Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists
Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication. Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelic requirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to j.jyoti9@gmail.com or by post to -
Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti, D.F.O. Residence, Chopal, Distt. Shimla (H.P.) PIN 171211.
Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without any commercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish to receive it regularly please reply with the subject SUBSCRIBE RAINBOW.
Dear Philatelists
Thank you so much for your overwhelming response to the first issue of Rainbow Stamp News. Please send your suggestions and choice of subject to be included in this e-stamp bulletin. Though January was quite cold in most parts of India but it was very hot for philatelists because of Inpex 2008 at Chennai. There was mixed response from the visitors and participants. Those who were well awarded seem to be happy but those who were downgraded are very disheartened. It’s really a pity that many of the participants are unsatisfied. A lot of resentment letters on this issue are being published in different philatelic magazines and periodicals. But all of us should think over it seriously and find out a proper solution to the existing problem. It requires involvement of senior philatelists, concerned officers of India Post and a group of participants. It is high time to bring a revolutionary change in the present set up of philately and it is also necessary that India Post should make mandatory for the organizers and all members concerned with the exhibition to follow its rules on the exhibition very rigorously. If we want to promote philately the new exhibitors must be encouraged. There is no provision of special award in One Frame Exhibit Class. This class requires more attention from India Post because many new philatelists participate in the exhibition through this class without any prior awards .There should be a separate sub-class for first time exhibitors and the criteria for evaluation in this sub- class should be similar to as required in the highest sub group of youth class. Because the beginners cannot compete with the experienced philatelists and the joint evaluation of both types of collectors together only discourages the spirit of the beginners.
§ Recent Indian Issues
§ In The News
§ Guest of the Month
§ Publications / Softwares
§ Beginners’ Section
§ Specialized Section
§ Philatelists Speak
§ Achievements
§ New Issues from Other Countries
§ Editor’s Mail Box
§ Popular Websites on Philately
§ Timbre Tips
4 x 500 P, M/s and block of 4 also issued
· 14 February 2008 Damodram Sanjeevaiah – 500 p
Damodaram Sanjeevaiah
Cover Illustration: Logo created for All India Mayors conference which includes Logo of U.T. Chandigarh and Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh
· 3-6 January , 2008- 4 special covers issued during National Philatelic Exhibition, Chennai with four different Postmarks
· 8 January , 2008- 60th Anniversary of International Institute of Welding, Chennai
· 30 January , 2008 - Special Cover on Swaraj Ashram Cuttack released by Orissa Philatelic Association
Cover design – It shows Gandhiji addressing a meeting at Cuttack on 23.3.1921, held on the sand of river Kathajodi. Gandhiji, Kasturba and Pt. Gopbandhu Das are seen on the meeting Pandal.
Cancellation design- The cancellation depicts Chakra and the historical Swaraj Bhawan which was once epicenter of Congress workers and leaders for discussion and to take decision for further action. Gandhiji spent one night in Swaraj Ashram on 23.3.1921
· 5 February, 2008 New Delhi, Postal Life Insurance 125 years
· 7-8 February, 2008 4 Special covers on Trees of Delhi issued during Delhi State Philatelic Exhibition Dakiana - 2008
· 16 February, 2008 Arrival of the Azadi Express at the Berhampur Railway Station,Ganjam
Cover design -It depicts Saheed Laxman Nayak, a tribal leader who was hanged at the Berhampur Jail, is flanked by Mahatma Gandhi and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
In The News
INPEX 2008 – A Retrospect
About two months have passed to the exhibition but the criticism about the show is still in full swing. It was a good effort by India Post to organize a National Philatelic Exhibition after a long gap. But earlier exhibitions had never been so controversial. It seems that the budget for the exhibition was not sufficient. It is clearly visible from the fact that the medals were sent to exhibitors in polythene pouches instead of small show cases or medal boxes as provided in earlier exhibition. It does not match at all with the standard of a National Philatelic Exhibition organized by India Post. The copies of souvenir were also not provided to the participants. As per rules by India Post on Philatelic exhibition all the exhibitors are entitled for all bulletins and a copy of souvenir free of cost. The special covers were so short in number that these were not available even to the participants.
