Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Rainbow May 2018

15th May - International Day of families

Date of Issue : 13 March 2018

The International Day of Families is observed on 15th May every year. The special day was launched by UN General Assembly in 1993 in order to stress the importance of having healthy and happy relationships with our relatives. The design of recent stamps issued by San Marino promote family values.

Dehradun May 2018 Vol XI Issue No 125
Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to the editor: 

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

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Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present May 2018 Issue of Rainbow Stamp News. First of all, I congratulate new elected members of Governing Council of the Philatelic Congress of India at recent elections held in Chennai.  I hope these members will  work for the promotion of philately by implementing new ideas and guidelines all over India. There is a need of strong bonding among PCI the national philatelic federation of India, philatelic clubs & societies and the Department of Posts because all these units cannot work efficiently without support from each other . Joint effort of all  can create outstanding philatelic activity and promote this hobby in each and every part of our country. Sometimes innovative ideas click and they bring a remarkable change replacing the old pattern of working. With new ideas we can have better designs and quality of stamps, good educational stamp exhibitions, workshops and seminars.  Best wishes to all the members of Governing Council of PCI. In this issue please find  articles on different subjects of philately. Enjoy this issue and have a nice time !

This is all for this month. More in next Issue!

Happy Collecting!


§  From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal
§  Recent Indian Issues
§  In The News
§  Doon Philatelic Diary
§  Beginners’ Section
§  Rose Philately
§  Specialized Section 
§  New Issues from Other Countries
§  Philatelic Clubs and Society
§  Blogs & Websites on Philately

§  Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletter

  From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal


My heart beats  and  while I inhale or exhale, the world philately  sounds and synchronizes with those. People say chant “OM” but for me philately is the biggest Mantra which I have been practicing for many years and till date it is my routine. But now I see the Mantra is getting ineffective. No more rejuvenation , no more energy, no more pleasure, no ore peace, no more love … I mean what wrong? Is there something wrong with me or with philately around me? I don’t find…don’t feel…. don’t experience.. that smooth, flawless, cool philately now…. It is not peace giving. Why?

What I find is the total scenario around me for philately  has changed. It has now turned in to a business..a profession ..a mode of investment rather than a hobby. It has become a stage for philatelic politics… a platform for egos of some persons to prosper.  Who says it is King of hobbies now…. It is slave of hobbies now. The colorful stamps don’t attract me now..the fascinating shapes and designs don’t lure me anymore…. the mind-blowing soothing smell of stamps no more gives me peace and pleasure….. The most distracting factor is the  striking sound of coins… the murmuring of currency notes which totally disturbs the peaceful sound of stamps…. the covers..the cancellations..the postmarks…. The philately..

I don’t condemn Numismatics which seems to have overpowered philately strongly. All around  the prosperity of Numismatics can be seen. New clubs and societies are being formed.  Separate coin and numismatic shows are being organized all around and  in big number on regular basis. One can see big gathering and good number of visitors in such shows.

Numismatics which climb holding finger of philately only  is now  flout upon philately. Philatelists are turning in to numismatists. Children are more attracted to numismatics rather than philately. I mean the whole scenario has changed. There is sounds and smells of numismatics in air rather than philately. Is philately dying or passing through a long lean patch. Philatelic societies and clubs are dying.

I understand, readers might be thinking that what has happened to me? A hardcore philatelists is so depressed… so worried… so tensed… Yes, friends I am. .. truly I am.

Today while I am writing these lines.. in Chennai people are waiting of elections of new governing council of Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) which we consider as apex body of philatelists.  In few hours time the fate of philately in India for next two years will be decided. The candidates for super-6 panel of governing council have appealed the eligible voting  members to cast their vote for them. Giving their  past services to the philatelic fraternity and have given assurance that they would lift the status of philately,  develop and promote philately. Nice.. that people have come up openly for the first time in such election. My best wishes to all the candidates and to the philatelic fraternity.

The importance of this  election  is because of the fact that this is the only  federation of philatelists in India.  Though I am myself life member of PCI but personally don’t understand the true functioning of PCI. Is it restricted to appointment of jury and  commissioners in exhibitions or to put before international philatelic bodies the philatelic concern of India ? Does this federation has other controls….. other functions to do. In one of my previous articles, I had  put before an idea of PCI to be a REGULATORY BODY.. rather than a federation  which has limited work to do.

I don’t say that what it is doing is not good. Of course, it is , essential  and  good job for philately but it is not enough. The way quality philately is diminishing…. This body needs to think  some more….do some more…give some more… achieve some more…It has to do something to REVIVE philately.   We see that the number of philatelists is decreasing where as the number of stamp investors is increasing. I do welcome the changing scenarios in society, the  changing life styles and social set ups. But not at the cost of death of philately. There are different old  hobbies which are prospering.

We have to think carefully that there is something very wrong going on with philately at all corners of India.  Our interaction with India post at National as well as regional level, our inter society relations and above all our thoughts for philately. We see, numismatics is prospering. There are a handful of philatelic societies in India such as GPA,BPS,SIPA,PSI etc. which are genuinely working for survival of philately and due to their efforts only we see some good happening in philatelic field in India.

