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Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin edited and published by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Rainbow June 2024


The Scratch - and - Sniff Baguette by La Poste

Date of Issue : 17 May 2024

In November 2022, UNESCO honored the French baguette by adding it to the Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

Dehradun June 2024 Vol. XVII Issue No. 198

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write - ups by the readers about, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to the editor:

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Summer Festivals Norway

 Date of Issue : 31 May 2024


Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present June 2024 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. Today philately has become more digital than physical. It is important to explore new ways to promote physical philately. Philatelic Societies, Postal Department and Local Stamp Clubs do philatelic activities time to time to promote philately but it is not enough. Some new ideas are to be implemented so that the new generation may get attention and develop the hobby of stamp collecting and also the old collectors can revive their hobby. In the exhibitions, the same participants could be seen with the same exhibits and there are hardly new exhibitors. It is important to give exposure to children in schools about stamps, exhibits, and other philatelic items through small thematic exhibitions and workshops.

To make this hobby popular it is necessary to introduce a special one frame class for those who never participated in exhibitions but wish to participate. The selection of entries should be done on the basis of the review of photo copies of their exhibits. The judging criteria in this class should be simple and more points to be given for the presentation. Awards must be given in this class as it will encourage new collectors. This will definitely attract budding collectors of all age groups to show their collection.  There are many stamp collectors all over the world, who collected stamps as a child for a long time but never participated in the exhibitions. Their collections are locked in cupboards and are hardly opened and seen. This way general stamp collectors will also get a chance to enjoy old, forgotten hobby. Some of them may become good philatelists too. They learn how to prepare an exhibit systematically for the exhibition. To create one’s interest in philately, it is important that at initial level it should be easy and interesting too. As one gets into it, gradually, learns it deeply step by step…. …..

This is all for this month. More in the next issue. Happy Collecting!


· Editorial

· From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal

· Recent Indian Issues

· In The News

· Stories Behind Stamps

· Thematics

· Specialized Section

· Beginners’ Section

. Editor’s Mail Box

· New Issues from Other Countries

· Philatelic Clubs and Society

· Blogs and Websites on Philately

· Current Philatelic Magazines and Newsletters



Believe it or not, in spite of efforts being done by all the philatelic clubs, societies, philatelic federations and other stake holders; philately is losing its appreciation by the new generation who are the future philatelists and the ones who will carry the legacy of this  highly educational and motivational hobby. All efforts are being done to promote this hobby rather in today’s scenario to keep it alive.  It is felt that a gross effort is required to be made to attract children and other towards this hobby. We all understand that use of paper mail   for personal letter exchange has reduced a lot. A big part of paper mail is handled by private courier service spread all over the nation and has developed in to an equally strong network as the government postal system.  There are number of distractions for the children particularly digital ones. Hence, a thorough working is required to attract and motivate children.  It is important to find and explore new methods and ways to develop and promote philately. Though various activities are being done by local clubs, societies and DOP but these are not enough to keep the momentum of philatelic promotion. New and innovative ideas need to be introduced to attract new generation children. PCI and other parental philatelic bodies are worried about the future. One may be optimistic but the fact remains that the entry of new comers to the philately has reduced tremendously. We hardly see new faces in philatelic exhibitions as participants. Many philatelists have come up with their very attractive and strong suggestions. A few of these are  as under: 

Introduction of philately in to academic system:  

All efforts are being done to give a strong recognition to philately a part of academic curriculum in schools. No doubt philately is a strong educational hobby which not only gives pleasure but helps in personality development. On one hand the digital games and hobbies are sources of indirect stress rather than to give relaxation to mind, philately gives true relaxation. If this is achieved, it will work as new fuel for philately promotion. 

Printing stamps images on play stuffs and display items : 

Children will get attracted and introduced to the stamps and introduced to if  the play stuffs like toys  display images of postal stamps and covers. Even the decorative pieces or the small display items should show images. 

Sale of stamps at book shops and sports shops  : 

For last few years it has been seen that book shops and sports and other gift item shops have stopped selling/displaying stamps, covers, stock books, albums etc. These shops should be encouraged to sell these if displayed properly and efforts to sell these products are made. This will certainly help the  promotion of stamp collecting.

Distribution of Philatelic Materials ;

Philatelic stamps, Souvenir sheets, M/sheets, collector packs, stock books, philatelic books etc should be distributed or sold at subsidized prices in schools and institutions.

 Organizing small stamps shows, fairs and exhibitions;

 Use of stamps as an exchange of coins :  This practice is already existing in many villages of India. But for this purpose definitive stamps are being used.. if commemorative stamps are made available for such exchange , the pictorial image and the subject matter will certainly attract everyone and so help in introduction to philately and so promotion of philately. 

Display of stamps at different Places : 

Institutions like schools, colleges, hospitals, Sports clubs, stadiums, restaurants, hotels, railway stations , various dealerships, air ports, Insurance offices and banks, Malls, Cinema hall. 

Philatelic quiz in newspapers :

Undoubtedly this is a big source of inculcating the habit of stamp collecting amongst the children. Philatelic quizzes should become a regular feature in newspaper as well as institutions. DOP and philatelic societies should come forward for this purpose. 

Articles and regular columns in newspapers : 

Regular or periodic article or briefs about stamps showing colourful stamps certainly helps in promoting philately. Regular philatelic tit bits are also big source of philatelic promotion. 

Ads in news media, social media: 

Social media has become a strong medium of advertisement today. Philatelic activities, stamps quizzes, stamp displays, talks etc. may be displayed, organized through this powerful medium as it penetrates in to the minds of people of all ages. This indeed will act as strongest medium for development of philately. newspapers, magazines too can help in this cause. 

Railway and Bus tickets show stamp images: 

various   tickets like railway, air, Bus travel, metro, ferry etc, various tokens, various receipts etc.  should have quotes, pictorial stamps images on them . This may help in promotion of philately.

 Fun garden display of stamps  :   

In various city or colony garden stamps should be displayed on regular basis by individual or by group of collectors. Children can easily get attracted to stamps by seeing those and can develop love for stamps. 

Display hoarding of postal stamps : 

Advertising and social messages are normally displayed on hoardings an display panels in the different places of cities and towns. Such hoarding may be used for showing stamps especially newly issued or highlighting any event. It would be better if hoarding located near schools, colleges, playground are used for this purpose. 

Compulsory letter writing : 

Although digitalization is promoting digital letter writing such as email or SMS etc. But letter writing on paper needs to be promoted. Though letter writing competitions are being organized  by schools, Postal department and some social organizations. 