Some participants complained that they were marked absent even they sent the required fee in time. This is the worst part of the exhibition. It is never expected in a show which was organized under the patronage of India Post. It never happened in previous exhibitions whether organized by government or private organizations. Let us hope that such irregularity/shortcomings may not repeat in future exhibitions. In the award list published in Bulletin 3 a participant Dr. N. Kishore Babu got 60 marks but was awarded a Diploma where as he should have been awarded a Bronze Medal. If this is only a printing mistake it may be overlooked. But if the exhibitor was awarded a Diploma instead of a bronze medal it shows negligence of the award committee.The readers must have also noticed in the award list of gold medal winners in Competitive Class that the exhibitor who got the highest marks in overall exhibition was not awarded the Grand Prize for Best Exhibit. Perhaps it is for the first time that a thematic exhibit got the highest point and it shows the popularity and growth of Thematic Philately. Earlier it was a practice to give Best Exhibit award to the exhibit which scored highest marks in overall exhibition. What one should conclude from this award giving system? Is Thematic Class a second grade class even if it gets the highest score at the exhibition? If two exhibits get the same score and only then there is a tie between the two exhibits, the best exhibit award should be given to any of the exhibits as per decision of the jury members. But if an exhibit gets the highest score in the exhibition it obviously deserves the highest award. Readers are requested to send their views on this issue.
Taipei 2008
24th Asian International Philatelic Exhibition Phila Korea 2009 under the patronage of F.I.A.P. is scheduled to be held from 30th July to 4th August 2009 at Seoul. Mrs. Damyanti Pittie is National Commissioner for this exhibition. The philatelists who are interested to participate may contact her at following address.
Mrs. Damyanti Pittie, Suket 4th Floor,
29-B Dongersi Cross Lane, Malabar hill,
E-mail- dm_pittie@vsnl.net
India Post launched its first aircraft on 29th August 2007. The Hon. Minister for Communications & IT dedicated the maiden aircraft at Guwahati. The aircraft with 15 ton load capacity carries Speed Post, mail, parcels and logistics ensuring guaranteed delivery.
Dr. Satyendra Kumar Agrawal - Man of Roses- The name of Dr. Stayendra Kumar is synonymous with roses as he has a magnificent thematic collection on Roses. He hails from Varanasi and has a number of distinguished awards to his credit. Recently at Inpex 2008 he won a gold medal and SIPA trophy. He started collecting stamps in 1996 and had his first display at UPHILEX-99 and won highest State Award Large vermeil with Governor’s Trophy for Best Exhibit. In Inpex Empirepex 2001 he was awarded Large Vermeil and Mrs. Subhalaxmi Memorial Trophy for Best Thematic Exhibit. He also participated in Ist World Stamp Championship held at Singapore in 2004 and got Vermeil medal. His collection includes more than 50 highly philatelically rich items like rare V-mail Original Form, Ship Letter, Glider Flight Special mail Cover, France Colour Trails and Progressive Proof, US Pen Cancel, DPO cancel, German Printed to Pvt Order Cards, Argentina’s early Letter sheet and early Postmarks. He has used latest Mounting Techniques (Partial Framing and Windowing) to house Bigger Philatelic items in his exhibit. .
Professionally he worked as Scientist in Indian Space Research Organization Project. Written many articles on popular science, Philately and made Cartoons in leading Indian Magazines and Newspapers. Three Solo Exhibitions were also organized at Varanasi by local authorities “Wonderful World of Disney Stamps”, “Symbol of LOVE”, “ Bhartiya Swatantrata Sangram Dak Tickton mei” Besides Roses he has also prepared collections on ”, Happy BD Donald Duck, Glory of Varanasi, History of Indian Paintings, Bharat ki Kahani Dak Tickton ki Zabani, India in Space.
