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Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin edited and published by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Rainbow July 2024


Paris 2024

Dehradun July 2024 Vol. XVII Issue No. 199

Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to the editor:

Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

2024 Paris Olympic Games


Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present July 2024 issue of Rainbow Stamp News. Now it has become easy to participate in International Stamp Exhibitions. In the past, it was difficult to get entry into a national and international exhibition.  The selection of the entry was based  on the previous awards won by the exhibitor. The exhibitions used to be of high standard. Today number of philatelists is decreasing so exhibitors get easy entry to National and International Stamp Exhibitions and this practice has downgraded the standard of the exhibitions. The entries are easily forwarded by the National Commissioners to the organizing committee of the international exhibitions to increase the number of entries. Sometimes, exhibitors in the junior and senior groups are first -time participants in an international exhibition. It has deteriorated the charm and standard of the philatelic shows. The National Philatelic Federation must keep a check on this system and allow deserving exhibitors only to participate  in national and international stamp exhibitions.

This is all for this month. More in the next issue. Happy Collecting!



· Editorial                                                                                                     

· From the Desk of Naresh Agrawal                      

· Recent Indian Issues                                                                       

· In The News

· Stories Behind Stamps                                        

· Thematics                                                            

· Specialized Section                                                         
· Beginners’ Section

· New Issues from Other Countries                      

· Philatelic Clubs and Society                                

· Blogs and Websites on Philately                         

· Current Philatelic Magazines and Newsletters   


Philately is rediscovering itself, philately is striving for its survival, philately has reestablished itself  etc.. are the quotes of today.  But for me philately is still under the shadow of various other newly emerged digital games, play stuffs and other digital mediums which has not only distracted the prospective entrants to philately but given a strong set back in its development.  But I believe philately will remain and will keep winning hearts of the generations to come because philately is  changing itself. It has not only diversified itself but also digitalized to a great extent.   

Though diversification of philately has come by introduction of new classes to attract different stamp lovers and to suit different pockets. Even online digital display of exhibits has gained popularity also.  The methodologies of display too have changed a lot. In some classes it has become more advance, research oriented, versatile, vast calling for new variety of  new material, more knowledge and also amalgamation of material pertaining to other classes to some extent.  This has caused more popularity of some classes where as it has become more difficult to follow some classes.

However, one must appreciate this changing phase of philately and also the changing trends and the changes occurred in philately. Hereunder, some of the modern trends in philately are briefly discussed..

Most chosen classes  :  With all the old cases of philatelic exhibiting such as Thematic, Postal History, Traditional Philately in the last few years some new classes and sub classes have been introduced to promote philately and to cover varied interests in philately by almost all such as First Day cover, Picture Post Card, Special covers, Frugal Philately, Social philately, Literature class, Fiscal Philately, Aerophilately, Astrophilately, Maximaphily, Revenues, Youth philately Modern ,Cinderella’s, Polar philately, Postal stationery , Open Class, Marcophily One Frame  and many more.  The collectors and exhibitors have options depending upon their interest, pocket, time, availability of material etc..

But looking in to today’s scenario classes like Thematic, Picture Post Cards, Maximaphily, First day Covers, One Frame exhibiting are widely appreciated and chosen because  of easy availability of material, low cost, low time span to collect and easy to prepare exhibit. And  of course! easy to get award in exhibitions in comparison to other classes.

Favorite themes today  : Themes like Butterflies, Cars, Mahatma Gandhi, Flora fauna  are the basic themes and are the themes of the past. With more and more search of variety of material and  also availability of stamps and other philatelic material on varied subjects touching almost every aspect . Common topics are not appreciated rather a little specialized topic are chosen  For example one may to chose Automobiles but would prefer “History and development of Ford”. Or may chose “Chronological Technical development in Ford Car”. Instead of Flora and Fauna a specific species is opted and theme is developed keeping in mind the basic requirement for preparing an exhibit to fetch maximum points / marks and so the award.

First choice of collecting and exhibiting :  While we check the number of participants in any exhibition of any level we see the maximum percentage goes to Thematic and maximum preferred participation is in One Frame Exhibiting. The reasons are obvious as explained above. One frame exhibiting is easy, cost effective, time effective and gives equal or even more pleasure. Though hard topics are expected to be chosen and displayed but  even the easy topics / subjects are entertained and awarded. Thematic Philately is appreciated because of availability of vast material  which suits every pocket, easy to procure. Thematic subjects  gives collector and the participant to select theme of his choice. 

The choice of type and level of exhibition :  Normally the different level of philatelic exhibitions are  District Level, State/Zonal/Circle Level exhibitions, National Level exhibition, International / World Level exhibitions. It has been the practice that one has to step up level wise meeting the requirements of the marks. This also ensures the quality and standard of exhibit and motivates exhibitor to improve to participate at higher level exhibition.  But today’s life is fast. People aspire and desire for quick results which is also due to the fact the awards are more appreciated than the actual pleasure of philately by way of collecting, learning, exhibiting and be satisfied with whatever award is given. No, less time, less efforts, higher level exhibition and higher awards are  wanted. 

And so, participating direct in International exhibitions has become easy and so is the fashion today. Awards are also some how given to such participants. Stamp lovers or if I dare to say Award Lovers who have heavy pockets or contacts find all the ways open for them. And they are very successful. Digital exhibitions are more appreciated because of this reason as it gives chance for fraudulent exhibiting also. Purchasing and exhibiting is the fast developing trend in philately today.

