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Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin edited and published by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Rainbow February 2014


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Sending a letter may not be the quickest way to hold someone's hand, but when it comes to the heart, handwritten letters are the sweetest shortcut. US Postal Service issued a   “Cut paper heart stamp”   on 21st January 2014 for this year’s Valentine’s Day Greetings. The romance of the Love stamp series continues with the Cut Paper Heart Digital Color Postmark.


Shimla February 2014 Vol. VII Issue # 74

Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to and by post to –

Ms. Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, CCF, GHNP , SHAMSHI, Kullu -175126. (H.P.) India

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

Dear Reader,

I am pleased to release February 2014 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. The month of February and March will have district and state level stamp exhibitions at different places and once again there will be lot of philatelic activities around the country.

These exhibitions play a great role in the promotion of philately if organized by the Deptt of Posts with the active involvement of the local philatelists. But it does not serve the purpose if organized as an official event of India Post.  India Post should give enough publicity to the stamp exhibitions. Philatelic workshops and seminars should be organized during the exhibition with the help of  local Philatelic Club. This will promote philately among people and the youngsters will be encouraged to take up philately as a hobby.

Best wishes to all the philatelists who are taking part in the exhibitions and a happy time to those visiting the forthcoming philatelic shows. Enjoy this issue with  news from the world of stamps and special articles by  distinguished authors.

This is all for this month…More in next issue… Happy Collecting !!

                                                                                                                                                                                           -- Jeevan Jyoti




· From the Desk of Naresh Agarwal

· Recent Indian Issues

· In The News

· Beginners’ Section

· Specialized Section

· New Issues from Other Countries

· Book Review

· The Lighter Side

· Reader’s Right

· Philatelic Clubs and Societies

· Editor’s Mail Box

· Blogs & Websites on Philately

· Promotional Section

· Current Philatelic Magazines - Newsletter


image From the Desk of Naresh Agarwal




We see inclusion of Modern Philately Class in Philakorea 2014 and Saudi 2014, the forthcoming International Philatelic exhibitions as we have also seen the same in the competitive class in recently concluded Brasiliana 2013 world Philatelic Stamp Exhibition held in Brazil in November 2013. It was well participated from all over the world and was highly appreciated too. Many Indian philatelists also participated in the exhibition with their exhibits in this class and won awards.

Philately which has gone through different phases in the last one and a half century is normally looked upon as collection and study of classic and old philatelic material which involves and put before a good scope for search and research. Even the stalwarts of philately world over encouraged collection of early postal material and its studies. But it is the time now to look upon philately in a different way. Let’s talk about India. In the last 14 years, say after 2000, India has experimented a lot in stamp production, mail operations and its carriage. There has been introduction of various new and innovative methods of mail operations, processing, carriage and transport. India Post has introduced various mail services at different parts of India .Stamp printing technology and printed faces of stamps too have seen various innovations such as fragrant / scented stamps, Khadi stamp, Sheet-lets with different numbers of stamps, well designed miniature sheets, designer margins etc.. Looking in to increasing demand, the stamps are also being issued in increased quantity. In other parts of the world too, there has been innovations in mail carriage and nature, type and number of stamps being issued. There has been a good variety of subjects being covered now by the stamps unlike the classic period stamps which gives ample scope for collectors to choose subject covering interest of almost everyone.

This modern phase of last one and a half decade of philately is said to have been defined by internet as internet has genuinely changed the whole scenario of accumulation of philatelic material, its collection and played a big role in shaping traditional philatelic sales to global philatelic trade. Further, the technological advancements as one can see have brought lots of changes and innovations in the postal operations, mail carriage, transmission and delivery. Email, e-post are the examples.

One can see that in this modern phase say in the 21st century so far, philately has became more creative and enjoyable with use of modern printing technologies and new materials to the postage stamps. The issuance of “Unusual Stamps” or “Extra Ordinary Stamps” or “Designer Stamps” or “Exotic Stamps” or so to say ”Spectacular Stamps” have added glamour to the hobby as such stamps are conceived to be appealing to all our senses with their creation with new and exotic materials, different attractive shapes and new innovative ideas. One can feel that philatelists or the stamp collectors now look forward for fresh and colorful images rather than old, dusty, stained and junky rough paper prints and covers. The huge acceptance of these unusual stamps and other philatelic creations is a clear demonstration that creativity is instrumental for the survival and development of philately. Apart form these unusual stamps, the modern philately has lot to look in to such as special designed covers with different material other than paper, perforation errors, types, color technology, paper, payment of postage, cancellation techniques, mail handling systems and processes, post marks and markings, codes and numbers used in different production and carriage processes etc.. More printing means more errors and more errors means more interest. New postal routs and destinations are also a good area of interest. All in all, there is lot in store for modern postal history and postal material to explore and enjoy.

Going in to economy of stamp collection, older material is hard to get and is very costly now not suitable for every pocket. Modern philatelic material is affordable and can be easily procured. It is good to see that various philatelic magazines and journals like “India Post” are now introducing articles on modern philately too though they always preferred the publishing of articles of classic and old material / stamps. I appreciate the move of FIP to encourage modern philately and hope the philatelists of future have good study on this subject.

- Naresh Agarwal : email :

Recent Indian Issues

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· 1 December 2013 : 50 Years of Nagaland - Rs 5

· 4 December 2013 : INS Vikramaditya - Rs 5

· 5 December 2013 : The visit of Emperor and Empress of Japan – SS Rs 20

· 10 December 2013 : Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – Rs 5

· 17 December 2013 : Beant Singh – Rs 5

· 23 December 2013 : Shaheed Gulab Singh Lodi – Rs 5

· 27 December 2013 : Eklavya – Rs 5

· 31 December 2013 : Babu Banarsi Das – Rs 5

· 14 January 2014 : Food Corporation of India – Rs 5

· 30 January 2014 : International Year of Crystallography – Rs 20

Recent Special Covers


· 16 December 2013 : Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences,New Delhi

· 19 December 2013 : MAPPEX 2013 – Bhopal : Princely States of Central India, sponsored by India Post

· 19 December 2013 : MAPPEX 2013 – Bhopal : Gaur reintroduction in Bandhavgarh sponsored by M. P. Forest Department

· 20 December 2013 : MAPPEX 2013 – Bhopal : All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, sponsored by AIIMS Bhopal

· 21 December 2013 : MAPPEX 2013 – Bhopal : 4 special Covers on Mandu, Bhimbetka, Orchha and Kanha sponsored by M. P. Tourism Dept

· 22 December 2013 : Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS)(GSTI), Indore

· 27 December 2014 : Platinum Jubilee of Rotary Club of Madurai, Madurai

· 27 December 2013 : Fourth Centenary Celebration of Our Lady Of Merces Church, Santa Cruz, Goa.