Anyway, my sole concern is  that we need to change ourselves to see philately on the top. While I have full faith in the coming PCI governing council, I appeal to them to think and act differently. PCI has to come close to philatelists….. win the hearts of philatelists…improve relations with DOP and work of strengthening inter  society  relations., work for rejuvenation  of dying societies, work for formation of new societies, recharging its regional wings….. and to  generate quality jury (which of course it has but need more refinement).

I don’t condemn numismatic. But being a philatelist my heart beats for philately…I love philately and live philately.

- Naresh Agrawal  Ph. 09425530514  - email :

Recent Indian Issue

5 March 2018  : Biju Patnaik   - Rs 5
8 March 2018 : Central Industrial Security Force – Rs 5 + Rs 10
20 March 2018 : The Solar System – Rs 5 x 8 + MS
25 April  2018 : Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna – Rs 5
27 April 2018 : Safdarjung Hospita; 2 x Rs 5

28 April 2018 : Prithviraj Chauhan – 2 x Rs 5 + 2 x Rs 15 + MS

Recent Special Covers

30 April 2018 : Buddha Purnima, Bengaluru GPO

30 April 2018 : Birth Centenary of Dr. B.P. Radhakrishna , Science Institute P.O.
14 April 2018   : Ambedkar Jayanti., Arabic College
11 April 2018 :  Yogishwar Yajnavalkya , Chamarajpet
10 April 2018 : . Dr. M.P.Pai , Mangalore
7 April 2018 : GOMMATPEX-2018, Shravanabelagola
7 April 2018 : Diamond Jubilee of Shravanabelagola Post office, Shravanabelagola.

2 April 2018 : Nandi Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit, Krishnanagar - Babaleshwar

New stationery(postcard) on bird from Czech Republic

In May 2018 a new stationery (postcard) is available in Czech Republic.
The postcard is featuring a Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus).

-Wolfgang Beyer , BDPh( German Philatelic Federation)

In The News

PCI elections at Chennai 29 April 2018

Conratulations Winners !

Winners of institutional representatives of PCI where election was conducted. 

V K Gupta - New Delhi 
Ajith Kumar Dash - Odisha 
Binod Kumar Jain - North East
All other states are elected one person without opposition.

Winners of life members of PCI governing council

Kaizad F Toddywala 85 votes
Anilkumar Reddy 79 votes
Rajesh Kumar Bagri 77 votes
Ramu M S 75 votes
Ajay Kumar Mittal 68 votes
Kapil Gogri 61 votes 

Philatelic Congress of India - The National Federation for philately in India

Recent Stamp Exhibitions


Salon at 29th International Stamp Fair, Essen, Germany

May 9-11, 2019.
An international exhibition, devoted solely to fiscal philately, will be organized in cooperation by the FIP Revenue Commission, Arbeitsgemeischaft Fiscalphilatelie im BDPh e.V. (German Society for Fiscal Philately), and International Stamp Fair Essen. As this is the first time such a special revenue exhibition will be held, the Salon takes place with a non-competitive basis. However, every exhibitor who wishes will get an exhibit evaluation by a group of experienced jurors. The expected size of the Salon will be 200 frames. The frames accommodate 12 album pages and not 16, please note. Exhibits of 1 to a maximum of 10 frames may participate. The charges are Euro 18 per frame.
Please download the first Bulletin and Application form of the exhibition and participate from
. Anil Suri is coordinating the participation from India and will carry the exhibits to and from the exhibition and obtain necessary governmental permissions.

Source : stamps of India


The BIRDPEX 8, a international philatelic Salon, will be held in Mondorf-les-Baines (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) from May 19th 2018
to May 21th 2018. The organizer of this philatel c event is the philatelic Club PHILCOLUX  of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
42 exhibitors will be shown  52 exhibits on Ornithology.The exhibitors are from eight different countries like Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ukraine, Israel and India.

From India,  participant  exhibitors are :

1.Krishnamoothy J.(Villapuram) with the exhibit BIRD - A MESSENGER OF PEACE- A SYMBOL OF LOVE (4 Frames)

2. Srinivasan Paramasivam (Gurgaon) with the exhibits - MAGPIE IN NATURE AND MYTH (one Frame), THE WORLD OF FLAMINGOS (one frame) and THE NATIONAL PFRIDE OF INDIA: PEACOCK A BIRD  AND SYMBOL(one frame).

3. Divekar Mrugank D. (Mumbai) with the exhibit - EAGLE AND OWL (3 Frames-youth class)

During the exhibition  a pictorial  postmark , a Special cover, a Special postcard and two personalized stamps will be available .
All items are featuring the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica).

- Wolfgang Beyer ,BDPh (German Philatelic Federation) and AIJP.


THAILAND 2018 is an extraordinary world stamp exhibition organized by the Philatelic Association of Thailand under the Patronage of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn from November 28 to December 3, 2018 at the Royal Paragon Hall, Siam Paragon, Bangkok, Thailand on the auspicious occasion of the First Anniversary Celebration of H.M. King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s Royal Coronation Ceremony. The 75th Congress of the International Philatelic Federation (FIP) will also be held at THAILAND 2018.

THAILAND 2018 with a capacity of 2500 display frames is the only General World exhibition in the year 2018 with participation open in all Classes viz FIP Championship, Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Aerophilately, Astrophilately, Thematic, Maximaphily, Revenues, Youth, Literature, One Frame, Modern Philately and Open Philately.

