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Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin edited and published by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Rainbow October 2017

Happy Diwali

Canada - India joint issue - 21 September 2017


Dehradun October 2017 Vol. X  No. 118

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to the editor: 

 Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Dear Reader,

INPEX 2017 will be held from 30th November to 4th December 2017 in Mumbai. Everything is fine except the high frame charges for participation in this forthcoming exhibition.  In any exhibition if the participation fee is kept very high to meet the cost of exhibition, the participation of the exhibitors is always very limited and entry to participate in the exhibition is not given on the merit basis but maximum entry is given by the organizers to those, desirous to participate, in order to collect funds for the exhibition. We cannot expect such exhibition of very high standard…When many deserving exhibitors of national level withdraw themselves from participation…. However if the exhibition is organized by India Post, there is moderate fee with maximum participation of the exhibitors on the basis of previous awards won. Moreover, if any private society is organizing the exhibition at national level, it must seek the sponsors to meet the expenses and maintain the standard of exhibition in terms of quality of exhibits as well as infrastructure. Very high participation fee gives the feeling that the exhibitor is paying the cost of award if he/she wins …

This is a view point . If considered a better event can be organized. Hats off to Philatelic Society of India which has taken initiative once again to organize a national exhibition. My best wishes to the organizers. .. But if all philatelic Societies including the PCI unite and pursue for a national exhibition to be organized  by India Post it would certainly be an excellent event as there will be no pressure of funds on the organizers. This is all for this month….More in next issue.

Wishing you all a very Happy n Prosperous Deepawali.
Happy Collecting !


§  From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal
§  Recent Indian Issues
§  In The News
§  Doon Philatelic Diary
§  Beginners’ Section
§  Specialized Section 
§  New Issues from Other Countries
§  Philatelic Clubs and Society
§  Blogs & Websites on Philately
§  Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletter

National Philatelic Exhibitions in India

.As I remember, the last National Level Exhibition organized solely by India Post was INPEX 2008 held in January 2009 in Chennai and thereafter  World Show in New Delhi in 2013. In last 16 years   most of the National Level shows were organized by philatelic societies independently. To name a few :

INPEX2002 National Level Philatleic Exhibition  held in Bhuwneshwar

INPEX-EMPIREPEX-2001 - National Stamp Exhibition, Nasik by Empire of India Philatelic Society
StampMania-2009  One Frame National Exhibition Organizer: Baroda Philatelic Society held in Vadodara

Several  National Level Exhibitions held by Stamp of India in the name of SINE..

Naturepex 2016  National Philatelic Exhibition on nature & Environment  held in Oct. 2016 Bhubaneswar by EIPA

SIPA Diamond 2016. SIPA Diamond 2016, National Level Stamp Exhibition National Level Stamp Exhibition organized by South India Philatelists. SIPA also organized SIPA GOLD-2006, TIEPEX2001 and other exhibitions of National Level

Milipex 2000 – 8th National Philatelic Exhibition

Various other philatelic organizations conducted so called National Level Shows from time to time not mentioned above.

Well, after going through the above list, one can easily see that the philatelic exhibitions are being held mainly by private philatelic societies. In some cases India Post  has joined but as gathered no financial and other support  was given. Yes, some of the shows were conducted under patronage of PCI also.

From this study we can easily conclude that  India Post, a government organization has practically refrained itself from taking the cudgel of organizing such high level philatelic exhibitions. Is it the problem of India Post really or the philatelic societies are responsible for this?  The true major National Level Shows in the past 16 years such as  INPEX EMPIREPEX 2001 in 2001 by Empire of India Philatelic Society & then INPEX 2013 in 2013 by Philatelic Society of India, Mumbai and now the next in the list INPEX 2017 by Philatelic society of India apart from the one by India Post in 2009 named INPEX2008.

I genuinely thank these societies for  helping philatelists of India by giving them opportunity to display their valued collections  and in some shows to be adjudged by accredited jury of PCI also. But at the same time my mind is befuddled by thinking that  we ourselves are motivating India Post not to organize their  independent National Shows. India Post is happy not to indulge in such activities directly  and put all the burden financial and other on the philatelists. There is always a scope  of doubt to the credentials of results of such private or co-ordinated  shows  for participation and better outcome at  International shows.