But this has caused decline in quality of philatelic exhibits and so exhibiting. In the International exhibitions performance of  Indian participants have  shown a big decline. Very less higher awards are given to them. The reason being simple i.e. easy participation by hook or crook. This is surely detrimental for philately.  We must not forget that to develop philately  we must not adhere to false, wrong or undesired means.

Further, digital exhibitions are  conducted in good number today. These exhibitions give easy opportunity  to participate at low cost, less chances of material getting damaged /.or lost and higher chances to get awards. Even fraudulent exhibiting can be done easily.

Declined classes :  Classes like Thematic, Maximaphilly, Picture Post Cards, First day Covers etc. are highly appreciated today but classes like Postal History, Traditional Philately, Postal Stationery etc. are the classes which are not so highly appreciated by philatelists today  because of  least and hard availability of required material and material being highly expensive. These collections take more time and so exhibiting and further not so high awards are given. Hence, the results  are  yield  very late and so  dissatisfaction prevails.

It is established that  philately has been commercialized to a big extent. Pleasure has become secondary. More than true collectors, commercial collectors have developed. More than everlasting  pleasure, momentary pleasure  by way of getting awards has taken the place in philately. Quick and easy display is appreciated and  so short cut methods are adopted . So these are the trends in philately today.

But after having said this, I must say and thank various clubs, societies, philatelists and PCI for  putting in all the efforts to check this  with a motto that whatever one collects  and displays, it should give pleasure. Philately should reach masses and  should maintain its charm.

Naresh Agrawal : email : 

Recent Indian Issues

6 July 2024:   Shri Siddharoodha Swami - Rs 5


New Special Covers


14 June 2024 :   Film Heritage Foundation : Mumbai

21 June 2024 : International Yoga Day and World Music Day : Chennai

21 June 2024 : India Africa Postal Leaders Meet

26 June 2024 : Jaunpur Imarti. Jaunpur (UP)

4 July 2024 : World Cup T20 2024, Winner India : New Delhi

4 July 2024 : Special Cover on Silver Jubilee : Battle Honour "Tiger Hill"

18 Grenadiers has many tales into its history. The landmark movement came during the Kargil War. The victory turns the tables in favour of India. Tiger Hill had become the national objective by capturing this last foothold of the enemy, intruders, 18 Grenadiers ended the war. This was a momentous occasion for 18 Grenadiers and entire nation.

APS takes immense pride in releasing this special cover on 25 years of this momentous occasion which serves as a tribute to the sacrifices and glory of every member of this Regiment involved in this victory.

During release ceremony in Manekshaw Centre Delhi, CDS, Secretary DMA, was present on the dais. The event was witnessed by senior defence forces officers and veterans. 


 18 Grenadiers has many tales into its history. The landmark movement came during the Kargil War. The victory turns the tables in favour of India. Tiger Hill had become the national objective by capturing this last foothold of the enemy, intruders, 18 Grenadiers ended the war. This was a momentous occasion for 18 Grenadiers and entire nation.

APS takes immense pride in releasing this special cover on 25 years of this momentous occasion which serves as a tribute to the sacrifices and glory of every member of this Regiment involved in this victory.

During release ceremony in Manekshaw Centre Delhi, CDS, Secretary DMA, was present on the dais. The event was witnessed by senior defence forces officers and veterans.

 Special Cancellations

21 June 2024 : International Yoga Day : Bhubaneshwar

15 June 2024 : Global Wind Day : Bangalore

30 June 2024 : International Asteroid Day, Nashik

3 July 2024 :  International Plastic Bag Free Day: Bengaluru

 In the News


L to R. : C.Bhaskar, Dilip Saboo, RK Bagri, Anil Reddy, Sunil Joshi

Jaagruthi Nithin Adka, Sushil Mehra, KS Mohan, Narendra Saboo, M. Lokeswara Rao, Daniel Monterio, Anil Reddy, C.Bhaskar, Dilip Saboo, Sunil Joshi

Heartiest Congratulations to all Winners !

Award List of Indian Winners at Jakarta 2024


CHINA 2024 will be organized under the Patronage of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) and the Recognition of Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).CHINA 2024 will open on 29 November 2024 and close on 3 December 2024. CHINA 2024 will be held at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre (Address: 1000 Yan’an Road (C), Shanghai, China 200040)

Mr. Pratisad Neurgaonkar, is the National Commissioner, and Mr. Rajesh Paharia is Assistant Commissioner for the China 2024 – Asian International Stamp Exhibition.


1. Mr. Pratisad Neurgaonkaar – National Commissioner

Mobile Number: +91 9766310553






2. Mr. Rajesh Paharia – Assistant Commissioner

Mobile No : 9351716969

Email :

News from Philatelists and Philatelic Societies

Karnataka Philatelic Society

New Book Launch : Special Covers from Karnataka Postal Circle


Ananthapuri Philatelic Association

APEX – 2024 (16 -18 August 2024) , Thiruvanathapuram

Rahul Ganguli, Prayag Philatelic Society

Vijay Seth, New Delhi

New Book on "Sports & Games Philately in India"

Mr Vijay Seth has published a new book on "Sports & Games Philately in India", This is A4 size, 92-page book in full colour, English (Soft back) Price Rs. 800 ( A special discount 40% to rainbow readers) postage extra.

