Thursday, March 5, 2020

Rainbow March 2020

250th Birth Anniversary of Ludwig Van Beethoven

Date of Issue : 4 March 2020

Dehradun March 2020  Vol. XIII  Issue No. 147

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to the editor:

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present March 2020 issue of Rainbow Stamp News . I have introduced   two new columns last month “Thematic Watch” and “ Philately Promoter of the Month ” . Readers have appreciated these columns. Thematic Philately Class is the biggest class in every stamp exhibition. Readers are most welcome to share their views / experiences in ‘ Thematic Watch ’ column . I am sure this new column will help Thematic Philatelists to know the finer points of Thematic exhibiting and make their exhibit much better than before ! It is my pleasure to introduce new philatelic promoter every month with our Readers ! In fact they are the persons who are preserving this hobby and taking it to the next generation to flourish…..They must get special recognition in stamp exhibitions too !

The festival of colors  Holi  as well as Corona virus is around…Wishing you all a Very Happy Holi ! Take care …Have a healthy  n very safe festive time !

This is all for this month !  More in next issue.

Happy Collecting !                                     


§  From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal

§  Recent Indian Issues

§  In The News

§  Thematic Watch

§  Philately Promoter of the Month

§  Doon Philatelic Diary

§  Beginners’ Section

§  Specialized Section

§   Rose Philately

§  New Issues from Other Countries

§  Philatelic Clubs and Society Blogs & Websites on Philately

§  Current Philatelic Magazines & Newsletters

Philatelic interaction :  Letters versus Chat…..

The traditional way of philatelic interaction was mainly the exchange of letters. The other ways of communication such as telephone, telegrams, phonograms,  etc were not so common and readily available. Those were costly also.  Making pen friends used to be the main activities for exchange of views, developing relations, making friends and also exchange of philatelic items mainly stamps. But coming  to the modern ways  of  philatelic interaction, we have Internet available in form of internet sites, search engines, emails and also  digital mobile apps so handy. I mean the communication systems are so well developed that it has now  thrown  the pen and the pen friends away from the philatelic as well as social  scene. I still say, those were the golden days and  now are the  digital days. I often feel nostalgic for  the early days of my being in the company of stamps and stamp lovers.

No doubt making friends, exchange of views, digital interaction has now become handy. Things are no far away from any one digitally. Viewing and so the selection have become easy. Making friends has become easy. Getting philatelic stuffs is easy. But I still miss the flavor of  the paper mail, the letters written on the cards, paper, the Ink in blue, black or in any color; the pen and hand writing which connected people emotionally, the stamps affixed on the covers, the addresses written some time wrong too, the search of letter box containing letters, the waiting period for the letter to come, the glance of postman in khaki, the fragrance of the mail covers, stamps and the letters… I mean I just miss all those. I do get paper mail today too but not from a pen friend.

No doubt digital philately is also enjoyable and delivers lot of information on fingertips. Face book, Whats app etc are the platforms which help in making friends and  also sale and purchase of stamps and other philatelic material. Pen friends have turned in to Pen Pals now. There are chat boards where  chatting as well as discussions are held. This is jet age…a digital era but I am concerned with snail mail.. the old era.. the cool era..the peaceful era. Fast and speed is the life style today. In every field people talk about TAT (turn around time)  but philately is not about TAT , it is about  going beyond any TAT. Life has become mechanical… philately is about relaxation when your body and mind are relaxed… in slow pace…. In peace. That is why I feel like writing letters, waiting for letters, feeling the closeness of letters. I want philately to be slow. Being a thematic philatelist, I love to be in Ist generation of thematic philately rather than to be in the 4.5 generation which  is full of stress, competitiveness rather than joy. Things if come slow and steady are well receipted but if are fast there are every chance of missing those out. Let’s do something to come back to the base. That will also help in reviving philately.

Letter writing competitions are held. But  letter writing habit is not developed. I still possess a good number of letters contained in the covers pertaining to different era and seldom go through those. My god!  those  are gems. Some letters have beautiful writing just sounds like calligraphy. The art of addressing, the content and the  subject matter of the letters and then the finishing are just marvelous. Letters are the true mirror of the social set ups of any era..any time. The expressions written in form of words and the emotions carried by those   are in true sense are  the essence of  philately. In one of my articles having title “Let’s look inside the cover”, I  emphasized the display of some such letters in any form of philately… may be in open class.

I can see that my flow of writing this column has shifted a bit but I still stay on writing letters.. prefer snail mail too and love to collect both covers and the contents. I would still prefer to make Pen friends along with Pen pals. I love to continue with paper philately along with digital philately. Let’s not forget, it is paper mail which is the  root and stem of philately.  If  at one hand I talk about promoting digital philately on the other hand I talk about reviving paper philately.. traditional ways of philatelic activities.
Ask any old philatelists.. immediately he will go down the memory lanes and will start talking about the joy of the slow pace, the pleasure of that  old interactions and  the pen friends. I see the pens , nibs and the ink pots are being sold in Antique group on digital platforms and get lost for some time.. Let’s  develop a thought that we would  not hit /click  the keys of key boards but hold the pen. Let’s get lost in to those old golden years, let’s stick the stamps with gum on copy pages….

