Monday, June 30, 2014

Rainbow July 2014


1856 British Guiana One-Cent Magenta stamp sold for $9.5 million in a New York auction on 17th June 2014, breaking auction record !!


Dehradun July 2014 Vol. VII Issue # 79

Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to and by post to – Ms. Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box No. 18 Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248001. India

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Dear Reader,

I am pleased to release July 2014 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. Is hobby of stamp collecting losing its charm day by day…. The stamp exhibitions organized in the last few years are not up to the mark ….The standard of the exhibition is deteriorating.. .. Is Philately dying ….??? These questions often come to mind  of many serious philatelists these days . Mr Naresh Agrawal discusses some important points on this issue in his column . Let’s join hands and try to promote this hobby  in every possible way so that it could flourish in future and reach the younger generation . Enjoy this issue with other special articles from Dr Avinash B. Jagtap and Dr SK Agrawal and  latest news from the world of stamps.

This is all for this month….More in next issue…...

Happy Collecting !

                                                                                                                -- Jeevan Jyoti



· From the Desk of Naresh Agarwal

· Recent Indian Issues

· In The News

· Beginners’ Section

· Specialized Section

· New Issues from Other Countries

· The Lighter Side

· Philatelic Clubs and Society

· Blogs & Websites on Philately

· Editor’s Mail Box

· Promotional Section

· Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletter


image From the Desk of Naresh Agarwal






A few months back I was not able to convince myself that the golden era of philately was on the verge of its end. I had the belief that against all odds, philately will survive and enjoy its crown of being the king of hobbies. But looking in to the present Indian scenario, I am bound to change my opinion and have the feeling that due to the invent and wide usage of various new generation communication means, philately is not only being cornered but it may be difficult for it to find even a corner in future. There are various factors which have convinced me to think so. Some of those are ;


Postal communication followed by Telegraph service served the world for long time and thus created and generated good stuff for development of philately that is collection and study of stamps and other philatelic material. But of late, we see that telegraph has gone back to its shell, letter writing has reduced tremendously as mobile communication, SMS and E-mails have widely replaced the same. Various social networking sites have even given a strong impact on postal communications as far as letter transmission is concerned. However, parcels are still being carried and are generating some collectable stuffs to keep philately alive. A big shock has also been given by the private courier service which are prospering day by day sending a strong message that the letter mail communication will have no more or limited existence in future.


Slow, cool and simple life styles have become styles of the gone by days in spite of the fact that these provide peace and calm to the life. Now the life styles have become different i.e. fast, glamorous, hot. Communication has now become key of the life today requiring the new generation fast communication means which provides both visual and audio messaging / communication with dream speed and are so handy too. Paper mail and messaging has now become so called obsolete. Hence, under these circumstances and changing life styles, one cannot see a good future for philately.


Philately though is known as hobby of people of all ages yet its roots stays in the children, students and young ones. Life has become so tough and so much competition prevails today that students don’t find time to complete and fulfill their academic requirements. They even have limited physical activities. Parents too insist for career building of their children rather than helping them to go in for some recreation like philately. So, spending time for accumulating stamps and doing other philatelic activities is hard for them. The older ones have their own priorities of life as they give full energy and time in earning money and fulfilling other professional, social and personal obligations. In short, priorities have changed where philately doesn’t find any time and place. Clear indication of dark future of philately.


Competitiveness in every part of life has distracted the mind of people from slow activities. Changing priorities do not allow people to look in to what they love and wish to love. Here philately finds itself defeated. Further, even in philately, which was and is meant for pleasure and sharing pleasure, has become a source of earning medals not the pleasure. Philatelists tend to collect stamps mostly for getting awards and not for their love for stamps. This is very harmful for development of philately rather it is helping philately to die soon. For me philatelist should be appreciated and not awarded to check this love for medal race and not philately.


Philately has now turned in to trade rather than a pure hobby. The limited new generation so called philatelists are more of investors than stamp collectors. Even a new budding stamp collector first think about the monitory returns he gets from whatever he procures /purchases. Nobody looks in to the pleasure of procuring, preserving and possessing stamps. Even clubs and societies do not practically promote philately but promote philatelic investment, trade and business. Some of the traders / investors have started comparing the returns with share market. One can see hobby turning in to trade and then will ultimately die as a trade can prosper only when new buyers are born.


How many clubs and societies are organizing stamp exhibitions?. Very limited. But we see that every now and then stamp fairs are being organized where there is no display of stamps but pure sale of stamps and other philatelic material. Good, this is appreciable but we see no new stamp lovers visiting these fairs. Dealers and stamp traders are the visitors and participants. Pure philatelic trade. No promotion of philately but promotion of philatelic trade. We see this is intense commercialization of philately which is harmful for promotion of philately.


When we talk about love for philately, it is the involvement of mind, soul senses in to the stamps. Stamps looking good appeal the eyes and so we enjoy it. Stamps if we possess so that whenever we wish to see we could see…we enjoy it. But now, the prices of stamps gone so high though availability has become easy, has truly made philately hobby of kings and not masses. But masses have other means to get involved in philately at no or low cost and with no wastage of much time. Yes, digital philately or virtual philately has helped in this cause. But at what cost ? The cost of physical philately. This has widely pushed back the development of physical philately.


Computer games and sports have become so handy that one can play even on mobile sets. With the life being so tidy, less time availability for recreation, these games have become very handy. Hence, people of all ages play these games during whatever time they get and prefer these too. Hence, inclination towards philately is decreasing.


It is claimed by the Postal Authorities in India that these are doing very good job for promotion of philately by organizing stamp exhibitions regularly at Distt and Regional levels & also by coming up with innovative postal materials and schemes to lure masses to get attracted to philately. But have they ever tried to analyze whether the results are so good?. Spending money is not the way philately should be promoted. It should be properly spent. I have seen most of the shows held in last two years at Distt and State level were much below the standard and most of those were flop. Those never served the purpose for which those were held. “My stamp” undoubtedly a very attractive scheme which could have given birth to a good number of new stamp collectors did not reach the masses. Very few people know about it. Lack of publicity has put this scheme under dust cover. Stamps too are not produced the way these should be. Subject matter of stamp, quality, quantity and availability are the main concerns which are not taken care of.