· 30 December 2013 : 50 years of Bangalore City Police , Bangalore

· 6 January 2014 : Golden Jubilee of Joy Senior Secondary School, Jabalpur

· 7 January 2014 : 80th Kannada Sahithya Sammelana, Madikeri

· 8 January 2014 : Golden Jubilee of Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam – Nagercoil

· 9 January 2014 : Golden Jubilee of Goa State Assembly

· 12 January 2014 : 80th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s visit to Payyanur, Kerala

· 13 January 2014 : Janaseva Foundation, Pune

· 20 January 2014 : Nypunyam - Global Needs - Local Skills - Summit 2014- Trivandrum

· 21 January 2014 : 21st Foundation Day of Tezpur University – Tezpur (Assam) ·


In The News

World’s first Christmas cards sold for over $6,800


If you’re looking to send a friend one of the world’s first Christmas cards, you just need a stamp and about $7,000. At an auction at British auction house Henry Aldridge & Son, an anonymous bidder paid £4,200, which equates to $6,846, for a card designed in 1843 that is considered part of a set of the world’s first Christmas cards. The black-and-white greeting card depicts a Victorian family eating and drinking and is inscribed with the message “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.”

“It’s a documented fact that the first Christmas Card was designed in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, a great Victorian pioneer who also had the idea for the Penny Black, the world’s first postage stamp,”told Henry Aldridge & Son auctioneer Andrew Aldridge. “In 1843 he had a bright idea of creating a Christmas card, creating 1,000 copies and selling them, while also sending ones to his friends and family.”

There were two types of the card printed by Cole, one in black and white and one in color. The color cards sold for six pence (roughly 10 cents), while the black-and-white ones went for five pence (roughly eight cents). There are only 14 or 15 known examples of the black-and-white cards remaining in the world, according to Aldridge.

The card that was sold to the anonymous bidder is addressed to a Marinda Cundy of London from an unknown sender with the initials JCJ.“There is no documented use of a Christmas card before then,” Aldridge said. “It’s the genesis of the Christmas card industry that we see today.”

Read More…

Valentine's Day Postmark

A unique design created by a local artist and selected via a competitive contest is stamped on the outside of all Valentine envelopes and re-mailed from the Sweetheart City, " "More than 200,000 cards and letters were handled last year, from more than 100 countries and every state in the Union. "Since the start of the program in 1947, more than 12 million Valentines have been re-mailed by Loveland.
"To get cards and letters re-mailed with the Loveland postmark, properly stamp and address each individual Valentine and put them all in a larger, stamped envelope and mail them to:
Valentine Re-mailing
446 E. 29th St.
Loveland, CO 80538
"Deadlines for re-mailing and delivery by Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14:
•Feb. 4: Outside of the U.S. to other countries and international destinations
•Feb. 10: Within the U.S. and outside of Colorado
•Feb. 11: Within the state of Colorado"

Postal Identity Cards by India Post


POSTAL IDENTITY CARD : value added 'Retail Product' of India Post

One of the biggest problems students and working professionals with transferable jobs face is to get an address proof. Without a proper address proof, one can’t get basic things like postal transactions, mobile connection, internet connection, gas connection nor can apply for passport or open up a bank account.

Keeping this in mind, Indian Postal Department is issuing photo id card with full address description of its holder, his signature, phototograph, blood group and contact numbers, through the large network of post offices. The card serves both as identity proof and address proof. It is issued in the form of plastic cards like smart cards through all Head Post Offices (Card Type: Ultra silk finish card (metal plastic) Dimension: 85 mm /54 mm). The card is valid for a period of 3 years, and can be renewed.

The process is very simple and straight forward. The application forms may be downloaded by the applicant from India Post Website or will be provided by the Post Office- Rs. 20. Processing fee and card cost - Rs. 250/- to be paid at the time of submission of filled up application, in duplicate, at HO. The PO ID card will be issued within 15 days of receipt of the application form.

Philatelic Exhibitions


MALAYSIA 2014 - 29th Asian International Stamp Exhibition and World Youth Malaysia 2014 

MALAYSIA 2014, the 29th Asian International Stamp Exhibition and World Youth Malaysia 2014  will be held from 1 to 6 December 2014 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. Prof Sahdev Sahoo is the  Commissioner from India for this exhibition.

Official Website :

Details of the exhibitions are available at following link :

For participation contact :

Prof. Sahadeva Sahoo

'Saswat', D-3, B. J. B. Nagar,Bhubaneswar 751014

Phone +91674 2432251 Mobile +91 9337103542

email :


BIRDPEX 2014 – International stamp exhibition on Birds


BIRDPEX is an international philatelic exhibition on "birds" that takes place every four years. After Christchurch (New Zealand , 1990), Rosenheim (Germany, 1994), London (United Kingdom, 1998), Leek (the Netherlands, 2002), Nørresundby (Denmark, 2006) and Antwerp (Belgium, 2010), the 7th edition will take place in Poitiers (France) .

For any info contact email : Jean-Francois Duranceau , 2 rue de Berry, 86170 AVANTON (France)  email :

List of Participants at BIRDPEX 2014, Poitiers

List of participants at BIRDPEX 2014, Poitiers is available at following link .



PHILAKOREA 2014 -  World Stamp Exhibition will be held in  COEX Hall A, Seoul from 7-12 August 2014. 

Website :

Download Form

Mr Surendra A. Kotadia is the National Commissioner for India. He may be contacted at following address.




TELEPHONE + 91 22 22024130/31 MOBILE + 91 98199 03789  FAX + 91 22 22843275 E-MAIL -

Saudi – 2013


Saudi 2013 is postponed to 12-17 March 2014. It will be a 6-day General Asian International Stamp exhibition and will includes Traditional, Postal History, Youth, Literature and Modern Philately classes.

Website :

Mr Umesh Kakkeri ,  National Commissioner for this exhibition may be contacted at :

email: (M) +919969571767 

RAIPEX-2014 , Raipur (31st Jan to 2nd Feb 2014 )

Venue : at Town hall, Raipur

During this exhibition one special cover on Budhism depicting  Sirpur  a heritage place recently visited by Dalai Lama and one booklet on GANDHI containing one Philately Day MS will be issued.

SIMPEX 2014 , Shimla

A District level Philatelic Exhibition SIMPEX 2014 will be held in Shimla from 23-25th March 2014.

JHARPEX- 2014 - Jharkhand State Level Philatelic Exhibition at Jamshedpur  



Jharkhand Postal Circle is going to organize a State Level Philatelic Exhibition “JHARPEX 2014” at Tulsi Bhawan, Bistupur, Jamshedpur from 11th to 13th March 2014.

For more information please contact :

Secretariat, JHARPEX-2014, O/o the Chief Postmaster General,

Jharkhand Circle, Ranchi-834 002, Phone No. 0651-2482548/ 2481125

Philatelic Exhibition  at Thiruvananthapuram


Ananthapuri Philatelic Association,  is organising a Philatelic Exhibition at Thiruvananthapuram from 28th February to 2nd March 2014.   The venue will be YMCA Hall, Statue, Thiruvananthapuram.  The exhibition will remain open from 9.30 am to 7.00 pm on all days. 