-       Naresh Agrawal : email -

Recent Indian Issues

14 January 2020 : Indian Fashion - Designers' Creations: Series 4 – 9 x Rs 5 + MS

22 January 2020 : 100 Years of International Labour Organization – Rs 5
26 January 2020 : Constitution of India – 2 x Rs 10 se-tenant + MS
12 February 2020 : Battalion (Outrams) The Rajputana Rifles – Rs5
17 February 2020 : Industrial City : Jamshedpur – Rs 5

Recent Special Covers

27 February 2020 : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Dehradun, Circuit Bench, Dehradun

29 February 2020 : Ganga Aarti, Allahabad


In The News 

Europa 2020 Theme : “ANCIENT POSTAL ROUTES”

This year’s Europa theme is “ancient postal routes”.EUROPA stamps are special stamps issued by European postal administrations/enterprises and bears the official EUROPA logo, a PostEurop registered trademark under the aegis of PostEurop in which Europe is the central theme.
EUROPA stamps underlines cooperation in the posts domain, taking into account promotion of philately. They also build awareness of the common roots, culture and history of Europe and its common goals.
As such, EUROPA stamp issues are among the most collected and most popular stamps in the world.
Since the first issue in 1956, EUROPA stamps have been a tangible symbol of Europe’s desire for closer integration and cooperation. In 1993, PostEurop became responsible for issuing EUROPA stamps. 
Each year, PostEurop's Stamps & Philately Working Group selects the EUROPA stamp theme.  "National Birds" was the 2019 theme.
This year the theme is "Ancient Postal Routes"
Upcoming themes
1.    In 2021, the theme will be "Endangered National Wildlife"
2.    In 2022, the theme will be "Stories & Myths"

Deccan Philatelic Society honours veteran and young philatelist

Deccan Philatelic Society awarded Rustom Zal Kabraji trophy to veteran philatelist Shri Ashok Bayanwala and Percy Ghyara Young Achievers’ Trophy to young philatelist Ramprasad Mahurkar. The awards were presented on 22 February at a function held in Pune.

Honour for Doon philatelist

Mr Sanjiv Jain a philatelist from Dehradun got his name entered in Limca Book of Records for The Largest Collection of Gommateshwara Philately Items.

I have four records in Limca Book of Record 2020 Edition in which a record is associated with philately which is closest to my heart.

The Largest Collection of Gommateshwara Philately Items. First I put a little light on Gommateshwar and Shravanbelgola statue-

Bahubali  a much revered figure among Jains, was the son of Rishabhanatha, the first tirthankara of Jainism, and the younger brother of Bharata Chakravartin. He is said to have meditated motionless for twelve years in a standing posture (kayotsarga) and that during this time, climbing plants grew around his legs. After his years of meditation, Bahubali is said to have attained omniscience (Kevala Gyana).

Gommateshwara because of the Gommateshwara statue dedicated to him. The statue was built by the Ganga dynasty minister andcommander Chavundaraya; it is a 57-foot (17 m) monolith (statue carved from a single piece of rock) situated above a hill in Shravanabelagola in the Hassan district, Karnataka state, India. It was built circa 981 A.D. and is one of the largest free-standing statues in the world.

The most surprising thing is that only one stamp has been issued on Gommateshwar so far. So it becomes a bit more difficult to record on it. I started thinking about this record from 2014. Whereas I have been doing collections on this theme since 1981. In this records, there are different traffic light blocks ,different positional blocks and pairs ,different bureaus'Fdcs and folders , maximum cards ,Permanent Pictorial Cancellation Issued by Shravanabelagola and Vellure Post Offices ,post cards issued by KarnatKa Postal Circle , Gometteshwara frame, Calander issued by India Post etc

- Sanjiv Jain , Dehradun

Commissioners for Forthcoming Stamp Exhibitions 

Commissioner for CAPE TOWN 2021 Philatelic Exhibition 

Mr. Shakil Ahmed has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the Cape Town 2021, FIP Specialized World Stamp Exhibition to be held at Cape Town, South Africa from 17 to 20 March, 2021. 

Exhibition Classes: Traditional, Postal History, Aerophilately, Postal Stationery, Revenue, Thematic, Open, Modern Philately, One Frame, Philatelic Literature and Picture Postcards only) 

Contact information: 

Shakil Ahmed

Dargah Bazar, Balakrishna Road,

P. O. Buxi Bazar,


M): +91-9437225760 / +91-7008025663

Commissioner for TAIPEI 2020 Philatelic Exhibition 

Mr. Rajan Jayakar has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the Taipei 2020, 38th FIAP Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Taipei, Chinese Taipei to be held from 23 to 27 October, 2020. 

Contact  information: 

Rajan Motiram Jayakar

Flat No.2, Court View,126, Maharshi Karve Road,Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 

Email: Phone: +91-22-22820570, +91-22-22820572,(M) +919821072417

Commissioner for INDONESIA 2020 Philatelic Exhibition 

Prof. Sahadeva Sahoo has been appointed as Indian National Commissioner for the Indonesia 2020 World Stamp Championship, Jakarta, Indonesia to be held from 6 to 11 August, 2020. 

Contact information:

Prof. Sahadeva Sahoo

D 3, Saswat,B. J. B. Nagar,Bhubaneswar - 751 014 

Email: Phone: (M) +91 9337103542 


Canberra Stamp show 2020 (21st National Philatelic Convention) will be held at the Hellenic Club of Canberra, Matilda Street, Phillip, (Woden), ACT 2606, Australia from 13-15 March 2020.

Mr.Madhukar Jhingan is coordinating the participation from India to Canberra Stampshow 2020 and will personally carry all exhibits to Canberra and back after obtaining all necessary Government permissions in India. He may be contacted at email :

Commissioner for NEW ZEALAND 2020 Philatelic Exhibition (FIAP)

Mr. Ajay Kumar Mittal is Indian National Commissioner for the NEW ZEALAND 2020, FIAP Asian International Stamp Exhibition to be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 19 to 22 March, 2020.

NZ2020 37th Asian International Stamp Exhibition is organized by NZ2020 Stamp Exhibition Incorporated under the auspices of the New Zealand Philatelic Federation Incorporated. NZ2020 will be held at the Ellerslie Event Centre, Auckland, New Zealand and will open on 19 March 2020 and close on 22 March 2020, a total of 4 days.

NZ2020 is a General Asian International Stamp Exhibition. Participation in the Competitive Classes is open to all collectors who are members of the societies affiliated to member federations of FIAP. 

For details contact : Mr. Ajay Kumar Mittal Email:
Phone: (M) +91 9811032311

Commissioner for LONDON 2020 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition (FIP) 

Mr. Surendra Kotadia isIndian National Commissioner for the LONDON 2020, FIP Specialised World Stamp Exhibition to be held in London from 02 to 09 May 2020. The exhibition will be held in two parts from 02 to 05 and 06 to 09 May 2020, by changing over the exhibits on the evening of May 05.