Knowing the fact that students are future philatelists, these are not targeted properly. In spite of the fact that there is so much of academic stress and so much to distract, if proper persuasion and publicity is done; a good number of new philatelists can be produced. Regular workshops and mini exhibitions can help in this cause. Free distribution of stock books and other philatelic stuffs can add charm to it.

There is great need to recheck the activities of philatelic wings of India post. New appointments are required to be made in this wing to work at grass root level. Philatelic clubs and societies too need restructuring and India post should help these societies to prosper by drawing some guidelines and giving financial help.

Reasons are many but looking in to the above and the changing scenes of life and social set ups, philately seems to have lost its charm and might lose its glow in time to come.

It is time to think and re-think to find out the methods for survival of the philately.

- Naresh Agarwal : email :

Recent Indian Issues

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· 11 February 2014 : Central Vigilance Commission – Rs 5

· 25 February 2014 : Hasrat Mohani – Rs 5

· 25 April 2014 : National Council of Churches in India - Rs 5

· 30 April 2014 : 50 years of Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital, Delhi – Rs 5

· 30 April 2014 : Chattampi swamikal – Rs 5

· 14 May 2014 : Drukpa Lineage – Rs 5

· 12 June 2014 : FIFAS World Cup 2014 – 2 x Rs 5 + 2x Rs 25 + MS


Recent Special Covers


1 May 2014 : Golden Jubilee of Pt Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur

6 May 2014 : 175th Anniversary of Penny Black, Mumbai

5 May 2014 : National Board of Examinations – New Delhi

12 May 2014 : Anjanshalaka Pratistha Samaroh of Kalyanak Bhumi Jin Prasad of 10th Jain Tirthankar Shri Sheetalnath Swami at Shri Sheetalnath Jin Prasad, Village Bhondal, P. O. Hunterganj, Distt. Chatra (Jharkhand).

3 June 2014 : Qadir Ali Baig - Hyderabad

5 June 2014 : Polio Free India  Rotary International District 3190

5 June 2014 : Harithasree 2014 – Kottayam

8 June : 2014 : Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Rajgopuram - Sringeri

9 June 2014 : Ch Mohammed Koya – Trivandrum

9 June 2014 : HIMPEX 2014 : Himachal Pradesh University, Summer hill, Gyanpath, Shimla    

9 June 2014 . HIMPEX 2014 Shankar Kedar Temple Chakkar, Shimla                                

10 June 2014: HIMPEX 2014  Shree Markandaye Temple, Markand, Distt. Bilaspur            

10 June 2014 : HIMPEX 2014 Dera Baba Rudra Nand Ashram, Yagna Nagar, Una            

11 June 2014 : HIMPEX 2014 World's Highest Post Office, Hikkim


15 June 2014 : Braille Edition of ‘Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master – A Yogi’s Autobiography’ and the Walk of Hope 2015-16 (Manav Ekta Mission)

23 June 2014 : 175th Year of St Mary's Anglo Indian Hr. Sec. School . Chennai

25 June 2014 : Bhagwan Mahaveera Kewal Gyan Bhumi Rijubalika Tirth - Palmo

22 June 2014 : Natya Kalanidhi Guru A.T. Govindraj Pillai Birth Centennary – Mumbai

26 June 2014 : "Right to Go - Toilets for Every Home"- Mumbai

28 June 2014 : 'Celebration - Winner of 3 trophies' ( Cricket ) - Bangalore

New Postal Stationery


Another issue of Meghdoot Postcard of year 2014 ( 25p Home Jahangir Bhabha SPP/ HYD 2014) has been reported carrying advertisement on Noorul Islam University in English on the occasion of Silver Jubilee of the university. Advertisement carries various information about the university, courses offered by university and their contact information. The Meghdoot card was issued on 12 June 2014.

Picture Postcard on 2014 FIFA World Cup issued at Chennai


Tamil Nadu Postal Circle has issued Picture Postcard on 2014 FIFA World Cup on 12th June 2014. Picture Postcard is priced at Rs. 25 each and available at Philatelic Bureau, Anna Road, Chennai.

In The News

The 1856 British Guiana One-Cent Magenta sold for $ 9.5 Million


The 1856 British Guiana One-Cent Magenta sold at auction on Tuesday 17th June 2014 at Sotheby's in New York for 9.5 million dollars (£5.6m). It is the fourth time it has broken the auction record for a single stamp in its long history.


The stamp was expected to bring 10-20 million dollars (£5.9-£11.8m). Sotheby's said the buyer wished to remain anonymous. The price included the buyer's premium. David Redden, Sotheby's vice chairman, called the sale "a truly great moment for the world of stamp collecting".

"That price will be hard to beat, and likely won't be exceeded unless the British Guiana comes up for sale again in the future," he said.

Measuring one by one and a quarter inches, the One-Cent Magenta has not been on public view since 1986 and is the only major stamp absent from the Royal Family's private Royal Philatelic Collection.

"You're not going to find anything rarer than this," said Allen Kane, director of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. "It's a stamp the world of collectors has been dying to see for a long time."

An 1855 Swedish stamp previously held the auction record for a single stamp. It sold for 2.3 million dollars (£1.3m) in 1996. David Beech, long-time curator of stamps at the British Library, who retired last year, has compared it to buying the "Mona Lisa" of the world's most prized stamps.

The last owner was John du Pont, an heir to the du Pont chemical fortune who was convicted of fatally shooting a 1984 Olympic champion wrestler. The stamp was sold by his estate, which will designate part of the proceeds to the Eurasian Pacific Wildlife Conservation Foundation that du Pont championed.