For more details contact V.Balakrishnan Nair, President,( Mobile No.09446028188) / P.Mohanachandran Nair, Secretary (Mobile No.09387801948)


EIPEX-2014, Bhubaneswar

A Philatelic exhibition namely EIPEX-2014, Bhubaneswar is going to be organised by the Eastern India Philatelists’ Association to commemorate the 15th year of Foundation of EIPA with an objective to promote philately and to encourage new and emerging philatelists. The main theme of the exhibition is ‘Save our Environment’. The exhibition will be held on 08th and 09th, February, 2014 at the Kalinga Buddha Vihara, Unit-IX, Bhubaneswar-751007. There will be 100 frames for display in the exhibition. The participation is limited to the members of the Eastern India Philatelists’ Association whose membership is accepted by 31.12.13 only and the school students of Odisha. No previous award is required for the exhibition. The exhibition will be a Non-competitive one. Only one exhibit from a philatelist subject to two from a family is allowed. The maximum number of frames per exhibit is limited to one only. Exhibitors will submit their entry form in duplicate to the Organizing Committee, EIPEX-2014. The last date of submission of entry form is 30.01.2014.

For more details Contact
Ajit Kumar Dash,



image Veteran Philatelist and Past President of South India Philatelists’ Association Shri G. Madan Mohan Das passed away on 11th Jan. 2014 at Secunderabad. Indian Philately has lost a great philatelist who actively worked for the promotion of philately throughout his life and organized many stamp exhibitions. He was Past President of SIPA  and  editor of  SIPA Bulletin. Shri Das had won many International awards and was appointed Commissioner and member of Jury in stamp exhibitions. Our deepest condolences to all the family members and South India Philatelists’ Association.

My unforgettable memories…   

Being a life member of SIPA, I had a long association with Late Shri G. Madan Mohan Das. His sad demise  was a shocking news for me as I  met him at last INPEX 2013 in Mumbai. He was such a simple, kind hearted and very soft spoken person. He always worked for the promotion of philately…I remember when the awards were announced at INPEX 2013 he said  to me “ I need a sweet box from you as you won a very good award … I just smiled and never knew that it was my very  last meeting with him…… So his sweet memories are always with us and he will always be remembered as a very nice person and a great philatelist…. May his soul rest in peace. – Editor



My memories with Shri G. Madan Mohan Das…

                                                                       - Naresh Agarwal

Shri G. Madan Mohan Das, a veteran philatelist, past president of SIPA  and  editor of  its prestigious print philatelic bulletin for years together, was undoubtedly a gem of Indian philatelists. He won various National and International Awards for his authoritative exhibits. A hardcore dedicated philatelist who worked tirelessly for the development and promotion of philately throughout his last breath. Even at this high age of 87 years, he was willing to work for philately all the time. A postal historian, International Jury and Indian Commissioner for many International shows, Mr G. Madan Mohan Das always stayed in my heart for his pure simplicity.

My first interaction with him came in 2001 during JHARPEX 2001, a Regional Exhibition in Jamshedpur where I was deeply impressed by his simplicity as I found him a thorough gentleman. Then onwards, my relationship developed. I used to talk to him quite often discussing about philately and some personal matters. Later, I became life member of SIPA. He invited me to participate in TIEPEX 2001. And there on our regular interaction started. I always found him totally impartial, simple and very helpful. My last face to face physical meeting with him was during INPEX2013 in Mumbai where he met me like a young man holding my hands, putting his hand on my shoulders and of course talked to me in most friendly manner discussing about various aspects of the show and of course life. I found him ever smiling and charming walking with his slow but firm steps. He often used to say “My hobby has kept me young”. He was respected as well as loved by philatelists of all age groups.

Mr. Das always kept himself away from controversies and dedicated himself to his work and work only. He organized several quality exhibitions and helped promotion of philately in big way. His regular efforts helped development of this hobby not only South India but throughout India. .For me, he was Bhisham Pitamah of philately in India. A store house of knowledge and authority of postal history of a few states of India. A world class philatelic jury, a friend of all, a hard worker by example and a super human being. He lived an exemplary life for philatelists to come. I would request SIPA to approach India Post and other Philatelic Organizations to duly honor this personality. SIPA should come up with an award in his name for all prestigious shows not only in India but world wide, if possible.

I shall genuinely miss him, his guidance and valuable advices & pray to  the god on behalf of all our readers to give peace to the departed soul and strength and courage to his family to bear this  irreparable loss.

Beginners’ Section

New Tools for stamp collecting


Most examinations of stamps have not progressed very far from using a magnifying glass, perforation gauge, or watermark fluid, or some combination of these techniques.The previous two decades have witnessed several remarkable advances in the use of analytical methods to study stamps. Most stamp collectors are unaware of these new tools, due to their only being used in laboratories and expertizing committees.

Most collectors are ignorant of how far scientific techniques have advanced that can advance their understanding of stamps and some other related areas such as postal history. An organization called the Institute of Analytical Philately is one group dedicated to helping stamp collectors become more aware of these new techniques and tools.

The organization was formed by David L. Herendeen who passed away in 2013. In November 2012, with the spearheading of the Institute of Analytical Philately, the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in Washington, D.C. hosted the first international symposium devoted entirely to the application of scientific methods in stamp collecting.

The various presentations given at the symposium are gathered in a publication: “Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Analytical Methods in Philately.” The preface of this publication summarizes the areas of investigation covered at the symposium. The preface claims that the readers of the publication will find many new insights to research methods now being used across the entire spectrum of philatelic interests.

Some of these new methods encompass the composition and physical characteristics of paper to the chemistry and mineralogy of printing ink to determining the genuineness of stamps and overprints, and to the uses of adhesives on stamps. A paper by Mr. Herendeen covers the necessity of communicating scientific findings in a form that the average stamp collector can understand.By doing this, collectors will be able to comprehend the basic ideas, importance, and the potential applications of scientific methods.




India introduced a radio receiver license system in 1928, for All India Radio Aakaashavani. With the advent of television broadcasting in 1956–57, television was also licensed. With the spurt in television stations beginning 1971–72, a separate broadcasting company, Doordarshan, was formed. The radio & TV licenses in question needed to be renewed at the post offices on a yearly basis. Annual premium for radio was Rs.15 in the 1970s and 1980s. Radio license stamps were issued for this purpose. In 1984, the licensing system was withdrawn with both of the Indian national public broadcasters, AIR and Doordarshan, funded instead by the Government of India and by advertising.

Stamps issued Under The Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 Stamps were used to pre-pay both the radio and television ( receiver ) licence fees.Stamps were purchased and stuck in a book.