It’s a pleasure to present here Dr. Agrawal’s article “Roses for Valentines” exclusively for the month of February which is special for all valentines through out the world.

One of the most detailed myths about St. Valentine is from the year AD 270 when the Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus vowed to give the death to renounce their Christian faith. Valentine was believer and was put into prison, where he taught the goaler's blind daughter Julia and read her stories. In the end Valentine was executed and the story is that the next day which was February 14th- Julia planted an almond tree on Valentine’s grave.
In the 1900 s, Valentine's Day has been celebrated every year on 14thFebruary in large parts of the Anglo-Saxon world, primarily Britain and the US. In the recent years the tradition has spread to other countries including India, where the postal services have been encouraging people to send card/letter to their sweetheart, spouse or special friends and acquaintances.
Australia was first to put out a ROSE in a set of Greeting Stamps and Post Cards for Valentine's Day in 1994. There are countless testimonies to the emblematic force acquired by the Rose. But from long ago and far away of once-upon-a-time, it is the symbol for beauty, grace, perfection and pure love, as well as for the passion of love. Rose together with the word 'Love' featured on the third stamp of this series is a beautiful, powerful and meaningful choice for Valentine’s ’Valentine Mail'. The first day cancellation depicting ‘Cupid in Heart' also seems ready to pour romance in young hearts. All together these three-the stamp, the Post Card and the first day cancellation are capable of displaying the mood of this lovely occasion whole heartily but of course philatelically. France also commemorated this occasion with release of a special Rose cancellation on 14th February 1994. Australia again marked this day in 1996 issuing four Rose and Golden heart stamps of 45 c denomination each following an Aerogramme with beautiful pink Roses and Hearts on it. Finland chosen bygone stickers theme for its 1996's Valentine's Day Booklet stamps. The stickers reflect habits, fashions and tastes of different times. Germany was the first country to produce stickers and of the oldest stickers saved in Finland almost all are from Germany. Surge of emotions and hyper romance which so characterized the late 19th century also found their way into the world of stickers. Artist Pirkko Juvonen-Valtonen used this valuable and the most precious treasures of bygone stickers of little girls who collected them and swapped among friends with devotion, to design the fabulous stamps of this booklet gently clasping hands around a garland of flowers, glowing roses, flitting butterflies white carrier pigeons, wonderful bouquets, garlands of forget me nots, Curly-haired girls pretty as angels big-eyed boys with rosy cheeks are some of the most popular motifs of those bygone stickers are incorporated in these stamps. To give more personnel touch to the Valentine mail Pirkko also designed a beautiful stationery pack containing 8 different envelops and letter papers along with matching stickers ready to convey even at present the romance of past times and memories from the pages of scrap books which have fallen into oblivion in the course of years. Two little hearts put together within a heart- the motif of the special cancellation released on Valentine Day and first day cover decorated with roses and buds are also beautiful addition to the Valentine Mail offered by Finland's postal department to the Valentine lovers. Norfolk Island joined this club in 1997 and released a rose on its greeting stamp ($ 1.20) for this occasion. It is not only a greeting stamp but seems itself speaking language of love in words "Love Your Letters" inscribed on it. In 1998 three postal administrations honored the St. Valentine’s Day with their new greeting issues. Australia released a definitive stamp of 45 c on 12 Feb. 1998 with Champagne colored roses in a booklet of ten stamps. These stamps are also available in gutter pairs. Matching Champagne Roses maximum card is also a part of this greeting issue with a rose first day cancellation. France also had chosen Rose for its 3.00 F greeting stamps for the Valentine Day in 1998. But Norway came forward with unique sticker type rosy stamp for this 'Red Rose Day' of 3.80 Nok denomination heart full of pink roses and the cupid ready with its love Bow to let any heart fall in love in the motif of this beautiful stamp. In 1999 the first heart-shaped stamp for Valentine’s Day was issued by France Depicting rose inserted in the heart. Austria issued Scented Rose Stamp in 2002 for Valentine’s Day greetings .Thailand adopted this idea of Scented Rose Stamps to mark this occasion every year from 2003. Thailand’s 2005 issue was printed on Velvet. India also jumped in this market with a set of 4 Scented Rose Stamps in 2007. Many Postal stationeries and postmarks depicting Roses are also issued by many postal administrations throughout the world to make Valentine’s Mails more meaningful.