The book illustrates and highlights the origin of the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and Asian Games. It also illustrates all the stamps, FDC, Postal stationery, Maxicards and Special covers and postmarks, issued in India since 1951. Lists the medal of all the Olympic Games medals winners, Asian Games medal tally etc

 For the book Please contact : Mr.Vijay Seth : email : : Phone:09810241363

Newly Elected Office Bearers of SIPA


Mr Rolands Nelson (President)

Mr Anil Reddy (Vice President)

Mr Dilip Saboo (Vice President)

Mr Mahesh Parekh (Secretary)

Mr S.K.Lakshmanan (Joint Secretary)

Mr C G Bhaskar (Treasurer)

Committee Members:

   1.Mr Mitesh Mehta

    2. Mr Naresh Kantad

   3.Mr Prakash Galada

   4.Mr Rajesh Rathore

   5.Mr S.Balasundaram

   6.Mr Senthilkumar

   7.Mr P.Sridharan

   8.Mr Ramesh Ethiraj

   9.Mr S.V.Ramakrishnan

  10. Mr B. Ravikumar


 Nalanda College -

 Memoires of my early Philatelic Journey (54 years)




-Pradip Jain Kothari RDP, FRPSL

On 27th March 1970 Nalanda College stamp release function, I was there, took autograph of than Communication Minister of India Shri Satya Narayan Sinha, Shri Shyam Nandan Prasad Mishra MP Rajya Sabha and Chairman UGC Dr. D.S. Kothari (Jain) on which postage stamp issued in the year 2011. I also met there Shri B.D. Tekriwal than SSP Bihar Sharif (Nalanda).

PM Modi visited Nalanda University campus on 19th June, spent a good there, said: “Nalanda is the proclamation of this truth that books may burn in the flames of fire, but the flames of fire cannot destroy knowledge. Nalanda is an identity, respect, and pride.”. 


Stories Behind Stamps

France - First Ever Postage Stamp - Twenty Centimes

France's First Ever Postage Stamp - France - Twenty Centimes



Country of issue: France

Year of Issue: 1849-1850

Value: 20 Centimes

There is no denying which country issued the first postage stamp that honour of course went to Great Britain in 1840 with the Penny Black. But soon, the French followed suit and created their first postage stamp - the 20c Ceres Black. 

 The French Penny Black

The 20c Ceres Black, like many other stamps from that era, has a striking likeness to its British relative. Because France is a republic, the stamp does not depict a ruler like the Penny Black, but rather an effigy of the Roman goddess Ceres against a black background.

The 20c Ceres Black is an excellent addition to any stamp collection, as it is in high demand in French markets and is rarely found in the United Kingdom.

 Extremely Limited

And, like the Penny Black, it had a brief existence, which contributes to its current popularity. It was observed that the black cancellations were sometimes hidden, and the stamp could be simply reused. The 20c Ceres Black was replaced the next year.



-Nisarg Sutaria email :



Part - 5

Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorate

The Waved Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata), also known as the Galápagos Albatross, is a fascinating seabird known for its distinct features and unique breeding behavior. Here's an overview of its key characteristics, habitat, diet, and conservation status:

Key Characteristics

  • Size: The Waved Albatross is a large bird, with a wingspan of about 2.2 to 2.5 meters (7.2 to 8.2 feet). It typically weighs between 2.7 to 4.0 kilograms (6.0 to 8.8 pounds).
  • Appearance: These albatrosses have a white head and neck, with a yellowish crown and nape. Their body is mostly dark brown, while their chest and upperparts feature a wave-like pattern, giving them their name. They have long, slender wings that are adapted for soaring.
  • Bill: Their bill is long, bright yellow, and hooked, ideal for grasping slippery prey.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Breeding Grounds: The primary breeding ground for the Waved Albatross is Española Island in the Galápagos Archipelago. A small number also breed on Isla de la Plata off the coast of mainland Ecuador.
  • Range: Outside the breeding season, they range widely over the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, often venturing as far as the coast of Peru and Ecuador.

Behavior and Reproduction

  • Breeding Season: Breeding usually begins in April, with the birds returning to their colonies after spending several months at sea.
  • Courtship: Their courtship displays are elaborate and include bill circling, beak clacking, and sky pointing. These rituals strengthen pair bonds.
  • Nesting: They nest on the ground, often on rocky areas or sparse vegetation. The female typically lays a single egg, which both parents incubate for about two months.
  • Chick Rearing: Once hatched, the chick is cared for by both parents. They feed it through regurgitation until it fledges, usually after 5-6 months.


  • Primary Diet: The Waved Albatross feeds mainly on squid, fish, and crustaceans. They often forage at night, taking advantage of the vertical migration of their prey.
  • Feeding Technique: They are known for their dynamic soaring technique, which allows them to travel long distances with minimal energy expenditure.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Status: The Waved Albatross is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
  • Threats: Major threats include bycatch in fisheries, especially longline fishing, which can lead to accidental drowning. Habitat degradation, introduced species, and climate change also pose significant risks.
  • Conservation Efforts: Efforts to protect the Waved Albatross include stricter regulations on fisheries, habitat protection, and monitoring populations. Conservationists also work to control introduced species and preserve the natural environment of the Galápagos Islands.

Interesting Facts

  • Longevity: Waved Albatrosses can live for several decades, with some individuals reaching 40 years or more.
  • Flight: Their long wings make them exceptional gliders, capable of flying for hours without flapping, using wind currents to stay aloft.
  • Mating: Pairs are often monogamous, reuniting each breeding season with the same mate.
  • The Waved Albatross boasts the largest wingspan of any bird in the Galápagos. The Galápagos Waved Albatross is so-called because of the distinctive wave-like pattern that forms on the adult birds' wings. Not only is a unique species to the Galápagos, it only breeds on one site on Española Island.

The Waved Albatross is a remarkable bird with unique adaptations that allow it to thrive in its specific niche. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the survival of this species, given the various threats it faces in its natural habitat.

The Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) is a large seabird known for its impressive wingspan and extensive range across the North Pacific Ocean. Here's a comprehensive overview of its characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, and conservation status:

Key Characteristics

  • Size: The Laysan Albatross has a wingspan ranging from 195 to 203 centimeters (6.4 to 6.7 feet) and weighs between 2.4 to 4.1 kilograms (5.3 to 9.0 pounds).
  • Appearance: Adults have a predominantly white head and body with dark upper wings and back. The underwings are mostly white with black edges. Juveniles have more extensive dark markings.
  • Bill: Their bill is relatively long, pinkish in color, and hooked at the tip, which is well-suited for capturing their prey.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Breeding Grounds: Laysan Albatrosses primarily breed in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, with significant populations on Midway Atoll and Laysan Island. Smaller colonies are found in Japan and Mexico.
  • Range: Outside the breeding season, they disperse across the North Pacific Ocean, traveling as far as the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska.

Behaviour and Reproduction

  • Breeding Season: Breeding season begins in late October to early November, with the birds returning to their nesting colonies.
  • Courtship: Courtship displays are elaborate and include synchronized dances, mutual preening, and bill clacking, helping to establish and strengthen pair bonds.
  • Nesting: Nests are simple scrapes in the ground, lined with grass and feathers. Females typically lay a single egg, which both parents incubate for about 65 days.
  • Chick Rearing: After hatching, chicks are fed regurgitated food by both parents until they fledge, usually around 5-6 months of age.


  • Primary Diet: Laysan Albatrosses feed primarily on squid, fish, and crustaceans. They also consume fish eggs and other marine organisms.
  • Feeding Technique: They forage by seizing prey at the ocean surface or just below it, often during nighttime when many marine animals come closer to the surface.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Status: The Laysan Albatross is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.
  • Threats: Major threats include bycatch in longline fisheries, ingestion of plastic debris, predation by introduced species (e.g., rats and cats), and habitat loss due to climate change and rising sea levels.
  • Conservation Efforts: Conservation measures include habitat protection, strict regulations on fisheries, removal of invasive species, and public education about the impact of plastic pollution. Efforts also focus on monitoring populations and conducting research to better understand their ecology and threats.

Interesting Facts

  • Longevity: Laysan Albatrosses can live for several decades, with some individuals documented to live over 60 years.
  • Flight: They are exceptional gliders, capable of traveling vast distances without flapping their wings, utilizing dynamic soaring to exploit wind gradients over the ocean.
  • Mating: Pairs are generally monogamous and may mate for life. They show high site fidelity, often returning to the same nesting site each year.
  • A Laysan albatross named Wisdom is the world's oldest known albatross or wild bird of any kind. Wisdom hatched a new chick on Midway in 2018 when she was likely 68 years old. Lack of variation in plumage due to age or sex earned the Laysan albatross its scientific species name immutabilis, or "unchanging."

The Laysan Albatross is a remarkable seabird, both for its longevity and its extensive range. Conservation efforts are crucial for ensuring the continued survival of this species, particularly in the face of modern threats like plastic pollution and climate change.

-Capt Vijay Wadhwa : email :

Goa - A Philatelic Journey


 -Dr M R Ramesh Kumar

Chief Scientist (Retd), National Institute of Oceanography,

Dona Paula, Goa

 Continued from the last issue…..

In this article  of mine on Goa - A Philatelic Journey, I am trying to highlight several facets of Goa, such as State Symbols of Goa, Saints & Poets of Goa, Personalities of Goa, Language and Literature, Forts of Goa,  Festivals of Goa, Art, Cinema, Dance, Music and Paintings of Goa, Food and Spices of Goa, Heritage Monuments,  Flora and Fauna of Goa, endangered species of Goa, Cuisine of Goa, Folk Art, Music and Dances of Goa, Personalities of Goa, Permanent Pictorial Cancellations of Goa, Martyrs Memorials of Goa, Unsung Heroes of Goa, Voice of Goa Liberation, Silver Jubilee of Goa Liberation, Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of Goa,  Goa@60, Goa Liberation Cancellations, Freedom Fighters of Goa,  and World Famous Beaches of Goa.  

Martyrs Memorials of Goa

Silver Jubilee of Goa Liberation

A special cover was released by the Department of Posts, to commemorate the Silver Jubilee celebrations, December. 1986. 

A special cover released during the silver jubilee celebrations of Goa Liberation, with the map of Goa and a burning torch and a broken chain depicting the freedom and a special cancelation of Azad Maidan cancelation of GOAPEX 1986. 

Golden Jubilee of Goa Liberation

A commemorative stamp on was released on 19th December, 2011 by the Department of Posts, Govt of India on 19th December, 2011 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Goa Liberation.





Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

A special cover to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of Goa Liberation was released by the Honourable PM Shri Narendra Modi at the Syama Prasad Memorial Stadium, Bambolim, Goa during the 19th December, 2021, with a My stamp of Goa@60.

Freedom Fighters of Goa

Tristão de Bragança Cunha (2 April 1891 – 26 September 1958), alternatively spelled as Tristao de Braganza Cunha, was a prominent Indian nationalist and anti-colonial activist from Goa (then part of Portuguese India). He is popularly known as the "Father of Goan nationalism", and was the organiser of the first movement to end Portuguese rule in Goa.

Unsung Heroes of Goan Freedom Struggle

Voice of Goa Liberation

During Goa’s liberation movement, Libia Lobo used to run an underground radio service called “Voz de Liberdade” in Portuguese, ‘Goenche Sadvonecho Awaz’ in Konkani and the “Voice of Freedom” in English. The broadcasts started in 1955 from the jungles of Amboli bordering Goa.