Printed in black on magenta paper, it bears the image of a three-masted ship and the colony's motto, in Latin: "We give and expect in return."

It went into circulation after a shipment of stamps was delayed from London and the postmaster asked printers for the Royal Gazette newspaper in Georgetown in British Guiana to produce three stamps until the shipment arrived: a one-cent magenta, a four-cent magenta and a four-cent blue.

While multiple examples of the four-cent stamps have survived, only the tiny one-cent issue is known to exist today.

Its first owner was a 12-year-old Scottish boy living in South America who added it to his collection after finding it among family papers in 1873. He soon sold it for a few shillings to a local collector, Neil McKinnon.

Mr McKinnon kept it for five years before selling it to a Liverpool dealer who recognised the unassuming stamp as highly uncommon. He paid £120 for it and quickly resold it for £150 to Count Philippe la Renotiere von Ferrary, one of the world's greatest stamp collectors.

Upon his death in 1917, the count bequeathed his stamp collection to the Postmuseum in Berlin. The collection was later seized by France as war reparations and sold off in a series of 14 auctions with the One-Cent Magenta bringing 35,000 dollars (£20,700) in 1922 - an auction record for a single stamp.

Arthur Hind, a textile magnate from Utica, New York, was the buyer. King George V was an under-bidder.

After Mr Hind's death in 1933, the stamp was to be auctioned with the rest of his collection until his wife brought a lawsuit, claiming it was left to her.

The next owner was Frederick Small, an Australian engineer living in Florida who purchased it privately from Mr Hind's widow for 45,000 dollars (£26,600) in 1940. Thirty years later he consigned the stamp to a New York auction where it was bought by an investment consortium for 280,000 dollars (£165,680) - another record.

The stamp set its third record in 1980 when it was sold for 935,000 dollars (£553,254) to du Pont.

Read More…



In 1840, Great Britain issued the world’s first adhesive stamp. The prices of specimens issued between then and the early twentieth century are generally on the rise. Among them, the one-cent magenta is perhaps the world’s most coveted stamp. As Sotheby’s tells it, in the mid-nineteenth century, the colonial postal system of British Guiana, in South America, relied on stamps imported from England. In 1856, though, a delayed shipment prompted the Guianan postmaster to seek a local supplier. The Royal Gazette newspaper, using a hand press capable of printing just two stamps at a time, was commissioned to produce stamps known as the four-cent blue, the four-cent magenta, and the one-cent magenta. Four cents was the price of a letter; one-cent stamps were used on the wrapping of newspapers, like the Royal Gazette itself. The stamps were so crude that the postmaster initialled each one, to certify that it wasn’t a fake.

People often saved letters and the envelopes in which they arrived, but newspaper wrapping was a different matter—hence the one-cent magenta’s rarity. In 1873, a twelve-year-old Scottish schoolboy named L. Vernon Vaughan, who lived with his family in British Guiana, discovered a one-cent magenta among his uncle’s letters. He sold it for a few shillings, and it eventually made its way into the hands of a rich Austrian count named Philip Ferrari de La Renotière, one of history’s great stamp collectors. The Count bequeathed his collection to Berlin’s Postal Museum, but its repose there was short-lived; after the First World War, according to Sotheby’s, it was seized by France and auctioned in 1922 to help pay Germany’s war reparations. That was how it came to be acquired by the American textile magnate Arthur Hind, for thirty-five thousand dollars (nearly five hundred thousand dollars in today’s money), a record price at the time.

According to a delectable legend that there is no reason to believe, when a second one-cent magenta came into Hind’s possession, he torched it with his cigar to protect the value of the one he already had. Since then, the stamp’s fame has grown: it was featured in a Donald Duck short and a John D. MacDonald mystery. John du Pont, an heir to the DuPont chemical fortune, bought it for nine hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars in a 1980 auction (in today’s dollars, nearly $2.7 million), setting another record. He later died in prison, while serving time for murdering an Olympic wrestler. Sotheby’s  handled the current sale for his estate.

Read More…

Taj Mahal on new Myanmar stamps


Myanmar Post  issued a set of two stamps on 60th Anniversary of the Announcement of the Five principles of peaceful co-existence by Myanmar, China, and India (1954 - 2014) on 28 June 2014. Stamp design features three images, one for each country, which includes image of Taj Mahal.


New Publications


Year Book of Indian Philately : 2013 

By Madan Middha


Year Book of Indian Philately: 2013  by Madan Middha Pages 271- Published by Vishesh Prakashan, Topi Bazar, Gwalior. Price Rs 300

Year Book of Indian Philately: 2013  by Mr Madan Middha has been released. The book features every aspect of Indian Philately like articles on Indian Philately related subjects, listings of special covers, stamps, postal stationery, exhibitions, award winners etc. In this edition articles by renowned philatelists  have also been published. The list of important articles is given below :

  • Indian Telegraphs – A tribute by  Ilyas Patel,
  • Indo-Pak Mails – Arrangements after partition of 1947 by Ashok Kumar Bayanwala,
  • Azad Hind Stamps by  Naresh Agarwal,
  • Mahatma Gandhi, 1948 issues by  Sudhir Jain,
  • Indian Watermarks by  Madan Middha,
  • Window Delivery by  Rajesh Paharia,
  • Smart Money Order by  Prashant Pandya,
  • Unusual Stamps : Cloth Stamps by Ramarathnam K.
  • Special article on  “My Stamp” and “R.M.F.M. Metermarks”.
  • Terms Unexplained by Year Book Editorial Team
  • Rejoinders – Ungummed Definitives of India by P.G. Heda ; My Stamp by Editorial Team ; R.M.F.M. Meter Marks by Editorial Team

The book covers information on philatelic events of year 2013. Award List of international exhibitions, forthcoming international exhibitions, Indian stamps, postal stationery, Army covers, Special covers and postmarks issued during the year 2013 have been listed in the book. Information on Postal History events, exhibitions, society news has also been included in the year book.