Images on decorative and gift items :  

Various gift  and decorative items should have  images of beautiful stamps  to attract children such as key rings, mouse pads coffee mugs, calendars, pens etc. 

TV chats on stamps and the subject matter of stamps : 

TV chats and Radio Broadcast can be a big tools to promote philately. As the telecast and the broadcast is now available even at remote places; the messages can reach each and every person. 

Philatelic workshops in schools :  

Good number of philatelic workshops need to be organized in schools  where in children get introduced to stamps and their collecting. It also helps in  guiding how to collect stamps and  the joy it has. Workshops can also guide students to adopt this hobby without hampering their studies. These workshops will also  introduce children to the sources of getting stamps and becoming members of clubs. 

Vocational subjects /hobby clubs in schools : 

Philately if not a part of academic main stream may be introduced  as part of hobby club activity in schools and colleges. Institute like IIT Roorkee has stamp collecting interest in its hobby club. 

Images on sport goods and uniforms : 

International sport persons play tools such as Cricketers bats, Balls, Badminton rackets, Shuttles, Footballs , Hockey sticks  etc  may have stamps printed on them which would  be seen by crores of people during the telecast. their uniforms may have some images in form of stamp. Even during sports events   the tickets sold may have philatelic promotional stuffs printed. 

Stamp images on children’s dresses : 

Children dress material may be designed showing stamps images. Today is the era of fast changing fashion for all ages. This fashion scenario can help in a big way. Stamps images in different forms, shapes and sizes can be printed. This will help a child to have close contact of stamp. 

Wrappers and packaging material : 

No doubt if the packaging material of wrappers have stamps designs printed on those, it will serve exceptionally well in promotion and development of philately. Packaging in today’s scenario has become very important in sales and marketing. Hence, efforts should be made to impress packers to introduce such designs. Children toys and other stuffs may have such attractive beautiful designs. Designs may be selected according to the product and the age and type of people to be served. 

Images or slogans of Receipts : 

The digital receipts or prints should have pictorial images of stamps or may have slogans related to philately. Postal receipts and even other receipts at least the ones issued by government or semi government departments should help promotion this of this cause. This will emerge as new field of philately 

Merging with fiscals :  

Experiments are being done in every class of philately even exhibiting in few classes has been approved. Fiscal philately is an established separate recognized class of philately now and is prospering also. Looking in to the fact that quantity of paper mail has reduced proportionately giving a threat to the development of philately.  Though e - stamp papers  are now in practice in judiciary, legal and government payments such as sales deeds,  revenue, tax levied, fees, monitory transactions etc. The stamps so used are pictorial in nature and can be used as support to other classes of philately such as Thematic. Though limited and exceptionally befitting usage  is allowed even today but if the usage is relaxed, it will help promoting  philately to a big extent. 

Control on courier services : 

These services should be forced to use postal stamps  on packs along with their own labels and tickets They may be  called as private post services  and forced to by  postal stamps for private services. Govt. should print such stamps for private posts. Or else private services should be levied surcharge paid through postal stamps. This will call for huge use of stamps and paper mail, may be through private agencies. Or else private couriers be recognized by govt. to call them as postal agencies and then the usage of postal stamps will automatically come in to huge use. We must not forget postal stamps are made for the use of postal usage and not  for other fiscal purposes. 

Upgrading post offices and Philatelic Bureaus: 

Post offices and Philatelic bureaus needs to be upgraded and refurnished with display of physical stamps and exhibits along with their regularly changing digital displays. It is a matter of great disappointment that DOP closed a good number of philatelic bureaus last year. If not bureaus, department should open philatelic centres at places or stamps agencies be formed. Stamps ATMs or Vending machines be placed at prominent paces preferably near schools and colleges. This act will help promotion of philately. 

Postal uniform and /or etiquettes be redesigned :  

Apart from Logo of DOP if the uniform design incorporates some stamps in the uniform of postal workers and officers along with the etiquettes such as badges, stickers etc. fitted or fixed or tagged on the uniform. This will help a lot in stamp sales and collecting. 

Pictorial images of Tickets : 

Railway tickets, cinema tickets, bus tickets and other token and tickets may have images of stamps. People including children come in contact with these regularly. This will also help a lot . 

Community letter writing promotion

 Stamp display camps and awareness programmes in colonies…local level Tourist destinations be chosen and used for stamp galleries and displays. Children coming from different places are in free mood and tempted and inclined easily towards philately. 

Hence, the views, the thinking, the ideas have no limit. But the main thing is how to practically implement these ideas. A strong will, collective regular efforts, governmental help, social help and help from DOP and educational institutions can help promotion of philately.

Let’s get together and move on to this mission. Join hands. Do whatever, in whatever manner you can do. I sincerely thank many of the philatelic societies and clubs, many philatelists and no doubt PCI and DOP officials  who are genuinely trying their best to keep philately alive. I appeal the true stamp lovers, philatelist to give even small contribution towards promotion and development of philately which at one time was known as KING OF HOBBIES.

Naresh Agrawal : email : 

Recent Indian Issues

20 April 2024 : Mahatma Hansraj

21 April : Bhagwan Mahaveer 2550 Nirvan Kalyanak

New Special Covers

6 June 2024 : Theme Jainism : Kanpur

30 May 2024 : Baobab Tree, Jhunsi - Prayagraj

Special Cancellation

5 June 2024 : World Environment Day : Bengaluru

On 5 June 2024, a special cancellation was issued by Karnataka Postal Circle on the occasion of World Environment Day. World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment. World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, stopping desertification and building drought resilience. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the global host of this year's edition.

Special Cancellations on World Environment Day by Kerala Postal Circle

World Environment Day : Meter franking

31 May 2024 :  No Tobacco Day : Patna

31st May was observed as No Tobacco Day, worldwide. With a view to make people aware of ill effects of Tobacco, a Special Cancellation was issued at Patna by Sri Anil Kumar, Chief PMG. The message of Mahatma Gandhi i.e. 'Smoking - an expensive vice, an unclean habit'  has been incorporated in the Cancellation, along with image of diseased lungs, a victim of smoking. Gandhi ji had expressed this view, regarding Tobacco addiction, on 12.01.1921 in Young India. This message of Gandhi ji has been culled from the book 'The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi'.

 -Lalit Kumar Mishra, Patna

20 May 2024 : World Bee Day : Panna Ji

17 May 2024 : World Telecommunication Day

15 May 2024 : Int. Day of Families : Bengaluru

8 May 2024 : World Red Cross Day : Bengaluru

In the News



JAKARTA 2024 with a capacity of 1200 display frames, is organized by the Indonesian Philatelic Exhibitors Association (IPEA) under the Patronage of FIAP from July 3 to 7, 2024 at the Pos Bloc Jakarta, (ex Jakarta Philatelic Building), Jl. Pos No. 2, Jakarta Pusat 10710.