Just think, is it not like a trend making or like hitting our own foot with own axe? Can we promote philately by ourselves alone ?  No, we need India Post to be there always assisting societies in all the ways such as providing frames, finance, infrastructure, volunteers  etc. . The burden should be on the India Post. To organize and give its name to the show under its control. Let’s put our efforts to convince the think tank of India post to do something for the philately also and not just for it.

Anyway, I wish PSI (Philatelic Society of India) a great success of the show. It is truly commendable that PSI has always come forward to help development of philately. There are certain complains in air  against  the show  such as  high frame fee which includes GST, Introduction of new classes but no rules and guide lines provided such as Social Philately, Frugal Philately, First day covers etc.. But I think  some  aspects such as cost is beyond control & someone has to introduce some new classes in India though with some shortcomings. But all these efforts are for the development of philately. I do understand PCI does not have trained jury for such new classes but we have to appreciate this move. People do talk about quality of judging but for me the judging has always been a subject matter of dispute, discussion and dissatisfaction. The jury in India for certain classes is the best  beyond any doubt.  My request to the participants is to honor the jury findings and the  results. Strict marking helps to make better exhibit.

Let us join together to make this exhibition a great success. Let us join hands with the society and help the organizer in whatever way we can. Let us not condemn the organizers. Let us  appreciate their efforts and support them. Doubt if any, may be clarified without condemning or revolting.

Yes., after the completion of the show, Indian philatelists need to sit and think how to handle India Post for betterment of philately and to convince them that higher level shows need to be organized by them and those too on regular basis..

-Naresh Agrawal  Ph. 09425530514

Recent Indian Issue

9 August 2017  : 75 Years – 1942 Freedom Movement 8 x Rs5 + MS
15 August 2017 : Beautiful India -2 X Rs 15 + MS
15 August 2017 : Caves of Meghalaya – 2 X  Rs 5 + MS

18 September 2017 : Vulnerable Birds  - 3 X Rs 5

21 September 2017 : India Canada Joint Issue – Rs 5 + Rs 25 + MS
22 September – Ramayana- 10 x Rs5 + Rs15 + MS

 Recent Special Covers

12 September 2017 : Cauvery Maha Pushkaram 2017, Shrirangam
17 September 2017 : 3rd Anniversary of Swachh Bhart Mission - Cennai
16 September 2017 : Shrirangam Lions Club,Tiruchirapalli  
19 September 2017 : Cauvery Maha Pushkaram 2017 , Mayiladuthuari
23 September 2017 : Lukerganj Barwari Durga Puja, Allahabad
2 October 2017 : Dhai Akhar – Vadodara, Hyderabad

In The News

Best Europa stamp 2017 - Public Prize

The 2017 Best Europa stamp - Jury prize was awarded recently in Brussels’ town hall. This was the sixth edition of this neutral and artistic prize. Eight experts of the philatelic world were invited to join the jury and judge the Europa stamps based on their expert opinion. This year's winner is Finland with the following stamp :
1st Prize : Finland

2nd (tied) – Åland & Italy (1.- € value)
3rd - Liechtenstein (1.50 CHF Vaduz castle)

New permanent pictorial cancellation

A special cover and permanent pictorial cancellation of Holy Rosary Shrine at Karumathampatti under Tirupur division was released on 29th September 2017 by CPMG TN circle A special beautiful pack of maxim cards with this pictorial cancellation, on Roman Catholic Churches in TN was also released by WR during this occasion.

Indian theme on recent foreign stamps

Russian Post issued a commemorative postage stamp on 100th Birth Anniversary of Mrs Indira Gandhi. The postage stamp features a portrait of Indira Gandhi depicted on the background of the national flag of India. Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) was  Prime Minister of India in 1966-1977 and 1980-1984. The post mark on FDC also bears the sketch of Mrs Indira Gandhi. The FDC also features Indian emblem and ‘ Satyamev Jayate’  in Hindi.

Belarus-India Joint issue

On September 12, 2017 the Ministry of Communications and Information of the  Republic of Belarus issued the postage stamp “Joint issue of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of India. 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations”.

Indian emblem and lotus temple of India has been features on the sheetlet where as Taj Mahal and Indian National Flower Lotus is  also  featured on the FDC of this issue.