The participation fee for Competitive Classes (except Youth Philately, Literature and One Frame) will be USD80 per frame. The fee for participation in Literature Class is USD90 per exhibit. The fee for participation in One Frame Class is USD100 per exhibit. There is no participation fee for Youth Philately Class.

Mr. Madhukar Jhingan is the National Commissioner for India.

Madhukar Jhingan email : +919811160965

Source : Stamps of India

Commissioner for MACAO 2018 Philatelic Exhibition (FIAP)
Mr. Anil Suri has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the MACAO 2018, FIAP Specialized Stamp Exhibition to be held in Macao, Macau from 21 to 24 September 2018.

Exhibition Classes: Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Thematic, Youth, One Frame (TR, PH, PS, AE, AS, TH, MA & RE), Literature and Modern Philately only.

Eligibility: The minimum eligibility for participation in a FIAP exhibition for Senior Class & Youth Class (Groups B & C) is Vermeil Medal and for Youth Class (Group A) a Large Silver Medal secured at a National Exhibition.
Contact information:
Mr. Anil Suri,
Khushal Villa, E-70, Kalkaji,
NEW DELHI - 110 019.

Phone: (Res.) +91-11-2643 0813 / (Off.) +91-11-2647 4681
(M): +919811176908 

Commissioner for PRAGA 2018 Philatelic Exhibition (FIP)
Mr. Rajan Jaykar has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the PRAGA 2018, FIP Specialized World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 15 to 18 August 2018.

Exhibition Classes: Traditional, Postal History, Modern Philately (Trad. & PH), One Frame (Trad. & PH), Open Philately and Philatelic Literature Classes only.

Contact information:
Mr. Rajan Jayakar
Flat No. 2, Court View, 126, Maharashi Karve Road,
Churchgate, MUMBAI - 400 020.

Phone: +91-22-22820570 / +91-22-22820572
(M): +9198210 72417


2018 May 27-31: Jerusalem, Israel, ISRAEL 2018 World Stamp Championship

2018 Aug 15-18: Prague, Czech Republic, PRAGA 2018 World Stamp Exhibition

2018 Sep 21-24: Macao, MACAO 2018 35th FIAP International Stamp Exhibition
2018 Dec: THAILAND 2018 World Stamp Exhibition

Indian philatelist receives appreciation certificate from Michel stamp catalogues


Mr Shrikant Parikh noted philatelist from Ahmedabad  has received the Certificate of  Appreciation from Michel, for his 40 years of contribution to MICHEL, the renowned German Stamp Catalogue publishing company as their Indian correspondent. Mr Parikh is well known for his best collection on se-tanant stamps. His wonderful collection of Se-tenants could be seen on his blog

Listings of Indian stamps in MICHEL katalog....
from their monthly published stamp magazines.........
all Indian stamps, including all MY-STAMP issued so far, are listed in MICHEL catalogue from the continuous contribution of Mr Shrikant Parikh

Audio Visual  Postcards

Post card was first introduced by Austria in 1869 and since then millions of Post Cards had been issued by many countries both officially or privately.

Dipok Dey

On 15th April 2018 & Noted philatelist and artist Shri Dipok Dey from Kolkata  released a NEW KIND of Post Card-AUDIO VISUAL POSTCARD under Immortal Song Series on behalf of Bharatiya Daktikit Sangstha. One can enjoy the moving pictures of Heroes and Heroines, dancing and singing the song in a film.

How to See it?

In your smart phone download QR scanner, then scan the QR code printed on the Post Card- open browser- open with YOU TUBE and enjoy the song. His son Kaushik Dey developed the code and helped to incorporate it in the main design.

He has  selected 20 songs from - 1949 to 1965 from the movies he he had  seen in his childhood to college days with his friends.

Even when you are in facebook with your Computer, you can enjoy it. Just focus on the QR code on the computer screen and you can enjoy it.
In every smart phone there is QR scanner only you will have to download it.

New Picture Post cards

10 New Picture Post Cards on Rabindranath Tagore theme created by Shri Dipok Dey


GOMMATPEX - 2018 at Sravanabelgola

( Stamp exhibition on Jainism theme organized by Jainism Philately Group )
 62 philatelists participated in GOMMATPEX-2018 at Sravanabelgola
National level philatelic exhibition on Jainism theme GOMMATPEX-2018 WAS successfully organized at famous pilgrimage centre and tourist attraction Sravanabelgola in Hassan District of Karnataka on 7th and 8th April 2018. 62 participants from all over India participated in this exhibition.

This exhibition was jointly organized by India Post, Karnataka Philatelic Society, Jainism Philately Group and Shri Jain Math Sravanabelgola at Interpretation Centre. A beautiful special cover was also released on this occasion.

Traditional postman with ancient dress and classical Karnataka Music escorted the guests His Holiness Bhattarak Charukirti Swami Ji, CPMG Dr. Carles Lobo, PMG Mr. Rajendra Kumar, National Chairman of Jainism Philately Group Mr. Sudhir Jain, Gommatwani Editor Mr. Ashok Kumar, Exhibition Chairman Mr. Mahaveer Kundur, Co-ordinator Mr. Jagannath Mani, Secretary Mr. H. C. Sadananda, Treasurer Mr. Manish Jain etc. Flag hosting and lighting of lamp was also very attractive.