Detailed rules of exhibition (IREX) and Exhibit Application Forms are available for download at

National Commissioner- Parvesh Kumar Gupta, Email :

 WhatsApp +919810628387 OR to the Apprentice National Commissioner, Anil Reddy, Email  WhatsApp +919841022884


South Africa Virtual Philatelic Exhibition

The web address is


CHINA 2024 will be organized under the Patronage of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) and the Recognition of Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).CHINA 2024 will open on 29 November 2024 and close on 3 December 2024. CHINA 2024 will be held at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre (Address: 1000 Yan’an Road (C), Shanghai, China 200040)

Mr. Pratisad Neurgaonkar, is the National Commissioner, and Mr. Rajesh Paharia is Assistant Commissioner for the China 2024 – Asian International Stamp Exhibition.

1. Mr. Pratisad Neurgaonkaar – National Commissioner

Mobile Number: +91 9766310553


2. Mr. Rajesh Paharia – Assistant Commissioner

Mobile No : 9351716969

Email :

APEX – 2024

16 -18 August 2024 , Thiruvanathapuram

Coffee Table book ‘ Narration of Ramayana through traditional folk art of Maharashtra and Postage Stamps’ released

Maharashtra Postal Circle released a Coffee Table book titled, Narration of Ramayana through traditional folk art of Maharashtra and Postage Stamps. The honors were done by Shri Amitabh Singh, Postmaster General (Mails and Business Development). Shri. Girish P Tripati, Mayor of Ayodhya, Shri Krishna Prakash (IPS) ADG Mumbai Police, Dr. Ravindra Shukla, President Hindi Sahitya Bharati, Amish Tripathi, eminent novelist, Dr. Sudhir Jakhere, Asst. Postmaster General (Business Development), Shri. Parshuram Gangavane, eminent artist were present on the occasion.


News from Philatelists and Philatelic Societies

A philatelic exhibition on Rabindranath Tagore

At The Heritage School, Kolkata


A philatelic exhibition was held on Rabindranath Tagore at The Heritage School. Kolkata to pay tribute on his birth anniversary.


Rabindranath Tagore (7 May 1861 – 8 August 1941) also known as Gurudev, was a Bengali polymath. He was a poet, visual artist, playwright, novelist, educationist, social reformer, nationalist, business -manager and composer whose works reshaped Bengali literature and music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

He became Asia's first Nobel laureate when he won the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature. After a brief stay in England (1878) to attempt to study law, he returned to India, and instead pursued a career as a writer, playwright, songwriter, poet, philosopher, painter and educator.


The philatelic exhibition included postage stamps and other Philatelic materials such as First Day Covers, Special covers, Miniature sheets, Sheetlets, Booklets, picture postcards, Inland letters, postcards, private covers, Max cards, Artist proof, pictorial cancellations, errors, Souvenir sheets, place cancellations and others. It was a small part of a 200 plus exhibit pages on Life of Rabindranath. 

Rabindranath Tagore wrote novels, short stories, songs, dance-dramas, and essays on political and personal topics.

Gitanjali (Song Offerings), Gora (Fair-Faced), and Ghare-Baire (The Home and World) are among his best-known works. His verse, short stories, and novels received worldwide recognition. Two songs from his creations are now the national anthems of Bangladesh and India: the Amar Sonar Bangla and the Jana Gana Mana respectively.

A miniature sheet from Bangladesh showing the National Anthem of both the countries.

Rabindranath Tagore was born in Calcutta into a wealthy and prominent family. His father was Maharishi Debendranath Tagore, a religious reformer and scholar. His mother, Sarada Devi, died when Tagore was very young – he realized that she will never come back, it was when her body was carried through a gate to a place where it was burned.

Special cover showing Jorasanko House where Tagore was born.

Tagore was a prolific musician writing around 2,230 songs. They comprise Rabindra Sangeet, now an integral part of Bengali culture. Tagore's music is inseparable from his literature, most of which—poems or parts of novels, stories, or plays alike—became lyrics for his songs.

In his later years he took brush in his hands to express his thoughts, and his unique style of painting also was acclaimed a lot.

An Artist proof

Rabindranath Tagore founded the Visva-Bharati, which means the communion of the world with India in the year 1921 at Shantiniketan. It has produced some of the great talents of India including Satyajit Ray.

- Eeshita Basu Roy: email :

INK The PPC – An updated guide to Permanent Pictorial Cancellations

-Praveen Shastry Bangalore

Press Clippings

Looking for the Chirpy Chirping Sparrows


( Article published in TerraGreen April 2024)

-TERRAGREEN /April 2024

Stories Behind Stamps

Australia - Western Australia - Inverted Swan



Country of production : Western Australia

Location of production : Perth

Date of production : January 1855

Nature of rarity : Invert error

No. in existence : 15 + a partial

Face value : 4-pence

Estimated Value : USD 37,500 - USD 80,000 

The Inverted Swan, a 4-pence blue postage stamp issued by Western Australia in 1855, was among the world's first invert faults. Technically, the frame is inverted, not the image of the swan, yet it is frequently referred to as the Inverted Swan.

Western Australia published its first stamps in 1854, depicting the colony's symbol, the black swan, which remained on all WA stamps until 1902. While Perkins Bacon engraved the 1d black in Great Britain, Horace Samson in Perth made other values, including the 4d blue, utilizing lithography and other frames surrounding the swan motif. 

In January 1855, an additional 4d stamp was required. When Alfred Hillman took the printing stone out of storage, he discovered that two of the impressions had been damaged, so he had to repeat them. One of the rebuilt frames was skewed, while the other was mistakenly redone upside-down. The stone block of 60 was transported four times to create the printing stone, and 97 sheets were printed before Hillman identified and repaired the issue, resulting in a total of 388 mistakes printed. 

However, the inaccuracies stayed undetected and uncorrected for several years. Only 15 complete examples, plus a portion of a stamp from a strip of three, have survived. No unused copies are known.

One copy was unearthed in Ireland in the 1860s, purchased by the Duke of Leinster, and donated to Ireland in 1897. It is on display at a museum in Dublin. It was on display at the Royal Philatelic Society's inaugural philatelic exhibition in London in 1890. Other examples include the Royal Collection, the Tapling Collection of the British Museum, and museums in Sydney and Perth, as well as private collections.