Recent Stamp Exhibitions

Brasilia-2017 is a Specialized World Stamp Exhibition. The Exhibition will open on 24 October 2017 and close on 29 October 2017. Mr Ajay Kumar Mittal is the National Commissioner. email :

Commissioner for MACAO 2018 Philatelic Exhibition (FIAP)
Mr. Anil Suri has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the MACAO 2018, FIAP Specialized Stamp Exhibition to be held in Macao, Macau from 21 to 24 September 2018.

Exhibition Classes: Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Thematic, Youth, One Frame (TR, PH, PS, AE, AS, TH, MA & RE), Literature and Modern Philately only.

Eligibility: The minimum eligibility for participation in a FIAP exhibition for Senior Class & Youth Class (Groups B & C) is Vermeil Medal and for Youth Class (Group A) a Large Silver Medal secured at a National Exhibition.
Contact information:
Mr. Anil Suri,
Khushal Villa, E-70, Kalkaji,
NEW DELHI - 110 019.

Phone: (Res.) +91-11-2643 0813 / (Off.) +91-11-2647 4681
(M): +919811176908

Commissioner for PRAGA 2018 Philatelic Exhibition (FIP)
Mr. Rajan Jaykar has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the PRAGA 2018, FIP Specialized World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 15 to 18 August 2018.

Exhibition Classes: Traditional, Postal History, Modern Philately (Trad. & PH), One Frame (Trad. & PH), Open Philately and Philatelic Literature Classes only.

Eligibility:  The minimum eligibility for participation in a FIP exhibition for Senior & Youth Class Groups B & C is Vermeil Medal secured at a National Exhibition and for Youth Class Group A Large Silver Medal.
Contact information:
Mr. Rajan Jayakar
Flat No. 2, Court View, 126, Maharashi Karve Road,
Churchgate, MUMBAI - 400 020.

Phone: +91-22-22820570 / +91-22-22820572
(M): +9198210 72417

INPEX 2017 - National Stamp Exhibition

Philatelic Society of India announced national exhibition INPEX2017 to be held from 30th November to 4th December 2017 at world trade center, Mumbai.

View details on :


2018 May 27-31: Jerusalem, Israel, ISRAEL 2018 World Stamp Championship

2018 Aug 15-18: Prague, Czech Republic, PRAGA 2018 World Stamp Exhibition

2018 Sep 21-24: Macao, MACAO 2018 35th FIAP International Stamp Exhibition

2018 Dec: THAILAND 2018 World Stamp Exhibition

News from Philatelic Societies

Central India Philatelic Society

Monthly meeting of Central India Philatelic Society organized on 1st Oct. 2017 at Satna (M. P.). Decided to organize a Philatelic & Numismatic Exhibition in the month of November 2017.

Secretary Sudhir Jain displayed his collection of old Bazar Cards and US Quarter Dollar coins. Shri Ramesh Lajpatrai presided and Jt. Secretary Rajendea Agarwal Shashi given vote of thanks.

Members present were Kuldeepak Oberai, Umashankar Agarwal, Ashok Jain, Ravi Gupta, Jagdish Tiwari, Jinendra Jain, Surendra Gupta, Ashok Mohile, Sachin Tolwani, Anuj Agarwal, Vinay Gupta, S. P. Sharma, Pankaj Pratap Singh, Thakur Khilani, Manmohan Maheshwari, Tilakraj Soni, Pravin Khatri, Rakesh Sahu etc.

New Special cover and stationery (postcard) on owl from Germany

A Special cover and a stationery (postcard)  will be available on5th November   in 74405 GAILDORF. Both philatelic items and in addition a pictorial postmark are featuring a Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)


-Wolfgang Beyer ,Vice Chairman of the German Philatelic Collector Group ArGe Zoologie

Doon Philatelic Diary

The Doon School  is a boys-only independent boarding school in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. It was founded in 1935 by Satish Ranjan Das, a Kolkata lawyer, who prevised a school modelled on the British public school, but conscious of Indian ambitions and desires.The school's first headmaster was an Englishman, Arthur E. Foot, who had spent nine years as a science master at Eton College, England before coming to Doon, and returned to England right after India's independence.Doon has been ranked as one of  the best residential schools in India.

 DS-75 celebrations 

President  Pratibha Patil  speaking at the Doon School's Platinum Jubilee in October 2010.