For details contact : Mr. Surendra A. Kotadia

Email: Phone: + 91 22 2202 4130 / 2202 4131/ 2284 3244

Mob : + 91 98199 03789


1 Frame Team Competition 30 May- 1 June 2020 

Theme – Technology 

IBRA 2021 

International Stamp exhibition and stamp Fair IBRA 2021 will be held in Essen, Germany from 6-9 May 2021. For details visit : 

News from Philatelic Societies, Clubs and Groups

News from Philatelic Societies, Clubs and Groups 

Alpine Philatelic and Numismatic Society (APNS), Darjeeling Darjeeling Philatelists meets for an annual meeting 

Singtam, February 25: Members of the Alpine Philatelic and Numismatic Society (APNS), Darjeeling met on the 23rd of February 2020 for an Annual Meeting at North Point Academy School Hall. 

The meeting was presided by the President of the Society, Mr. Sushil Karthak. Vivek Yonzone, the Secretary, presented the Secretary’s report and review of the year 2019. The year 2019 was a successful year for the Society with many workshops and programs organized. Dr. Ranjana Yonzone (Moktan) was nominated as the new Treasurer of the society.

APNS has been functioning in Darjeeling and surrounding since its inception in February 2018 with the motive of reviving and promoting two intellectual hobbies: Philately – stamp collecting and Numismatics – coin collecting.

 ‘We have been successful in encouraging youngsters as well as elders to these wonderful hobbies by conducting workshops in Schools and also by organizing major Exhibitions in town’ said Vivek Yonzone. ‘We are now recognized at State as well as National level since our members have successfully participated and won awards in both State and National Level philatelic competitions’ he added.   

Plans of organizing workshops at different schools before their half yearly exams were chalked out. Other important decisions taken by the Society were to organize major yearly exhibitions not just in Darjeeling and Kalimpong as it has been in the last two years but in all the sub divisions. It was also decided to conduct more activities in association with Sikkim Philatelic and Numismatic Society, which has been a major guiding association for the Society.

Members present at the meeting included Anand Yonzone, Sitesh Chettri, Nilema Yonzone, Sumit Shah, Palzer Sherpa, Gyalzen Sherpa and a new member Ugyal Yolmo. Members exchanged ideas, philatelic and numismatic materials. The meeting was concluded with the Vote of Thanks by the Secretary.

3rd EIPA Stamp & Coin Mela 2020

13-15 March 2020

Eastern India Philatelists's Association will organise a Stamp and Coin  Mela  from 13th-15th March 2020, at Hotel Keshari, Bhubanehwar. 

JPG website launched

On 15th February 2020,during  10th birth anniversary of JPG,in a simple function in Balod Jainism philately group’s new website was launched by district judge Sri Vinod Kujur and national chairman dr Pradeep jain in presence of other dignitaries and philatelists from Balod. is a website designed to promote philately on Jainism and allied theme like vegetarians and live n let live. Website is having all the information about philatelic material launched in India and abroad.
JPG was founded on 15th Feb 2011 in Delhi during INPEX with 50 members which has now increased to 300.This organisation is having members from India as well as US and Canada. Since the formation of JPG about three hundred special covers, picture postcards and pictorial cancellation has been released so far. Website launch ceremony is done in Balod, Mohla and Chennai.

-       Pradeep Jain, Balod - Balod Jainism Philately Group

Stamps and Philatelic Materials on Lord Shiva Theme

A video prepared by our Reader Mr. Kasinath R. from Tanjore is available on following link : 

Thematic Watch

Observations / Experiences / Facts

- Jeevan Jyoti

Making a good thematic exhibit and winning high award at the exhibition is an art which one can learn by knowing the rules thoroughly and using them skillfully in displaying the exhibit . I am sharing here some of the slides from presentation given in Thematic Philately Seminar held during China 2019, World Stamp Exhibition , Wuhan .


This will help Thematic Collectors to know finer points of Thematic Philately as well as  his / her mistakes and blunders which are often done by them unknowingly and affect their points considerably. These are quite important especially when one is displaying exhibit  in a national or  international show. Below national level and sometimes  even in national level exhibitions the rules are not followed and exhibits could be seen getting higher medals despite having many mistakes. So it is very important to understand the rules and their proper use in the exhibit.


Thematic Philately Guidelines -2


In thematic philately the concept defined by the GREV is represented by the plan.
The plan and the development represent the two aspects of an interlaced process, based on personal study and research by the collector on both the theme and the material. A deeper knowledge of the theme enables one to increase the number of facts and details and to look for additional items to illustrate them. A better knowledge of the material allows one to identify new pieces, which often must be justified through further study of the theme, which could result in a more elaborate plan.

3.2.1 Title and Plan
The title and the plan represent a meaningful entity and reflect the specific characteristics of the chosen theme. Hence, different titles originate different plans.If an exhibitor decides to show a self-contained section of his/her collection, the plan and the title of the exhibit must be consistent with that section.

The title represents the synthesis of the work. Therefore the title and the contents of the pages have to match and the sequence of the philatelic items mounted on the pages should give the full details of the story stated in the title. Boosting titles to make the exhibit more attractive can be misleading if they deviate from the concept developed in the pages.
The plan provides a clear and intelligible insight into all major aspects of the theme. It may:
be freely chosen in order to make the synthesis of a theme or an idea, or derive naturally from the theme.

The structure may follow a time-related classification (historical, evolutionary), or subject-related criteria (scientific, systematic, organisational, economic, etc.), or other criteria. For instance, themes related to Organisations and Institutions (e.g. Red Cross, League of Nations, Council of Europe), repetitive events (e.g. Stamp Days, Olympic Games), etc. can be subdivided according to their structure, type of organisation, and individual events following thematically time- or place-related classifications.