Mrs. Rashmi Jain started the inaugural function with manglacharan song. Pujya Bhattarak Swamiji inaugurated the exhibition and blessed all the participants for spreading principles of Jainism through Philately. Chief Postmaster General Dr. Charles Lobo told that first permanent pictorial cancellation of Karnataka was introduced at Sravanabelgola in the year 1978 and after that Gommateshwara is the main attraction of Philatelists and maximum number of covers, cancellations, frankings have been issued on Gommateshwara.It was a non comparative exhibition and all the participants received medal and certificate.

One the same day one more special cover has been issued to commemorate Diamond Jubilee of Sravanabelgola Post Office. 

-       Sudhir Jain, Satna (MP)

New Postmark from Germany

On April 21th 2018  a pictorial postmark will be available  in 53111 BONN.
The postmark is featuring a poppy (Papaver rhoeas).

- Wolfgang Beyer, BDPh (Germaqn Philatelic Federation)

News from Philatelic Societies


Karnataka Philatelic Society, Bengaluru celebrated its 43rd Foundation Day on 1st April 2018 at General Post Office, Rajbhavan Road, Bengaluru - 560001.

22nd March 1975 is the day on which the Karnataka Philatelic Society was registered as a society with Govt. of Karnataka. It is decided by the Governing Council that, this day i.e., 22nd March will be celebrated as the Foundation Day of the Society.

The Chief Guest for the function was Dr. Charles Lobo, Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Region.  During his address, Dr. Lobo emphasized on the co-operation between Karnataka Philatelic Society and Postal Department.  He appreciated all the help and coordination done by the society for various events conducted the by Department.

The celebration function was attended by many members and guests.

Vice President of the Society Mr. Nikhilesh Melkote welcomed all guests and members and explained the importance of the day.

President Mr. K. Chaitanya Dev gave a presentation on the various philatelic activities prevailing in Bengaluru before the Karnataka Society was formed.  Also, his presentation detailed various activities Karnataka Philatelic Society has embarked up on, after its inception in 1975.

Dr. (Mrs.) Sita Bhateja, Renowned International Philatelist delivered the Col. L G Shenoi memorial lecture.  During her lecture, she touched upon various contributions Col. Shenoi has given for the Karnataka Philatelic Society and to the philately community of Bengaluru, Karnataka and India.  She re-lived all such moments during her lecture.

The highlight of the celebrations was the One-Page Philatelic Exhibit exhibition conducted for its members.  The single most important aspect of a One Page Exhibit is the Story it relates in a concise manner with the help of postal materials.

Following were the conditions specified for this one-page exhibit competition

·         The story can be related with stamps alone or with stamps, covers, appropriate material and text or captions. 

·         The Story told in One Page Exhibit must be entirely contained on one page only. 

·         The exhibit may include stamps, covers and other recognized philatelic material from the established Exhibiting Classes with 
written text as necessary to relate a “Philatelic Story”. 

·         Non-philatelic materials need to be avoided.

·         The story should be evident from the accompanying text or the general arrangement of the philatelic story. 

The winner of the competition was chosen by the members of Karnataka Philatelic Society by a popularity vote.

Ms. Sanvi Suresh for her display on Geometric shapes in Nature won the first prize.  Mr. G K. Shenoy for his exhibit on Bisects and Splits won the second prize and Ms. N Sridevi won the third prize for her exhibit on Artistry in Air.

This is first time such a concept of One-Page Philatelic exhibit competition was conceived and conducted in India.  The President of the society promised its members that this will be regular feature in the future monthly meetings of Karnataka Philatelic Society and also will consider this to be a separate section in the next Karphilex, the club’s own stamp exhibition.

The Foundation Day celebration concluded with Vote of Thanks by Mr. Naveein O C, General Secretary and then with a high tea.

Doon Philatelic Diary

Charleville Hotel, Mussoorie


Abhai Mishra

The Charleville Hotel is probably the oldest and the most grandest of all in Mussoorie during second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. This thing can very well be understood from the fact that when Mary of Tech, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales (later Queen Mary) visited Mussoorie in 1906, she preferred Charleville over Savoy hotel. The history of the Charleville estate can be traced back to 1842 when the initial building was constructed.  The land at that time belonged to the Mahants of Shri Guru Ram Rai Darbaar, Dehra Dun. General Wilkinson purchased the land from them in 1854 and constructed further buildings. Some part of the building was used to run a girl's school. The property was sold by General Wilkinson to the Manager of the Mussoorie Bank, Mr. Hobson in 1861. The name of two Hobson’s son was Charlie and Willie. In 1877 he opened the hotel with the name of 'Charleville' based on his son's name. After the death of Hobson, the Mussoorie Bank leased the property to Messrs T. fitch & C Stowell in 1884. In 1887 the owners once again changed hand and Wutzler acquired it.

By the turn of twentieth century Charleville had 112 rooms and boasted as the largest hotel in India outside Bombay. Rudyard Kipling stayed there in 1988 during the time of Henry Wutzler and wrote the following verse -
'And there were men with a thousand wants
And women with babes galore --
But the dear little angels in Heaven know
That Wutzler never swore."
At some point of time the hotel has out-office accommodation for 400 servants and stable for 50 horses. The total area of the estate was 25 acres.