Motor Pilot Taxi

A unique mode of Transport to Goans is the Motor Pilot Taxi, a special cover on it was  released and this is a carried cover from the Head Post Office, Panaji, Goa to the Velha, Goa (Old Goa) on a Typical Motor Pilot Taxi with the signature of the carrier on 2nd December, 2021 one day prior to the Old Goa feast.


Culture and Heritage

There are several cultural and heritage monuments and buildings, Churches, Temples and Architectural Monuments in Goa, which are worth visiting including the UNESCO Heritage sites.

The feast of São João in Goa coincides with the time of the year when the monsoon usually has commenced, there are fresh greenery and flowers in the surroundings, and wells and other water bodies are full. Consequently, the celebration of the birth of St. John in Goa apparently evolved to incorporate elements of celebration of the rainy season. Jumping in wells and ponds is symbolic of the baby leaping in the womb, and of the baptism in the river Jordan. Tourists think it is only about jumping into wells. But the prayers we say before that are for a good monsoon.

Tambdi Surla Temple

Mahadeva Temple, Tambdi Surla is a 12th-century Shaivite temple in the Kadamba style dedicated to Lord Shiva and an active place of Hindu worship. It is an ASI protected Monument of National Importance in Goa. This special cover is a carried cover from Goa to Antarctica and back during the fifth Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica along with the India’s first research station,  Dakshin Gangotri cancelation. Also a Republic Day 26th   January, 1986 at Antarctica.

National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa

The National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa is one of the oldest, Laboratories which was established on 1st January, 1966 by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research as part of its constituent Laboratories. A Special cover was released to commemorate the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the National Institute of Oceanography and 50 years of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (1961-1965). The Institute launched several National and International programs such as Antarctic Expeditions, Poly Metallic Nodules Exploration etc.   


A First Day Cover of the First Indian Antarctica Expedition which was led by late Dr. S.Z.Qasim, who was then Director of the National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa.

St Augustine Tower, Old Goa

Church of St. Augustine is a ruined church complex located in Old Goa. The church was completed in 1602 and is part of the World Heritage Site. The church was built on top of the Monte Santo (Holy Hill), between 1597 and 1602 by Augustinian friars who landed in Goa in 1587. The church was considered one of the three great Augustinian churches in the Iberian world along with El Escorial and the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora.

A special cover was also released with picture of St Augustine Tower also during the CHOGM 1983. The stamp which was released during the CHOGM 1983 depicts a Goan couple. The cancellation is that of Mangueshi Temple.


Conde de Linhares Bridge 

The Ponte Conde de Linhares (English: Count of Linhares Bridge), often shortened to Ponte de Linhares is a 3.2 km (2.0 mi) long causeway connecting Ribandar to the main city of Panjim (now Panaji) in Goa, India. It runs along the flood plains of the Mandovi River and is surrounded by various salt pans. There are ducts which act as tide controls. The Ponte Conde de Linhares was built in 1633-34 under the direction of the then Viceroy of Portuguese India, Miguel de Noronha, 4th Count of Linhares, after whom it is named. The bridge is often said to have been the longest in the world at 3.2 km (2.0 mi) when it was completed in 1634.

A special cover was released on GOAPEX 1995 with a CABO palace Cancellation and Shri Dinanath Mangeshkar Stamp released by the Department of posts.

Goan beaches

Goa has some of the World famous beaches. Two such beaches. namely Anjuna and Bogmalo are depicted in stamps released by the Govt of India and a First Day Cover  with the above beach stamps was released long back on 11th August, 1997.


-Dr. M.R. Ramesh - email :

Specialized Section

Olympics Special

The Journey Begins: Olympic Torch Relay for Paris 2024 Commences

The Paris 1900 Olympics

The selection of Paris to host the second edition of Modern Olympic Games in 1900 was obvious to pay the tribute to the founder of Modern Olympic Games Pierre de Coubertin a Frenchman by birth. The Paris 1900 Olympics, held in conjunction with the World's Fair, the 1900 Exposition Universelle. 

The Games, held in Paris, France, from 14 May to 28 October 1900 were quite different from the streamlined events we see today. No official opening or closing ceremonies and the events scattered across various months and venues, the games were somewhat chaotic. The Paris 1900 Olympics, held in conjunction with the World's Fair, was a historic event marked by numerous firsts. From the inclusion of women athletes to the introduction of several sports, the games were a showcase of innovation and athletic prowess.

Nothing was done by the French Postal Administration to commemorate the Games no philatelic items were planned. They brought out a large number of picture postcards and vignettes and a special postmark with no reference to the 1900 Paris Olympics. 

The postcard with postmark dated 1st August, 1900 publicizing the 1900 Paris World Exhibition

The United States slogan postmark publicizing the 1900 Paris World Exhibition


Chamonix – 1924

The first “White Olympiad” known as the Winter Olympic Games were held from 25th January to 4th February, 1924 at Chamonix. Later the Games were designated by the International Olympic Committee as the 1st Winter Olympic Games. From this time onwards Winter and Summer Olympics take place separately. 

No stamps or postmarks were brought out to commemorate these first Winter Olympic Games. A roller postmark was used for the publicity at Chamonix. This postmark on a letter is quite Rare and even it is rarer on an official letter of the organising Committee of these Games.