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Broadcast receiver Licence – Domestic : Television Licence – Domestic

- Timir Shah – Vadodara : email :

Specialized Section

Some Remarkable Cancellations and Postmarks – 17/1

 image - Dr Avinsh B. Jagtap

Variations in Renouf Type 9 Cancellations

Renouf Type 9 is a duplex cancellation, although it was adopted for use in the Punjab Circle along with Type 8, it had been in use all over India during the period 1861-1874. Indian Post Offices in Burma and Persian Gulf Countries also used Type 9 obliterators to deface Indian adhesives. The Late Mr.Jal Cooper describes Type 9 cancellation as “merely Type 8 enclosed in a large or a small circle”, but this description is not fully adequate, because Type 8 is a simplex and not a duplex cancellation. It is also interesting to know that when Type 9 cancellation was first introduced in the respective circles, it had the highest number of post offices where it was employed. The fact has been summarised in the following table for general information.


Variations: Elaborate studies have been conducted by Mr.W.Renouf, Jal Cooper and D.R.Martin on the Type 9 Cancellation. In this article an attempt has been made to have a close examination of the cancellations and note their variations. Efforts are made to throw some insight into these areas which have not been examined so in the past.

To quote Mr. W. Renouf: “In 1861, we arrive at a Second All India Cancellation Type 9, the most important feature of which is that it is in Duplex From. The right hand of the Type 9 is simply reduced to form Type 8, displaying, of course, the Post Office umber, which is enclosed in a circle. The left-hand half shows the Post Office name and date in a circle. Thus at one strike, the cancellation was applied to the postage stamp and with that it formed an Office & Date Stamp.” This cancellation was in use from 1861 to 1874, though examples are seen as late as 1879.

Renouf Duplex Type 9 could be further classified into 9 different varieties, depending upon their diameters of the duplex circles, distances between the two duplex circles, size of the letters, if the letters are with or without serif, and if they are with or without fleuron, and if they are with fleurons then with one or two fleurons.

1. Different diameters of Duplex Circles: The diameter of the duplex circles vary from 18mm to 28mm. Examples have seen having diameters of 18, 19, 19.5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23.5, 24, 25 and 28mm. As specimens here are two marked duplex cancellations with the minimum and maximum diameters of 18mm on the cover from Tellicherry (Calicut/N0. 90) to Bombay and maximum diameter of 28 mm on the cover from Jeypore (N0.371) to Ajmere.


Illustration No. 1

13th August 1873 : Cover from Tellicherry ( Calicut) (90) to Bombay with Type 91 cancellation Dia of Duplex Circles : 18 mm.



Illustration No. 2

30th November 1873 : Cover sent from Jeypore (371) and has Type 9III (M) cancellation. Uniqueness : Dia. Of Duplex Circles very large Viz : 28 mm.

2. Distance between both Duplex Circles: To begin with we have an extreme case where both the circles are touching each other, i.e. the distance between the two circles is zero. An example is provided by the illustration N0.3, which shows the cover from Umritsur City (Post office No. 27 ½) to Madras. In contrast, there is another cover, dated 18th September 1873 from Ootaucamund (Post Office N0.94) to Northampton, England (Illustration 4) with a distance of 3.2 mm between the two circles.



Illustration N0. 3

1872 Cover from Umritsur to Ramghurr, Half Anna adhesive cancelled by Umritsur City P.O./MY 10/72 = 27 ½“, Without Fleuron


Illustration N0. 4

1873 Postal Stationery Cover (Half Anna, HG No. 1a) from Ootacamund to Madras showing Type 9a duplex cancellation, Town name in block letters without serif and one fleuron at the base, Backsytamped,1DELY: /MADRAS/SEP 19“ (Type 56b)

Renouf Type 9 to be continued in “Rainbow Stamp News” March 2014.....

- Dr Avinash B Jagtap : email :

‘Gita Govinda’ in Paintings

image ©Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal

Amongst the nectar ocean of Vaisnava literatures, the Gita Govinda has had a phenomenally pervasive influence on the World. It has been distributed far and wide by way of more than a hundred published editions, along with a vast wealth of extant source materials including epigraphical records, commentaries, translations and imitative paintings.

The popularity of Gita Govinda can be judged from the fact that 132 imitations in manuscript and print forms commencing from 14th till 19th century have been created in different languages. Besides, about 180 editions of Gita Govinda in all regional languages of India, several translations in English, German, French, Latin, Dutch, Hungarian and Singhalese languages between 18th-20th centuries have been published. More than 1,500 unpublished manuscripts are still available in different museums in India and abroad and in libraries as well as with individual collectors. A manuscript of 7 folios of Gita Govinda, scribed on ivory, in possession of Orissa State Museum, has recently been declared as a National Heritage of India.

Gita Govinda is one of those Indian texts that have been most widely illustrated in miniature paintings of middle ages. Illustrations have been undertaken by artists in practically every school of miniature painting in India. These miniatures can be found across India and Nepal, but not generally in Kashmir or the South .They date from the mid-fifteenth century to the late nineteenth century.

The earliest illustrations of Gita Govinda were painted in Gujarat about 1450. A series of Gita Govinda paintings were painted in 1590 at Jaunpur, in eastern UP. Akbar was an enthusiast in the mystic poetry of Jayadeva. In 1615 during the reign of Akbar, a manuscript of the Gita Govinda was produced with paintings in Mughal style in which Radha and her female companions are shown dressed in Mughal clothes. This shows that not only Hindus, but men of all creeds were enchanted with Jaydeva’s song.

A wave of Vaishnavism spread in Rajasthan in the 16th and 17th centuries, and along with the worship of Krishna the song of Jayadeva also became popular. In 1610 the Gita Govinda was painted in Western Rajasthan in the mellowed and modified Jain style. A large series of paintings of the poem were painted in Mewar in 1723 under the patronage of Maharaja Samgram Singh II. An artist of Kishangarh painted a delightful series of paintings of the Gita Govinda in 1820 for Raja Kalyan Singh. At Basohli in the Lamu Hills Gita Govinda was rendered in a series of paintings in 1730 during the rule of Raja Medni Pal.

However the supreme expression of the beautiful theme of the Gita Govinda is found in a series of paintings in Kangra in 1787 by Manaku.

Gita Govinda is a unique Gita-Kavya composed by saint poet Jayadeva in the twelfth century. In his youth he was a wandering ascetic wedded to poverty. After sojourning in many holy places he reached Puri in Orissa where a strange event happened which changed the course of his life.

The legend goes that in Puri lived a Brahman, Dev Sharma, who was childless and as a result of many prayer and offerings to Lord Jagannath a daughter named Padmavati was born. When she grew up into a beautiful girl, he took her to the temple of Jagannath and offered to the idol. In the following night, Jagannath appeared in a dream and asked him to give her to his devotee Jayadeya. Renouncing the life of an ascetic, Jayadeva accepted her and set up an image of Lagannath in his hut where she used to dance while he played the drum in worship of god. Inspired by the beauty of Padmavati and with a heart full of joy, he started composing that exquisite woodland pastoral, the ‘Gita Govinda’, ‘Song of Govinda’ or the ‘Song of the Cowherd’.