Copies of this stamp have been sold over the years, including a 1980 auction for US$80,000, $37,500 in 1983, and £122,400 at a Spink auction on May 19, 2015.

Reference :

Thematics –



Episode - 4 

Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis


Diomedea antipodensis, commonly known as the Antipodean albatross, is a large seabird in the albatross family. Here are the key details about this species:

Classification and Naming

  • Scientific Name: Diomedea antipodensis
  • Common Name: Antipodean albatross
  • Family: Diomedeidae

Physical Description

  • Size: One of the largest albatrosses, with a wingspan of around 2.5 to 3 meters (8.2 to 9.8 feet).
  • Appearance: Both sexes have long, narrow wings and a large body. The plumage is generally white with dark upper wings and back. The bill is pink with a pale tip.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Breeding Range: The Antipodean albatross primarily breeds on Antipodes Island and Campbell Island, located south of New Zealand.
  • Feeding Range: They forage over a vast range of the Southern Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean, traveling thousands of kilometers to find food.

Behaviour and Ecology

  • Diet: Primarily consists of squid, fish, and other sea creatures. They are known to follow fishing boats to scavenge discarded by catch.
  • Breeding: They are monogamous and return to the same breeding sites each year. The breeding cycle is biennial (every two years), with a single egg laid in December or January. Both parents share the incubation duties, which last for about 11 weeks.
  • Lifespan: Can live up to 40 years or more in the wild.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Red List: Vulnerable. The population is threatened by several factors, including by catch in longline* fisheries, climate change affecting food availability, and habitat degradation.

*(Longline fishing is a commercial fishing technique that uses a long line, called the main line, with baited hooks attached at intervals. This method is commonly used for catching larger pelagic fish and is a significant threat to seabirds like the Antipodean albatross due to bycatch, where birds get accidentally caught on the hooks and drown.)

  • Conservation Efforts: Efforts are ongoing to reduce bycatch through improved fishing practices and regulations. Protected areas and bird sanctuaries have been established in some breeding sites.

Notable Characteristics

  • Flight: The Antipodean albatross is known for its dynamic soaring flight technique, which allows it to travel long distances with minimal energy expenditure by utilizing wind currents.
  • Tracking: Researchers use satellite tracking to monitor their movements and understand their foraging patterns and habitat use better.

Additional Facts

  • Subspecies: There are two recognized subspecies: Diomedea antipodensis antipodensis (found on Antipodes Island) and Diomedea antipodensis gibsoni (found on the Auckland Islands).
  • Cultural Significance: Albatrosses are often seen as symbols of good luck or omens by sailors, reflecting their presence in maritime folklore and literature.

Understanding and protecting the Antipodean albatross is crucial due to its ecological role as a top predator in the marine environment and its vulnerability to human activities. Conservation measures, alongside continuous research, are vital to ensure the survival of this majestic seabird.

Fascinating facts.

·       It is a huge albatross of the Southern Ocean.

·       It has Two subspecies: “Gibson’s” which breeds primarily on Auckland Island and ranges at sea around New Zealand and eastern Australia; and then

·        “Antipodean” which breeds mostly on Antipodes and Campbell Islands and ranges mainly across Pacific to Humboldt Current off Chile.

·       Its Plumage is highly variable, starting chocolate-brown with a white face and gradually becoming whiter over many years.

·       Younger birds are separated from Southern Royal Albatross by darker tail, brown markings on head and back, and lack of black “lips” on cutting edge of bill.

·        Older birds are more difficult to separate; focus on more coarsely marked upperwings, often with conspicuous white patch in center of wing, and lack of black “lips”.

·       This bird often shows orange stain on cheek, never shown by Southern Royal.

·       • Identification from other Wandering-type Albatross is extremely difficult and often presumed by range.

·       • Older “Antipodean” often retain complete dark cap, tail, and upper wings

·       The other species of this magnificent bird which we shall learn in this episode is


Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea amsterdamensis

The Amsterdam albatross, scientifically known as Diomedea amsterdamensis, is a large and rare seabird in the albatross family. Here are the key details about this species:

Classification and Naming

  • Scientific Name: Diomedea amsterdamensis
  • Common Name: Amsterdam albatross
  • Family: Diomedeidae

Physical Description

  • Size: It has a wingspan of about 2.8 to 3.4 meters (9.2 to 11.2 feet) and a body length of around 107 to 122 cm (42 to 48 inches).
  • Appearance: The Amsterdam albatross has a mostly white body with dark upper wings. Juveniles and immatures have more extensive brown plumage. The bill is pink with a pale tip, and the feet are flesh-colored.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Breeding Range: The Amsterdam albatross is known to breed only on Amsterdam Island, a small island in the southern Indian Ocean, which is part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.
  • Feeding Range: Outside of the breeding season, these albatrosses range widely across the southern Indian Ocean.

Behaviour and Ecology

  • Diet: They primarily feed on squid and fish, obtained from the ocean surface. They may also follow ships to scavenge for discarded bycatch.
  • Breeding: The Amsterdam albatross breeds biennially (every two years). They lay a single egg, usually in January, with both parents sharing incubation duties over about 80 days. Chicks fledge after approximately 230 days.
  • Lifespan: These birds can live for several decades, although detailed lifespan data is limited due to their rarity.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered. The population is extremely small and vulnerable to various threats.
  • Population: Estimates suggest there are only about 80-130 mature individuals remaining.
  • Threats: Major threats include habitat degradation due to introduced species (such as rats and feral cats), diseases (like avian cholera), and potential climate change impacts. Bycatch in longline fisheries also poses a significant risk.

Conservation Efforts

  • Protection: Amsterdam Island is a nature reserve, and conservation measures include habitat restoration and strict biosecurity to prevent the introduction of invasive species.
  • Research and Monitoring: Ongoing monitoring of the population and breeding success is crucial. Satellite tracking helps in understanding their foraging behavior and range, which informs conservation strategies.

Notable Characteristics

  • Endemism: The Amsterdam albatross is one of the few albatross species that is geographically restricted to a single breeding location.
  • Flight: Like other large albatrosses, they are adept at dynamic soaring, using wind currents to travel long distances with minimal energy.

Additional Facts

  • Discovery: The Amsterdam albatross was formally described as a distinct species in 1983. Before this, it was often confused with the wandering albatross due to similarities in appearance.
  • Reproduction Challenges: The species' low reproductive rate, with chicks taking around a year to fledge and adults breeding every two years, makes population recovery slow.