Themes developed within an organisational or chronological framework should clearly show the historical background, the aims, tasks, results and effects of the activities of such organizations or events. The plan consists only of thematic divisions and subdivisions, with no generic chapters (e.g. "Miscellaneous", "Appendix"). Subdivisions by date of issue, issuing country, type of material (e.g. "Meters", "Postal stationery"), or purpose of issue (e.g. "Anniversaries") are to be avoided. Such items are best used according to their thematic information. The same applies to special philatelic studies (ref.: 3.2.3).

The plan is supposed to present a logical order allowing the study of the entire exhibit without disturbing breaks between the different chapters. Ideally the beginning of the following chapter has a logical link with that preceding. This helps to create an interesting story instead of an unconnected “list of contents".

An effective plan covers the largest scope compatible with the title. In this respect, unless
specifically stated in the title, the plan should not be limited by time or by geography, as far as the chosen theme allows it.

The different chapters should have a good balance, according to their relative thematic weight within the scope of the theme as defined by the title rather than by the quantity of material available. The construction of an innovative plan is considered a prerequisite for an innovative development.

The Plan Page

The plan page comprises all major subdivisions of the plan; finer and more detailed subdivisions are  presented, in principle, only on the individual pages. The plan cannot be replaced by a literary description or by a generic introductory statement.

An adequate plan page will ensure that the public and the jurors do not have to "reconstruct" the plan by browsing through the pages of the exhibit. The obvious difficulties caused by having to do so might be reflected in the understanding and the evaluation of the exhibit.

A numerical classification (e.g. decimal, legal systems) may be used if it helps to make the
exhibit easier to understand. It should be limited to major divisions of the plan. Experience has shown that a two/three digits/letters system is sufficient.

In addition to the plan page, an introductory title page may highlight the theme.
The official FIP languages in which the title, the plan and any other introductory statement have to be presented are English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.

3.2.2. Development
The analysis of both the theme and the appropriate material, based on a thorough thematic and philatelic knowledge, is a prerequisite for the best possible thematic development. This enables the skilful selection of each item and its correct positioning and sequence, as well as a connecting description. This is necessary to ensure a proper understanding of the relationship between the item and the theme.

This is shown by:
the selection of the most suitable items for each thematic detail described.

the balanced utilisation of the items according to the significance of the thematic detail they
support. The number of philatelic items available for the same detail should not be the basis
for their inclusion.

the accurate thematic arrangement of the items shown on the same page according to the
sequence of the “story”. The correct sequence takes priority over the best appearance of
the page.

Therefore, the simple classification of the philatelic pieces related to a subject is necessary but not sufficient to achieve an advanced degree of elaboration.

The Thematic Text

The thematic text:
illustrates the logical sequence of the development, by connecting the items shown. A good
connection is effective and concise, without unnecessary information. This requires that the
text be fluid enough to demonstrate the thread of the development.

explains the thematic qualification of an item, if required (Ref. 3.3 below)

gives appropriate information of the thematic details of stamps and documents.

Any thematic explanation has to be closely related to the material shown, and any given
statement must be covered by thematically appropriate philatelic items, otherwise it weakens the thematic development.

Even if FIP languages are not compulsory for thematic and philatelic text, exhibitors who intend to show frequently at international exhibitions are strongly advised to present their exhibit in one of those languages, to help in the understanding of their work (Ref. GREV 3.3).

3.2.3 Innovation

The exhibit is supposed to show the personal work of the exhibitor, highlighting the results of his/her ability to innovate. This requires personal effort by study, research and imagination and cannot result from the simple mechanical duplication of existing works. Exhibitors can take advantage of all sources available on the subject (e.g. thematic and philatelic literature as well as other collections) to push their research forward.


A short thematic description is necessary whenever the connection between the item and the theme is not self-explanatory. Items without a demonstrated relationship with the theme shouldbe excluded.

When selecting qualified material for the exhibit, preference and greater importance has to be given to:
types of items that are the cornerstone of philately (i.e. stamps, postal stationery,
cancellations and postmarks) as opposed to items with a lower postal connotation, even if
their issue or use has been duly authorised by the post issues which have information whose contents bear a direct relation to the issuing country from a political, historical, cultural, economic and/or similar standpoint.

-       Avoid speculative issues, which exploit the "fashion trends" in thematic philately (these dubious items ought to be in principle totally excluded), with special reference to issues not following the code of ethics of the UPU

-       normal issues, as opposed to additional parallel imperforate issues (stamps and souvenir

-       genuinely cancelled items, as opposed to items cancelled to order,

-       genuinely carried commercial mail with relevant cancellations, as opposed to mere souvenir documents and any similar items which were created to please collectors, e.g. decorated FDCs (even when issued by the postal service), and maximum cards
genuinely carried items with correct postage and relevant thematic cancellations, as opposed to favour cancellations, often with underfranked postage, or, even worse, cancellations on stampless covers (“blank cancellations”) unless due to a free postage privilege documents with individual, differing addressees, as opposed to covers and cards received by the same addressee as a result of a subscription

-       correct postage frankings, as opposed to overfrankings due to philatelic reasons (e.g.
complete sets)

-       meter frankings with correct postage, as opposed to favour cancellations (e.g. “000”), unless the latter is a "specimen" or it has a justified postal reason.

-       Exceptions to the above criteria may only be shown if properly justified.
          The relative rarity or unusual characteristics of proofs, varieties and similar items, can    increase the philatelic quality of the exhibit. Common varieties (e.g. minor colour nuances) play an insignificant role and they are likely to adversely affect the thematic development. If a variety does not clearly demonstrate the connection with the theme, the normal item should be also shown as a reference.

-       Common stamps and documents are appropriate if they best represent important thematic details.

-       The use of maximum cards should be limited to a few, significant items, mainly to enhance the understanding of the thematic information on the stamp. In addition to the necessary concordance of subject, time and date, defined in the principles of Maximaphily, these items should have a theme-related cancellation.