Since the Gita Govinda was composed specifically for dance performance during the night worship of Lord Jagannatha, the composition is so deftly made as to be sung to the beats of a dancer's foot movements. The poem became so popular that within a century or so, it spread to all corners of the country from east to south, west and north and was adapted to dance, music, painting and temple worship. This tradition of Devadasi Dance is being continued at Lord Jagannath Temple to this day.

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JagannathTemple and Rathyatra at Puri ; people dancing and singing Gita Govinda songs.

Gita Govinda marked the transition stage between pure lyric and pure drama. It has the unique advantage of a poem, which could be enjoyed simply by having it recited or sung and could also be adopted in dance form and dramatic presentation.

Gita Govinda describes the mystical love, separation, longing and union of Radha and Krishna, the cosmic duo, symbolizing metaphysically the interplay between Jivatma and Paramatma. Its spiritual essence, mystical imports, sensual overtones, aesthetic depictions and lyrical fluidity have baffled critics, bewildered scholars, mystified saints, charmed lovers, enlightened devotees and involved people at large emotionally and sentimentally.

Singing of Gita Govinda as a devotional song, before deities in temples and in religious shrines in different parts of India, has been traditionalized since centuries.

The first chapter of the Gita Govinda may be called ‘Dashavatara Strota’. It describes the ten Avatars (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu. After that, the poet portrays the spring season with feelings of Radha and her desire to meet Krishna. Subsequently, the poet describes the delightful dance of Krishna with Gopies in Vrindavan.

Imaginative descriptions of the landscape and aesthetic panorama covering mountain, forest, river, lake, trees, creepers, herbs, aquatic plants, flowers, animals, birds, reptiles, beetles, sky, clouds, lightning, rainbow, moon, stars, sun, darkness etc. as stimulants (Uddipana bibhav) in effecting sentiments and mood, in developing the theme, is an unique feature of Gita Govinda.

The impact of different colours of flowers, their fragrance, perfume, scent and aroma, the sound of birds, beetles, falling leaves, the touch of slowly blowing wind etc. including the panoramic landscape have been fully exploited by Jayadev in developing the theme. Basically three colours, the bright yellow of spring, the dark body of Krishna and the heat of Kama have pervaded the theme of Gita Govinda. The artists have taken clues from these descriptions for their creations in paintings.

The Gita Govinda painted on paper, palm leaf, Pattachitra and textile designs are available in abundance in many parts of India.

The palm leaf painting tradition of Orissa is replete with the Gita Govinda theme. A series of such paintings are now available in the Orissa State Museum. The linear, rhythmic compositions of Radha and Krishna, both in mono-chrome and bichrome, are some of the marvelous specimens. Flora, fauna and human figures have been flamboyantly executed with precision and sharpness. The liner body, elongated eyes and nose, ornamentation and drapery design of Naiykas are brilliantly articulated by the artists.

It is interesting to note that Gita Govinda was so popular that even Muslim scribes in Orissa have copied down the text in the palm leaves.

Few pages of a Palm leaf manuscript from Orissa State Museum of circa 1594, probably by Kali Charan Pattnaik marked its presence beautifully on a FDC of India, for its 2009 Gita Govinda commemorative issue.


Front side of FDC depicting few episodes of Gita Govinda from a 15th c. Palm leaf manuscript.


Back side of FDC depicting few episodes of Gita Govinda from a 15th c. Palm leaf manuscript.

Leafs from this Palm leaf manuscript of Gita Govinda are also included in the commemorative Souvenir Sheet on margin illustrated somewhere else in this article.

Pata Chitra paintings have paintings that are inspired by the Bhakti movement. They are mainly based on the religious subjects that revolve around Lord Jagannath at Puri's famous Jagannath Temple. Hindu gods and goddesses are also depicted in the patachitra paintings. Patachitra paintings are known for their bold lines and brilliant colors. It is a hereditary art practiced by the family of the painters usually living in the vicinities of the temples. Pradeep Mukherjee has painted the entire 292 slokas of Gita Govinda, on a single cloth, in the Phad style of Rajasthan.


Entire 292 slokas of Gita-Govinda, on a single cloth, painted in the Phad style of Rajasthan by Pradeep Mukherjee.

As a mark of utmost respect to Jayadeva, the great poet of Orissa, and his fine work Gita Govinda , in 2009, the Department of Posts, India released a set of eleven commemorative postage stamps on Jayadeva and Gita Govinda 'Dasavatar' (Ten incarnations) portraying the part of this Patachitra .

As we see in the image above, on top Jayadeya is featured as a detail from the painting depicting Offering obeisance’s to Goddess Sarswati and Sri Sri Radha Krishna followed by the typical images of the Dasavatara.

image image

Jayadeya is featured in a detail from the painting depicting Offering obeisance to Goddess Sarswati and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.


‘Dasavatar’, a part of the Patchitra ‘Gita Govinda’ by Pradeep Mukherjee

India 2009. For background decoration, leafs from a Gita Govinda Palm leaf manuscript belonging to Orissa State Museum is used.

The cycle of birth and death is an integral part of Hindu philosophy, which also reaffirms the notion of the Dasavatar. This concept of the Avatars reestablishes the idea that God has time and again taken a human form to rid the earth of suffering and evil. The Avatars incarnate at a juncture when the world is in a crisis and when evil, injustice and inequality prevail. He removes negativity and inequality from this world and anchors in a positive new change creating a whole new world order - a Golden Age.

Jaideva write about the ten incarnations (Dasavatar) of Lord Vishnu and he evokes Vishnu as Krishna Keshava.

‘O’ Krishna, I offer my obeisance to You who appear in ten incarnations. In your appearance as ‘Masya’, You rescued the Vedas, and as ‘Kurma’, You supported the mount Mandara on your back. As ‘Varaha’ You lifted the Earth with your tusks, and as the ‘Narsimha’, You tore open the chest of the demon Hiranyakashyapu. In the form of ‘Vamana’, You subdued Bali by asking him for three feet of land and then you took away the entire universe from him by expanding your steps. As ‘Parashurama’, You annihilated all the wicked Kshatriya kings and as ‘Ramachandra’, You killed the demon king, Ravana. In the form of ‘Balarama’, You drew the river Yamuna towards You. As Lord Buddha, You shown compassion towards everyone and at the end of Kaliyuga, You appeared as Kalki to slay the 9mlechhas) low-class men.

The Dasavatar Shlokas are chanted as Mantras in hounor of Vishnu temples all over India. The ending version of each Avatar 'Jaya Jagadisha Hare' is meant to invoke Sri Jagannath.

The Gita Govinda consists of twelve chapters, further divided into twenty-four songs. In the fourth song, the poet describes the delightful dance of love of Krishna with all gopies in the dark forest of Vrindavana. All the gopies surround him, embracing him with joy and caress him passionately and he praises them hugging one, kissing another passionately, glancing at another and smiling with other maiden in love. Jayadeva says that in reality, Krishna was bestowing bliss on everyone.