Philatelic Tid – Bits is a very interesting section of this book. This section covers some very interesting news of the year 2013 of the philatelic world. One can find many uncommon and eye catching subjects in this section like SMS postage stamps, First Underground Post Office, news on academic recognition to philately, New Methods to check Rare Postage stamps and many more news items. It is a perfect book for all stamp lovers especially those who wish to get complete information about 2013 events of the Indian Philately. As the book covers each and every aspect it will prove very useful to every stamp collector from beginner to specialized collector. The paper, printing and layout of the book is very nice. I am sure the book be an asset for all stamp collectors. This book is recommended to all philatelic libraries philatelic societies and stamp clubs as well as to the libraries of schools and colleges for students.

The preface of this edition highlights the “Frustrations of a Philatelist” who are concerned with the future of their philatelic belongings and the hobby in general. Some important and thought provoking issues are taken by the editor.

2013 edition of the “Year Book of Indian Philately” is  available with Mr Madan Middha The price of the year book is Rs. 300 inclusive of postage in India.Readers may contact : Mr Madan Middha, Saket Vihar, Phalka Bazar, GWALIOR - 474 001. email :

Earlier editions of the Year Book have won a number of Regional, National & International Awards  It has won a Silver Medal at the IPhLA 2012 at Mainz, Germany; also a number of other awards at FIP & FIAP  philatelic exhibitions held in last few years.

Catalogue of Errors on Stamps of Modern India – by Mrinal Kanti Ray


At present collection of errors on postage stamps is one of the most popular branches of philately with a consistently growing number of collectors. But until now the collectors of errors on Indian stamps have no reference work to consult with. Most of them are left in a quandary – knowing not what to look for, what to purchase and at what price.

Shri Mrinal Kanti Ray well know philatelist and author has published ‘Specialized Catalogue of Errors on Stamps of Modern India’ which lists and prices imperforates and colour omitted errors on stamps issued since independence in a chronological order.

The Catalogue was released at New Delhi on 7th June 2014.

Phila India Guide Book 2014 –15


Phila India Guide Book 2014 -15 Publisher : Manik Jain, Phila India Kolkata

Philatelic Exhibitions


Asian International stamp Exhibition TAIPEI 2015  will be held under FIAP Patronage  from 24-28 April at Taipei, Chinese Taipei.

Mr Umesh Kakkeri of Mumbai has been appointed as National Commissioner from India. He may be contacted at Email : Ph. No. 9969571767



MALAYSIA 2014 - 29th Asian International Stamp Exhibition and World Youth Malaysia 2014 

MALAYSIA 2014, the 29th Asian International Stamp Exhibition and World Youth Malaysia 2014  will be held from 1 to 6 December 2014 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. Prof. Sahadeva Sahoo is the  Commissioner from India for this exhibition.

Official Website :

Details of the exhibitions are available at following link :

For more info please contact :

Prof. Sahadeva Sahoo

'Saswat', D-3, B. J. B. Nagar,Bhubaneswar 751014

Phone +91674 2432251 Mobile +91 9337103542

email :



PHILAKOREA 2014 -  World Stamp Exhibition will be held in  COEX Hall A, Seoul from 7-12 August 2014. 

Website :

Mr Surendra A. Kotadia is the National Commissioner for India. He may be contacted at following address :




TELEPHONE + 91 22 22024130/31 MOBILE + 91 98199 03789  FAX + 91 22 22843275 E-MAIL -

Stamp Expo at Chennai


South India Philatelists' Association is conducting Stamp Expo  from 25th to 27th July 2014 . The  Stamp Expo will showcase the culture, history, heritage, flora & fauna displayed by postage stamps. There will be limited number of 60 stamp Dealer Stalls from all over India. For more details contact email :  Ph . 9840156410, 9600113311.

News from Philatelic Societies…

Honour for SIPA members

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Indo French Philatelic &  Numismatic Association ( IFPNA ) honored & awarded two eminent philatelists of SIPA, Sri G. Amarchand and Sri G.Balakrishna Das by Life Time Achievement Award in the recently held Nu-Philex 2014 Philately and Numismatic exhibition organised at Pondicherry by IFPNA from 20th to 22nd June, 2014 . honored & awarded two eminent philatelists in the recently held Nu-Philex 2014 Philately and Numismatic exhibition organised at Pondicherry from 20th to 22nd June, 2014.

HIMPEX 2014 Shimla

Report by Dinesh Chandra Sharma


First State Level Philatelic Exhibition “HIMPEX-2014” was held from 9th to 11thJune, 2014 in Gaiety Theatre situated at Mall, Shimla. The exhibition was inaugurated by the chief guest Mr. A.D.N. Bajpayee Vice Chancellor of Himachal University on 9th June 2014.


Inauguration ceremony From left : Dinesh Sharma Jury, DPS Mr. R.S. Mishra, Chief Guest Mr. A.D.N.Bajpayee, Vice Chancellor Himachal University and Mr. A.N.Nanda CPMG

Since it was the first state level philatelic exhibition for a small state like Himachal, the philatelists from Punjab were also permitted to participate. The overall show was very good, but most of the philatelists presented their exhibits in quite casually. This was because of lack of awareness and guidance. This exhibition has opened the way for the philatelists from Himachal and they would now have opportunity to participate in their own State level Philatelic exhibitions, which certainly will improve the standard of the exhibits gradually.

The jury team consisted of Dr. S P Gupta, Accredited Jury, and Dinesh Chandra Sharma, Apprentice Jury .There were one seven frame exhibit, three five frame exhibits, 3 four frame exhibits, 18 two frame exhibits, and 35 one frame exhibits. Several exhibits presented under different classes were transferred to one frame class by the jury. Minimum 1 to 8 size frames were allotted to classes 5 to 10 after relaxation of the rules for the participants. The high standards exhibits in invited class and jury class provided the exhibitors and visitors good knowledge about the subjects of exhibits and exhibiting.