The annual Founder's Day celebration of the school is an event of three or four-days in the Autumn Term, usually in the last week of October. Many ex-pupils come from all parts of the world to celebrate the event. Security on campus is tight, since alumni attending the event often include senior politicians and government officials, and the chief guest is usually a very prominent person. The event includes productions of English dramas followed by an orchestral concert given by members of the school's Music Society.
Doon celebrated its 75th Founder's Day (Platinum Jubilee) in October 2010 with an event christened DS-75. Among the chief guests were the then President Pratibha Patil of India, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and Kapil Sibal, (then Union Minister for Human Resource Development). Pratibha Patil, in her address, urged the school authorities to make Doon a co-educational institution. 
On 22 October 2010, a commemorative postage stamp depicting the school's main building was released by India Post  to mark the occasion of the 75th Founder's Day.

The school occupies a single campus covering approximately 72 acres (290,000 m2) flanked by Chakrata Road and Mall Road in the Dehradun Cantonment area of Dehradun city, Uttarakhand, Pupils are known as "Doscos", a contraction of "Doon" and "school".

Beginners’ Section


I remember the day when started sketching, my art teacher recommended for a “Venus” brand pencil and eraser supposed to be best for drawing purposes. Later I also used “Koh-I-Noor” and “Faber-Castell”. Surprisingly all were painted in Yellow. Even today most of the branded Drawing pencils around the globe come in Yellow colour.
There’s an interesting story behind how the familiar yellow pencil came to be. Pencils have been painted yellow ever since the 1890s. During the 1800s, the best graphite in the world came from China. American pencil makers wanted a special way to tell people that their pencils contained Chinese graphite.

In China, the colour yellow is associated with royalty and respect. American pencil manufacturers began painting their pencils bright yellow to communicate this “regal” feeling and association with China. Tradition still continues and 75% of branded hexagonal graphite pencils in the US are painted yellow.
However, according to Henry Petroski’s history of the pencil, the European producer Koh-I-Noor was the first to introduce a yellow pencil.

Specialized Section

The US Famous Americans Series 1940

Col J Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta

In 1938, the Post Office Department announced plans for a series of stamps recognizing 10 famous Americans and invited the public to submit recommendations.  The response was so great that it was decided to increase the number from 10 to 35.  This required an unexpected level of organization by the Post Office Department for this series.

The Famous Americans series comprising of 35 stamps were issued in 1940, in 7 groups of 5 stamps each, and printed in sheets of 70. The groups honour Authors, Poets, Educators, Scientists, Composers, Artists and Inventors. The stamps are coloured according to denomination: 1 cent green, 2 cents red, 3 cents violet, 5 cents blue, and 10 cents brown. The frame of the stamp varies from group to group.
Each rate had a valid use.  The 1¢ stamp paid for a letter that was dropped off at a post office for someone who had a box at the same office.  The 2¢ was for local delivery.  The 3¢ paid the normal non-local mail rate, and the 5¢ and 10¢ were used in combination for heavier letters and special rates.

This series of Postage issues was printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. These stamps were larger in size than normal definitive issues, with only 280 stamp images contained on the printing plate (400 images was standard for the Presidential series). Notable also is the red-violet colour chosen for the 3¢ stamps, a brighter hue than the traditional purple. With this series Booker T. Washington became the first black American to be honoured on a US stamp.

Authors:  Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Louisa May Alcott, and Samuel Clemens.

Poets:  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, Walt Whitman, James Whitcomb Riley.

Educators:  Horace Mann, Mark Hopkins, Charles W. Eliot, Frances E. Willard, Booker T. Washington.

Scientists:  John James Audubon, Dr. Crawford W. Long, Luther Burbank, Dr. Walter Reed, Jane Addams.

Composers:  Stephen Collins Foster, John Philip Sousa, Victor Herbert, Edward A. MacDowell, Ethelbert Nevin.

Artists:  Gilbert Charles Stuart, James McNeil Whistler, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Daniel Chester French, Frederick Remington.

Inventors:  Eli Whitney, Samuel F. B. Morse, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Elias Howe, Alexander Graham Bell.