The essence of this song is beautifully painted by Basohali artist Manaku, an artist hailing from Guler and graced the Souvenir Sheet of Tanzania 1998 series of ‘The Art of India’ issue.

The artist has painted Krishna with five Gopies against a simple puritan background of deep orange symbolizing fire. Self manifests itself in physical form compromising of five cosmic elements. It acts through five senses. The five Gopies are thus artist’s manifestation of self as they symbolize both, the five cosmic elements and five senses, and thereby the self containing human form. They have gathered around Krishna who with his deep blue, stands for cosmic self. The Gopies are drawn to Krishna in his love and have come with offerings and dedication in their eyes symbolizing self’s unending craving to unite with the universal self.


“Hail Keshav Hail”, Krishna with Gopiyan, circa 1700

Painting based on Gita Govinda of Jayadeva, (Tanzania 1998 )

Paintings of Basohali Gita Govind were prepared during the eleven-year reign of Raja Medini Pal (1725-36), under the supervision of Manaku, an artist hailing from Guler. The set of paintings marks the culmination of the ‘crisp, colourful sprit of earlier Basohali painting’. Figures are depicted in rich costumes with stylized faces characterized by the receding foreheads and large bulging eyes like lotus petals, stretching almost up to the ear and full of attraction of emotions or Ras. Their ornaments are also embedded with large size stones.

Another beautiful example from this Basohali folio of Gita Govinda is also a part of this ‘The Art of India’ series of Tanzania, 1998.


‘Krishna and Radha’,17-18th c.

Painting based on ‘Gita Govinda’ by Jayadeva (Tanzania 1998 )

Opening verses of Gita Govind, ‘offering obeisance to Lord Vishnu’ is also beautifully included in the Maxim Card of India2009.


Maxim Card depicting Basohali painting of Gita Govinda, ‘Jayadeva bowing to Lord Vishnu’.

The ‘Early Kangra’ Gita Govinda has been widely praised as one of the most important and beautiful of all the Pahari sets of illustrative paintings. Over 140 paintings are known out of which one graced the 1968 issue of Yemen’s ‘Famous Art of India’ series.


‘Krishna and Radha’ 18th c

Painting based on ‘Gita Govinda’ by Jayadeva in Kangra style (Yemen 1968 )

This limited number of philatelic examples hardly uncovers the great number of painting styles in which Gita-Govinda has been rendered over many hundreds of years, yet, capable of displaying the popularity of Jayadeva’s Gita Govinda in philatelic world too.

- Dr Satyendra Kumar  Agarwal – email :

New Issues from other countries


2 January 2014 Tourism


Tourism in Spain

The new stamp from Spanish Post on Tourism shows a compilation of various facets relating to tourism. In one way or another, the passion and beauty of the country are reflected by red-roses, natural products by oranges, crafts by the typical Spanish fan, and art by the carved tympana over church and cathedral doors.

The World Tourist Organisation (WTO) defines it as: “A social, cultural and economic phenomenon relating to people travelling outside their usual environment for personal or business reasons”. It also highlights the sector’s importance to the economy, the environment and the population in places visited, and names Spain as one of the prime destinations for travellers from all over the world, generating high income for the country.

Spain’s attraction for tourists lies in the wide range of options on offer to cater for all tastes and sectors. Added to the traditional sun and sand tourism is a rich artistic and cultural heritage, a variety of landscapes, nature reserves, traditional festivals, gastronomy and crafts, just to name a few of the choices available.


2 January 2014


UNESCO World Heritage Site from Germany

German Post issued a stamp commemorating the 1250th anniversary of the Lorsch Abbey, former Imperial Abbey in Lorsch,Germany, about 10 km east of Worms, one of the most renowned monasteries of the Carolingian Empire. Even in its ruined state, its remains are among the most important pre-Romanesque-Carolingian style buildings in Germany. Its chronicle, entered in the Lorscher Codex compiled in the 1170s (now in the state archive at Wurzburg) is a fundamental document for early medieval German history. Another famous document from the monastic library is the Codex Aureus of Lorsch. In 1991 the ruined abbey was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The stamp shows a detail of a painting created in 1854 by the Darmstadt court painter August Lucas (1803-1863) with the gatehouse in the foreground, the romantic excessive fragment of the monastery church in the background and a look at the Hessian mountain road.


Extraordinary stamp of pure silver and diamonds


Since April 30, 2013 Willem-Alexander is King of the Netherlands. To mark this event the Dutch Postal Authority (PostNL) together with the Royal Dutch Mint designed and produced a series of 10 legal tender stamps representing the portrait of King Willem-Alexander depicted in the format of Minted Photo Image (MPI) and 3D relief, with a rose cut diamond attached, and 9 other ruling European Monarchs. All the stamps are made of pure silver with a small diamond added.

Book Review


History of Indian Miniature Paintings Through Philately by Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal published by PHILAGOLD Publications, Pages 80,  Price   Rs 1200 / US  $ 25

History of Indian Miniature Paintings Through Philately is a beautiful   Coffee Table Book by renowned philatelist and philatelic author Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal. The book is based on deep research of different schools of Indian Art by Dr Agrawal. The study has been narrated through beautiful images of various philatelic items  issued all over the world. The book is divided into 14 chapters with details of paintings from different schools of Indian Art. The most attractive part of the book is its fine and rich printing. The book has been presented by the author in a very aesthetic way that on first sight it captures the attention of the reader.

The author has presented many stamps, special  covers, postmarks, postal stationeries  issued by India Post and other postal administrations of the world  on Indian Miniature paintings . Some of them are rare to see. This book will prove to be best companion for all the art lovers and I recommend it for the library of Art Schools and all educational institutions and to everyone who loves reading. For the philatelists it is a wonderful book as they will be amazed to see many rare philatelic items in the book issued on Miniature paintings of India. Of course those collecting stamps on paintings it is a complete guide to them and they will get every detail about Indian Miniature Paintings in this book.

The book is available with Dr Satyendra Kumar  Agrawal  : email

About the author

 image Dr Satyendra Kumar Agrawal is an eminent philatelist , well known cartoonist, science and philatelic writer. He has received many National and International Awards for his exhibit on “ Roses”. He authored four books, “ My Rainbow of Philatelic Articles ”,, “The Rose” ( A-Z of Rose Philately), Glimpses of Indian Mythologies in Philately” and Birth of Playing Cards”.

Wedding Bells


Heartiest Congratulations to Mr Suraj Jaitly ( Editor – ITS Stamp News) and Mrs Suman Jaitly on the auspicious occasion of marriage of their dear daughter Meenakshi with Nitish. Best wishes and blessings to the newly wedded couple for a very long and happy married life. The marriage was solemnized on 27th January 2014.