Valentine's Day celebration once limited to the Western countries only is spreading its roots in Eastern World during past few years. It would all be credited to the increasing involvement of international communication and entertainment world in our daily life through T.V. & Internet and westernization of our society specially the youths. Postal administrations all over the world are looking a good business prospects in it and increasingly issuing greeting stamps for this occasion every year. Rose is of course a favorite motif for most of such stamps.

Philatelists Speak……
Dr Avinash B. Jagtap, Binningen, Switzerland
Provincialism" or "Red-tapism" is a typical characteristic of Indian exhibitions (not only philatelic!). Naturally, it could not be avoided even at the National Exhibition. How philately could foster in India, when an all India undertaking, such as INDIA POST, under whose patronage this National Exhibition was held, could not do away with this indulgence of "after-taste"? I am afraid when I should express my fear for the future of Indian Philately. In other countries the postal authorities and philatelic organizations start at least 4-5 years in advance and do their best to stage an attractive show. In India this time the Postal Authorities had not even four months at their disposal for preparations of this national show! Now how many of these entries are going to be exhibited abroad at international level? In foreign countries the National Exhibitions are the best occasions for the postal authorities to make propaganda for their philatelic products, at home and abroad. I feel pity that India Post failed to make most from this opportunity. I wish that all persons and organizations involved in this National Show must think over the matter and start a brain-storming in order to reach some mutual understanding without any "special" preference to a person or persons and no "special" cases of provincialism. Even when some undeserving displays are given higher awards, they will not get even the lowest medals at international philatelic exhibition.
Ajay Agrawal, Akola
Please give my above APPEAL proper thought & if you happen to agree, start using STAMPS & communicate to all your friends to use commemorative stamps in place of payment stickers & definitive stamps to encourage & keep philately ALIVE.
Beginners’ Section
Terms Used in Stamp Collecting
There are many special terms used in stamp collecting. Here are some which you will frequently come across-
Block - A group of not less than four stamps (not in a strip) still joined together as printed.
Cancellation -A mark to show that a stamp has been used and to prevent re-use.
First Day Cover - This is a cover bearing a stamp or stamps, postmarked on the first day of issue.
Mint – An unused stamp as originally sold at post office with full gum.
Overprint - an addition, usually wording, printed on a stamp after its original production.
Perforation – Perforation are small holes which enable us to separate stamps more easily. It is measured in terms of number of holes per 2cm. In catalogue the reading for the horizontal perforation is given first followed by vertical e.g. 12x13, or 14x15. A stamp described as perf. 14 is that gauge on all four sides.
Se-tenant – this term is used when stamps of different designs are joined together giving a composite picture.
Souvenir Sheet – A small sheet of stamps, with a commemorative inscription on it.
Unused – A stamp that has not passed through the post but because of its condition is not fully mint and usually its gum has been touched.
Variety – A stamp which shows variations from the normal stamp caused by a fault in the printing process.
Watermark – A design impressed in the paper o the stamp during its manufacture and usually visible when held against the light.
Specialized Section
Special Cover on Swaraj Ashram, Cuttack & Rules for Special Covers
By Ajit Dash, Editor- Fila Capsule
The Department of Posts, Government of India has prescribed certain rules for release of special covers and cancellations. But most of the Organizations including the Department of Posts themselves are not following the rules. I am mentioning some of the rules for the benefit of such organizations who are intending to issue special covers. In this context I am giving the example of one such incident held in Orissa.