-       The use of revenue stamps for fiscal purposes should be limited to a few, significant items,
mainly to enhance the thematic development in very important points of the theme that cannot be covered otherwise. These items are to be properly justified.

Philatelic studies

Postal items and documents present a number of philatelic variants. If this material is of
thematic and philatelic importance, then a concise and balanced philatelic study is
commendable, so that this material can be properly shown.

A philatelic study follows in a systematic manner the criteria for traditional philately (e.g.
development of the item, varieties), postal history (e.g. usage, routes, handling of the mail,
postmarks) or any other postal philatelic discipline. A philatelic study may exploit existing
sources for further personal research. In order to safeguard the balance of the exhibit, the aim of these studies is not completeness, but the presence of the most significant philatelic
peculiarities. The extent of the studies is proportional to the degree of specialisation of the

Philatelic studies, whenever included, blend with the thematic development without affecting the fluidity of elaboration of the exhibit. The thematic text has to continue in parallel with the study, so that there is no disturbing interruption.

Philatelic text

A philatelic text can be used when a specific philatelic characteristic of the item is not easily recognizable, for documenting the use of revenue stamps, or for presenting a philatelic study.Boosting definitions, in the style of those of the auction-catalogues, are inappropriate.

Doon Philatelic Diary 

-Abhai Mishra

Swamy Dayanand Saraswati (born 12 Feb. 1824) was the founder of Arya Samaj. He came to Dehra Dun first on 14 April 1879 on the request of Lala Nand Lal whose sons being students in the Mission School were influenced by Christianity and wanted to convert. 

He came from Haridwar, where he was attending the Kumbha Mela. During his stay in Dehra Dun he gave many discourses which obviously were not liked by Christian priests. He had discussions with Reverend Morrison and other missionaries about Vedic Dharma which led to severe altercation and riot like situation.. Not only missionaries but Muslims and Brahm Samajis were also irritated with his convincing arguments of Vedas. In fact one Muslim named Mohammad Umar was converted by Swamiji and was named Alakhdhari, who was later instrumental in founding the local Arya Samaj temple at Dhamawala on 29 June 1879. The special cover from my collection shows the Arya Samaj, Dhamawala issued during its 125th anniversary in 2004.

- Abhai Mishra: email :

Philately Promoter of the Month

This column is dedicated to great philatelists who are promoting selflessly the hobby of stamp collecting in their own way and making a bridge between philately and our daily life.


Col Jayanta Dutta  is a renowned philatelist and numismatist from Pune. He is chief editor of Deccan philatelist, winner of The Roake Trophy 2015 for philatelic research by India Study Circle for Philately, UK , Large Gold Medal winner at  Rocky Mountain Stamp Show 2018, at Denver, USA is  well known for his finest collection on Fiscal philately. His regular posts related to philately on fb ( ) and whatsapp groups . His posts are very informative and great source of information for one and all. These posts not only promote philately but also make a close association of stamps with our everyday life ! So why not get in touch with stamps  !! I am pleased to share  2 of his very informative and intersting posts from fb and whatsapp. Col Jayanta Dutta may be contacted at email :

Jal Cooper

Jal Manekji Cooper FRGS (died August 1972) was an Indian philatelist, and an expert and authenticator of the postage stamps and postal history of India. Cooper was also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the author of several philatelic handbooks. He was both a stamp dealer and a collector and was associated with philatelists like C. D. Desai, N. D. Cooper, and Robson Lowe.
Cooper is occasionally but erroneously credited with having discovered the Inverted Head 4 Annas. The 1891 reprints show that this error was already known. E. A. Smythies said the error was first discovered at a meeting of the Philatelic Society of London in 1874.
The Jal Cooper Philatelic Society, in Varanasi, India, is named after him and India Post issued a 10 rupees commemorative stamp in 1997 depicting Cooper and Indian postmarks, on the occasion of INDEPEX 97.
He was my first philatelic guru.

Sigmund Friedl

Sigmund Friedl (1851– 1914, Vienna) was one of the most famous Austrian philatelists. Toward the end of his life he defrauded stamp collectors by selling them forgeries.

Sigmund Friedl's interest in postage stamps started already at the age of 13. Only two years later, he started trading them. In 1872, he opened his own stamp shop in Vienna. Soon he became a stamp expert and started working as an examiner. He had great success with his shop, for example, he sold the unique Tre Skilling Banco for a sum of 4000 gulden to the famous collector, Philipp von Ferrary. Through his good relationship with the post, he was able to cheaply obtain the remaining stocks of several postage stamps and resell them.

At the same time, he wrote the first Austrian stamp catalogues and enhanced the stamp albums. Finally, Sigmund Friedl established his own stamp museum in his villa in Unterdöbling. In 1881 and 1890, he organised the first major Austrian stamp exhibitions, which also attracted international attention.

To Austrian philatelists, Sigmund Friedl is known mainly for his Friedl perforations and the disreputable Friedl forgeries. The Friedl perforations are private perforations of Austrian definitive stamps, which were tolerated by the post. The Friedl perforations always had a different number of perfs than the original perforation of the definitive stamp series made by the post. The forged stamps were mainly forgeries of the Mercury series issued in 1851, which were sold to collectors with fraudulent intent. After the deception was exposed, Friedl had to buy back some of these stamps.

Since I could not get a photograph of Sigmund Friedl I illustrate him with a forgery of the Red Mercury that he made.