Postcard mailed with roller postmark in 1923

Postcard mailed with roller postmark in 1924

The Paris 1924 Olympics

Pierre de Coubertin strongly wanted that the VIIIth Olympics be held at Paris in 1924 to overcome the unhappy memories of 1900 Paris Olympics. The 1924 Paris Olympics coincided with 30th Anniversary of International Olympic Committee turned out to be very successful. These games were the last Olympiad held under the presidency of Pierre de Coubertin.

The Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius meaning Faster, Higher, Stronger was used for the first time at the Olympics. Pierre de Coubertin took the motto from his friend Henri Didon, a Dominican priest in 1891 from whom he was very much impressed.



On 20th July, 2021at the session of International Olympic Committee a change to the Olympic motto was approved and a word “Together” was added. 

The new motto now is read as “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together”.


Philatelic commemoration for 1924 Paris Olympic Games was overwhelming because of the release of variety of philatelic items. A set of 4 stamps, postal stationery and wide variety of postmarks were introduced by the French Postal Service.

Postage Stamps

The set of stamps was issued in two steps:

On   1 - 4 -1924       :- 10c and 25 c stamps and 

On 23 - 5 -1924: - 30c and 50 c stamps were issued. 

The stamps were printed at the Atelier de Fabrication des Timbres and designed by E. Becker. The stamps of denomination 10c & 50c were engraved by G. Parison and 30c & 40c stamps were engraved by Daussy. 

The colours of these stamps vary in shade from lighter to darker. Several printing errors do exist.


On 15 - 6 - 1924 about 20,000 sets of stamps were overprinted with “GRAND LIBAN” with denominations in local currency and “SYRIE” with denominations in local currency. Both these sets exist with the inverted overprint and they quite rare.



                    Overprint in French and local language and denomination also exist



A wide variety of proofs are available including for the unadopted designs.



Deluxe Proofs

In a very limited quantity special deluxe proofs in the final designs and colours were issued to distribute to the International Olympic Committee Members and some top French officials. These are very rare.


Postal Stationery

For the first time a postal stationery (A postcard with the design of 30c stamp) was issued to commemorate the Olympics.                


Semi Official Postal Cards

A set of 8 semi official postal cards was also issued showing the different sports including High - jump, Javelin, Rugby, Tennis, Boxing, Wrestling, Canoeing and Running. These are quite scarce.               


      Back side of the postal cards


A wide variety of machine postmarks were used at various post offices, which provides an opportunity to build up a comprehensive specialized collection.


      Machine roller postmarks were applied in two versions at several post offices,


For the first time the Olympic Village was introduce. A simple accommodation consisting of wooden huts for limited numbers of participants was constructed and named as ‘Village Olympique’. 

           The cover mailed with special postmark of Olympic Village – Quite Rare


The Village was also next to the Colombes site which contained, notably, the main stadium for the Games. The Village offered shared services such as a post office, a currency exchange office. 

To make the 1924 Olympic Games at Paris successful a big stadium known as Colombes stadium was constructed. The post office at Colombes used a commemorative postmark throughout the Olympic Games.

Letter mailed on 15—7 –1924 during the Games Front/parcel piece with 1924 Olympic set tied by “COLOMBES / STADE OLYMPIQUE” cds. Quite Rare  

Front/parcel piece bearing the date 27-7 -1924 with 1924 Olympic set tied by “COLOMBES / VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE” cds with line hand stamp “COLOMBES-VILLAGE OLYMPIQUE”,& “COLOMBES-STADE OLYMPIQUE”, Interestingly “COLOMBES-STADE OLYMPIQUE” cds with date 5 – 7 - 1924 is also there and “COLOMBES / OLYMPIQUE” and “JEUX / OLYMPIQUES / MAI A JUILLET / 1924” handstamps are all here. It seems that the postmarks are favoured ones. Very Rare with these postmarks altogether.

 The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics 


The 2024 Summer Olympics the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024, will be held from 26th July to 11th August 2024 in Paris, France. Paris also hosted the Olympics in 1900 and 1924. Paris will become the second city to host the Summer Olympic Games three times after London which hosted the 1908, 1948 and 2012 Olympics. 

Paris was elected as the host city on 13 September 2017 at the 131st International Olympic Committee Session held in Lima, Peru. A lot of countries are issuing stamps and philatelic material in addition to France. 

-Dinesh Chandra Sharma

Olympic & Sport Philatelist


The author of this article Mr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma is an accomplished philatelist specializing in Olympic & Sport Philately. He may be contacted at email :

Beginners’ Section

Scratch-And-Sniff Stamps

On June 20, 2018, the USPS issued America’s first scratch-and-sniff stamps. Scratch-and-sniff technology actually dates back to the 1960s. At the time, researchers at 3M and NCR Corporation sought improved ways to hold ink in tiny pockets on paper for use in carbon copies and register receipts.



The process they developed was known as “microencapsulation” and it was soon discovered that it could contain scented oils. When put under pressure, by a scratch for instance, they would release small particles of the scented oil. Scratch-and-sniff was soon popular in children’s books and in the marketing of toiletries, and became especially wide spread in the 1980s. 

Mint Booklet Pane


Other countries have issued scented and scratch-and-sniff stamps before, but the 2018 Frozen Treats were the first US stamps to take advantage of this technology. According to the USPS, “The aroma of the Frozen Treats Forever stamps will remind customers of the sweet scent of summer when mailing and receiving letters of love, friendship, party invitations, and other correspondence.” The stamps featured watercolor illustrations by Margaret Berg of California.