On 30-01-08 a special cover was released by the Orissa Philatelic Association at the Swaraj Ashram, Cuttack where Mahatma Gandhi stayed for a night on 23-03-1921 after addressing a gathering at the bank of river Kathajodi to strengthen the freedom movement. The cover design depicts the meeting where Gandhiji was addressing the public and the cachet design depicts the Swaraj Ashram and Chrakha.
This is a good step taken by the Orissa Philatelic Association for the promotion of Philately. But the way it was released was very much disappointing. None of the following rules prescribed by the Postal Department were followed.
Though the permission of the CPMG was taken, none of the representative of the Postal Department was present at the release function where the cover was released by a cabinet minister of Orissa in express violation of Rule 58.2.
As per Rule 53(F) the special cancellation cachet should be manufactured by the circle Office as per the approved design, which was not followed & the cachet was manufactured by the Organizers at their cost and produced the bills to the Department for reimbursement.
The cachet is the property of the Postal Department and it should be brought back by the Postal representative immediately after completion of the function and should be made available at the Philatelic Bureau for one month from the date of release. But the cachet was only handed over by the organizers to the Philatelic Bureau on 04.02.08 after lodging complain to the Post Master.
The backside of the cover contains the description of the cover design and cachet. Besides it also bears the addresses of the person who designed the cover as well as the Secretary, OPA along with his phone number and e-mail id. The name of the person who designed is rightly mentioned but I don’t know the justification of printing the name and address of the Secretary in details. Is it the right procedure? The rule is also silent on this.
This is the state of affair happening in release of special covers. I have no idea about other states regarding the following of such Rules. In our State even when the Department of Posts issuing special covers during the District level exhibitions at different parts of our state or for some special instances, the selling of such covers are limited to the date of issue at the venue only. Hardly the philatelists get covers from the Philatelic Bureau. Several such instances are available.
For the purpose of release of a special cover fairly, I suggest the following few guide lines.
The Organizer should disclose the actual number of covers they are going to print as per Rule13.A (IV) and the expected price of the cover as per rule 13.A (iii).
- All the covers should be numbered to avoid any type of forgery thereafter.
The cachet should be manufactured by the Postal Department and in any way such privilege should not be given to the Organizer, as there is a possibility of preparing more than one cachet including the one with Postal Department.
The covers should be sold at the venue positively by the representative of Postal Department at the rate prescribed by the Department.
Minimum 30% of covers prepared should be supplied to the Philatelic Bureau for sale to the philatelists or general public. In this regard the present rule of supplying 200 covers should be amended, because when the organizers are preparing 200 or 300 covers it may not be possible for them to supply 200 covers to the Philatelic Bureau.
Permission should be accorded to the Organizer with an undertaking to follow the guide lines, failing which no such permission should be given to the organizer in future.
The Department should intimate the local Philatelic Clubs Associations regarding such release.
When the Department of Posts are issuing such covers, at least some covers should be sent to all the Philatelic Bureau of that State for the benefit of Philatelists so that the purpose of issuing such covers to promote philately can be achieved.
Anil Dhir is a name in philately known to everyone today. His recent short film “The Last Post” was awarded a Silver Medal in the Philatelic Literature and publication Class. He has written a detailed book “Stamp Quizzes” containing 1500 questions and answers. His two books Famous Stamps of the World and A Glossary of Philatelic Terms and also a Monograph on The Azad hind Stamps are under print. Currently he is writing a book on Pigeon Post of Orissa. Besides his work in the field of Philatelic Literature he is also an ardent philatelist and has prepared extensive collection on Indian Classics, Great Britain and Mourning Covers. His exhibit “Edged in Black “ was awarded a Silver medal in the Thematic Class at INPEX 2008 Chennai.
Winners of Gold medal at INPEX 2008 Chennai
.......... And this calls for a standing ovation !