Famous Americans Series of 1940


1 cent - Washington Irving
2 cent - James Fenimore Cooper
3 cent - Ralph Waldo Emerson
5 cent - Louisa May Alcott
10 cent - Samuel L. Clemens


1 cent - Henry W. Longfellow
2 cent - John Greenleaf Whittier
3 cent - James Russell Lowell
5 cent - Walt Whitman
10 cent - James Whitcomb Riley


1 cent - Horace Mann
2 cent - Mark Hopkins
3 cent - Charles W. Eliot
5 cent - Frances E. Willard
10 cent - Booker T. Washington 


1 cent - John James Audubon
2 cent - Dr. Crawford W. Long
3 cent - Luther Burbank
5 cent - Dr. Walter Reed
10 cent - Jane Addams


1 cent - Stephen Collins Foster
2 cent - John Philip Sousa
3 cent - Victor Herbert
5 cent - Edward A. MacDowell
10 cent - Ethelbert Nevin


1 cent - Gilbert Charles Stuart
2 cent - James A. McNeill Whistler
3 cent - Augustus Saint-Gaudens
5 cent - Daniel Chester French
10 cent - Frederic Remington 


1 cent - Eli Whitney
2 cent - Samuel F.B. Morse
3 cent - Cyrus Hall McCormick
5 cent - Elias Howe
10 cent - Alexander Graham Bell

10c Booker T. Washington first day cover mailed by Postmaster General
James A. Farley

5 cent Louisa May Alcott first day cover 

-Col Jayanta Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta : email : 

In Memory of Dr Satyendra Agrawal….


In great philatelic memory of Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal, I am re-publishing some of his best articles every month this year. Those who were closely associated with Dr Agrawal may also share their memories  in this column.- Editor

Birth of Playing Cards 

©  Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal

How Playing Cards evolved
Chinese dictionary “Ching-tsze-tung” dating from 1628 includes the legend about creation of “dotted” cards. According to it numerous members of Emperor’s army of concubines invented playing cards in a desperate attempt to break the monotony of their existence and keep themselves occupied.
India has its own legend explaining the creation of cards. It’s similar to Chinese one in a way that it connects cards with royalty and female boredom in King’s boudoirs. According to Hindu legend the wife of a Maharaja was bored and irritated by her husband’s disgusting habit of constantly pulling hair from his beard. In order to keep his hands occupied and away from his beard and to entertain her and her husband, the wife conceived the idea of the game which used cards. Unlike the cards in China and Korea, Indian cards had a round shape.

Indian Circular Playing Cards (Ganjifa)
There is also conventional saying that many card games were   being played in India since time immemorial and the Brahmins invented them. ‘Ashtapada’, is one of them played in 5th century.  According to some historians, playing cards in India were derived from the game chess. 
However, once paper money had been introduced in China; the values, numbers and symbols were all put together to form the earliest playing cards. It all started   around the 9th century and what started as a family game played with hand printed leaves and wood, soon became an international phenomenon. It soon became popular in Japan and India.
By the end of the 14th century playing cards spread widely across Europe. Spain is credited to be first in Europe where the playing cards were introduced and were known as Barajas Espanola using Latin symbols for the deck.
 Barajas Espanola
After this they found home in Italy, Germany, France and Scandinavian countries.

 Italy, Germany, France
European colonists also brought with them playing cards they enjoyed in their old countries. English brought them to Virginia, Spanish to Florida and the Dutch to New Amsterdam. The cards even invaded Puritan New England.
Evidences suggest that card games and decks first evolved in England around the 15th century and in America with Spaniards during 20th century.

Playing Cards evolved in America during 20th C

Among the Indians of American Southwest the cards were made of deer and ship skin with the design similar to old Spanish Cards of 16th century made of leather used by the soldiers of Spanish expedition.
        Spanish American

These card decks included emblematic tarot cards consisted of 77 cards plus one card designated “the Fool”, predecessor of our joker, useful in fortune telling as well as for card games.

Tarot cards

It is also believed that cards are flat, shuffle able versions of other games such as dice, chess or mah-jongg.

Early Cards
No cards from this early survive, but the sources indicate that cards were being painted ‘in gold and various colours’. Wealthy nobles and Royalties from around the world also often play with elaborate ‘painted and gilded’   luxurious cards sometimes made from materials like silver. But standard playing cards began to be printed in Europe from block prints around the time that Gutenberg (Germany) invented the moveable type in the 1440’s enabling the general public to play card games.


German Playing Cards

Most early woodcuts, about 1450 onwards, of all types were coloured after printing, either by hand or, using stencils. 

Composition of Card pack

The composition and design of playing card decks varied with time and locale (particularly the number of cards in a deck), but the inclusion of both numbered cards and court cards (or "royals") — and the division of cards into different suits — were standard features from early on. The standard deck comprises 52 cards, in four suits each of thirteen ranks.