First Day Covers with Digital Color Cancels

Shortly before the stamps were issued, the USPS faced some opposition from the American Lung Association (ALA). A week before their issue, the ALA sent a letter to the USPS that the stamp fragrances “may pose a risk for serious health problems.” The ALA went on to say that they encouraged “the USPS to move forward with the lovely artwork but without the chemicals that create the fragrances on the stamps.” The USPS responded that the firm that provided the scratch-and-sniff technology for the stamps verified that the coatings and print varnish complied with all the necessary safety requirements.


Imperforate Between Vertical Pairs

Despite the opposition from the ALA, the stamps were issued as planned on June 20, 2018, at the Thinkery children’s museum in Austin, Texas. 

Source : Mystic Stamp Co.


New issues from other countries


8 May 2024 Time for Celebration

Time for Celebrations

Spring festivities once again bring people together, and many start a new phase of life afterwards. The stamps suitable for party invitations and congratulations were illustrated by Marjo Nygård, and they feature familiar festive elements: champagne, coffee, layer cakes and flowers.

“The small size of stamps poses quite a challenge in itself and forces you to simplify the shapes and cut down on content. Good stamps have something in common with good posters in that the viewer should be able to grasp what they see at a glance. However, the small size of stamps also invites you to take a closer look at the image,” says Nygård.

The Time for Celebration stamp sheet’s ten stamps contain five different domestic no-value indicator stamp designs.


24 June 204 : 50 Years of the Discovery of Lucy

50 Years of the Discovery of Lucy

On June 24, 2024, La Poste  issued a stamp to mark the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Lucy's bones. In the 1970s, the discovery of Lucy's bones on the banks of the Awash River in Ethiopia irreparably changed our vision and knowledge of the origins of the human species.

It all happened on November 24, 1974, when several members of the International Afar Research Expedition uncovered a few isolated fossil bones emerging from the wall. The clearance continues, involving the directors of the mission (the geologist Maurice Taieb and the paleo-anthropologist Donald Johanson), the paleontologists Claude Guillemot and Yves Coppens, as well as Ethiopian students and researchers: the whole is preciously collected under the number scientific reference AL 288-1.

It  took two years to publish this discovery in the prestigious journal Nature (1976), and two more years to give it the name of a new species (Australopithecus afarensis) and a precise dating: 3.18 million years. Since then, other fossils have been discovered, but less well preserved (52 bone fragments are preserved for Lucy, or 40% of the entire skeleton!): isolated mandible, child skeleton, cranial elements, etc.

It is from Lucy that the antiquity of bipedalism (even partial) could be demonstrated, well before the appearance of the process of increasing brain volume. Its bone density, the morphology of its hips and knees, and the opening of its pelvis show an individual sharing simian and human traits: a subject of approximately 25 years old, 1.10 m in height, and less than 30 kg.

We all know the anecdote widely reported by Yves Coppens – “Lucy’s dad”, who died on June 22, 2022 –: it was while listening, on the excavation site, to the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” that the idea came to the discoverers to name it that way. But its name in Amharic – the natural language of Ethiopia – is even more loaded with meaning: Dinqnesh (“you are wonderful”). How judicious this baptismal name now appears...


14 June 2024 : Rotary Club of Jersey


5 July 2024  : Birds of Latvia : Eurasian Sparrowhawk

Birds of Latvia - Eurasian Sparrowhawk

The Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), also known as the northern sparrowhawk or simply the sparrowhawk, is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. Adult male Eurasian sparrowhawks have bluish grey upperparts and orange-barred underparts; females and juveniles are brown above with brown barring below. The female is up to 25% larger than the male – one of the greatest size differences between the sexes in any bird species. Though it is a predator which specialises in catching woodland birds, the Eurasian sparrowhawk can be found in any habitat and often hunts garden birds in towns and cities. Males tend to take smaller birds, including tits, finches, and sparrows; females catch primarily thrushes and starlings, but are capable of killing birds weighing 500 g (18 oz) or more.

New Zealand

3 July 2024 : Matariki

7 August 2024 : Postcrossing


Central to the art is Te Tūī Kaitiaki. Shane explains: "I am drawn to him. As I age, my affection and connection grow. His wairua, brightness and vibrancy for life remind me of what it means to be alive. Live true, live full, live real! Wear your feathers with pride, be bold, be brave, believe. E tōku Tūī Kaitiaki." Each stamp carries reflections of others, observed together, they show the many ancient interconnections of Matariki.

$2.30 Ngā wā onāianei (present) - Share time and space, make memories with loved ones. This is a chance to connect and reconnect as we gather for kai and kōrero, planting seeds of unity and acceptance.

$3.60 Ngā wā o mua (past) - It is time to remember passed loved ones. Acknowledge recent passings and reminisce about those who left us long ago. They are part of us, we are part of them.

$4.30 Ngā wā ā mua (future) - Make positive plans and set goals to embrace. Reach for the stars, gather the light to nourish and sustain oneself for the coming year.

$4.90 Hauora (wellbeing) - This is the time to focus on one’s overall wellbeing - the body, mind and soul. Eat well, exercise regularly, keep warm and secure, ki waho, ki roto (breathe in, breathe out), reflect and refocus.



27 June 2024 : Music - Alicia de Larrocha, Victoria de los Ángeles

28 June 2024 : Graphic Humour - Flavita Banana

Graphic Humour - Flavita Banana


The “Graphic Humor” series collects each year an important fragment of this genre, so followed and expected by the public.This year, the protagonist of the stamp issued by Correos is Flavia Álvarez-Pedrosa Pruvost, better known as Flavita Banana. The artist, whose work has been described as sad humor mixed with traditionalism and absurdity, began drawing humorous cartoons at the age of 26.