Major Dr Ritu Kalra won the Gold medal and the best exhibit award trophy for her exhibit on Pre-Independence India while the best exhibit in junior class was awarded to Kritika Khera with Silver Medal. In all 5 Gold, 8 Silver and 20 Bronze Medals were awarded. In thematic class Bhumika Sharma won the Gold Medal for her exhibit Women as Change Makers. In addition to philatelic exhibit competition a letter writing competition, stamp designing contest and quiz contest were also held for the school students. Many school children visited the exhibition with enthusiasm.

Beginners’ Section


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It’s no secret that long before he held public office, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was an avid stamp collector. What’s more surprising is how the man who would become America’s longest-serving president changed the nature of stamp collecting forever.

Roosevelt began collecting as an eight-year-old, when his mother introduced him to the hobby. Sara Delano Roosevelt had been a stamp collector as a child, her collection bolstered by her father’s frequent trips to the Far East.

“At the time, collecting was thought to be a child’s hobby,” says Anthony Musso, author of FDR and the Post Office, a historical account of Roosevelt’s devotion to stamps and the Post Office™ Department. “An adult would never waste his time collecting stamps.” FDR’s collection grew, and several years later, he received his mother’s collection, which was passed to him through the hands of her younger brother, Frederic.

Even then, Roosevelt used stamps as educational tools, putting one or two stamps on a single page of an album and annotating the rest of the page with notes about the history of the person or event depicted in the image. Historians point to this self-education as a key to Roosevelt’s political strength and success: It equipped him with expansive knowledge of geography and the international community.


What’s more, says Musso, “Roosevelt got great personal enjoyment and intellectual satisfaction from his stamps.” So great was the future president’s passion that in four separate personal letters, he credited stamp collecting with saving his life after his polio diagnosis in 1921, when Roosevelt was 39. “I owe my life to my hobbies — especially stamp collecting,” he famously said.

As Roosevelt’s political star rose, so did the hobby’s profile. “Roosevelt was so enthusiastic that he would chat with anyone about his collection, and naturally, if a hobby is good enough for the governor of New York, people figure it’s good enough for them,” Musso says. “He took stamp collecting to another level” — right into the White House.

Shortly after his inauguration in 1933, Roosevelt found out that his predecessor, Herbert Hoover, had been a collector, though less passionate than FDR. Hoover had established a routine with the Department of State that Roosevelt embraced: Whenever the department received communications from anywhere in the world, it would send the envelopes to the Oval Office so the President could have the stamps.

“Roosevelt once took the Secretary of State to task because he said the department’s employees weren’t sending over enough envelopes,” Musso says. If FDR didn’t need or want the stamps, he had his secretary collect them in packs and mail them to American children who wrote to the President. “He was like the Ambassador of Stamp Collecting.”


Specialized Section

Some Remarkable Cancellations and Postmarks – 21

image - Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap

A Special Type of Cancellation for Central Provinces (Renouf Type 11)

The Central Provinces Circle was formed in 1866-67. Up till now, Type 9 was used as an all India cancellation. While adopting Renouf Type 9, the Central Provinces Circle was also introduced as a distinctive obliterator in Type 11. It is a duplex form, where the right duplex shows a circle filled with fine horizontal parallel lines, with spaces provided for the circle number in the centre and the letter “C” above and the letter “P” below.

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It is certain that Types 9 and 11 used the same series of numbers. Some offices received Type 11 and other offices Types 9 cancellations. Jubbulpore and Saugor received both types. The highest number seen is 47 and the earliest date seen is March 1867. D.R. Martin lists numbers of about 15 post offices, which had received Type 11 obliterator. The numbers recorded for Type 11 after 1870 are exceedingly few.


1869 Cover sent from Kamptee to Romsey (England) via Southampton, bearing 4 As (SG64 and 8 As (SG65), tied by Renouf type 11 cancellation “KAMPTEE/JA20/C/2/P”, back-stamped “A/ROMSEY/FE23/69”.

- Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap : email :

‘Barahmasa’: Jewel of Indian Miniature Painting

image © Dr. Satyendra Kumar Agrawal

Barahmasa, an ordinary term composed of two parts, 'barah' - twelve, and 'masa' –month. Pictorially very rich and emotionally most fervent, the ‘Barahmasa’ poetry (Songs of Twelve Months), has given medieval miniature painting, a rare theme and some of its most brilliant painting series portraying psycho-analytical reactions of the mind in love responding to cyclic change of nature as they occur when its surroundings pass from one set of them to another, broadly, month-wise, in a manner that is not known in other literature and art traditions of the world. It is incomparable.

It portrays the passionate yearning of lovelorn hearts, the pangs of separation that each change of season stimulates. Each month bringing a special message to the beloved, every season a special reminder of the joys of love and longing.

The twelve months are based on the lunar calendar comprising months of Chaitra, Vaishakha, Jyestha, Ashadha, Shravana, Bhadrapada, Ashvina, Karttika, Agrahayana, Pausha, Magha and Phalguna. Each two of them are respectively the ritus (seasons) of Vasanta (spring), Grishma (summer), Varsha (mansoon), Sharada (autumn), Hemanta and Shishira (winter).

The poet Keshavadasa (1555–1617) in his ‘Rasikapriya’, which is a comprehensive compendium of nayakas (heroes) and nayikas(heroines), their moods, meetings and messengers , vividly describes the essential features of the twelve lunar months of the year; and the pain each month evokes in the heart of the nayika at the impending separation from her beloved.

Starting with the month of chaitra, Keshavadasa portrays the heroine urging her beloved not to leave her in that month; describing to him the beauty and tenderness of that month. She cajoles him to stay with her; and to enjoy along with her the thrill and ecstasy of living and loving in the paradise on earth created especially for their enjoyment. She convinces him that it is a blessing to be alive amidst that beauty. Such loving requests follow in each of the other months too; as every month has something special that makes separation painful and unbearable.