Book Review

 Glimpses of Vintage Bengaluru- Collection of Picture Post Cards By Sushil Mehra

Glimpses of Vintage Bengaluru,Collection of Picture Post Cards, By Sushil Mehra : Hardbound  Coffee Table Book with excellent layout and printing : Pages  105 :  showcasing 160 vintage postcards and other interesting collectibles like Match Box Labels, Railway Tickets, Bills etc.  depicting Monuments, heritage buildings and many other important places of Bangalore of the Past. : Price : Rs 550.00 :The book is available at Select Book shop No.71, Brigade Road, Shanthala Nagar, Bengaluru-560001. Also available at

Glimpses of Vintage Bengaluru,Collection of Picture Post Cards is a beautiful Coffee Table Book showcasing the Picture Postcards featuring beautiful Bangalore of the past its monuments, heritage buildings, temples, churches, General Post Office, hospitals, High Court, Race Course,Gardens Railway station and many more places of interest. Besides Postcards the book depicts old Bangalore beauty with other philatelic items like stamps, First day covers,special covers, post marks, meter cancellations , interesting collectible items like Railway Tickets, Match box labels,Bills, Cheque leaf, Calendar, electricity bill, receipts, advertisements etc. This makes the book more interesting . The book will be cherished by one and all specially those who love to travel and like to visit different places. Philatelists will find it very interesting as post card collection is also a part of philately. 

The book gives details of the every building and place .The book also gives QR Codes for all the interesting places depicted through the Postcards. One can explore the past of beautiful Bangalore through this  book which preserves the history and life of Old Bangalore.  People of every age group would love to go through this book and for Bangloreans it is the most lovable asset !

About the author

 Sushil Mehra  is a noted philatelist of Bangalore and writes regularly on stamps . His FB philatelic posts on Pan India Pictorial Place cancellation  Group ( are very popular among philatelists with interesting stories of everyday life and its association with stamps. He is a member of Karnataka Numismatic Society and  Karnataka Philatelic Society. Karnataka Postal Circle has released Postcards on his collection and two books on special Covers of Karnataka to which he has contributed. Mr Sushil Mehra may be contacted at email :

Beginners’ Section

What is microprinting?

Maybe you’ve heard the word Microprinting but you’re not sure what it is. Microprinting is tiny type added to a stamp’s design. The type is so small, it can’t be read without a magnifying glass or microscope. The printing is usually made up of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Microprinting is a security measure to prevent counterfeiting. The use of counterfeited stamps means lost revenue for the Postal Service. Producing and selling fake stamps is a federal crime.

When forgers try to reproduce a microprinted stamp using a scanner or photocopier, the text may appear as a solid line or blur. It’s too small to make a clear copy.

You’ll need a magnifying glass with at least 4x magnification to see the microprinting on your stamps.

The first stamp to be microprinted was U.S. #2655, the 1992 Stream Violet stamp. If you look closely at the 29¢ denomination, you’ll see shading made by microscopic dots.

The first stamps with microprinting in the design were the 1992 Christmas Toys stamps (#2711-14). In these stamps, portions of the wheels are shaded with magenta dots.

More recent microprinting uses a combination of letters and numbers such as: USPS, 4eveR, 4evr, or 4EVR.

The microprinting on US #3752 is located on the end of the second squash blossom on the right side of the necklace. The photo on the right shows the section under magnification.

The microprinting on #3314 is on the upper right petal of the flower. It spells out the word “BOTANISTS.”

Specialized Section 

Carriage of Indian Navy Official Mail

-Col J Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta

During a meeting of a philatelic society in a pastoral area just outside Pune, a question was asked as to how naval mail is carried. Well, arcadian settings are a stimulus for such out of the box thought.  We immediately shared our knowledge with some covers, which we would like to share with the readers.

All official mail from various originators is sent to the nearest Fleet Mail Office where a round handstamp (hs) is applied and the date entered in manuscript. Fig 1

Fig 1

The Fleet Mail Office delivers the mail to the Army Post Office (A.P.O.) Schedule Dispatch Service (S.D.S.) which actually sends the mail to the addressee.

Fig 2 is an OIGS (On India Government Service) registered cover originating from Communication Center, Bombay (now Mumbai) on 27 April (2004) which was received at Fleet Mail Office, Mumbai on 28 April 2004.  Fleet Mail Office, Mumbai sent the cover to A.P.O.S.D.S. Mumbai where the oblong RL hs were applied with date 28 April 2004. The article was delivered at A.P.O. Pune on 29 April 2004 vide hs on reverse. The diameter of the Fleet Mail Office hs is 25mm.

Fig 2

Fig 3 is an OIGS registered cover from Communication Center, Bombay for Pune via Fleet Mail Office, Mumbai and A.P.O.S.D.S. Mumbai which has larger Fleet Mail Office hs with diameter of 30mm.

Fig 3

Fig 4 is a cover originating from Cochin (now Kochi) for Pune which passed through Fleet Mail Office, Mumbai and A.P.O.S.D.S. Mumbai. Lower flap of cover opened to show A.P.O. Mumbai S.D.S. ccds.

Fig 4

-     -  Col Jayanta Dutta : email -

Bharat Ratna Musicians -1 


(Carnatic singer and First musician ever to be awarded Bharat Ratna)

-Cdr G.Sriramarao,I.N (Retd) 

Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi is a name synonymous with the world of Carnatic music. The flawlesssinger, whose voice almost had a divine power, is the first musician to be awarded the Bharat Ratna,in 1998, India’s highest civilian honour. She was subsequently honoured with Ramon Magasaysay award, which is considered as Asia’s Nobel Prize, in 1974 by which  she became the first Indian to do so, with the Citation reading” Exacting purists acknowledge Srimati M.S.Subbulakshmi as the leading exponent of classical and semi-classical songs in the Carnatic tradition of South India.   


She was the first Indian who performed in the United Nations General Assembly in 1966. Though she is famous as an exponent of Carnatic music, her expertise in Hindustani classical music was not short of briilliance. Subbulakshmi didn’t  contain herself with just music, for she forayed into the field of acting as well.

The recipient of Bharat Ratna receives from the President of India
1.    A sanad ( a certificate signed by the President)
2.    A Pepal leaf-shaped medallion.      
There is no money grant associated with the award.Bharat Ratna recipients rank seventh in the order of precedence

M.S.Subbulakshmi being awarded Bharat Ratna by the President Dr KR Narayanan

Subbulakshmi was born on 16 September 1916, to Veena Player Shannmuvadiver Ammal and Subrahmaniya Iyer. Her grandmother was a violonist.  At an early age she was trained in Carnatic music under the tutelage of Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer and subsequently in Hindustani music under Pandit Narayanrao Vyas. Her mother was a music exponent, and Subbulakshmi grew up in an environment very conducive to musical learning. Her musical interests were also shaped by regular interactions with Karaikudi Sambasiva Iyer and Ariyakudi Ramanuja Iyer, both stalwarts of music.