The Lighter Side


What is a Stamp ???
A true stamp must feel the tongue of the sender moistening its gum
A stamp must be stuck on a letter
A stamp must experience the dark depths of the post box
A stamp must suffer franking
A stamp must sense the hand of the postman handing the letter to the addressee
A stamp which is not mailed on a letter is no stamp. It has never lived, it is a sham.
It is like a fish who has never swum, a bird which has never flown.
A stamp must have lived as a stamp.

Philatelist donates his lifetime collection to Allahabad Museum

image Mr Ambrish Kumar , a philatelist of Allahabad has recently donated his lifetime stamp collection to Allahabad Museum. An exhibition of his stamp collection was organized by the  the museum authorities. His collection has been displayed in the museum in a separate section and visitors can see philately section too with other sections in the museum. It is a great step towards promotion of philately and many more philatelists will be inspired with this  great idea…

Reader’s Right


Philately involves many scientific activities and a philatelist practices many research methods like classification, managing their collection, analysis and data/information mining resulting generation of new knowledge. If Philately is looked as a science, it will be beyond doubt to term philatelist as a scientist.

Scientists exchange their ideas through their research findings documenting and presenting in either scientific journals or conferences etc. A conference while a form of verbal communication play vital role, written matter whether paper or article reaches wider audiences and also have back reference facet.

Publishing research findings can provide you RECOGNITION to you as well as your topic. Philatelist spend hours, days, months or even years in finding out a particular fact and keeping the fact hidden/not making available to know others, it will be useless. It is analogous to keeping a flame enclosed. To keep the flame enlighting it must be kept open. With the recognition of your work you are recognized as a contributor of development of the topic/subject. Other endless rewards will glorify you in the community of yours; and community will be thankful for your precious findings.

It is equally ETHICAL to publish your findings; so that you or someone else can work further to new heights; and not publishing the facts/solution for a problem is highly unethical and is harmful to society as well.

And a successful publication is a MARKER or your research success. Articulating your findings in form of a good paper/article in fact should be a goal of a researcher and publishing it in well respected peer reviewed journal is their final aim. Your research efforts will be fruitless if do not reach to broader audience who keeps concern with the findings. Thus choice of journal is also very important attribute

Writing a good paper with clear message contributes in progressing scientific thoughts. Finally with success experience the thrill of moment when your paper receives acceptance for publication-an exhilarating moment ‘a precious finding and affair is worth moving

Although many newsletters/ bulletins are working in fraternity of the hobby, the role of research journal is different... hope somebody in philatelic field will take initiation on this issue, so that editorial board can provide the essential peer to the aspirant researchers. Also Indian Philatelic organisation hopefully needs to propose some scholarships so as to motivate researchers select their topic around Indian stamps and Indian philately. Stressing here need for an academic research journal with ISSN for studies of Indian postage stamps and philately.

- Anil M. Nawlakhe and Ujwala A. Nawlakhe

Email: ,

Editor’s Mail Box

As a matter of every day routine I go through your new posts of Rainbow stamp club. It is always a wonder for me to see and read through the posts. Seeing the beautiful stamps that are being issued by various countries, and also reading the details given about them. You are doing a great service to Philatelic world.

- Cdr. G Sri Ramarao, I.N. (Retd.), Visakhapatnam

Read article one on Hindu Gods and Vahanas just loved it. Mr N Agarwal writes only the truth and I find him an honest person, knowledgeable person in the field of philately and agree with most of his views. All the writers have written very well regarding the judging of the exhibits in India all are valid points

-Vidya Kishore Baglodi, Mangalore

Promotional Section


After the success of  Odia book "Dakatikata Sangraha" Dr Bibhudatta Mishra and Mr S.S.Rath once again jointly written a book on Philately. The name of the book is "PHILATELIST KALEIDOSCOPE" a multicolored book, demy size, 160 pages book with two volumes. The first volume of the book is likely to be  released in the 3rd week of February.

The VOLUME-1 of the book has following chapters…Chapters are provided with Phila Facts, Phila Quotes, Phila Statistics and list of stamps, Miniature, sheet let and se-tenant issued on each theme between 1947-2012 .

Chapter 1. Stamp collection-Rainbow of diversity

Chapter2.  Cheapest mode of Communication-Postal Stationery and Services

Chapter3.Amateur Collector's-Beginner's tip

Chapter4. Pride of the counter-National Symbols & Emblems

Chapter5 My life is my message- Father of the Nation

Chapter6 President & Prime minister-Foot prints of unforgettable leaders

Chapter 7 Cruising the magnificent jungle safari-Wild, domestic, Aquatic Animals

Chapter8 Wonder's of Indian Bird Fauna-Sweeping the Sky with tiny wings

Chapter9 Valley of Calm trees & Plants-Glittering petals from Nature bouquet

Chapter10 Voyage to enlighten-Spiritual, Religion and holy routes to salvation

For more details please contact : Dr Bibhudatta Mishra : email :

Year Book of Indian Philately - 2013 by Madan Middha

Dear Friend,

It is a great pleasure to announce the publication of the 2013 edition of the “Year Book of Indian Philately” which is in the final stages of the preparations and is expected to be out by March 2014.

The Year Book has established itself as a very much sought after publication on philately with special focus on Indian Philately, by virtue of the contents it carries in every edition. Collection of serious and sincere texts and articles on a spectrum of philatelic subjects by learned authors, with lasting impact & universal appeal has made this Year Book, a must for every sincere philatelist’s bookshelf.

The recognition it has acclaimed at the International Philatelic Exhibitions is an undeniable proof of this fact. As a matter of a record the Year Book has won a medal at EVERY Philatelic Exhibition it has participated in so far !!! The latest are 2 in 2013, a Bronze at BRASILIANA 2013 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; and a Large Vermeil at the MAPPEX 2013, Madhya Pradesh State Philatelic Exhibition held at Bhopal. Incidently the Large Vermeil was the highest medal awarded at the Mappex. Apart from this, Silver medal at the IPhLA 2012 in Germany, the World’s Largest & Specialised Philatelic Literature Competition also shines as a golden feather in the cap of the publication. We strive to continue this legacy with the coming editions too, including the edition under discussion, the 2013 edition.

The ensuing 2013 edition also reflects the tradition of being serious, sincere & interesting. The issue is supposed contains articles on important subjects like “Indo-Pak Philately”, “Azad Hind”, “Indian telegraphs”, “Gandhi 1948”, “ Indian Watermarks”, “Unusual Stamps” and the like, by our illustrious contributing authors, including regular features recording history, events & issues for the concerning year. The list is tentative but chances are for expansion of it.

Like last year, we have designed a special opportunity for our philatelic professional friends for inclusion of their advertisement in this edition too. This opportunity eliminates the total “cost” of the advertisement published in the Year Book. It follows.

