cricket.

It is tough to earn one’s living as a professional philatelist but not impossible. One needs to have a knack for it as philately can not be taught to anyone. It is a passion, if anyone has, he can excel in this field and earn well.

The world of philately will continue to grow and change reflecting mankind’s interests and desires. As long as there are stamps, there will be philatelists who will collect and enjoy them.

About the author : Manali Mishra is a young philatelist & at present first year student of Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication, Pune. She hails from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh and is the daughter of noted Philatelist of Bareilly, Mr Satish Mishra. .

Philatelic Literature

Here are some important books on philately by renowned Indian authors which philatelists may find useful for reference. Readers may contact the concerned authors for the books.

A Guide to Modern Indian Postal Stationery by Prashant Pandya



Books by Prof VK Gupta

e-mail -

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A Handbook on Thematic Philately By Prof VK Gupta

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Conservation Restoration and Philatelic Chemistry by Prof VK Gupta

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A Handbook on Gwalior Postal History and Stamps by Prof VK Gupta

Promotional section

Indian Thematic Society of Ludhiana was founded in 1981.The Society is publishing a quarterly magazine “ITS Stamp News” edited by Mr Suraj Jaitly. This is a complete magazine on Thematic Philately. Membership for this Society is open for all stamp collectors. For more details click following link :

Indian Thematic Society

ITS Postal Auction photos at

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

-Stamp of India Collectors’ Companion - India’s first and most updated weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail: Website:

ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society

VADPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -

e ZEP Newsletter Editor : Dieter Leder email website

SIPA Bulletin (2009 Joint Issue ) edited by Mr G. Madan Mohan Das and published by South India Philatelists’ Association, Chennai website :

FILA Capsule – Editor : Ajit Dash and  published by EIPA, Bhubaneshwar.

GPA News – Editor- Ilias Patel and published by Gujarat Philatelists’ Association, Ahemadabad.

Kar Phila News published by Karnataka Philatelic Society & edited by by Akshay Borad E –Mail :

Acknowledgement : Sipa Bulletin

Editor’s Mail Box

Shrikant Parikh, Ahmedabad

Nice to go thru RSN once again. Also I viewed Rainbow Stamp Club . You are excelling with each new RSN. Philatelic World is lucky to have you as EDITOR. All the Best for coming issues.


This is a blog of e-stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. Those who are interested may send following details for publication on blog. If they wish they may also send their photo for publication. New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published everyday on this blog.




Postal Address…………………………….

Collecting Interests……………………….

Brief write up about yourself……………

Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related with Philately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Courtesy- News and Image Resource to this issue - Stamps of India, International Stamp News ; Phialtely News; MB Stamps ; Mobile Philately – Deepak Modi, ; Suraj Jaitly – Ludhiana ; Abhay Mishra, Dehradun,Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur (CG) ; Arun Bhattacharya- Kolkata;Cdr (retd) U.N Acharya- Bangalore

All the images of this issue have not been included here. For detailed images related to this issue Please Visit:

Address for communication:

Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Director, Great Himalayan National Park, Shamshi, Kullu (H.P.) PIN 175126 India

E-mail – or

clip_image001[23] Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.

clip_image001[24] If you liked this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promoting philately.

A Request to Readers & Contributors-

clip_image002 Please do not send the text in scan form. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

Kindly specify your contribution such as article/News/ Reader’s Right / Beginners’ Section/ Lighter Side etc.

clip_image002[1] Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.

Attention -
Please send limited number of images in compressed jpg format only with your article. Please send text and images separately. Please do not send text or image for publication in PDF.




Till Next Month …..Happy Collecting…………………………………………………………………

Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) India.

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