S. No.
Exhibitor’s Name
Medal /Sp. prize
Madhukar Deogawankar
Indian Booklets
Gold + Grand Prize
Kishor S. Chandak
Hand struck postage stamps of India up to 1852
Valmick K. Desai
Philatelic terms -Panorama
Anil Suri
Fiscals of Mysore
Competitive Class
Sub class: Indian Classics
Vishwanath Jhunjhunwala
India up to 1867
Class: Postal History
Sub Class: India after Independence
Kishor S Chandok
Indian Instructional labels & markings
Sub Class ; Indian Feudatory States
Madhukar Deogawankar
Postal History Of Jaipur State
Class: Thematic Philately
Sub Class: All other themes
Dinesh Chandra sharma
Summer Olympics
Gold + Smt. Subhalaxmi Memorial Award
G. Amarchand
India Pre Independence
Gold + Grand prize for Best Exhibit
Dr. Statyendra Kumar Agrawal
Gold + SIPA Sp. Prize
Cup for Best Youth Exhibit
Deeraj Chaitanya T
Means of transport
Large Silver + Sp. Prize + Best Youth Cup
Trophy for Best School Exhibit
Balagurukulam Nursery & Primary English School
Honour on Tamil
Large Silver +
Best School Exhibit
Rainbow Stamp News congratulates all the winners of INPEX-2008
Editor’s Note- Readers are requested to write about their achievements and details about their exhibits whether small or big for inclusion in this column. We respect all those who are associated with the hobby of Stamp Collecting. It doesn’t matter what award you win it matters how closely you are attached to this hobby.
New Issues from other countries
5 February 2008 Organ and Tissue Donation
19 February 2008 Centenary of Scouting in Australia
18 December 2007 International Migrant’s Day 10 Tk
22 January 2008 Croatian Music by Igor Kuljeric
22 January 2008 Croatian Music by Krsto Odak
25 January 2008 250th Anniversary of Printing ‘arithmetika Horvatszka’ by M.S. BolsiC
22 February 2008 400th Anniversary of The National And University Library in Zagreb
15 February 2008 Easter Stamps Eight new 1st class non-value indicator stamps will be released in four separate issues on 27th February
Great Britain
14 February 2008 Send Some Love The Royal Mail issued a set of special Love Stamps in time for this year Valentine Day celebrations
New Zealand
17 February 2008 Miniature Sheet Taipei 2008 Exhibition (It is to celebrate both Taipei 2008 and the year of the Rat)
Sri Lanka
3 December 2007 Muthiah Muralidaran Rs 5
Editor’s Mail Box
1. Could you include colored images of stamps issued year wise which can be down loaded for printing in your future issues? This will be a great help to beginners as stamp catalogues cost a lot. A list of sources who can provide used stamps at reasonable cost would be helpful
The images can be downloaded from different sub - links of http://www.stampsofindia.com/ mentioned in website column of this issue or from website of India Post http://www.indiapost.gov.in/ .Those who can supply used stamps at reasonable cost may send their addresses with short write up in Promotional Section of Rainbow Stamp News.
F.H. Magra, Mumbai
2. At the recent National Philatelic Exhibition, stamp booklets, Covers and Cards were issued.I am interested in the same. Whom should I contact for my requirements?
The above items can be obtained from Inpex 2008 Secretariat, o/o CPMG Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai.
Popular Websites on Philately
http://www.stampsofindia.com/ - it is the most informative and updated Indian website providing latest information on philately and postal services of India. Articles on different topics of philately, complete information on stamps, stationery covers and other philatelic products, auctions , various links and many other useful information is available on this website. This site is devoted to philately and Postal History of India, Princely States and post offices abroad. It has various sub- links some of them are as under -http://www.stampsofindia.com/lists/stamps/2007stamps.htm - For complete images of stamps issued in 2007.