 The standard deck of 52 cards

In the Royal Household are Kings, Queens and Jacks, and another fellow who plays a cameo in games here and there known as Joker.
King, Queen, Jack  and Joker

The diverse cultural contexts led to a diversity of playing card types and styles. All European packs of the 14th century were 4-suited. They had differences in type of suits, their number and types of court cards.

Various Suits

The earliest examples of European design displayed the ‘Latin Suits’ of Swords, Batons, Cups and Coins.

Latin Suits’ of Swords, Batons, Cups and Coins

The Germans and the Swiss were producing more elegant forms as Hearts, Bells, Leaves and Acorns (1475)

Hearts, Bells, Leaves and Acorns

and by the 1480s the French had turned to producing Hearts, Clubs, Spades and Diamonds.

French Suits

Over the years, various scholars have also put forth the notion that the four suits in a deck of playing cards were intended to represent, the four classes of medieval society. The Italian cups (or chalices) stand for the Church, the swords the military, the coins the merchants, and the batons (or clubs) the peasantry. Similarly, the German bells symbolize the nobility (because of their love of falconry), heart the Church, and leave the middle class and acorns the peasantry. On French cards, the spades represent the aristocracy (as spearheads, the weapons of knights), hearts once again stand for the Church, diamonds are a sign of the merchant class (from the paving stones used in the chancels of churches, where the "well-to-do were buried," and clover (the food of swine) denotes the peasantry. However, all of this is mere historic speculation.
Suits came in 4 colors – black, red, blue and green but French Pack introduced major changes that simplified the pack and its production. Four suits were divided in two black suited and two red ones.
Four colours suits                   Two colours suits
The French suits were   accepted by other card-playing nations and French design eventually became the standard for most of Europe because suit symbols were more easily can be stenciled than their earlier counterparts. Also   card manufacturers   realized they did not need to engrave each of the twelve court cards separately,   simply  one wood block or copper plate for each of the three royals can be  printed the cards from them, and stenciled the suits in later.  
Court cards – King, Queens and Jacks

Different types of card decks being used through the world; it was the Europeans who began to give the Court cards their faces. Italian decks contained fifty-six cards, included four types of court cards  , ‘king’,’ queen’, ‘knight’ and ‘knave’.
King Queen Knight Knave
The original meaning of knave was male child, so in this context the character could represent the’prince’, son to the King and Queen; the meaning servant developed later.’ Knights’ were also dropped to make standard deck of cards from 56 to 52.
As the Spanish adopted playing cards, they replaced queens with mounted knights (caballeros). The Germans similarly excluded queens from their decks, naming their royals könig (king), obermann ("upper man") and untermann ("lower man"). The French made further changes, dropping the obermann and re-including the queen.
Though specific design elements of the court cards are rarely used in game play and many differ between designs, a few are notable. The Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts, and King of Diamonds are drawn in profile, while the rest of the courts are shown in full face; these cards are commonly called "one-eyed".

One Eyed Cards

The King of Hearts is the only King with no mustache, and is also typically shown with a sword behind his head, making him appear to be stabbing himself. This leads to the nickname "suicide king".  

Suicide King

The axe held by the King of Diamonds is behind his head with the blade facing toward him. He is traditionally armed with an axe while the other three kings are armed with swords, and thus the King of Diamonds is sometimes referred to as "the man with the axe" because of this.
 Man with the Axe

The Jack of Diamonds is sometimes known as ‘laughing boy’. 

Laughing Boy

The Ace of Spades, unique in its large, ornate spade, is sometimes said to be the death card, and in some games is used as a trump card.

Death Card

The Queen of Spades usually holds a scepter and is sometimes known as "the bedpost queen", though more often she is called "Black Lady".

Black Lady

Naming of Court cards

Towards the close of the 16th century French playing card manufacturers began naming the court cards after heroes in the epics of medieval history, as narrated in chronicles and legends of the day. Early choices for the identities of the kings included Solomon, Augustus, Clovis, and Constantine, but during the latter part of the reign of Henry IV (1553-1610) they were more or less standardized as representing Biblical king David (spades), Charlemagne (hearts), Julius Caesar (diamonds) and Alexander the Great (clubs).