The Amsterdam albatross exemplifies the delicate balance required for the survival of specialized species in isolated ecosystems. Conservation efforts are critical to ensure that this rare and majestic bird continues to soar over the southern oceans.

Fascinating Facts:

• It is an extremely rare bird.

• Basically it is a huge Wandering-type albatross that breeds only on Amsterdam Island in the southern Indian Ocean, with only a handful of records elsewhere (mainly Australia).

• Its population perhaps is fewer than 100 individuals.

• It’s plumage is highly variable, but averages darker brown than other Wandering-type albatross; even adults retain mostly brown upperwings, tail, and cap.

• The only Wandering-type albatross that shows narrow black “lips” on cutting edge of bill.

• Tip of it’s bill averages darker and more greenish than other Wandering-types.

-Capt Vijay Wadhwa : email :

Goa - A Philatelic Journey





Chief Scientist (Retd), National Institute of Oceanography,

Dona Paula, Goa

In this article of mine on Goa - A Philatelic Journey, I am trying to highlight several facets of Goa, such as State Symbols of Goa, Saints & Poets of Goa, Personalities of Goa, Language and Literature, Forts of Goa,  Festivals of Goa, Art, Cinema, Dance, Music and Paintings of Goa, Food and Spices of Goa, Heritage Monuments,  Flora and Fauna of Goa, endangered species of Goa, Cuisine of Goa, Folk Art, Music and Dances of Goa, Personalities of Goa, Permanent Pictorial Cancellations of Goa, Martyrs Memorials of Goa, Unsung Heroes of Goa, Voice of Goa Liberation, Silver Jubilee of Goa Liberation, Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of Goa,  Goa@60, Goa Liberation Cancellations, Freedom Fighters of Goa,  and World Famous Beaches of Goa.  

Goan Statehood

Dr Jack de Sequeira is considered the Architect of the “ Opinion Poll of Goa”. He was born on 20th April, 1915. He was founder father President of United Goan Party and the first opposition Leader in the Goa Legislative Assembly, He worked very hard to mobilize the Goans to protect separate identity and prevent its merger with Maharashtra. The Opinion Poll held on 16th January, 1967 decided the question of merger forever. When he died on 17th October, 1989 Goa had already attained the statehood. This special cover was sponsored by Konkani Kala Mandir, Merces, Goa to commemorate his birth centenary on 20 April, 2015 with a Santacruz place cancelation with a map of Goa and Opinion Poll Party symbol, two leaves. 


State Symbols of Goa

A special cover released by the Department of Posts to commemorate the World Life Day 2022 on 3rd March, 2022, has the following

a)         Gaur (Bos Gaurus) is the state animal of Goa

b)         Ruby Throated Yellow Bulbul (Pycnonotus Gularis) – State Bird

c)         Crocodile Bark Tree (Terminaia Elliptica) – State Tree

d)         Malabar Tree Nymph (Idea Malabarica) – State Butterfly


State Musical Instrument - Ghumat


Saints and Poets of Goa

A 6 Naipaisa Postcard with a special SFX cancellation of the 6th January, 1965 and issued by the Department of Posts, Government of India, during the 12th Saint Francis Xavier Exposition held from 24th November, 1964 to 6th January, 1965. 

Language and Literature 

A special cover with a Cachet of Shenoi Goembab (Father of Modern Konkani Language) Birth Centenary (1877-1977) and a cancelation of Shenoi Goembab, third Philatelic Exhibition held at Panaji on 14 November, 1976. 


Personalities of Goa

Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi (31 July 1907 – 29 June 1966) was an Indian polymath with interests in mathematics, statistics, philology, history, and genetics. He contributed to genetics by introducing the Kosambi map function. In statistics, he was the first person to develop orthogonal infinite series expressions for stochastic processes via the Kosambi–Karhunen–Loève theorem. He is also well known for his work in numismatics and for compiling critical editions of ancient Sanskrit texts. 

Forts of Goa

A picture Postcard depicting the Forts of Goa was released by the Department of Posts, Goa Division.

a)    Reis Magos Fort b) Aguada Fort c) Tiracol Fort and d) Corjuem Fort

Festivals of Goa 

Carnival in Goa, also called "Carnaval", "Intruz", "Entrado", or (colloquially) "Viva Carnival" refers to the festival of carnival, or Mardi Gras, in the Indian state of Goa. Though significantly smaller than the well-known Rio Carnival or the Portuguese Carnival of Madeira, the Goa Carnival is the largest in India and one of the few traditional celebrations of the Western Christian holiday in Asia

Art, Cinema, Dance, Fashion, Music and Paintings of Goa

Mario Miranda (2 May 1926 – 11 December 2011), or Mario de Miranda, was an Indian cartoonist and painter based in Loutolim, Goa. His cartoons and characters are famous all over the world. 

Deenanath Mangeshkar (29 December 1900 – 24 April 1942) was a well-known Marathi theatre actor, a Natya Sangeet musician and a Hindustani classical vocalist.


Dekhni (also spelled dekni, dekṇi, dekhṇi) is a semi - classical Goan dance form.

A First Day cover released by the Department of Posts, Govt of India during the 125th Anniversary of the Goan Tiatr. On 17th April, 2017.


Wendell Rodricks (28 May 1960 – 12 February 2020) was an Indian fashion designer and author based in the Indian state of Goa. He was also an activist for social causes, the environment, and gay rights.  In 2014, the Government of India conferred upon him its fourth-highest civilian award, the Padma Shri. Second stamp in the top row depicts his fashion design under the Indian Fashion Series 4.  

Food and Spices of Goa


Breads of Goa

Cuisine of Goa

Goan Khaje

Goan Cashew Feni

Feni is a spirituous liquor indigenous to the state of Goa, India. The two most popular types of feni are Cashew feni and Coconut feni, depending on the original ingredient; however, many other varieties are sold. The small-batch distillation of feni has a fundamental effect on its final character, which still retains some of the delicate aromatics, congeners, and flavour elements of the juice from which it was produced.

To be contd....

-Dr. MR Ramesh - email : 


 Specialized Section

Olympics Special

The Journey Begins: Olympic Torch Relay for Paris 2024 Commences

Contd. from the last issue…

In the last issue 8 pages of the award winning one frame exhibit of Mr.Dinesh Sharma  ‘ Olympic Flame and Torch Relay’ were published. In this issue please see other eight pages of the exhibit. Title page is included for the reference - Editor



The First Olympic Games Greek Set of 12 Postage Stamps of 1896 Athens Olympics

The 1896 Olympics, officially known as the Games of the 1st Olympiad, were the first international Olympic Games held in modern history. The games revived by Pierre de Coubertin, were held in Athens, Greece, from April 6 to April 15, 1896. The first Olympic Games of the modern era, held in Athens in 1896, marked a significant moment in sports history. To commemorate this historic event, Greece issued a set of 12 postage stamps, known as the 1896 Olympic stamps. These stamps are highly regarded among philatelists for their cultural and historical value. 