http://www.stampsofindia.com/lists/stamps/2008stamps.htm - For illustrated list of current stamps issued in 2008
http://www.stampsofindia.com/newssite/south_asia_new_issues.htm - Information on new issues of South Asian Countries
. http://www.stanleygibbons.com/ - It is a very useful website for all class of philatelists. Details and images of Commemorative, Definitive, Reprints, Official, Booklets, Postage Dues, Miniature sheet and F.D.C.s of different countries are available chronologically on this site. Besides this stamp stories, new releases, articles and list of stamps on different themes issued all over the world are also available on this site
. www.japhila.cz/hof/index.htm - This website conducts online exhibition. It has presently on display 362 exhibits of different classes from 36 countries. There are 3 exhibits from Indian Collectors under titles A Thing of Beauty is joy for ever by Saket Bajaj of Bangalore, Dream of Flight by Akshay Borad of Bangalore and Fascinating World of Maps by Rajesh Kumar Sinha of Jamshedpur.
http://www.sossi.org/ – It is the website of Scouts on Stamps Society International. It is a specialized and complete website on Scout theme. All information related with Scouting and details of different philatelic material are available on this website. Those who are interested in Scout theme can update their collection through this website.
Timbre Tips
By Late Shri Nishith Kar
Mail or Money
Lot of Letters
How many letters do you receive in a year? You may be an administrative head or an office executive, or a statesman or a religious teacher or even a pen friendship promoter. It matters little. It may reach to the tune of some hundreds of even some thousands: but it may not reach to some lakhs. Record shows that Mr. Hank Aaron the US Baseball star received as many as 900,000 personal letters in 1974 and that is the highest confirmed mail received by a private person in a year.
Tail – Tale
Practically there is one stamp world in this earth; but for the philatelic publications, there are three at least of the same nomenclatures. Those are –
1. Stamps World (edited by Dipok Dey) published from Calcutta.
2. Stamps World published from Hong Kong
3. Stamps World launched on 6th May 1987 in England.
Promotional Section
ITS COLLECTORS DIRECTORY, third edition 2008 by the Indian Thematic Society. Edited by Suraj Jaitly, eighty pages listing contact details of stamp collectors and dealers, philatelic clubs, magazines, and websites, not only from India but also from overseas. In addition it carries lots of relevant information such as on capital and currencies of the world, and postal authorities worldwide. It also has a listing coin and currencies collectors. A very useful publication for Collectors as well as Dealers. Price Rs.250/- OR US $8 OR Euro 6 OR £4 [Post paid] Contact at surajjaitly@hotmail.com or indianthematicsociety@gmail.com
If any one with reference to "Rainbow Stamp News" order for “ITS Collectors Directory”, 2008 - Third edition, a copy of SECOND edition of this Directory [actual priced Rs.150/-] will be sent FREE, by the Indian Thematic Society.
For requirement of Azadi Express Special Covers readers may contact to-
Mr. K. Venkat Rao, Opp. Veterinary Staff Quarters, Berhampur-760001, Ganjam (Orissa) Ph. 0680-2214113 Mob. 9437455356
COURTESY - News and Image Resource to this issue –- Stamps of India, Stanley Gibbons, India Post and Ajit Kumar Dash from Bhubaneswar
Attention Readers- If you liked this issue of Rainbow Stamp News please forward it to your friends and philatelists. It will help in promoting philately to all corners of our society. Those who have not subscribed this bulletin are requested to send their names to rainbowstamp2008@gmail.com or j.jyoti9@gmail.com . From next month this bulletin will be sent to subscribers only.
Feeling lonely, depressed or find your work dull, make Philately your Valentine this special month.
Till Next Month Happy Collecting….
Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published by Jeevan Jyoti from Chopal Distt- Shimla-171211 (H.P.) and released in the last week of every month.
Hi ,
At the outset let me congratulate you for bringing out an Excellent Magazine .It is very informative .
I have read both your 1st and 2nd Issues and have liked them immensely .I am sure the magazine will go places.
Rajprit ,Kanpur
sincere effort , very good for all philatelist
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