We will provide the advertiser, copies of the Year Book editions (any of his choice, subject to availability), worth equal to the value of the advertisement he provides (T&C applied). This translates into absolutely no spending on account of the advertisement published in the Year Book. The advertiser will have the opportunity to recover the entire cost of the advertisement by selling the copies of the Year Book allotted to him under this unique offer.

This arrangement makes the offer an undeniable opportunity for the advertisers to advertise their services / products in this world class journal with a universal appeal. Your advertisement in the Year Book of Indian Philately will reach a large number of serious and capable segments of the Philatelic fraternity the world over and will be preserved as a solid reference for the times to come? In every sense of the word this is a unique & unparalleled opportunity for an advertiser of any reputed product or service, philatelic or otherwise.

And yes, this will help us, greatly, to make the publication still better.

We are sure you would not let this opportunity go. If you have any other query about this, please do not hesitate to mail.

Looking forward for a positive, encouraging and prompt response from your end.

Thanking you, sincerely,

Madan Middha  

Publisher / Editor email :

Blogs & Websites

1. Welcome to the World of Indian Philately -

An exclusive website created by Mr Prashant Pandya dedicated to Indian Philately .The philatelists can register for “ Online Philatelists’ Directory ” on this website.

2.Virtual Stamp Club It is website for On Line collectors. Membership is free. Many collectors around the world are its members.

3. Stamp Magazine - This blog is updated by Adrian Keppel every Friday with new Articles on a variety of subjects.

4.Indian Thematics - - A new blog created by noted Thematic Philatelist Mr Dinesh Chandra Sharma. This blog is all about Thematic Philately.

5. Indian Philatelists’ Forum -

This is an electronic discussion forum dedicated exclusively to Indian Philately that allows members to engage into meaningful discussions on all aspects of Indian Philately. Membership to the forum is open to all philatelists who have interest in Indian Philately. Members can share and discuss their ideas, knowledge, research, collections, events, exhibitions, auctions, publications exclusively related to Indian Philately.

6. The best stamps - It’s a beautiful blog created by Julian Fernandes of Pune ( Now living in UK) featuring lovely stamps of birds with the photos of the same birds giving a wonderful look !!

7. Robin Stamps Criticism : : This blog is about new issues of postage stamps and the critical study of their design

8. Numismatic & Philatelic Association - -  This Numismatic & Philatelic Association is a nonprofit and non-trade motive association that aims to promote the hobbies – Philately (Stamp Collection) and Numismatics (Coin Collection) among children, students, interested individuals among the general public and especially for the budding philatelists and numismatists.

9. How to Collect Stamps - : The Complete Guide To Stamp Collecting

10.GANDHI Stamps & Philately Study Circle : - A new Blog by Ketan Patel .…. Saving Gandhi Philately by trying to bring awareness and exposing illegal activities in Gandhi Stamps and Philately.

11. Europa Stamps : : A blog on Europa, cept, norden & sepac stamps

12. Phila Mirror : : The Indian Philately Journal

13. Se- tenant Stamps of India - It is a specialized Blog on se-tenant stamps.

14. Flags & Stamps - - It is a specialized blog on Flag Theme .

15. Glimpses of Modern Indian Philately : - It is a specialized blog on Modern Philately, created by Mr Prashant Pandya .

16. Question & Answers on Philately : 1610/indexExp_69442.htm - It is a site based on Question & Answers on Philately. Mr Prashant Pandya replies to queries.

17. Philatelic Journalists Forum - “The Philatelic Journalists” is an initiative by a few enthusiast philatelists, who love the hobby to the deepest.

18. The Philatelist - - A blog with lot of info about stamps and philatelic activities around the world.

19. Phila India - - Website created by Mahesh Reddiar with lot of info and articles on philately .

Philatelic Clubs & Societies

Baroda Philatelic Society -

Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra

Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -

India Study Circle -

Indian Stamp Ghar -

Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -

Ludhiana Philatelic Club

Mobile Philately -

Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort

Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Rainbow Stamp Club -

Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat

Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad

South India Philatelists Association -

Stamps of India -

The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

Stamp of India Collectors’ Companion - India’s first weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail: Website:

India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC.

ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -

VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website -

Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor – Col Jayanta Dutta

SIPA Bulletin Editor - Mr G. Madan Mohan Das and published by South India Philatelists’ Association, Chennai website :

GPA News – Editor - Ilias Patel and published by Gujarat Philatelists’ Association, Ahemadabad.


This is a blog of e-stamp Club . The idea of this blog is to extend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog.Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related with Philately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issueStamps of India, International Stamp News; Indian Philately Digest ; Mansoor B.- Mangalore; Prashant Pandya – Vadodara; Sreejesh Krishnan – Trivandrum; Wolfgang Beyer – Germany ;

Dr Pradip Jain - Balod (C.G.)

Address for communication:

Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Chief Conservator of Forests, GHNP, Shamshi, Kullu (H.P.) PIN 175126 India

E-mail –

clip_image002 Last date for receiving write ups – 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.

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A Request to Readers & Contributors -

clip_image003 Please do not send the text in scan form or PDF. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

Kindly specify your contribution such as article/News/ Reader’s Right / Beginners’ Section/ Lighter Side etc.

clip_image003[1] Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want to give any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.

Attention -
Please send limited number of images in compressed jpg format only with your article. Please send text and images separately. Please do not send text or image for publication in PDF.

Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor.

…..Happy Collecting…………………………………………………………………

Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) India.


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Recent Awards

AMRITPEX 2023 - Silver

CAPE TOWN 2022 - Silver

LONDON 2022 - Silver

INPEX 2019, Mumbai - Silver

CHINA-2019, World Stamp Exhibition, Wuhan - Bronze

INPEX 2017, Mumbai - Large Silver

CHINA 2016 - Bronze

TAIPEI 2015 - Bronze

CG International Philatelic Promotion Award 2014, Germany - ( 4th Position)

INPEX 2013, Mumbai - Vermeil

SHARJAH 2012, Sharjah ( UAE ) - Silver Bronze

IPHLA 2012, Mainz - Germany : Bronze

NDIPEX 2011 - World Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi - Bronze

JOBURG 2010 - 26th Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Johannesburg - Silver Bronze

PORTUGAL 2010 - World Stamp Exhibition, Lisbon - Bronze

Hong Kong 2009 -23rd Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Hong Kong - Silver Bronze

About Me

My photo
Participated in different philatelic exhibitions Wrote for philately column in The Pioneer and worked as sub-editor for U-Phil Times published from United Philatelists, Kanpur.Did Schooling from Kanpur Vidya Mandir and Post Graduation in Botany from A.N.D. College Kanpur.


The views expressed in the articles published on Rainbow Stamp News Blog are solely those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Blog Owner. The Readers are requested to contact author or the contributor of the particular article if they have any objection or do not agree with the views expressed in the article . Please do not ask the Blog Owner to delete or change any Post published on this blog.The Post will be removed only after strong recommendation of the original author / contributor after proper verification .

All contents provided on this blog is for information only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this blog or found by following any link on this blog. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

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