The classification of the annual cycle into six ritus, made during later Vedic days, and it was around then that a kind of inter relationship between the changes of nature and man's emotional world was first recorded. The names that the ‘Taittiriya Samhita’ has used for each of the months arestrangely connotative. Not mere names, they denoted also the peculiarities of theseason to which they belonged.

Vasant comprised two months, Madhu(February/March) and Madhava (March/April); one suggestive of honey - sweetness,and the other, of one brimming with honey, the essence of Vasant.



Grishmacomprised Shukra (April/May) and Shuchi (May/June); which variously means griefof separation, as also the blazing light of summer. In old days summer was theperiod when traders, warriors, craftsmen, masons among others went away to earnmoney for the rainy days.



Nabha (June/July) and Nabhasya (July/August); associated with rains, denoted sky and the clouds rising there.



Isha(August/September), the seed laid, and Urja (September/October), or energy, the seed's sprouting, that is, fertility and vigour, denoted the post-rain season of sowing which is Sharada.



Saha (October/November) and Sahasya (November/December),the months of winter, denoted one's obligation to bear, and the season's toughness.



And Tapa (December/January) and Tapasya (January/February), associated withShishira, were denotative of the earth's rough face which it acquired after the drywinter.



Kalidasa also described in his ‘Ritusamhara the six seasons of India’ where each season was celebrated in the language of love. Thereafter, the description of seasons became an integral part of classic poetry.

According to ‘Chitrasutra’ of the Vishnudharmottarpurana, the depiction of each of the four seasons could be symbolically represented in the paintings by employing certain idioms of expression, such as:

Summer: languorous men seeking shade under trees, from the harsh summer sun; buffaloes wallowing in the mire of muddy waters; birds hiding under a thick abundance of leaves; and, lions and tigers seeking cool caves to retire in.

Rain: An overcast sky, with heavy rain filled clouds weighed down with their aquatic excess; flashes of lightning and the beautiful rainbow; animals like tigers and lions taking shelter in caves; and, sarus (cranes) birds flying in a row.


Rain: An overcast sky, with heavy rain filled clouds

Autumn: Trees laden with ripe fruit; the entire expanse of the earth filled with ripened corn ready for harvest; lakes filled with beautiful aquatic birds like geese; the pleasant sight of blooming and blossoming lotus flowers; and, the moon brightening up the sky with a milky white luster.


Autumn: Trees laden with ripe fruit

Winter: the earth wet with dew; the sky filled with fog; men shivering from the cold, but crows and elephants seem euphoric.


Winter: Men shivering from the cold

A vast number of schools of miniature paintings such as Bundi, Krishnagarh, Jaipur, Mewar and Marwar giving expression to the Barahmasa concepts and idioms flourished during the mid centuries under the patronage of Pala Kings of Bengal , the Mughals and the Rajputs of Rajasthan. The hill states and even smaller states from Central India too nurtured the paintings of Barahmasa tradition.

It usually comprises twelve leafs serializing various seasons, sometimes the festivals occurring during such season, such as ‘Holi’, in the month of ‘Phalgun’.

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In some series Radha replaces the lonely heroine. However, in most other cases it is a nayika separated from her loved one, usually a warrior, in whose context the cycle of the changing seasons is depicted.


Nayika separated from her loved one

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Nayika separated from her loved one

The transformations in nature such as the gentle unfolding of a bud's petals; or melting of a winter night into dew-drops; or the dark dreadful clouds rending with their roar the sky and the earth and frightening the lovely nayika into the arms of her beloved Nayaka and bursting forth into torrential rains – all become symbolic expressions of the seasons and the state of love of the ardent lovers. The setting is always intimate, romantic: lovers seated in a balcony or on a marble terrace, gazing into each other’s eyes while the beauties of the seasons spread out all around them like a tapestry.


Lovers seated in a balcony or on a marble terrace, gazing into each other’s eyes

The classical ragas of Indian music are also found comprising twelve leafs serialization, set in accordance to various seasons personified by a colour, the overall bhava(mood), the nature surrounding the nayaka and nayika (hero and heroine).

Raga Hindol and raga Bahar toVasant , raga Deepak to Grishma,raga Megha or Megh- Malhar or Desh and their derivatives to Varsha,ragaBhirav to Sharada, raga Shree toHemanta, raga Malkoaunsa to Shishir .

In the history of Indian Miniature paintings 17th Century is being represented as the "Golden period" because of important contribution of stay and religious contemplation of kings and Great kings to portrayed Barahmasa or six seasons of the year. Number of the seasons paintings have been portrayed by the painters which is based on religion but the period of 'Vashnav-Bhaktikal' is most precious collection of season's picture.

In this, Barahmasa themes are mostly entwined with the celestial love of Sri Radha and Krishnaand the nature has been taken as companion and playmate of Krishna. As a main hero, he is portrayed wonderfully and beautifully within flaming of six seasons.

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Celestial love of Sri Radha and Krishna

The Barahmasa themereflects the moods of the lovers in the brilliant spring, sad autumn or monotonous winter; but none is so evocative as of the splendor and awe inspiring beauty of the Indian monsoon when the rains come down like blessings from heaven, suddenly the world looks beautiful; the earth smells lovely, and the heart smiles!

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The earth smells lovely, and the heart smiles!

It is also the most romantic of all seasons. It is the season of dark clouds rumbling like beats of war drums, the thunder and flashes of lightning, the gentle patter of raindrops and the pageant of rainbows. It is the season that delights the thirsty chataka birds, the lustily cheering peacocks brilliant with fanlike expansive colorful plumage. It is the season that captures the joy and relief from dry heat and the season that brings life and hope to all existence.

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The most romantic of all seasons

For lovers, the blossoms of spring are like the arrows of Kama (the God of Love), hence Red is the colour everywhere in such paintings.