After Independence the property was acquired by the Government of India. National Academy of Administration was established in Charleville Hotel on 01-09-1959 with the merging of IAS Training School, Metcalf House, Delhi and IAS Staff College, Shimla for the training of Civil Services recruits. It was renamed as “Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of Administration” in October 1972 and then in July 1973 as “Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration”. During a major fire in 1984 the historic building of Charleville Hotel was gutted in fire. At present the academy functions under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions. A common Foundation Course is held for entrants to All India Services and all Group ‘A’ services of the Union. The professional training to regular recruits of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and members of the Royal Bhutan Service is conducted after the Foundation Course. The Academy also conducts in-service and Mid-Career training program (MCTP) for members of the IAS and Induction training program for officers promoted to the IAS from State Civil Services, as well as workshops and seminars on policy issues.

Abhai Mishra - email :

Beginners’ Section

The world of Agatha Christie

- Arun Singh

Often referred to as the "Queen of Crime" or "Queen of Mystery", Agatha Christie is the world's best-selling mystery writer and is considered a master of suspense and plot.

According to Guinness World Records Agatha Christie remains the best-selling novelist of all time. Her novels have sold more than 2 billion outsold only by Shakespeare and the Bible. According to Index Translationum, she is the most-translated individual author. Her works have been translated into at least 103 languages.

In 2016, hundred years after she started writing her first novel, Royal mail in a befitting tribute to the Queen of mystery issued six stamps full of intrigue and adventure in themselves. Each design included micro text, UV ink and thermo chromic ink. These concealed clues could be revealed using either a magnifying glass, UV light or body heat and provide clues to solving the mysteries. “With more than two billion book sales worldwide, crime writer and playwright Agatha Christie has been outsold only by Shakespeare and the Bible,” said the Royal Mail on eve of release. “So it’s fitting that we mark not just the centenary of her writing her first crime novel, but also the 40th anniversary of her death with a stamp issue that’s full of intrigue.” The series was designed by Jim Sutherland and Neil Webb.

First day cover and the inlay card, 2016, GB

Born on 15 September 1890 as Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller, she was the younger of her two siblings. Agatha spent most of her time at home as she was completely homeschooled by her mother and a succession of governesses.

During the First World War in 1914, Agatha Christie worked as a VAD nurse (Volunteer Aid Detachment nurse) in the Red Cross Torbay Hospital. As she spent a lot of time in the hospital dispensary, her interest towards poisons developed."Poison has a certain appeal," wrote Agatha Christie later in They Do It with Mirrors, "it has not the crudeness of the revolver bullet or the blunt instrument." In the world of crime and detective fiction, there is no author that has extensively used poisons so effectively and accurately than Christie.She writes in her autobiography 'Since I was surrounded by poisons, perhaps it was natural that death by poisoning should be the method I selected.'In the 66 detective novels that Christie wrote, more than 36 victims died from poisoning.

It was also during this period in 1916 that she conceived the idea for ‘The Mysterious Affair at Styles’, her first mystery plot. In reality, Agatha wrote ‘The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ in response to a challenge from her sister who believed that she wrote too convoluted plots and believed that Agatha couldn’t weave them together and make a nice story. The book was published by John Lane in the United States on October 1920 and in the United Kingdom by The Bodley Head.

It was in this book that Agatha Christie introduced the world to the Belgian Detective, Hercule Poirot. And in the very first story the poison Strychnine is the weapon of murder

Hercule Poirot, Solomon Islands 2015 and Nicaragua 1973

Reverse Side of the Booklet Pane, GB 1991

Booklet Pane, GB 1991 with illustration of “The amended First floor Plan of Styles taken from the novel

2016, GB. Poirot and Hastings investigate the crime scene forming the skull. The stamp itself is reproduced in miniature on the poison bottle and can be viewed with a magnifying glass

“It is the brain, the little gray cells on which one must rely. One must seek the truth within not without” says Poirot”. Considered by many to be the most popular detective after Sherlock Holmes, Christie described him as a detestable, bombastic, tiresome, egocentric little creep.

In June 1926 the third novel to feature Hercule Poirot as the lead detective –The Murder of Roger Ackroydwas published in the United Kingdom by William Collins, Sons. The novel was an instant hit more so for its amazing twisted ending. In 2013, British Crime Writers' Association voted it the best crime novel ever.

2016, GB.The killer with his knife is the shadow of the lead character. His lover's suicide note he reads was the cause of his death, and this is reprinted in full in micro text. Poirot looks on from the flames.

The Collins Crime Club on 1 January 1934 published Hercule Poirot mystery-Murder on the Orient Express. The plot was inspired from real incident involving kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh's son in 1932. Agatha Christie’s first journey on the Orient Express in late 1928, and a blizzard near Cherkeskoy, Turkey, that marooned an Orient Express for six days in February 1929 helped Christie develop the plot.

Romania 2010. The stamp with the face value of 4.70 Lei represents the Orient Express train in May 1921, at Sinaia station. It had been pulled by a Pacific engine, type 2C1-h4, which belonged to the Bucharest Travelers Depot and was used on the route Bucharest North – Ploiesti – Sinaia – Brasov and back.The stamp with the face value of 2.40 Lei represents the Orient Express train, in 1909, at Salzburg station, consisted of a four-axle restaurant car and pulled by a compound engine, type 2B-n2v from the Austrian series K.k.St.B. 206.01-206.70 belonging to Depot Wien II and which was used to pull the Orient Express train on the route Salzburg – Vienna and back.