           Subbulakshmi gave her first public performance at the age of eleven, in 1927, at the Rockfort Temple Tiruchirapalli. She moved to Chennai in 1936, She also made her film debut in Sevasadan in 1938.   She gave her performance at the prestigious Madras Music Academy in 1929, when she was 13 years old. The academy known for its discriminating selection process, broke tradition, by inviting the young girl as a key performer. It was spellbinding and earned many admirers. Soon after she became one of the leading Carnatic vocalists. At the age of 17, Subbulakshmi was giving concerts on her own including Major performances at the Madras Music Academy. She travelled to London, New York, Canada, the Far East, and other places as India’s cultural ambassador, her concerts at Edinburg International Festival of Music and Drama in 1963, Carnegie Hall, New York, the UN General Assembly on UN day in 1966,Royal Albert Hall, London in 1982, Festival of India in Moscow in 1987 Were significant landmarks in her career. After the death of her husband in 1997, she stopped all public performances. She acted in few Tamil Films.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had to say about MS Subbulakshmi”who am I, a mere Prime Minister before a Queen, a Queen of Music”, while Lata Mangeshkar(who was awarded Bharat Ratna after MS) called her Tapaswini(the Renunciate). Ustad Bade Gulam Ali Khan termed her as Suswarlakshmi(the goddess of the perfect note). The great national leader and poet Sarojini Naidu called her “Nightingale of India’. Her many famous renditions including  Bhaja Govindam, Vishnu Sahasranama, Hari Tuma Haro and the Venkateswara Suprabhatam. ‘Kurai Onrumillai’ (composed by Sri Rajagopalachari), ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ prayers to Lord Hanuman Chalisa.

Bharat Ratnas M.S.Subbulakshmi and Lata Mangeshkar

She was widely honoured, praised and awarded. Some of the popular ones include
Padma Bhushan in 1954,Sangit Natak Academy award in 1956, Sangeetha Kalanidhi in 1968,Ramon Magasaysay award in 1974.Padma Vibhushan 1975. And many more awards.
She was honoured as (Asthana Vidwan) a Resident Artist of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. Tirupathi Urban Development Authority has installed her Bronge statue at the Poornakumbham circle in the Temple Town, in 2006.

A commemorative postage stamp of Rs.5 on her was issued on 18  December 2005, with her photo depicting singing with Tambura and her photograph depicting her  beauty, and grace.

She was bestowed with enormous prize moneys with various awards, most of which she donated for charity. She has given more than 200 charity concerts and raised well over one Crore rupees(a very large amount those days). She was honoured with honorary degrees from several Universities.

First Day Cover with her photo from film Meera and beautiful cancelation with Tambura


Mahatma Gandhi who loved to hear some famous Hymns like ‘ VaishnavaJanato,(her perfect pronunciation and flawless singing would bring tears to the eyes of any one who listens to it) and ‘HariTuma Haro’ sung by her, once commented that he would rather hear Subbulakshmi utter the lyrics of the song than someone else sing it.

An epitome of beauty, grace, poise with mesmerizing voice singing at UN Genera assembly

On 11 December 2004 she passed away in Chennai at the age of 88. As her memory on her Birth Centenary and Fiftieth anniversary of her singing in UN General Assembly, the UN issued a sheetlet of ten of her stamps in 2006, with a picture of her singing in UN General Assembly.

 Smt Sudha Raghunathan also a great classical singer and Padma Vibhushan Releasing the stamp. She also gave a concert in Memory of Smt MS Subbulakshmi thereafter.

In commemoration of the birth centenary Noted Musician, Noted Musician, A R Rahman and his troupe performed at the UN General Assembly Hall on the occasion of India's 70th Independence Dayand commemoration of the birth centenary of music legend M.S.Subbulakshmi at United Nations General Assembly in 2016.

India post, as part of 11th definitive series, issued a stampof Rs.3 on M.S.Subbulakshmi
The Union Government has decided in Dec 2019, to set up chair in her memory, in various universities along with, nine other remarkable women in various fields.

Coins on M.S.Subbulakshmi

This shows a Hundred Rupees coin and a Ten Rupees coin issued by the India Government Mint, Mumbai

The reverse side of the two coins. These were issued on the occasion of her birth Centenary

 An interesting item of philatelic interest

Zahid Islam of Dammam, Saudi Arabia had acquired this very attractive cover from a collector in Chicago USA, who was selling part of his collection, in a club auction in 1992. It is a registered VP envelope from the Gramaphone Company limited, of Dum Dum, Calcutta with a multi- coloured label of the singer MS Subbulakshmi, dated May 6,1940.

-       Cdr. G.Sri Ramarao -  email :

In Memory of Dr Satyendra Agrawal….

Thailand’s perfumed Red Rose stamps sheet printed on Velvet a Memorable gift for Valentine’s Day

Courtesy : Shri Dipok Dey

With Love,
Roses from Australia

New issues from other Countries


18 February 2020 : Medical Innovations

This set of stamps contains all four gummed stamps from the Medical Innovations stamp issue.
·         $1.10 - HPV vaccine
·         $1.10 - Cardiac pacing
·         $1.10 - Spray-on skin cells
·         $3.20 - Medical penicillin

25 February 2020 : Red Noses

Making people laugh even when times are difficult
For over 25 years now the RED NOSES clown doctors have been bringing laughter where it is most needed and Austrian Post has honoured this fabulous commitment with a RED NOSES special stamp.