The set of 12 postage stamps issued by Greece for the 1896 Athens Olympics represents a milestone in both Olympic and philatelic history. These stamps are a testament to the enduring legacy of the ancient Greek ideals that inspired the revival of the Olympic Games. For collectors and historians alike, they provide a tangible connection to the excitement and significance of the first modern Olympics.

Two young stamp collectors, the brothers John Sacoraphos and Demetrius brought forward the idea for the issue of these stamps. Their idea was accepted by Prince Constantine as well by the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, which was finally approved by the Government. The sale of these stamps brought more than 400,000 drachmas to the Organizing Committee. 



Professor Svoronos, the director of numismatic museum in Athens decided the designs for these stamps, while the sketches were the work of Professor Guilleron, a French living in Greece.

The designs description of the 12 stamps:  


S.N.            Value                               Design                  


1.     1 Lepton:                          Wrestlers                                                  

2.     2 Lepta:                            Wrestlers

3.     5 Lepta:                            Myron’s Discus Thrower

4.     10 Lepta:              Myron’s Discus Thrower

5.     20 Lepta:              Vase depicting Pallas Athene

6.     25 Lepta:              Quadriga of Chariot Driving

7.     40 Lepta:              Vase depicting Pallas Athene

8.     60 Lepta:              Quadriga of Chariot Driving

9.     1 Drachma:                      Ancient Stadium

10.  2 Drachmas:                    Hermes

11.  5 Drachmas:                    Nike

12.  10 Drachmas:                  Acropolis with Parthenon



FIRST DAY OF ISSUE (ATHENS 6): March 25, 1896. Cover with 1896 Olympics stamps                 up to 60 lepta (Courtesy David Feldman SA Auction Catalogue)

The first Modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, from 6 to 15 April 1896. Opening ceremony was held on Easter Monday 6 April, 1896 (25 March according to the Julian calendar then in use in Greece), and the games of the First Olympiad were officially opened. The games were closed on 3rd April, 1896.  

Five stamps of th1896 set of 12 stamps was surcharged in 1900 as the drachma was devalued and a number of stamps out of circulation were overprinted with surcharge.

5lepta on 1 drachma, 25 lepta on 40 lepta, 50 lepta on 2 drachmas, 1 drachma on 5 drachmas and 2 drachmas on 10 drachmas


1900 “AM” Surcharge issue set of five on envelope sent April 24, 1901registered to Germany,  tied by Athens “4” cds, (Courtesy David Feldman SA Auction Catalogue). This cover is extremely rare.


Because of the rarity of these stamps some have been forged. The forgeries of 40 lepta, 60 lepta, 2drachmas, 5 drachmas and 10 drachmas stamps can be found. Luckily it is not very difficult to identify these due to poor imitations. 


The author of this article Mr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma is an accomplished philatelist specializing in Olympic & Sport Philately. He may be contacted at email :

To be contd….

Beginners’ Section


J.M Barrie


J.M. Barrie was a Scottish dramatist and novelist who is best known as the creator of Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up.

James Matthew Barrie was born on May 9, 1860, in Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland. Barrie was the ninth of ten children. When he was six, one of his brothers died. Though his mother was devastated by the loss, she was comforted by the fact that he would remain a boy forever and never grow up and leave her. This likely served as one of Barrie’s inspirations for his most famous work many years later. 

As a child, Barrie was an avid reader, enjoying such books as Robinson Crusoe and the Pilgrim’s Progress, as well as works written by Robert Michael Ballantyne and James Fenimore Cooper. He knew from a young age that he wanted to be a writer, though his family hoped he’d choose a profession, particularly the ministry. He agreed to attend a university but only to study literature.

After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, Barrie worked in advertising and then as a journalist for the Nottingham Journal. He then sent a piece to the St. James’s Gazette, based on stories from his mother’s hometown. The editor of the London newspaper liked the Scottish feel of the story and hired Barrie to write several more. These formed the basis of his first novels – Auld Licht Idylls (1888), A Window in Thrums (1890), and The Little Minister (1891).

Barrie received moderate success from the publishing of these stories, leading him to continue writing as a career. After publishing few more books, he turned his attention to the theater, writing a string of successful plays.

Then in 1897, Barrie met the Llewelyn Davies family. They were neighbors he met while walking his Saint Bernard Porthos. He soon befriended the family’s three sons, George, Jack, and baby Peter. Barrie frequently entertained them with his stories. One of the most popular was about their baby brother Peter. Barrie told the boys that babies were birds before they were born and that parents put bars on nursery windows so they wouldn’t fly away. But Peter was a special boy and flew away. In later years, when the boys’ parents passed away, Barrie became their trustee and guardian, providing financial support whenever possible.

 Barrie was captivated by his new character and included him in The Little White Bird in 1902. Two years later, he premiered the play Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up in London. It was immensely popular. Following the play’s success, Barrie adapted the story into a novel, Peter and Wendy, in 1911. The play and novel helped to popularize the name Wendy in the United Kingdom.

Barrie continued to write successful novels and plays after Peter Pan. Many addressed social issues and another returned to the idea of an ageless child. Barrie’s final play, The Boy David, dramatized the Biblical story of King Saul and young David.

US #2210 – According to Barrie’s wishes, the Great Ormond Street Hospital has never revealed how much money his generous gift has raised over the years. But the hospital has received royalties every time a play was performed or a book or other product was sold. 

Barrie died on June 19, 1937. He gave London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children the rights to Peter Pan, allowing them to benefit from the story’s success for years to come.

Source : Mystic Stamp Co.

Editor’s Mail Box

Dear Jyotiji & Nareshji, 

Thanks for the Editorial in the Rainbow Stamps issue and the article about Literature.

It is a very good idea to promote philately through using stamps as an exchange for coins.

In fact in many villages and small places it is used in this manner; but these stamps are not the commemorative ones! They are not aware of the story of such stamps but with more publicity the situation can improve! 

Philatelic literature, while e-newsletters like yours Rainbow publish book -reviews and that is very helpful. I bought a book about the Princely States after reading its review. One more idea is that magazine publishers may include a "Bibliography of Articles and Books" published during say quarterly or even a monthly and that can include in all languages too. Regular Columns in popular newspapers, weeklies and magazines can create more interest also. 