Sierra Leone,2001. The stamp shows the different Dining cars and Sleeping cars

2016, GB. As in the plot the red kimono character is a red herring, distracting the viewer from the killer hidden behind a heat sensitive ink curtain (you simply put your finger on the and curtain disappears). The suspects are all printed in micro text along the train rail.

Booklet Pane, GB 1991

*Arun Singh - email : , Class XII student and Agatha Christie fan is curating the first ever Agatha Christie Crime festival in India. This two month long festival will be organized in Bhopal between June-July’2018. More details of the festival can be accessed at   agathachristiecrimefestival/  

To be contd….in next issue…

In Memory of Dr Satyendra Agrawal….

Rose Philately

Rose is one of the most beautiful flowers which finds a place in our everyday life. Rose symbolises beauty, love, fragrance and matters of Heart. Stamps on roses have been issued by all countries of the World.

Here  are the roses on other fields of Philately like Special Covers, Post Cards, Roses named on Royalty and so on.

. Roses named after Royalty

The Sultan Qaboos Rose –Stamps of Oman 1990
A stamp was issued by Oman on Sultan Qaboos Rose on 05 May 1990. A FDC with the stamp showing the rose variety and The Sultan is listed below.

Queen Sirikrit Rose – Stamps of Thailand 2016

Rosa “Queen Sirikrit” is a hybrid rose of “Konigin der Rosen” and Golden Giant Rose. It was first introduced in 1968. In 1971 it won the first Prize in a rose competition in Belfast and the rose was named after Queen Sirikrit of Thailand.
Queen Elizabeth Rose –New Zealand 1975

New Zealand issued a set of Nine Definitive stamps on Garden roses on 26 Nov 1975.One of the rose varieties was a 3cent stamp on Queen Elizabeth rose.

Rose Stamps on Valentine’s Day –Taiwan 2012

In the matters of Heart -Rose plays an important part. Valentine’s Day, matters of Heart and Roses are closely interlinked.Chungwa post (Republic of China)

Taiwan issued a beautiful Heart Shaped miniature sheet on 10 Feb 2012 to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Porcelain Rose – Stamps of French Polynesia 2003

Porcelain Rose –  It is a species belonging to the genus Etlingera of the family Zingiberaceae native of Malaysia. It is called Ginger torch in Anglo-Saxon countries and stick of Emperor in Spanish speaking countries. It is one of the most spectacular tropical species and its leaves and stems sometimes resemble a Ginger.When a bud comes out a surprising perfumes escapes. The most common varieties are bright red or pink.

-Raman Thanpar : email :

Specialized Section

United States Federal Duck Stamp

-Col J Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta

The Federal Duck Stamp, formally known as the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, is an adhesive stamp issued by the United States federal government that must be purchased prior to hunting for migratory waterfowl such as ducks and geese. It is also used to gain entrance to National Wildlife Refuges that normally charge for admission. It is widely seen as a collectable and a means to raise funds for wetland conservation, with 98% of the proceeds of each sale going to the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund.

President Herbert Hoover signed the Migratory Bird Conservation Act in 1929 to authorize the acquisition and preservation of wetlands as waterfowl habitat. The law, however, did not provide a permanent source of money to buy and preserve the wetlands. On March 16, 1934, Congress passed, and President Roosevelt signed, the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, popularly known as the Duck Stamp Act.


1934-35 United States Department of Agriculture migratory bird hunting stamp depicting mallards by Jay N "Ding" Darling, chief of the U.S. Biological Survey.
This was the first United States duck stamp, which was issued on August 14, 1934

Duck stamps are now issued by the United States government and all state governments. Many foreign countries, including Canada, Australia, Mexico, Russia and the United Kingdom have also issued duck stamps.

The issuing authorities within the various governments that release duck stamps are usually conservation and wildlife departments. These programs must be created by some form of legislation for the resulting stamps to be accepted as a valid governmental issue. Labels featuring ducks also are issued by various special interest groups, such as Ducks Unlimited and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Their issues are referred to as "society stamps." These items technically are not duck stamps because the fee structure and disposition of funds are not legislated. However, society stamps are very collectible and often appreciated. Funds raised by these organizations are also used for waterfowl and conservation efforts. Valid organizations and societies of this type perform a major service to conservation by their donations and efforts, and they merit public support.

The 1935-36, 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39 Duck stamps

Intended to raise funds for the purchase of migratory bird refuges or sanctuaries, the federal duck stamp is not valid as postage. It is, rather, a revenue stamp. This is single known example of a zeppelin cover franked by only the first duck stamp, this unique item ranks among the most curious associated with the migratory bird hunting stamps. Not only was the revenue duck stamp not acceptable postage, at least six modes of transportation carried it for over ten thousand miles without detection. Postmarked September 19, 1934, the cover traveled via New York, England, and Germany, reaching its final destination of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on October 3, 1934.

Duck stamps are issued once a year. In most states, hunters are required to purchase both a federal and state stamp before hunting waterfowl. Waterfowl hunting seasons vary, but most begin in September or October; so naturally, stamps are needed prior to opening day of the hunting season. Currently, the federal stamp and more than half of the state stamps are issued by July. Many are issued on the first day of the new year, and a few at the last minute in September or early October.