“RED NOSES is an artistic organisation bringing humour and laughter to people in need of joy”, says the mission statement of this charitable organisation. The clown doctors visit children and young people in hospitals and in other special educational and therapeutic institutions as well as adults and senior citizens in care and rehabilitation centres. They provide psychological support to help people get well again and find renewed pleasure in life.

The RED NOSES clown doctors are professional artists who have undergone special training. When they are ill, children are subject to all kind of stresses: anxiety, pain, separation from their parents, treatments – and a nosy, clumsy clown can become an important ally who has the sensitivity necessary not only to ensure that there is fun to be had, but also to distract patients and to help reduce anxiety levels.

Adults also benefit from the healthcare clowns: clowns improve their mood, motivate people and provide a few lighter moments in an otherwise difficult situation. For senior citizens, visits from clowns provide variety and help raise their spirits.

RED NOSES Clown doctors

Founded by Monika Culen and Giora Seeliger in 1994, after the first visits from clown doctors to sick children it quickly became clear what positive effects these special “visits”can have. Since 2000 the clown doctors have also been visiting senior citizens in care facilities, and projects such as “Clowns Unterwegs” (“Clowns on the Go”), supporting people through therapy in rehabilitation clinics, a circus workshop for long-term paediatric patients or the clown theatre for children and young people with mental and multiple disabilities followed. Since 2013 the RED NOSES have been working in crisis and catastrophe zones with “Emergency Smile”. RED NOSES Clown doctors International was set up in 2003 and today has partner organisations in ten different countries. This makes the RED NOSES group the world’s largest association of healthcare clowns.


2 March 2020 : Dahalia

Faroe Island

14 February 2020 : Valentine’s Day : The Heart-Shaped Lake

A Heart Beats ...

Nothing better to mark "Valentine's Day", than the image of a lake in the shape of the heart on stamp from  the post office of the Faroe Islans,releasd on February 14, 2020, an artistic work by Suffía Nón based on a photograph by Roy Mosterd. It is Lake Vatndalsvatn on Vágar Island, the heart of a nation that is already very warm, and a lake with a lot of trout to fish. 


4 March 2020 : 250 Years of the birth of Ludwig Van Beethoven

Magyar Posta issued a commemorative stamp in honour of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the celebrated German composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827).

Beethoven’s musical talent became obvious at an early age and his father introduced him to the social life of Bonn as a child prodigy. His musical tuition was irregular for a while but, despite this, by 1782 he already held an important post as an organist and harpsichordist. Aristocratic patrons supported the composer from almost the outset until his death. Problems with his hearing first appeared in 1795. By 1808 his encroaching loss of hearing was profound and around 1819 he became completely deaf. After 1808, he withdrew from appearing in public. Alongside Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, he is considered the third great figure of the classical period of Viennese music, whose compositions also show signs of the Romantic style. One measure of the importance of Beethoven’s oeuvre is the extent to which he influenced the paths of numerous figures in the subsequent history of music.

The stamp uses a reproduction of part of a painting showing Beethoven while composing the Missa Solemnis. In the background an extract of the score of a work by Beethoven (WoO 36 Three Quartets for piano, violin, viola and cello in E flat, D major and C major, 1785) can be seen. An allegorical portrait of Beethoven appears on the first day cover.

Sri Lanka

3 March 2020 : Wild species threatened by trade in Sri Lanka

New  pictorial cancellations from other countries

New postmark on animal from Germany

On March1st 2020 a new pictorial postmark will be available in 74072 HEILBRONN.

The postmark features a European mole (Talpa europeana).The European mole is the animal of the year in Germany.

GOLDFISHES from Taiwan

Courtesy : Wolfgang Beyer & Andreas Hoehne , BDPh (German Philatelic Federation)


- Vadophil Jul Oct 2019 issue edited by Prashant Pandya n Timir Shah

- Ananthapuri Stamp Bulletin March 2020 issue edited by Mohanchandran Nair

- Judaica Thematic Society (UK)  March 2020 Newsletter edited by Gary Goodman email -

- Deccan Philatelist Vol 20 No 1 2020 edited by Col Jayanta Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta

-The Hyderabad Philatelist February 2020 issue edited by Prakash Agrawal

-The Hyderabad Hobby Magazine February 2020 issue edited by Prakash Agrawal

- Journal of the Army Philatelic Society Vol.17 No.3 & 4 edited by Col. Jayanta Dutta - 

 - SIGNET edited by Prof. Sahdeva Sahoo : Apr-Jun 2019 & Jul-Sep 2019 issues

Bogs & Websites

       Stamps of India
        Phila Mirror

Philatelic Clubs & Societies 

Ananthapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram
Baroda Philatelic Society -
Chandigarh Philatelic Club
Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra
Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -
The Hyderabad  Philatelic and Hobbies Society
India Study Circle -
Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -
Ludhiana Philatelic Club
Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort
Philatelic Congress of India -
Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Philatelic Society of India , Mumbai :

Orissa Philatelic Association, Mail id-:
Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat
Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad
South India Philatelists Association -
The Army Philatelic Society, Pune
Stamps of India –

This is a blog of e-Stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters 

-VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya &TimirShah and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -

-ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -

-Ananthpuri Stamp Bulletin - Monthly e -stamp bulletin of Anathapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram

-Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta

-India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.

-Deccan Philatelist from Deccan Philatelic Socity, Pune. edited by Col Jayanta Dutta

-The Hyderabad Philatelist from Hyderabad Philatelic and Hobbies Society Editor – Prakash Agrawal

-SIPA Bulletin issued by South India Philatelists’ Association

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue : Stamps of India Jagannath Mani, Suresh R. – Bangalore ; Wolfgang Beyer – Germany; Mystic Stamp Co.; Sushil Mehra, Bangalore; Sudhir Jain, Satna (MP) 
Address for communication :

Jeevan Jyoti,  c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248002. India  

E-mail –
*  Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only. 
*  If you like this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promoting philately.

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·         Please do not send the text in scan form or PDF. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

·         Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.

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Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor. 
Happy Collecting ……….
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun    (Uttarakhand ) India for free circulation among philatelists.

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