With best wishes and kind regards,

Prakash Mody, Toronto.

New issues from other countries


8 May 2024 : SEPAC ( Theme  Main Tourist Attractions)

Main Tourist Attraction

The stamp shows a summer panorama of the Åland archipelago with its bare rocks, leafy skerries, bridges, sailboats, and sparse settlements. 

The archipelago attracts thousands of tourists to Åland every year, and this unique island world in the Baltic Sea is formed by many islands, shallow bays, and bay systems. In the Archipelago Sea between the main group of islands – called Fasta Åland – and “Skiftet”, which constitutes the border with Finland, we find an estimated 6,700 islands with an area of over 2,500 m² and around 20,000 islands and islets smaller than 0.25 ha.


1 June 2024 – Children’s stamp -3 Jolly fellows

Children’s Stamp - Three Jolly Fellows

Handwritten wishes and greetings are a joy for all ages. In a world that is becoming more digital, postcards and letters bring positive emotions and create a good mood – for both the recipient and the sender. Sending letters is a valuable and wholesome tradition that is worth preserving and passing on to future generations.


This year’s children’s themed stamp depicts Muff, a character from the well-known Estonian children’s book Three Jolly Fellows (Naksitrallid), who liked to send letters. Three Jolly Fellows is a four-part series of Estonian children’s books about the adventures of Muff (Muhv), Mossbeard (Sammalhabe), and Halfshoe (Kingpool). The book is written by children’s author Eno Raud and illustrated by artist Edgar Valter.


3 June 2024 : E - Sport


E-sport is the practice of competitive video gaming. A practice that requires a lot of determination, training, endurance and time from professional gamers. E-sport is available here, like sport, in a set of disciplines grouped by categories according to their forms and their specificities. While the majority of electronic sports are played by teams, some are played individually, as is particularly the case for games mimicking combat sports. However, it is generally less a question of reproducing reality, outside of specifically sports simulations, than of adding additional elements, or even inventing a universe and rules from A to Z. Whether the competition takes place physically or remotely, on console, computer or mobile phone, the goal remains the same for the competitors: to demonstrate that they outperform their opponents on the same terrain and in identical conditions.

E-sport is starting to find a place within the biggest bodies of traditional sport – particularly around the Olympic Games – who see it as a means of transmitting to young people the values ​​conveyed by such events. Still like sport, competitors compete in national or continental leagues to try to reach the world championships at the end of the year.

French players, including Sébastien “Ceb” Debs on Dota 2, Marie-Laure “Kayane” Norindr on Street Fighter, Paul “sOAZ” Boyer on League of Legends, Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut on Counter-Strike, Clément “Clem” Desplanches on StarCraft II and, among the youngest, Alexis “zen” Bernier and Axel “Vatira” Touret on Rocket League, regularly stand out for their victories during the most prestigious international competitions.

Great Britain

6 June 2024: Dogs 

Dogs have shared our lives for thousands of years – working, hunting, guarding and being our friends. Royal Mail are howling with delight to celebrate our loyal companions with ten mint stamps showcasing some of the most popular pet breeds in the UK. A paws-itively, pup-fect stamp issue - it’s sure to get tails wagging!

Dogs have shared our lives for thousands of years - working, hunting, guarding and being our friends. Many different breeds evolved and were developed over the centuries, from the very smallest to the largest and shaggiest, from the bravest to the fastest, but regardless of type, dogs have remained loving and loyal. It is little wonder that they are so popular, with more people around the world owning a dog than any other pet.

The first dog shows were held in the 19th century, which led, in 1873, to the founding of the Kennel Club to govern contests and field trials. The Kennel Club now holds the register of pedigree dogs in the UK, and regulates all breed standards, with breeds assigned to seven different categories based on their original roles: Gundog, Hound, Pastoral, Terrier, Toy, Utility and Working.

N.B. Please accept our apologies for this pun filled fact file, our Product Manager for this issue is our very own Queen of Puns!

5 First Class and 5 Second Class Mint Stamps showing images of some of the most popular dog pet breeds in the UK.

2nd Class Dalmatian; 2nd Class Jack Russell-type Terrier ; 2nd Class Labrador Retriever;2nd Class Border Collie ; 2nd Class Whippet ;1st Class Siberian Husky ;1st Class Chihuahua ;1st Class Cocker Spaniel ; 1st Class Pembroke Welsh Corgi ;1st Class Pug


3 June 2024 : SEPAC (Theme - Main Tourist attractions )


2 June 2024 : Inauguration of an overhead bridge


30 May 2024 : International Cat Show

International Cat Show

Organized by the Monegasque association “De Gati de Munegu”, the Monaco International Cat Show will be an opportunity to admire more than 190 cats of different breeds on October 19 and 20, 2024. The stamp represents a British shorthair, a breed cat with a calm and affectionate character.


31 May 2024 : Works of Slovene Illustrators

This issue shows a set of 5 stamps based on works of Slovene illustrators.

Jelka Reichman is an Illustrator with a big “I” who has spent her life creating illustrations for little people. As she herself puts it: “The thing that interests me most in life is beauty ... I see beauty in small creatures, animals, children ... I see their inner world radiating outwards. That is what I depict.” And this same energy radiates outwards from her images: a hint of magic that is surprising in its artistically refined simplicity and enchanting in the timelessness of its beauty.

Marlenka Stupica, a creator of fabulous images who illustrated all the famous fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm to Andersen. As she herself once put it: “I only truly embraced those texts that awakened my imagination, including my artistic imagination.” Her work is redolent of the embroideries of time, nostalgia for paradise, the fruits of uniqueness and the mystery of the unseen. All this can be found in her creations: in gardens, forests, tapestries or merely tables loaded with tempting delicacies of many colours.

Zvonko Čoh is one of the most prominent, original and immediately recognisable Slovene illustrators. His creations have a specific, caricature-like style and he presents them in a colourful, vivid manner with all their human failings. Wit is a trademark of his figures and each of them – human, animal or inanimate object – has its own character. His brush brings every character to life and they stir powerful feelings in those who view them.

The late Kostja Gatnik was a man of many talents and a unique and original artist. He was a painter, an excellent draughtsman, a cartoonist, an illustrator, a photographer, a graphic designer ... and above all a perfectionist who was totally at one with his craft. He will always be considered one of the pillars of Slovene visual art. He also had an excellent ear, and a sense of rhythm is extremely important not just in music but also in the visual sphere. An artist – a legend.