The annual federal duck stamp had a face value of $1 in 1934, jumped to $2 in 1949, and to $3 in 1959. In 1972 the price increased to $5, then up to $7.50 in 1979, $10 in 1987, $12.50 in 1989 and to $15 in 1991. In 2015 the price of federal duck stamp rose to $25. For every $15 stamp sold, the federal government retains $14.70 for wetlands acquisition and conservation, so very little gets lost in the system for overhead. Most state conservation stamps have a face value of $5.

The federal stamp is presently issued in panes of 20 stamps. Originally, the stamps were issued in panes of 28, but because of a change in the printing method (and to make stamps easier to count) a 30 stamp format was adopted in 1959. In 2000, the format was again changed to the present sheet of 20. Beginning in 1998, a single self-adhesive stamp was issued. This stamp and surrounding backing is approximately the size of a dollar bill. Most states and foreign governments follow the federal format. Many states issue a 10-stamp pane for ease of handling and mailing to field offices.

With the printing of such a large number of stamps year after year by many different states and printing agencies, errors do occur, but are seldom found. A few federal stamps are known to exist with major errors, but only a few, namely on the 1934, 1986, 1990, 1991 1993, and 2003 issues.     
Stamps without perforations, with missing or incorrect colour, missing or inverted writing on the reverse are all major errors. Smaller flaws, such as colour shifts, misplaced perforations, hickeys (or donuts) and other such anomalies are termed freaks, rather than errors. These, too, are collectible and have value, but they do not command the same attention as major errors. Major errors are extremely rare and exist in small numbers. All errors and freaks on duck stamps are very desirable and add a great deal of interest and value to a collection.


Duck stamp of 1959 it featured King Buck, a champion retriever and the only dog ever featured on a federal duck stamp

Duck stamps of 1960s

There was a typo in one of the phone numbers on the back of the 2008-09 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp. The correct 1-800 number is supposed to direct people wanting to order another copy of the stamp to the appropriate department in the Duck Stamp Office.

While most collectors prefer to collect mint condition duck stamps, many others prefer collecting stamps on license, autographed stamps, plate blocks, stamps signed by hunters, art prints, souvenir cards, first day covers, or a combination.

Preserving the mint condition of a stamp is crucial for determining value. A perfectly centered stamp will usually sell for a substantial premium over one with normal centering.

The first Federal Duck Stamp, designed by Jay "Ding" Darling in 1934 at President Franklin D. Roosevelt's request, depicts two mallards about to land on a marsh pond. In subsequent years, other noted wildlife artists were asked to submit designs. The first contest in 1949 was open to any U.S. artist who wished to enter. Sixty-five artists submitted 88 design entries that first year. The number of entries rose to 2,099 in 1981. Jim Hautman and Maynard Reece have won the competition a record five times. The Hautman brothers Jim, Robert and Joe have won it a record 13 times.


Jim Hautman wins 5th contest! His three flying geese was the
2017-2018 Federal Duck Stamp

This is the only art competition of its kind sponsored by the U.S. Government.
A panel of noted art, waterfowl, and philatelic authorities is appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to judge each competition. Winners receive no compensation for their work, other than a pane of stamps carrying their design. Winning artists may sell prints of their designs, which are sought after by hunters, conservationists, and art collectors.

Duck Stamp on a License dated 18 May 1955

Federal Junior Duck Stamp In 1989, with a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Dr. Joan Allemand developed the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Programme, a dynamic arts curriculum that teaches wetlands and waterfowl conservation to students from kindergarten through high school. The programme incorporates scientific and wildlife management principles into a visual arts curriculum. Participants complete a JDS design as their visual "term papers," thus using visual arts, rather than verbal communication, to articulate what they have learned. Through this program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service introduces the Federal Duck Stamp program and the National Wildlife Refuge System to participants and educates new generations of citizens about the importance of waterfowl and wetlands conservation.

The Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Act of 1994 was enacted on October 6, 1994. The Act directed the Secretary of the Interior to create a JDS and to license and market the JDS and the stamp design. The proceeds from these efforts are used to support conservation education awards and scholarships. In 2000, Congress preauthorized the Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program Act for another five years, and expanded the conservation education program throughout the U.S. and its territories. Since that time, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have joined the program.

Today more than 27,000 students throughout the United States, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands submit entries to a state or territory JDS Contest.    


Junior Duck Stamps

David P. McBride, The Federal Duck Stamps: A Complete Guide

-       Col J Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta - email :

India’s Postal History from the Feudal Era to Independence, 1947
Part 4 - (Postal System -1837 to 1854)

-Swamynathan R.

With the first Postal reform  in 1837 of Postal services in India for all three presidencies(Bombay, Bengal, Madras), an initiative was made to make the Imperial Postal service to work as a system/organisation  from the earlier Network type. It was the first initiative to make the postal department a public organization.