She has collaborated with media such as S Moda, El País or Mongolia. In 2018 she won the Gat Perich International Humor Award and in 2023 she was awarded the Mingote award. Among her publications, The Things of Love, Stellar Archives and Lunar Archives stand out.

Flavita Banana portrays human relationships, climate change and social inequalities in an unsurpassable way.In her small works of art in the form of vignettes, we can all see reflected some aspect of our life, a behavior or a reality that perhaps we normally ignore and that suddenly wakes us up in one fell swoop.

For the author, humor is a way of expressing oneself, the most universal way of communicating that exists and that allows for the treatment and transmission of more delicate topics or those that are difficult to communicate in natural language.  The main block sheet shows an illustration about human evolution until reaching the seal in which the last link of the chain appears, represented by a woman, together with a man who has not gone beyond the first and aims to explain how the human being has arrived where it is.

With this vignette Flavita Banana once again addresses the issue of machismo, one of the most recurrent themes of the artist, who considers herself a feminist, meaning that she agrees that all people, regardless of gender, have the same abilities and should have the same opportunities.

In summary, Flavita Banana, who defines herself as a realist and nonconformist, is one of the most important representatives of this spontaneous, critical and fundamental genre that many people expect every day.

Philatelic Clubs and Societies

Prayag Philatelic Society -

Ananthapuri Philatelic Association, Thiruvanthapuram

Baroda Philatelic Society -

Chandigarh Philatelic Club

Deccan Philatelic Society – Pune, Maharashtra

Eastern India Philatelists’ Association -

The Hyderabad  Philatelic and Hobbies Society

India Study Circle -

Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana -

Ludhiana Philatelic Club

Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort

Philatelic Congress of India -

Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Philatelic Society of India , Mumbai :

Orissa Philatelic Association, Mail id-:

Rainbow Stamp Club -

Rajkot Philatelic Society – Rajkot, Gujarat

Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad

South India Philatelists Association -

The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

Stamps of India –

Blogs & Websites

Philatelic Congress of India

Indian Philately Digest

Stamps of India

Rainbow Stamp News

Se-tenant Stamps of India

Flags & Stamps

Europa stamps

Welcome to Indian Philately

Blogs by Kumar Biswas

The Philatelist

Echo’s Phila House

Prayag Philatelic Society


This is a blog of e-Stamp Club  The idea of this blog is to extend the philatelic fraternity to all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves with their collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists.  New Posts on recent issues, news on stamp activities, and Contributions by members are published every day on this blog. Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. Readers may send reports on new issues, special covers, cancellations & philatelic activities in their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

Current Philatelic Magazines – Newsletters

-VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya &TimirShah and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara. Website - 

-Ananthpuri Stamp Bulletin - Monthly e -stamp bulletin of Anathapuri Philatelic Association,

-Journal of the Army Philatelic Society

-India Post – Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted by members of ISC. 

-Deccan Philatelist edited by Dr Anjali Dutta email : from Deccan Philatelic Society, Pune.

-The Hyderabad Philatelist from Hyderabad Philatelic and Hobbies Society Editor – Shri Prakash Agrawal 

-SIPA Bulletin issued by South India Philatelists’ Association


- Ananthapuri Stamp Bulletin July 2024 issue edited by Mohanachandran Nair:  email :

- Judaica Thematic Society, UK .  Society Newsletter July 2024 edited by Gary Goodman email : 

- Fila Capsule May July 2024 issue edited by Dr Bibhudutta Mishra email :

 Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue :  SIPA, Philately Promoters,  EIPA , Indian Philately, Prayag Philatelic Society Group, Philatelic Exhibitions, Deccan Philatelic Society Whatsapp WOPA  Mystic Stamp Co.;  Pan India Postal Pictorial Place Cancellation;   Praveen Shastry -Bangalore ;  Mohanachandran Nair- Trivandrum; Pradip Jain- Patna ; Jaagruthi Adka- Bangalore; Mahesh Parekh- Chennai, Rahul Ganguli - Prayagraj

Address for communication:

Jeevan Jyoti, 509, Design Arcade, Chandrabani, Wildlife Institute Road, Dehradun-248001. India . e-mail –

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Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the written permission from the editor. 

Happy Collecting ……….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti from Dehradun    (Uttarakhand ) India for free circulation among philatelists.





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Recent Awards

AMRITPEX 2023 - Silver

CAPE TOWN 2022 - Silver

LONDON 2022 - Silver

INPEX 2019, Mumbai - Silver

CHINA-2019, World Stamp Exhibition, Wuhan - Bronze

INPEX 2017, Mumbai - Large Silver

CHINA 2016 - Bronze

TAIPEI 2015 - Bronze

CG International Philatelic Promotion Award 2014, Germany - ( 4th Position)

INPEX 2013, Mumbai - Vermeil

SHARJAH 2012, Sharjah ( UAE ) - Silver Bronze

IPHLA 2012, Mainz - Germany : Bronze

NDIPEX 2011 - World Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi - Bronze

JOBURG 2010 - 26th Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Johannesburg - Silver Bronze

PORTUGAL 2010 - World Stamp Exhibition, Lisbon - Bronze

Hong Kong 2009 -23rd Asian International Stamp Exhibition, Hong Kong - Silver Bronze

About Me

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Participated in different philatelic exhibitions Wrote for philately column in The Pioneer and worked as sub-editor for U-Phil Times published from United Philatelists, Kanpur.Did Schooling from Kanpur Vidya Mandir and Post Graduation in Botany from A.N.D. College Kanpur.


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