Karel Zelenko is a subtle observer of life, a master of the line. The playfulness of his line reveals a melancholy and poetic art of life, depicting the world as a scene of human comedy and anxiety, permeated at times with humanity or grotesque satire, sometimes full of mischievousness and occasionally unobtrusively engagé. We do not know where this line will take us on its journey but perhaps, as Paul Klee once said: “A line is a dot that went for a walk.”

31 May 2024 : Europa 2024 ( Theme-Under Water Flora and Fauna )


31 May 2024 : Literature : Luisa Carnes

Luisa Carnes

Correos issues a new stamp within the series LITERATURA to a writer Luisa Carnés, the stamp is a more classic and emblematic photograph coloured by Alex Puyol. In addition, this issue has a premium sheet and a card.

(Madrid, 1905-Mexico D.F., 1964) was a Spanish novelist and journalist, an invisible author of the Generation of 1927. She was born into a working-class family in the Madrid neighbourhood of Las Letras. At the age of eleven she began working in a milliner's workshop and in 1928 saw the publication of her first work, Peregrinos de calvario (Pilgrims of Calvary), a collection of short stories. From her experiences in her new job as a waitress in a tea room came Tea Rooms. Working Women (1934), which was warmly received by critics, who praised its innovative character and narrative force. Self-taught, Luisa Carnés was considered "the most important storyteller of the Generation of 1927". The novel is set in the back room of a famous Madrid tearoom, with the intention that the atmosphere invades the entire space and surrounds the viewer, immersing him or her completely in the atmosphere of the salon. The youth, the joy, the energy of the characters contrasts, at times, with their sadness, with unforeseen misfortune, with dreams to be fulfilled and also with those that will never be fulfilled. In short, a text that retains an absolute relevance and in which we can see ourselves reflected.

Luisa Carnés showed a growing interest in social issues, which she reflected in her work, which was written in defence of women and workers' causes.

After the Spanish Civil War she went into exile in Mexico, where she died prematurely in the most complete oblivion in the history of Spanish literature. Luisa Carnés went into exile with nothing but a leather wallet containing, among other things, her most precious possession, her short stories. Eighty years later, they will finally see the light of day in the anthology Thirteen Stories (1931-1963).


2 May 2024 : 150 Years of compulsory school


150 Years Compulsory School

May or must? In Switzerland, school is both a right and an obligation: 150 years ago, despite a great deal of resistance to begin with, compulsory education found its way into the Federal Constitution.

Schooling was to last eight years and would be both compulsory and free of charge for everyone – these were the rules for the universal system of compulsory education introduced in Switzerland in 1874. Nowadays, mandatory schooling lasts for11 years (including kindergarten), and this is now simply taken for granted in Switzerland. That wasn’t always the case, with pushback coming from industry and agriculture, sectors that did not want to lose their workers, especially given that it was common practice for children to help out. Society has changed a great deal since then.

Philatelic Clubs and Societies

Prayag Philatelic Society -

Ananthapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram

Baroda Philatelic Society -

Chandigarh Philatelic Club

Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra

Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -

The Hyderabad  Philatelic and Hobbies Society

India Study Circle -

Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -

Ludhiana Philatelic Club

Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort

Philatelic Congress of India -

Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Philatelic Society of India , Mumbai :

Orissa Philatelic Association, Mail id-:

Rainbow Stamp Club -

Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat

Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad

South India Philatelists Association -

The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

Stamps of India –

Blogs & Websites

Philatelic Congress of India

Indian Philately Digest

Stamps of India

Rainbow Stamp News

Se-tenant Stamps of India

Flags & Stamps

Europa stamps

Welcome to Indian Philately

Blogs by Kumar Biswas

The Philatelist

Echo’s Phila House

Prayag Philatelic Society


This is a blog of e-Stamp Club  The idea of this blog is to extend the philatelic fraternity to all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Posts on recent issues, news on stamp activities, and Contributions by members are published every day on this blog. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities in their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

-VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya &TimirShah and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website - 

-Ananthpuri Stamp Bulletin - Monthly e -stamp bulletin of Anathapuri Philatelic Association,

-Journal of the Army Philatelic Society

-India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC. 

-Deccan Philatelist edited by Dr Anjali Dutta email : from Deccan Philatelic Society, Pune.

-The Hyderabad Philatelist from Hyderabad Philatelic and Hobbies Society Editor – Shri Prakash Agrawal 

-SIPA Bulletin issued by South India Philatelists’ Association


- Ananthapuri Stamp Bulletin June 2024 issue edited by Mohanachandran Nair:  email :

- Judaica Thematic Society, UK .  Society Newsletter June 2024 edited by Gary Goodman email : 

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue :  SIPA, Philately Promoters,  EIPA , Indian Philately, Prayag Philatelic Society Group, Philatelic Exhibitions, Deccan Philatelic Society Whatsapp WOPA; Europa StampsMB Stamps  Mystic Stamp Co.;  ; Pan India Postal Pictorial Place Cancellation;   Praveen Shastry-Bangalore ; Mohammed Dhia - Baghdad, Iraq; P.Mohanachandran Nair- Trivandrum

Address for communication:

Jeevan Jyoti, 509, Design Arcade, Chandrabani, Wildlife Institute Road, Dehradun-248001. India . e-mail –

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  • Last date for receiving articles/ News /write ups – 25th of every month. 


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Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor. 

Happy Collecting ……….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun    (Uttarakhand ) India for free circulation among philatelists.

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Recent Awards

AMRITPEX 2023 - Silver

CAPE TOWN 2022 - Silver

LONDON 2022 - Silver

INPEX 2019, Mumbai - Silver

CHINA-2019, World Stamp Exhibition, Wuhan - Bronze

INPEX 2017, Mumbai - Large Silver

CHINA 2016 - Bronze

TAIPEI 2015 - Bronze

CG International Philatelic Promotion Award 2014, Germany - ( 4th Position)

INPEX 2013, Mumbai - Vermeil

SHARJAH 2012, Sharjah ( UAE ) - Silver Bronze

IPHLA 2012, Mainz - Germany : Bronze

NDIPEX 2011 - World Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi - Bronze

JOBURG 2010 - 26th Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Johannesburg - Silver Bronze

PORTUGAL 2010 - World Stamp Exhibition, Lisbon - Bronze

Hong Kong 2009 -23rd Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Hong Kong - Silver Bronze

About Me

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Participated in different philatelic exhibitions Wrote for philately column in The Pioneer and worked as sub-editor for U-Phil Times published from United Philatelists, Kanpur.Did Schooling from Kanpur Vidya Mandir and Post Graduation in Botany from A.N.D. College Kanpur.


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