Postal System between 1837-1854

            The first real postal reforms in India came in October, 1837, with the implementation of Imperial Post Office Act, which stipulated that the governor general had the exclusive right to convey letters by post for hire within the territories of the East India Company.  Other reformsare :
a.    All three GPO’s(Bombay, Madras, Madras) to control all post offices under their presidency
b.    Uniform postal rates across India with respect to “Distance and Weight”. 
c.    The postal reforms of 1837 set up a dual postal system in the country.  The government maintained that the ‘Imperial Post’ on the main and principal routes to connect the major post offices all over the country as the public post. The Zamindari Dwak(particularly in Bengal)  which served the smaller towns where Imperial Posts did not exists,  which later came to be known as "District post" office all over India.   This dual postal system(Imperial Post and District Post) continued until it was abolished on April 1, 1906 at which point all district posts were absorbed by the Imperial system over a period of time. 
d.    Letters exceeding 12 tolas must be sent through Bhangy Post where ever  such a service existed.
e.    Postal reforms 1837 laid down for the first time the rules for handling the letters that are undelivered for various reasons. An office named as "Dead Letter Office" was established for this purpose.
f.     Rules for Handstruck stamps were expressed for the first time. The date of booking is now added along with city and type of postage. Postmarks were in three row format(see below).

Fig 3, Handstruck postal marks for Inland letters

As per Post Office Act 1837, it was decided that “Paid” and “Free” letters will bear the postmark in RED while the “Bearing” in BLACK,

Other Development
a.    District Post made Public
North West Province of UP(NWP-UP) was the first to open the District Dawk to Public partially on 16th May 1838. From 1st May 1846 the Districts Posts of entire NWP was made public.

District Post known as "Taluk Tappal" in Madras Presidency and "Mututdar or Mahalkuree" in Bombay Presidency were allowed to carry private letters from 1st May 1841.

The District Posts in Bengal was made public or for carrying private letters on 1st May 1852 after a delay of six years.

b.    Postman(Peons to Postman)
Initially, the deliveries of posts was done by lower government officials like peons. As deliveries increased, the deliveries of post became a full time job and  the role of a postman began to evolve.
Under the post office rules and regulations from Fort St. George dated July 9, 1840(page 153 of An Outline of Postal History and Practice by Hamilton) , postmen were called ‘letter deliverers’ which later was called 'Postman'. They were supplied with hand bells, which they rang in the streets to presage their arrival with letters. Official badges and belts were also used by letter deliverers in other presidencies.

                                                  Early India Postman

c.    In 1841, Ekka Mails(One horse cart) started both in Bengal and Bombay presidency.

Early Mail Cart(Ekka—One horse cart)

e.    Schinde District Dawk
On July 1, 1852, postage stamps were issued for the Scinde District Dawk, which officially made the District Posts under Scinde Province pubic, and required prepayment of postage.

Scinde District Dawk stamps in three colours

There are about 10 postal marking used to obliterate the  Scinde District dak. These postal markings are the third category of the Handstruck stamps India Cancellations.

These stamps bore the merchants’ mark of the British East India Company embossed on wafers of RED sealing wax impressed on paper. Because they cracked and disintegrated, they were soon replaced by a colourless design embossed on white paper, which was hard to see in a dim light. These colourless design were replaced with blue embossing on white paper. All of these had a value of only one-half anna each. They were used until October, 1854, when new postage stamps were issued under the authority of the governor general at Calcutta. The ScindeDawk was officially withdrawn.

To be Contd.. Part 5 in the next issue
-       Swamynathan R : email :

New issues from other Countries


3 May 2018 : Bridges ( Europa 2018)

San Marino

13 March 2018 : Greetings for all occasions

This series, celebrates happy moments of life: a star for a newborn in his mother's arms, a balloon that smiles at the birthday boy, a car with everything needed for unforgettable family holidays and a dog, as a warning against the neglect of animals, a pair of toasting glasses with San Marino’s Palazzo Pubblico in the background, as an invitation to spend festivities in San Marino.


2 1 April 2018 Peace Rose

23 May 2018 Sally Ride

Date (TBD) 2018 : O Beautiful

- Ananthapuri Stamp Bulletin April issue 2018 edited by Mohanchandran Nair

- Judaica Thematic Society (UK)  May 2018  Newsletter edited by Gary Goodman

-The Hyderabad Philatelist April 2018 issues edited by Prakash Agarwal

-The Hyderabad Hobby Magazine April issues  edited by Prakash Agarwal

Blogs & Websites

Philatelic Clubs & Societies 
Ananthapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram
Baroda Philatelic Society -
Chandigarh Philatelic Club
Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra
Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -   
India Study Circle -
Indian Stamp Ghar -
Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -
Ludhiana Philatelic Club
Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort
Philatelic Congress of India -
Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Philatelic Society of India , Mumbai :
Orissa Philatelic Association, Mail id-:
Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat
Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad
South India Philatelists Association -
The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

This is a blog of e-Stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor
Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters
VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya & Timir Shah  and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -

ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -

Ananthpuri Stamp Bulletin - Monthly e -stamp bulletin of Anathapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram

Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta

India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.

 Deccan Philatelist from Deccan Philatelic Socity, Pune.  edited by Col Jayanta Dutta

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue :  Stamps of India ;  Suresh R.- Bangalore, Sudhir Jain Satna (MP), Mohanchandran Nair - Chennai

Address for communication :

Jeevan Jyoti,  c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248002. India  
 E-mail – 

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                …..Happy Collecting…………………………………………………………………………………            

Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun, ( Uttarakhand ) India for free circulation among philatelists.