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For lovers, the blossoms of spring are like the arrows of Kama

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Red is the colour everywhere in such paintings

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Jhulonotsava and Music festival

The season of spring is typically personified by the deities and devotees celebrating with music and dance, and Sri Krishna is the Deity most-often featured in Raga Vasanta paintings, dancing joyfully to the enchanting music played by He and the milkmaid gopis, clad in bright yellow silk and spring’s fresh colors. He is the personification of the purusa, eternally active in the Spring and the gopis represent the jivatmas, desiring association with paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord of the heart.


Gopis are shown with dholak, kartals and stringed instruments

In such paintings, the gopis are shown with dholak (drum), kartals and stringed instruments. Lush flowering creepers and shrubs are usually set in the foreground, with yellow, pink and white blooms, along with mango, banana and Cyprus trees, all of which are commonly seen in the month of March.

‘Barahmasa’ paintings are jewels of India Miniature paintings and sets remaining in private as well as of museums of arts around the world are unparalleled example of their own.

Each one narrates an event that illustrates the beauty, love and togetherness in the lives of the lovers, entwined on the splendor of nature that surrounds them, in each season.

-Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal : email :

New Stamps from other countries



12 June 2014 – World Flower Show

On June 12, 2014, An Post issued two new stamps to celebrate the first year Ireland will host the World Flower Show.

For five days in June, the Royal Dublin Society will host the World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA) World Flower Show 2014. This is a major event in the international floriculture calendar and an important festival with participants from all 31 member countries including North and South America, South Africa, The Far East, Australia, New Zealand and from all over Europe.

Events include a Flower Arranger’s Conference with over 1,200 participants and The World Flower Show, an exhibition of flower arrangements that will be open to the public. This exhibition will showcase the beautiful and extravagant creations of flower arrangers from all over the world and the RDS is expected to attract over 10,000 visitors per day from all over the world.

The World Flower Show is a triennial event and 2014 is the first year Ireland has been invited to host the event. The theme for the show is ‘A Floral Odyssey’. During the show, the Royal Dublin Society’s Convention Complex will be transformed into a haven of beauty filled with spectacular competitive floral exhibits. Creativity and innovation from floral artists will be to the fore while Irish and International floral demonstrators and lecturers will take visitors on magical tours.

There will be organized tours of the gardens and scenery of Dublin and the surrounding counties and everything culminates in a gala banquet on the final night.

The two stamps were designed by Atelier David Smith to mark World Flower Show 2014 in Dublin. They are very intriguing stamps and show details from a photograph of an orchid. The actual orchid featured here is of the genus Phalaenopsis and is native to South East Asia,but has become a very common house plant in Ireland. It was photographed using X-ray techniques to reveal the varying hues and details in the petals.

Israel Thailand Joint Issue

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5 June 2014 : 60 years of Diplomatic relations between Israel and Thailand

The stamp features two types of fruit that are characteristic of their countries – a pomegranate from Israel and a mangosteen fruit from Thailand. In addition to their tastiness, each of these fruits has symbolic significance in the traditions of its people and its country.In Jewish tradition, the pomegranate symbolizes beauty, fertility and abundance.It is also one of the seven species mentioned in the Bible as being special agricultural products of Eretz Israel.

The mangosteen fruit, a very popular tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, is known as the “Queen of Thai Fruit” probably because of its beautiful appearance and pleasant taste. Each of these fruits is known to possess its own medicinal properties and they are also combined in food supplements, health drinks and beauty creams.

The Lighter Side

The impression quality of an obliterator at a philatelic exhibition


A few days ago I received two exhibition covers sent by my penfriend Mr. Ashok Pandya of Jamnagar. He had been to an exhibition called “JAMPEX 2014” held at Jamnagar on 15th March 2014. The readers of “Rainbow Stamp News” may themselves assess the quality of the special commemorative cancellations which were offered to the visitors at Jampex 2014. The obliterators appear to be artistically designed, but their performance on the cover is far from being “appreciable”! There is a scientific reason behind it and it involves the surface of the material used for manufacturing the obliterator, which most probably is rubber or plastic. The poor show offered by the obliterator could be due to the surface of the obliterator and also due to the material used in manufacturing the envelopes.


This could have been avoided, if the booth-holders had used this obliterator a number of times and if they had convinced themselves that the impression offered by the obliterator could be offered to the visitors of the exhibition. This has been often observed at most of the regional and all India type philatelic exhibitions that the booth holders do not care about the expectation of the visitors. They are also under the impression that the visitors would accept any quality of their special obliterators, as there are no other special commemorative cancellations are available! I wonder if my humble request in use of special obliterator could help to improve the performance at special philatelic shows arranged to celebrate some important event.

- Dr.Avinash B. Jagtap (Binningen, Switzerland)  email :

Promotional Section

Book on Tagore stamps and covers


Rabindranath Tagore and The Post Office - A Philatelic Tribute

The book “ Rabindranath Tagore and The Post Office - A Philatelic Tribute “ edited by noted artist and philatelist Shri Dipok Dey has been published by Rammohun Library and Free Reading Room, Kolkata.

This book gives details with colorful illustrations of all the stamps along with First Day Covers, Postmarks, Souvenir sheets, Miniature sheets, special covers, special postmarks, Booklets, Maximum Cards, Picture Post cards ,  catch Covers etc.

The other details of the book are given below :

Rabindranath Tagore and The Post Office - A Philatelic Tribute Edited by Dipok Dey - Hardbound - Pages 64  - Price Rs 575.  - Published by Rammohun  Library and Free Reading Room, 267 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata – 700009. email : Ph. 033 – 700009 ( Please contact from 2PM to 6PM except Saturday and Sunday)

History of Indian Miniature Paintings Through Philately by Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal published by PHILAGOLD Publications, Pages 80,  Price   Rs 1200 / US  $ 25


History of Indian Miniature Paintings Through Philately is a beautiful   Coffee Table Book by renowned philatelist and philatelic author Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal. The book is based on deep research of different schools of Indian Art by Dr Agrawal. The study has been narrated through beautiful images of various philatelic items  issued all over the world. The book is divided into 14 chapters with details of paintings from different schools of Indian Art. The most attractive part of the book is its fine and rich printing. The book has been presented by the author in a very aesthetic way that on first sight it captures the attention of the reader.