Similarly, Queen of Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs were respectively –Pallas Joan of Arc or the eponymous Greek goddess of war  Athena),  ,Empress  Judith(wife of Charlemagne's son)  ,Rachel (Agnes Sorel -mistress of Charles VII  or Jacob's wife) &  Argine(wife of Charles VII or Juno -queen of the gods in Roman mythology) .
Curiously, the identities of the knaves seem to have remained constant. They were   Ogier (a knight of Charlemagne   and the knight who is carried off by the witch Morgan la Fay in Arthurian legend) as the knave of spades, La Hire (comrade-in-arms to Joan of Arc, and member of Charles VII's court) as the knave of hearts, Hector (the hero of Troy) as the knave of diamonds, and Judas Maccabeus, or Lancelot (another knight from Arthurian legend) as the knave of clubs.

However, the assignation of identities to the kings, queens and knaves was a temporary practice unique to french card masters that began around the mid-15thcentury and came to an end with the French revolution in the late 18th century. Standard Anglo-American cards today do not represent anyone in particular.

Standard Anglo-American cards

(Note: Most of the illustrated cards are Chinese Postal Stationery Cards and stamps are prepared by under license from US Post).

New issues from other Countries
15 September 2017 : Forest Mammals

Forest Mammals
Mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and least weasel (Mustela nivalis) are indigenous species that may be seen all over Åland. Both animals change colours with the seasons. On the stamps, they are illustrated in their summer coats. The herbivorous mountain hare is the sprinter of the forest, and the weasel is the smallest land predator of the Nordic countries. The weasel very much resembles the ermine but is slightly smaller and has a shorter tail that lacks the black tail-tip of the ermine. Bo illustrates its smallness by placing it next to some cowslips, the provincial flower of Åland.
The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is the approximate size of a fox and resembles a raccoon. Bo depicted it in its winter pelage when the fur is at its best. Appearing in Åland since the 1970s, the omnivorous raccoon dog is an invasive species from the east. It may cause damage among domestic species of birds and spread diseases such as rabies. Consequently, raccoon dogs may be hunted year round. Mountain hare may be hunted in winter whereas the least weasel is a protected species.

18 September 2017 – Autism Living in their own world

Autism - Living in their Own World 
Autism is a condition where a child (or an adult) experiences the world in a way that significantly differs compared to other people. The basic characteristics of persons with disabilities from the autism spectrum are difficulties in communication and interaction, tendency to repeat behavioural patterns, interests and activities, as well as sensory processing difficulties. Furthermore, one of the characteristics of disorders from the autism spectrum is its appearance in early childhood, up to the age of three. It is important to emphasize that this is a neurobiological developmental disorder and, throughout the life of an affected individual, its clinical picture changes within the spectrum of the disorder that manifests itself differently among individuals and at various levels. 
Parents or experts can notice the first signs of deviations from regular communication development as soon as the first year of a child’s life, that is, up to the age of 18 months. Indicators of suspicion of a developmental disorder include the following: the child does not make eye contact when someone speaks to him/her, does not wave “bye-bye“, does not consistently respond when his/her name is called – sometimes yes, and sometimes no, does not perform simple verbal orders (such as: “Give!”, “Come!”, Sit!” and similar), does not say the words “mom” and “dad” (with a meaning), when asked to show body parts (ear, eye, nose) he/she fails to do so, does not point towards objects with his/her index finger. Only monitoring and a comprehensive team processing can show whether it is just a suspicion or a disorder from the autism spectrum. The disorder may be alleviated and the clinical picture can be changed in the child participates in a suitable early intervention program in the family at the onset of the disorder.
Autism was first described in 1943 by Kanner, an American psychiatrist. His description of the basic clinical symptoms is valid even today. However, what has changed is the higher number of cases of autism throughout the world. This is why persons with autism require a greater social support and care.
15 September 2017 : Cascais 2018 - European Youth Capital