The book is available with Dr Satyendra Kumar  Agrawal : email

Antarctic Expedition-Philatelist's Guide" by Abhai Mishra


Indian involvement with Antarctic Expeditions dates back to year 1911 when Captain Scott attempted to reach the South Pole. The book traces the history of Indian Antarctic

Expeditions through mails and letters carried with the expedition. It documents the Indian Antarctic postal history through cancellations, cachets, labels, envelopes, letter heads, QSL cards, postcards used during the expedition. The book reveals very rare and lesser known facts of Antarctica.

For more details please contact :

Abhai Mishra : email :

Editor’s Mail Box

Dr Avinash B. Jagtap – Switzerland

Thank you for sending me June-2014 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. There are several interesting and informative articles dealing with different aspects of Indian Philately. Perhaps Rainbow is the most important philatelic magazine available on Internet and is a first and foremost philatelic news periodical in the world. Thanks for your contribution to Indian Philately!

Praful Thakkar – Ahmedabad  

I saw the latest Newsletter of Rainbow. It is very useful and informative. Congratulations !!!

Blogs & Websites

1. Praful Thakkar’s Exotic gallery of Indian Philately - : It is a complete website on Indian Philately created by noted philatelist Mr Praful Thaakkar

2.. Welcome to the World of Indian Philately -

An exclusive website created by Mr Prashant Pandya dedicated to Indian Philately .The philatelists can register for “ Online Philatelists’ Directory ” on this website.

3.Virtual Stamp Club It is website for On Line collectors. Membership is free. Many collectors around the world are its members.

4. Stamp Magazine - This blog is updated by Adrian Keppel every Friday with new Articles on a variety of subjects.

5.Indian Thematics - - A new blog created by noted Thematic Philatelist Mr Dinesh Chandra Sharma. This blog is all about Thematic Philately.

6. Indian Philatelists’ Forum -

This is an electronic discussion forum dedicated exclusively to Indian Philately that allows members to engage into meaningful discussions on all aspects of Indian Philately. Membership to the forum is open to all philatelists who have interest in Indian Philately. Members can share and discuss their ideas, knowledge, research, collections, events, exhibitions, auctions, publications exclusively related to Indian Philately.

7. The best stamps - It’s a beautiful blog created by Julian Fernandes of Pune ( Now living in UK) featuring lovely stamps of birds with the photos of the same birds giving a wonderful look !!

8. Numismatic & Philatelic Association - -  This Numismatic & Philatelic Association is a nonprofit and non-trade motive association that aims to promote the hobbies – Philately (Stamp Collection) and Numismatics (Coin Collection) among children, students, interested individuals among the general public and especially for the budding philatelists and numismatists.

9. How to Collect Stamps - : The Complete Guide To Stamp Collecting

10.GANDHI Stamps & Philately Study Circle : - A new Blog by Ketan Patel .…. Saving Gandhi Philately by trying to bring awareness and exposing illegal activities in Gandhi Stamps and Philately.

11. Europa Stamps : : A blog on Europa, cept, norden & sepac stamps

12. Phila Mirror : : The Indian Philately Journal

13. Se- tenant Stamps of India - It is a specialized Blog on se-tenant stamps.

14. Flags & Stamps - - It is a specialized blog on Flag Theme .

15. Glimpses of Modern Indian Philately : - It is a specialized blog on Modern Philately, created by Mr Prashant Pandya .

16. Question & Answers on Philately : 1610/indexExp_69442.htm - It is a site based on Question & Answers on Philately. Mr Prashant Pandya replies to queries.

17. Philatelic Journalists Forum - “The Philatelic Journalists” is an initiative by a few enthusiast philatelists, who love the hobby to the deepest.

18. The Philatelist - - A blog with lot of info about stamps and philatelic activities around the world.

19. Phila India - - Website created by Mahesh Reddiar with lot of info and articles on philately .

20. Princess Diana – Queen of Hearts - - New Blog by noted philatelist of Orissa Mr Santanu Panigrahi.

Philatelic Clubs & Societies

Baroda Philatelic Society -

Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra

Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -

India Study Circle -

Indian Stamp Ghar -

Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -

Ludhiana Philatelic Club

Mobile Philately -

Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort

Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Rainbow Stamp Club -

Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat

Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad

South India Philatelists Association -

Stamps of India -

The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

Stamp of India Collectors’ Companion - India’s first weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail: Website:

India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.

ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -

VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -

Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta

SIPA Bulletin  published by South India Philatelists’ Association, Chennai website :

GPA News – Editor - Ilias Patel and published by Gujarat Philatelists’ Association, Ahemadabad.


This is a blog of e-stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog.Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related with Philately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue International Stamp News; Indian Philately Digest ; Mansoor B.- Mangalore; Prashant Pandya – Vadodara; Sreejesh Krishnan – Trivandrum; Kasinath R. – Tanjore ; Ravindra Wamanacharya - Nashik ; Pradip Jain – Patna; Mahesh Parekh- Chennai; Jagannath Mani - Bangalore

Address for communication:

Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box No. 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248001. India

E-mail –

clip_image002[10] Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.

clip_image002[11] If you liked this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promoting philately.

A Request to Readers & Contributors -

clip_image003[10] Please do not send the text in scan form or PDF. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

Kindly specify your contribution such as article/News/ Reader’s Right / Beginners’ Section/ Lighter Side etc.

clip_image003[11] Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.

Attention -
Please send limited number of images in compressed jpg format only with your article. Please send text and images separately. Please do not send text or image for publication in PDF.

Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor.

…..Happy Collecting…………………………………………………………………

Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Dehradun ( Uttarakhand) India.


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