Cascais 2018 - European Youth Capital

It may seem rather ironic to celebrate Cascais European Youth Capital with a stamp, or collection of stamps. It is said that stamps were invented more than 300 years ago. They don’t seem very fashionable, particularly at a time when many people have stopped sending letters. Everything has now moved into the digital world, into the cloud, emails, SMS and WhatsApp messaging.
It is precisely because they aren’t fashionable that our little old stamps continue to be modern.They are modern because they have value. The value which someone accords to sending a message to someone else.
They are modern because they are ageless. They move through time with youthful energy.They are modern because they link us all together. Past, present and future generations, united by a square piece of paper.
It is for these reasons that releasing a collection of stamps is an excellent way to commemorate Cascais European Youth Capital.
We want to have value.We want to make our mark on history.We want to link present and future generations of young people.This is our goal. We are fighting hard to achieve it.
We have competed for the title of European Youth Capital on two occasions. We lost on the 1st, but we didn’t give up. We kept on trying. We won on the second, because we were convinced that Cascais and Portugal deserved the title. Cascais has one of the most dynamic communities of young people in the country. We compare favourably to other places around the world in terms of entrepreneurship, volunteering, association activity and citizenship.
This means that in many cases, the political power is led by the dynamism of its young people.We are working so that no young person is left behind.
We want to improve our youth policy framework. We want to be bold in our proposals for empowerment. We want to be assertive in devising policies for education, both for young people and for lifelong learning. We want to be relentless in defending decent work for young people.
We will leave a mark on young people at the national and European level. We will promote the best European Youth Capital ever.
When we all have grey hair and look back at these stamps, we will always remember the boldness and courage of our youth.
-       Carlos Carreiras President of Cascais City Council

Judaica Thematic Society (UK) October 2017 Newsletter edited by Gary Goodman
Blogs & Websites

Philatelic Clubs & Societies 
Ananthapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram
Baroda Philatelic Society -
Chandigarh Philatelic Club
Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra
Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -   
India Study Circle -
Indian Stamp Ghar -
Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -
Ludhiana Philatelic Club
Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort
Philatelic Congress of India -
Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Philatelic Society of India , Bombay : 
Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat
Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad
South India Philatelists Association -
The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

This is a blog of e-stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related with Philately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters
VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -

ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -

Ananthpuri Stamp Bulletin - Monthly e -stamp bulletin of Anathapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram

Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta

SIPA Bulletin

Stamp of India Collectors’ Companion - India’s first weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E- mail: Website:

India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.

GPA News – Published by Gujarat Philatelists’ Association, Ahemadabad.

Stamps Today  Stamp & Coin Magazine edited by Vijay Seth

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue :   Indian Philately Digest ,  Stamps of India ;  WOPA , Suresh R.- Bangalore; Sreejesh Krishnan – Trivandrum. Prashant Pandya- Vadodara, Kasinath R- Tanjore; Ambrish Kumar & Rahul Ganguli - Allahabad; Timir Shah- Vadodara ; Sudhir Jain - Satna (MP)

 Address for communication :

Jeevan Jyoti,  c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248002. India  
 E-mail – 

*  Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.  
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A Request to Readers & Contributors –

*  Please do not send the text in scan form or PDF. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

Kindly specify your contribution such as article/News/ Reader’s Right /  Beginners’ Section/ Lighter Side etc.                                  

*  Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.
 Attention –

Please send limited number of images in compressed jpg format only with your article. Please send text and images separately. Please do not send text or image for publication in PDF. 

Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                …..Happy Collecting…………………………………………………………………………………            

Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun, ( Uttarakhand ) India for free circulation among philatelists.

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Recent Awards

AMRITPEX 2023 - Silver

CAPE TOWN 2022 - Silver

LONDON 2022 - Silver

INPEX 2019, Mumbai - Silver

CHINA-2019, World Stamp Exhibition, Wuhan - Bronze

INPEX 2017, Mumbai - Large Silver

CHINA 2016 - Bronze

TAIPEI 2015 - Bronze

CG International Philatelic Promotion Award 2014, Germany - ( 4th Position)

INPEX 2013, Mumbai - Vermeil

SHARJAH 2012, Sharjah ( UAE ) - Silver Bronze

IPHLA 2012, Mainz - Germany : Bronze

NDIPEX 2011 - World Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi - Bronze

JOBURG 2010 - 26th Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Johannesburg - Silver Bronze

PORTUGAL 2010 - World Stamp Exhibition, Lisbon - Bronze

Hong Kong 2009 -23rd Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Hong Kong - Silver Bronze

About Me

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Participated in different philatelic exhibitions Wrote for philately column in The Pioneer and worked as sub-editor for U-Phil Times published from United Philatelists, Kanpur.Did Schooling from Kanpur Vidya Mandir and Post Graduation in Botany from A.N.D. College Kanpur.


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